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Introduction: Since the introduction and evolution of laparoscopic surgery, there have been some concerns related to surgical training in this field. Laparoscopic box trainers and virtual simulators appear as useful devices which have been demonstrating effectiveness in learning surgical skills. However, these tools remain inaccessible for many centers around the world. Our intent is to share our experience in successful design to inspire others in surgical residency programs to build such boxes for training in laparoscopic techniques and also to encourage the use of simulators in educational centers. [See PDF for complete abstract]
The myocyte enhancer factor (MEF)-2 family of transcription factors has been implicated in the regulation of muscle transcription in vertebrates, but the precise position of these regulators within the genetic hierarchy leading to myogenesis is unclear. The MEF2 proteins bind to a conserved A/T-rich DNA sequence present in numerous muscle-specific genes, and they are expressed in the cells of the developing somites and in the embryonic heart at the onset of muscle formation in mammals. The MEF2 genes belong to the MADS box family of transcription factors, which control specific programs of gene expression in species ranging from yeast to humans. Each MEF2 family member contains two highly conserved protein motifs, the MADS domain and the MEF2-specific domain, which together provide the MEF2 factors with their unique DNA binding and dimerization properties. In an effort to further define the function of the MEF2 proteins, and to evaluate the degree of conservation shared among these factors and the phylogenetic pathways that they regulate, we sought to identify MEF2 family members in other species. In Drosophila, a homolog of the vertebrate MEF2 genes was identified and termed D-mef2. The D-MEF2 protein binds to the consensus MEF2 element and can activate transcription through tandem copies of that site. During Drosophila embryogenesis, D-MEF2 is specific to the mesoderm germ layer of the developing embryo and becomes expressed in all muscle cell types within the embryo. The role of D-mef2 in Drosophila embryogenesis was examined by generating a loss-of-function mutation in the D-mef2 gene. In embryos homozygous for this mutant allele, somatic, cardiac, and visceral muscles fail to differentiate, but precursors of these myogenic lineages are normally specified and positioned. These results demonstrate that different muscle cell types share a common myogenic differentiation program controlled by MEF2 and suggest that this program has been conserved from Drosophila to mammals. ^
MEF2 is a $\underline{\rm m}$yocyte-specific $\underline{\rm e}$nhancer-binding $\underline{\rm f}$actor that binds a conserved DNA sequence, CTA(A/T)$\sb4$TAG. A MEF2 binding site in the XMyoDa promoter overlaps with the TATA box and is required for muscle specific expression. To examine the potential role of MEF2 in the regulation of MyoD transcription during early development, the appearance of MEF2 binding activity in developing Xenopus embryos was analyzed with the electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Two genes were isolated from a X. Laevis stage 24 cDNA library that encode factors that bind the XMyoDa TFIID/MEF2 site. Both genes are highly homologous to each other, belong to the MADS ($\underline{\rm M}$CM1-$\underline{\rm A}$rg80-agamous-$\underline{\rm d}$eficiens-$\underline{\rm S}$RF) protein family, and most highly related to the mammalian MEF2A gene, hence they are designated as XMEF2A1 and XMEF2A2. Proteins encoded by both cDNAs form specific complexes with the MEF2 binding site and show the same binding specificity as the endogenous MEF2 binding activity. XMEF2A transcripts accumulate preferentially in developing somites after the appearance of XMyoD transcripts. XMEF2 protein begins to accumulate in somites at tailbud stages. Transcriptional activation of XMyoD promoter by XMEF2A required only the MADS box and MEF2-specific domain when XMEF2A is bound at the TATA box. However, a different downstream transactivation domain was required when XMEF2A activates transcription through binding to multiple upstream sites. These results suggest that different activation mechanisms are involved, depending on where the factor is bound. Mutations in several basic amino acid clusters in the MADS box inhibit DNA binding suggesting these amino acids are essential for DNA binding. Mutation of Thr-20 and Ser-36 to the negatively charged amino acid residue, aspartic acid, abolish DNA binding. XMEF2A activity may be regulated by phosphorylation of these amino acids. A dominant negative mutant was made by mutating one of the basic amino acid clusters and deleting the downstream transactivation domain. In vivo roles of MEF2 in the regulation of MyoD transcription were investigated by overexpression of wild type MEF2 and dominant negative mutant of XMEF2A in animal caps and assaying for the effects on the level of expression of MyoD genes. Overexpression of MEF2 activates the transcription of endogenous MyoD gene family while expression of a dominant negative mutant reduces the level of transcription of XMRF4 and myogenin genes. These results suggest that MEF2 is downstream of MyoD and Myf5 and that MEF2 is involved in maintaining and amplifying expression of MyoD and Myf5. MEF2 is upstream of MRF4 and myogenin and plays a role in activating their expression. ^
An important question in biology is to understand the role of specific gene products in regulating embryogenesis and cellular differentiation. Many of the regulatory proteins possess specific motifs, such as the homeodomain, basic helix-loop-helix structure, zinc finger, and leucine zipper. These sequence motifs participate in specific protein-DNA, protein-RNA, and protein-protein interactions, and are important for the function of these regulatory proteins.^ The human rfp (ret finger protein) belongs to a novel zinc finger protein family, the B box zinc finger family. Most of the B box proteins, including rfp, have a conserved tripartite motif, consisting of two novel zinc fingers (the RING finger and the B box) and a coiled-coil domain. Interestingly, a fusion protein between the tripartite motif of rfp and the tyrosine kinase domain of c-ret has transforming activity. In this study, we examined the expression of rfp during mouse development, and characterized the role of the tripartite motif in rfp function.^ We cloned the mouse rfp cDNA, which shares a 98.4% homology with the human sequence at amino acid level. Such strikingly high degree of homology indicates the high evolutionary pressure on the conservation of the sequence, suggesting that rfp may have an important function. Using the somatic cell hybrid system, we assigned the rfp gene to mouse chromosome 13 and human chromosome 6. Rfp transcripts and protein were ubiquitous in day 10.5-13.5 mouse embryos; however, they were restricted in adult mice, with the highest level of expression in the testis. Rfp expression in the testis is detected only in late pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids. In both embryos and spermatogenic cells, rfp protein was distributed within cell nuclei in a punctate pattern, similar to the PODs (PML oncogenic domains) observed with another B box protein, PML. In cultured mammalian cells, we found that rfp was indeed co-localized to the PODs with PML. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we showed that the rfp could specifically interact with PML, and that the interaction was dependent on the distal portion of the rfp coiled-coil domain.^ We also showed that rfp could form homodimers, and both the B box and coiled-coil domain were required for proper dimerization. It seems that the proximal portion of the coiled-coil domain provides the interacting interface, while the B box zinc finger orients the coil and maintains the correct structure of the whole molecule. Our data are consistent with the zinc-binding property and structural analysis of the B box. The RING finger seems to be involved in rfp nuclear localization through interaction with other proteins. We believe that homodimerization and interaction with PML are important for the normal interaction of rfp during development and differentiation. In addition, rfp homodimerization may also be essential for the oncogenic activation of the rfp-ret fusion protein. ^
As the clock is ticking for a positive outcome at the Ninth WTO Ministerial Conference to be held in Bali in December 2013, agricultural negotiators are scrambling to find solutions to issues such as tariff-rate quota (TRQ) administration and export competition in order to improve trade flows. The main issue seems to be whether WTO rules applying to public stockpiles in developing countries need to be changed or temporarily suspended as a means to enhance national food security. This paper is based on a note submitted to the ICTSD-IPC Expert Group “Meeting on Agriculture and Food Security – Policy Options for MC9 and beyond” (Geneva, June 2013). It lists the policy instruments impacting on global, national and (urban and rural) household food security – “The Food Security Tool Box” – and asks which immediate decisions the WTO Ministers might take in this field despite the political difficulties such as continued agro-dumping practices or the “land grab” issue. Three such “deliverables” are outlined: (i) regional and “virtual” food security schemes could be allowed to provide reserves to other countries without violating the obligation to “form an integral part of a food security programme identified in national legislation” (Agreement on Agriculture, Annex II, para 3); (ii) TRQ under-fills could be improved by mandatory enquiries into low fill rate situations; and (iii) World Food Program (WFP) and other non-commercial food purchases could be exempted from export restrictions and prohibitions. High ambitions for Bali seem to be misplaced. A more realistic yet real progress could restore the dwindling credibility of the WTO as a forum for trade negotiations.
Acoustic stimulation of the cochlea leads to a travelling wave in the cochlear fluids and on the basilar membrane (BM). It has long been suspected that this travelling wave leads to a steady streaming flow in the cochlea. Theoretical investigations suggested that the steady streaming might be of physiological relevance. Here, we present a quantitative study of the steady streaming in a computational model of a passive cochlea. The structure of the streaming flow is illustrated and the sources of streaming are closely investigated. We describe a source of streaming which has not been considered in the cochlea by previous authors. This source is also related to a steady axial displacement of the BM which leads to a local stretching of this compliant structure. We present theoretical predictions for the streaming intensity which account for these new phenomena. It is shown that these predictions compare well with our numerical results and that there may be steady streaming velocities of the order of millimetres per second. Our results indicate that steady streaming should be more relevant to low-frequency hearing because the strength of the streaming flow rapidly decreases for higher frequencies.
This study shows that taste ratings of repeatedly chosen pralines decrease more when the gift box is large compared to small. Within their first choices consumers select the most preferred praline less often from the large assortment. These results are discussed in the light of variety seeking and dysfunctional choice.
Die Universitäten in Deutschland und der Schweiz haben in den letzten zehn Jahren eine Reihe von Reformen und Veränderungen erlebt. Insbesondere die Bologna-Reform, aber auch die gestiegenen Studierendenzahlen werden dabei mit einer Reihe von nachteiligen Konsequenzen in Verbindung gebracht. In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir die Frage, inwiefern sich die auf das Studium bezogenen Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen der Studierenden nach der Bologna-Reform verändert haben. Unsere Datenbasis sind zwei umfangreiche Befragungen, die 2001 und 2012 an der Universität Bern durchgeführt wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die soziodemographische Zusammensetzung der Studierenden zwar deutlich verändert hat. Der zeitliche Aufwand für das Studium, die Leistungsmotivation der Studierenden, die Erwerbspartizipation oder der berichtete Zeitdruck haben aber in den letzten zehn Jahren wider Erwarten keine wesentlichen Veränderungen erfahren. Allerdings verfolgen heute mehr Studierende das Ziel, eine gute soziale Position und ein höheres Einkommen zu erreichen. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Ergebnisse erscheint eine Reform der Reform nicht zwingend erforderlich zu sein.
Georg von Marczianyi ; autorisierte dt. Übers. aus dem Ungarischen