948 resultados para Funcions theta


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En aquests moments, el mercat no es troba en una bona situació, per aquest motiu les empreses han de buscar noves maneres de créixer, expandir-se i noves formes d’interactuar amb els clients. La idea original d’aquest projecte sorgeix de la necessitat de disposar d’una manera diferent de promocionar-se i oferir nous serveis a través d’internet mitjançant una pàgina web. Degut a la situació actual, el preu és un aspecte molt important i influent a l’hora de realitzar una obra. Per aquest motiu es va pensar que seria molt interessant que el client pogués demanar de forma fàcil i ràpida un pressupost, i a l’instant tingués un preu orientatiu del que li pot costar la obra. D’aquesta manera l’interessat s’estalvia i agilitza molts passos previs abans de començar una obra. Després d’analitzar quina era la millor manera de portar a terme el projecte informàtic, s’ha determinat que la pàgina web es desenvoluparà utilitzant els llenguatges HTML i PHP combinant-lo amb el framework CodeIgniter. El disseny de la web es realitzarà mitjançant fulles d’estil CSS conjuntament amb el framework BootStrap. Per realitzar l’aplicació web que realitza els pressupostos s’utilitzarà AJAX i jQuery perquè d’aquesta manera el procés sigui dinàmic. L’entorn de desenvolupament escollit és el NetBeans i per provar el projecte s’utilitza el XAMPP. Un usuari només necessitarà un navegador i connexió a internet per fer servir totes les funcions de la web. Podrà realitzar pressupostos, concertar visites, contactar i per suposat veure tota la part informativa de la pàgina


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Aquest treball és la culminació de les pràctiques realitzades al sincrotró ALBA. Situat a Cerdanyola del Vallès, ALBA és un accelerador de 3a generació que permet emmagatzemar un feix d'electrons confinat de fins a 400 mA a 3GeV d'energia, amb l'objectiu d'obtenir llum a partir dels girs provocats al feix. Els sincrotrons moderns com el d'ALBA, el que pretenen és aconseguir un major control i estabilitat de la llum. Per aconseguir-ho, cal que el feix d'electrons que creen la llum estigui controlat al màxim i la seva òrbita sigui estable. Amb aquest objectiu els sincrotrons estant implementant sistemes de Fast Orbit FeedBack (FOFB) o sistemes realimentats de correcció ràpida de l'òrbita, per realitzar correccions d'almenys 100Hz que estabilitzin el feix d'electrons amb menys d'un 10% de l'amplada del feix (5-10μm). El treball exposa el desenvolupament d'una part del sistema de correcció ràpida de l'òrbita dels electrons (FOFB) que s'està duent a terme al sincrotró ALBA. Concretament, s’han revisat els estudis previs realitzats durant la fase de disseny del sincrotró, s’han recalculat funcions de transferència i retards de tots els elements involucrats al sistema. També s’han realitzat simulacions per confirmar la viabilitat del sistema amb les noves dades i finalment s’ha desenvolupat part de la unitat de control determinant el Hardware i s'ha adquirit dades que permetran analitzar el soroll de l'òrbita que en futurs treballs determinaran millor l'algorisme de la unitat de control.


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Aquesta Memòria recull les pràctiques realitzades dins del marc del Màster en Envelliment Actiu a dues institucions: al Casal de Gent Gran Mn. Guiteras de Vic i a l’Hospital sociosanitari Sant Jaume de Manlleu. A la primera institució, es va dissenyar, elaborar, aplicar i avaluar, de forma conjunta amb la M. Teresa Lladó (una altra psicòloga companya del Màster) una intervenció en l’àmbit de la gent gran. L’actuació consistia en un taller de deu sessions de competències socioemocionals adreçat a la gent gran. A la segona institució, l’Hospital de Manlleu, les pràctiques van ser de caràcter individual i van consistir en el seguiment de la figura del psicòleg del centre sociosanitari per copsar les diverses funcions que realitza.


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Tots els organismes, per realitzar les funcions vitals, necessiten consumir energia. El nostre cos, per exemple, ha de consumir una mitjana de 2.500 a 3.000 quilocalories diàries que obté de l'aliment, encara que aquest valor varia considerablement en funció de l'activitat de cada persona i de la riquesa econòmica de què gaudeixi. Un infant d'un país subdesenvolupat, per exemple, en pot rebre menys de la quarta part, mentre que un habitant del primer món en pot menjar fins al triple. Aquesta energia s'anomena endosomàtica, paraula composta del prefix endo, que vol dir "a l'interior", i soma, o "cos" [...].


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Els processos de mecanitzat amb arrencament de ferritja consisteixen en arrencar contínuament petits fragments de material de la peça a la que es vol donar forma mitjançant les eines de tall. En treballar amb metalls, aquestes forces de tall són importants, i provoquen el desgast de les eines així com un escalfament important de l’eina i la peça. Per aquest motiu s’introdueixen els olis de tall, amb les principals funcions de refrigerar i lubricar. Tradicionalment, aquests olis de tall s’han subministrat a raig, quedant la zona de treball inundada. Els últims anys, degut a les millores tecnològiques i per intentar estalviar amb olis de tall, s’ha ideat un nou sistema anomenat mínima quantitat de lubricant, el qual subministra petites gotes d’oli, no soluble en aigua, dins un flux d’aire a pressió. Aquest sistema, a més, s’injecta prop de la zona de treball, on és estricament necessari. Aquest sistema redueix considerablement el consum d’oli de tall, i a més, augmenta l’eficiència de lalubricació. A part, elimina els posteriors tractaments per reciclar l’oli de tall un cop perd les seves propietats. Per aquest motiu, es pretén estudiar la utilització d’un mètode semblant al de la mínima quantitat de lubricant, subministrant el mateix oli de tall que s’utilitza convencionalment però polvoritzar per tal de convertir-lo en un aerosol


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Una de les maneres com els instints afavoreixen la seva satisfacció és associant-la a plaer. Tothom sap que quan realitzem les funcions vitals, com per exemple quan mengem, bevem o practiquem el sexe, experimentem un plaer físic associat als sentits.Quan un individu sent plaer, el seu cervell indueix la producció d'hormones com l'endorfina, l'oxitocina i la serotonina,que causen un estat general de benestar. Tanmateix, el plaer físic, que habitualment ha estat considerat com el més baix dels plaers, no n'és pas l'única forma. Una altra forma de plaer és l'emocional, que ve de la satisfacció de les necessitats d'afecte i admiració,i que es relaciona directament amb la capacitat social humana [...].


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Al nostre país, hi ha pràctiques d’aula encara molt arrelades en relació amb el procés d’ensenyament-aprenentatge de la numeració i el càlcul a l’educació infantil que cal qüestionar, perquè contribueixen de manera escassa o nul·la a ajudar a comprendre els continguts d’aquest bloc. Al present article, s’hi exposen diverses activitats implementades en contextos significatius d’aprenentatge, tant dins de l’aula com fora, que afavoreixen la comprensió de les quantitats discretes i les operacions aritmètiques elementals, el significat que tenen i les funcions que exerceixen, per poder usar aquests coneixements de manera eficaç en contextos diferents de la vida quotidiana


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La Harmoniemusik: música per a conjunt de vents al llarg dels segles XVIII i XIX és una recerca a través del repertori, gèneres, usos i funcions que tingué el conjunt de vents a la Viena clàssica i la seva influència en la música per a vents del segle XIX. A través de l’explicació del context social i cultural de l’època, entendrem les motivacions i les circumstàncies que van empènyer als compositors a escriure per a Harmoniemusik, així com també les relacions d’aquesta música amb l’òpera, la música militar i la música religiosa.


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A novel heteronuclear 3d-4f compound having formula NdCu3L3·13H2O (where H3L = Schiff base derived from 5-bromosalicylaldehyde and glycylglycine and L³ = C11H8 N2O4Br) was obtained. It was characterized by elemental and thermal analyses and magnetic measurements. The Cu(II)-Nd(III) compound is stable up to 323 K. During dehydration process the water molecules are lost in two stages. The magnetic susceptibility data for this complex change with temperature according to the Curie-Weiss law with theta = -35 K. The magnetic moment values decrease from 5.00µB at 303 K to 4.38µB at 76 K.


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Changes in the electroencephalography (EEG) signal have been used to study the effects of anesthetic agents on the brain function. Several commercial EEG based anesthesia depth monitors have been developed to measure the level of the hypnotic component of anesthesia. Specific anesthetic related changes can be seen in the EEG, but still it remains difficult to determine whether the subject is consciousness or not during anesthesia. EEG reactivity to external stimuli may be seen in unconsciousness subjects, in anesthesia or even in coma. Changes in regional cerebral blood flow, which can be measured with positron emission tomography (PET), can be used as a surrogate for changes in neuronal activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dexmedetomidine, propofol, sevoflurane and xenon on the EEG and the behavior of two commercial anesthesia depth monitors, Bispectral Index (BIS) and Entropy. Slowly escalating drug concentrations were used with dexmedetomidine, propofol and sevoflurane. EEG reactivity at clinically determined similar level of consciousness was studied and the performance of BIS and Entropy in differentiating consciousness form unconsciousness was evaluated. Changes in brain activity during emergence from dexmedetomidine and propofol induced unconsciousness were studied using PET imaging. Additionally, the effects of normobaric hyperoxia, induced during denitrogenation prior to xenon anesthesia induction, on the EEG were studied. Dexmedetomidine and propofol caused increases in the low frequency, high amplitude (delta 0.5-4 Hz and theta 4.1-8 Hz) EEG activity during stepwise increased drug concentrations from the awake state to unconsciousness. With sevoflurane, an increase in delta activity was also seen, and an increase in alpha- slow beta (8.1-15 Hz) band power was seen in both propofol and sevoflurane. EEG reactivity to a verbal command in the unconsciousness state was best retained with propofol, and almost disappeared with sevoflurane. The ability of BIS and Entropy to differentiate consciousness from unconsciousness was poor. At the emergence from dexmedetomidine and propofol induced unconsciousness, activation was detected in deep brain structures, but not within the cortex. In xenon anesthesia, EEG band powers increased in delta, theta and alpha (8-12Hz) frequencies. In steady state xenon anesthesia, BIS and Entropy indices were low and these monitors seemed to work well in xenon anesthesia. Normobaric hyperoxia alone did not cause changes in the EEG. All of these results are based on studies in healthy volunteers and their application to clinical practice should be considered carefully.


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Theta rhythm in many brain structures characterizes wakefulness and desynchronized sleep in most subprimate mammalian brains. In close relation to behaviors, theta frequency and voltage undergo a fine modulation which may involve mobilization of dorsal raphe nucleus efferent pathways. In the present study we analyzed frequency modulation (through instantaneous frequency variation) of theta waves occurring in three cortical areas, in hippocampal CA1 and in the dorsal raphe nucleus of Wistar rats during normal wakefulness and after injection of the 5-HT1a receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT into the dorsal raphe. We demonstrated that in attentive states the variation of theta frequency among the above structures is highly congruent, whereas after 8-OH-DPAT injection, although regular signals are present, the variation is much more complex and shows no relation to behaviors. Such functional uncoupling after blockade demonstrates the influence of dorsal raphe nucleus efferent serotoninergic fibers on the organization of alertness, as evaluated by electro-oscillographic analysis.


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The effects of the benzodiazepine1 (BZ1) receptor agonist SX-3228 were studied in rats (N = 12) implanted for chronic sleep procedures. Administration of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.5 mg/kg SX-3228, sc, to rats 1 h after the beginning of the light phase of the light-dark cycle induced a significant reduction of rapid-eye-movement sleep (REMS) during the third recording hour. Moreover, slow wave sleep (SWS) was increased during the fourth recording hour after the two largest doses of the compound. Administration of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.5 mg/kg SX-3228 one hour after the beginning of the dark period of the light-dark cycle caused a significant and maintained (6-h recording period) reduction of waking (W), whereas SWS and light sleep (LS) were increased. REMS values tended to increase during the entire recording period; however, the increase was statistically significant only for the 1.0 mg/kg dose during the first recording hour. In addition, a significant and dose-related increase of power density in the delta and the theta regions was found during nonREM sleep (LS and SWS) in the dark period. Our results indicate that SX-3228 is a potent hypnotic when given to the rat during the dark period of the light-dark cycle. Moreover, the sleep induced by SX-3228 during the dark phase closely resembles the physiological sleep of the rat.


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In order to identify latent bioelectrical oscillators, 15 normal subjects (aged 9-17 years, 8 males, 7 females) were subjected to intermittent photic stimulation. The EEG amplitude spectra corresponding to the 11 fixed frequencies of stimulation presented (3-24 Hz) were combined to form "profiles" of the driving reaction in the right occipital area. The driving response varied with frequency, and was demonstrable in 70-100% of cases (using as criterion peak amplitudes 20% larger than those of the neighbors). The strongest responses were observed at the frequency closest to the alpha peak of the resting EEG. A secondary profile maximum was in the theta band. In 10 subjects, this maximum exceeded half the alpha peak (with an average of 72.4% of the alpha peak), while in the resting spectra, theta amplitudes were much lower than the alpha maxima. This responsiveness in theta activity seems to be characteristic of prepubertal and pubertal subjects. The profiles and resting EEG spectra showed a highly significant Pearson's correlation, with the peak in the theta band of the profiles being the main difference observed between them. The correlation coefficient was significantly correlated with the ratio of the maxima in the theta and alpha bands (R = -0.77, P<0.001). The correlation coefficient between profile and resting spectrum may be a useful indicator in screening methods used to reveal latent cerebral oscillators. Profiles for the second and third harmonics were correlated with those of the first harmonic (fundamental frequency), when considering the corresponding EEG frequencies. Peak frequencies in all three profiles were close to those of the individual's background alpha rhythm, and peak amplitudes in higher harmonics were not much lower than those of the fundamental frequency (mean values of 84 and 63%, for second and third harmonics, respectively).


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The distribution of polymorphisms related to glutathione S-transferases (GST) has been described in different populations, mainly for white individuals. We evaluated the distribution of GST mu (GSTM1) and theta (GSTT1) genotypes in 594 individuals, by multiplex PCR-based methods, using amplification of the exon 7 of CYP1A1 gene as an internal control. In São Paulo, 233 whites, 87 mulattos, and 137 blacks, all healthy blood-donor volunteers, were tested. In Bahia, where black and mulatto populations are more numerous, 137 subjects were evaluated. The frequency of the GSTM1 null genotype was significantly higher among whites (55.4%) than among mulattos (41.4%; P = 0.03) and blacks (32.8%; P < 0.0001) from São Paulo, or Bahian subjects in general (35.7%; P = 0.0003). There was no statistically different distribution among any non-white groups. The distribution of GSTT1 null genotype among groups did not differ significantly. The agreement between self-reported and interviewer classification of skin color in the Bahian group was low. The interviewer classification indicated a gradient of distribution of the GSTM1 null genotype from whites (55.6%) to light mulattos (40.4%), dark mulattos (32.0%) and blacks (28.6%). However, any information about race or ethnicity should be considered with caution regarding the bias introduced by different data collection techniques, specially in countries where racial admixture is intense, and ethnic definition boundaries are loose. Because homozygous deletions of GST gene might be associated with cancer risk, a better understanding of chemical metabolizing gene distribution can contribute to risk assessment of humans exposed to environmental carcinogens.


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The electroencephalogram amplitude spectra at 11 fixed frequencies of intermittent photic stimulation of 3 to 24 Hz were combined into driving "profiles" for 14 scalp points in 8 male and 7 female normal subjects aged 9 to 17 years. The driving response varied over frequency and was detected in 70 to 100% of cases in the occipital areas (maximum) and in 27 to 77% of cases in the frontal areas (minimum) using as a criterion peak amplitude 20% higher than those of the neighbors. Each subject responded, on average, to 9.7 ± 1.15 intermittent photic stimulation frequencies in the right occipital area and to 6.8 ± 1.97 frequencies in the right frontal area. Most of the driving responses (in relation to the previous background) were significant according to the spectral F-test (a = 0.05), which also detected changes in some cases of low amplitude responses not revealed by the peak criterion. The profiles had two maxima in the alpha and theta bands in all leads. The latter was not present in the background spectra in the posterior areas and was less pronounced in the anterior ones. The weight of the profile theta maximum increased towards the frontal areas where the two maxima were similar, while the profile amplitudes decreased. The profiles repeated the shape of the background spectra, except for the theta band. The interhemispheric correlation between profiles was high. The theta driving detected in all areas recorded suggests a generalized influence of the theta generators in prepubertal and pubertal subjects.