1000 resultados para Floresta Tropical Atlântica
This paper reports on the fate of nitrogen (N) in a first ratoon sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) crop in the wet tropics of Queensland when urea was either surface applied or drilled into the soil 3-4 days after harvesting the plant cane. Ammonia volatilization was measured with a micrometeorological method, and fertilizer N recovery in plants and soil, to a depth of 140 cm, was determined by mass balance in macroplots with N labelled urea 166 and 334 days after fertilizer application. The bulk of the fertilizer and soil N uptake by the sugarcane occurred between fertilizing and the first sampling on day 166. Nitrogen use efficiency measured as the recovery of labelled N in the plant was very low. At the time of the final sampling (day 334), the efficiencies for the surface and subsurface treatments were 18.9% and 28.8%, respectively. The tops, leaves, stalks and roots in the subsurface treatment contained significantly more fertilizer N than the corresponding parts in the surface treatment. The total recoveries of fertilizer N for the plant-trash-soil system on day 334 indicate significant losses of N in both treatments ( 59.1% and 45.6% of the applied N in the surface and subsurface treatments, respectively). Drilling the urea into the soil instead of applying it to the trash surface reduced ammonia loss from 37.3% to 5.5% of the applied N. Subtracting the data for ammonia loss from total loss suggests that losses by leaching and denitrification combined increased from 21.8% and 40.1% of the applied N as a result of the change in method of application. While the treatment resulted in increased denitrification and/or leaching loss, total N loss was reduced from 59.1% to 45.6%, ( a saving of 13.5% of the applied N), which resulted in an extra 9.9% of the applied N being assimilated by the crop.
Two studies were conducted to examine the effects of including NaCl at various rates in grain-based supplements for Friesian cows grazing established, dominant (>90%), rainfed kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum cv. Common) pastures during summer and autumn in a humid sub-tropical environment. In study 1 (19 January-27 March 1998), 48 cows (36 multiparous, 12 primiparous; 27-96 days postpartum) were allocated to one of four groups based on genetic merit, milk production, liveweight (LW) and days postpartum. They were fed (2.7 kg dry matter (DM) per cow, twice-a-day) one of four isoenergetic and isonitrogenous barley grain-based concentrates containing NaCl at concentrations (% as-fed) of either 0 (SC1), 1.1 (SC2), 2.2 (SC3) or 3.3 (SC4). Maximum temperature humidity index (THImax) was greater than or equal to78 during 50% of the experimental period. Concentrate NaCl content had no effect (P>0.05) on daily milk yield or LW change but daily yields of 4% fat corrected milk (FCM), fat and protein were higher (P0.05) among treatments at 7.6+/-1.24 kg DM per cow. In study 2 (18 January 1999-1 March 1999), 48 cows (32 pluriparous, 16 primiparous: 32-160 days postpartum) were fed (2.7 kg DM per cow twice-a-day) one of two isoenergetic and isonitrogenous barley grain-based concentrates containing NaCl at concentrations (% as-fed) of 0 (control) or 2.2 (HSC). THImax was greater than or equal to78 during 34% of days in the experimental period. Yields of milk, FCM, fat and protein were lower (P0.05) by concentrate NaCl content. These studies indicate that NaCl supplementation can be beneficial in terms of milk production during warm, humid conditions as opposed to milder conditions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: To describe the natural history of rheumatic manifestations of Ross River virus (RRV) disease. Design: Prospective longitudinal clinical review. Setting: North Queensland local government areas of Cairns, Douglas, Mareeba and Atherton during January to May 1998. Participants: General practice patients diagnosed with RRV disease on the basis of symptoms and a positive RRV IgM result. Main outcome measures: Rheumatic symptoms and signs assessed as soon as possible after disease onset and on two subsequent occasions (up to 6.5 months after onset). Results: 57 patients were recruited, 47 of whom were reviewed three times (at means of 1.1, 2.4 and 3.6 months after disease onset). Results are reported for these 47: 46 (98%) complained of joint pain at first review, with the ankles, wrists, fingers, knees and metacarpophalangeal joints (II-IV) most commonly involved. Prevalence of joint pain decreased progressively on second and third reviews, both overall (92% and 68% of patients, respectively), and in the five joints most commonly affected. The prevalence of other common rheumatic symptoms and signs, and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also progressively declined over the three reviews. Conclusions: Earlier studies may have overestimated the prevalence and duration of symptoms in RRV disease. Progressive resolution over 3-6 months appears usual.
zFour rumen-fistulated, multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows in early lactation were offered mixed diets based on rhodes grass hay (Chloris gayana) cv. Callide containing 13, 14, 15 or 16% crude protein (CP) on a dry matter basis, in a 4 x 4 latin square design. The estimated undegradable protein concentration in these diets was similar with rumen degradable protein concentration varying. Cows fed a diet containing 13% CP had lower (P = 0.07) milk yields than cows in other treatments (20.4 vs 21.9, 22.0 and 22.2 L/d for 13, 14, 15 and 16% CP, respectively). A positive linear relationship was found (P = 0.06) between organic matter intake and dietary CP%. There were negative linear relationships between dietary CP% and digestibilities of dry matter (P = 0.09), organic matter (P = 0.06) and neutral detergent fibre (P = 0.02). Feeding a diet containing 13% CP resulted in significantly lower (P = 0.001) molar proportions (%) of rumen valerate in comparison with other treatments. The molar proportions of isovalerate differed (P = 0.001) between treatments (0.66, 0.78, 0.89 and 1.04%) for 13, 14, 15 and 16% CP, respectively). Dietary protein level had no effect on rates of passage, in situ digestion of rhodes grass hay or ratios of allantoin: creatinine in urine. These data showed that increasing the dietary CP concentration of lactating cows fed diets based on rhodes grass hay increased intakes and not significantly improved at dietary CP concentrations above 14% DM.
Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus) strains may express several distinct fibronectin-binding proteins (FBPs) which are considered as major streptococcal adhesins. Of the FBPs, SfbI was shown in vitro to promote internalization of the bacterium into host cells and has been implicated in persistence. In the tropical Northern Territory, where group A streptococcal infection is common, multiple genotypes of the organism were found among isolates from invasive disease cases and no dominant strains were observed. To determine whether any FBPs is associated with invasive disease propensity of S. pyogenes, we have screened streptococcal isolates from bacteraemic and necrotizing fasciitis patients and isolates from uncomplicated infections for genetic endowment of 4 FBPs. No difference was observed in the distribution of sfbII, fbp54 and sfbI between the blood isolates' and isolates from uncomplicated infection. We conclude that the presence of sfbI does not appear to promote invasive diseases, despite its association with persistence. We also show a higher proportion of group A streptococcus strains isolated from invasive disease cases possess prtFII when compared to strains isolated from non-invasive disease cases. We suggest that S. pyogenes may recruit different FBPs for different purposes.
A large number of herbaceous and woody plants from tropical woodland, savanna, and monsoon forest were analysed to determine the impact of environmental factors (nutrient and water availability, fire) and biological factors (microbial associations, systematics) on plant delta(15)N values. Foliar delta(15)N values of herbaceous and woody species were not related to growth form or phenology, but a strong relationship existed between mycorrhizal status and plant delta(15)N. In woodland and savanna, woody species with ectomycorrhizal (ECM) associations and putative N-2-fixing species with ECM/arbuscular (AM) associations had lowest foliar delta(15)N values (1.0-0.6parts per thousand), AM species had mostly intermediate delta(15)N values (average +0.6parts per thousand), while non-mycorrhizal Proteaceae had highest delta(15)N values (+2.9 to +4.1parts per thousand). Similar differences in foliar delta(15)N were observed between AM (average 0.1 and 0.2parts per thousand) and non-mycorrhizal (average +0.8 and +0.3parts per thousand) herbaceous species in woodland and savanna. Leguminous savanna species had significantly higher leaf N contents (1.8-2.5% N) than non-fixing species (0.9-1.2% N) indicating substantial N acquisition via N-2 fixation. Monsoon forest species had similar leaf N contents (average 2.4% N) and positive delta(15)N values (+0.9 to +2.4parts per thousand). Soil nitrification and plant NO3- use was substantially higher in monsoon forest than in woodland or savanna. In the studied communities, higher soil N content and nitrification rates were associated with more positive soil delta(15)N and plant delta(15)N. In support of this notion, Ficus, a high NO3- using taxa associated with NO3- rich sites in the savanna, had the highest delta(15)N values of all AM species in the savanna. delta(15)N of xylem sap was examined as a tool for studying plant delta(15)N relations. delta(15)N of xylem sap varied seasonally and between differently aged Acacia and other savanna species. Plants from annually burnt savanna had significantly higher delta(15)N values compared to plants from less frequently burnt savanna, suggesting that foliar N-15 natural abundance could be used as marker for assessing historic fire regimes. Australian woodland and savanna species had low leaf delta(15)N and N content compared to species from equivalent African communities indicating that Australian biota are the more N depauperate. The largest differences in leaf delta(15)N occurred between the dominant ECM Australian and African savanna (miombo) species, which were depleted and enriched in N-15, respectively. While the depleted delta(15)N of Australian ECM species are similar to those of previous reports on ECM species in natural plant communities, the N-15-enriched delta(15)N of African ECM species represent an anomaly.
Past studies into the roles of testosterone in birds have focused on species that occur in temperate regions. In such species, plasma testosterone levels are high during the establishment of territories in the spring and are associated with increased aggression. In contrast to most temperate species, tropical birds frequently defend territories year-round, during which time territoriality often occurs in a nonsexual context. The few studies that have been carried out on tropical birds show lower levels of circulating testosterone than occur in their temperate counterparts. In some year-round territorial tropical species, testosterone and aggression are dissociated, while in other species testosterone still plays a role in regulating aggression. This study examined the relationship between aggression and plasma testosterone levels in a year-round territorial, subtropical population of the buff-banded rail with characteristics typical of tropical species. Peak testosterone levels were substantially lower than those found in temperate species. Males displayed a seasonal peak in plasma testosterone level when their partners were most likely to be fertile. At other times, testosterone levels were mostly undetectable, despite year-round territoriality. We found that T levels increased with courtship behavior but showed no relationship with aggression, supporting the hypothesis that dissociation between testosterone and territoriality may be widespread among tropical avian taxa. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
The chemical properties of deep profile samples ( up to 12 m) of Ferrosols from northern Queensland were investigated to provide an understanding of the accumulation of nitrate ( NO3) within these soil profiles. The influence of other cations and anions present in the soil solution or on the exchange and the charge chemistry of the profiles were examined with respect to the NO3 accumulations. The major ions in the soil solution were Na, NO3, and chloride ( Cl). Distinct regions of anion accumulation were observed; SO4 accumulated in the upper profile of all cores, whereas NO3 and Cl accumulations were restricted to the lower profile of cores with appreciable AEC (> 1 cmol(c)/kg). Gaines-Thomas selectivity coefficients were used to indicate exchange preference for cations and anions, and are as follows: Al > Ca similar to Mg > K > Na and sulfate (SO4) > Cl similar to NO3. The selectivity of SO4 increased and the extractable SO4 decreased in the lower profile of all cores. This has important implications for the adsorption of NO3 and Cl. The NO3 and Cl accumulations were shown to correspond to a region of low SO4 occupancy of the exchange sites in the lower profile. Along with the high SO4 selectivity, this suggests that SO4 may control the positioning of the NO3 accumulations. It was concluded that the NO3 accumulations were relatively stable under current management practices, although the reduction in NO3 inputs would likely see the gradual replacement of NO3 with Cl as a result of their comparable selectivity for exchange sites.
Nitrate leaching below the crop root-zone in variable charge soils may be adsorbed at anion exchange sites, thereby temporarily reducing the risk of contamination of water bodies. The objectives of this study were (i) to investigate whether nitrate adsorption, accumulation, and retention in the Johnstone River Catchment of Far North Queensland wet tropics is widespread; (ii) to assess the capacity of soil in the Johnstone River Catchment to retain nitrate; and (iii) to deduce the consequences of nitrate adsorption/desorption on contamination of water bodies. Soil cores ranging from 8 to 12.5 m depth were taken from 28 sites across the catchment, representing 9 Ferrosol soil types under sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum-S) cultivation for at least 50 years and from rainforest. The cores were segmented at 0.5-m depth increments and subsamples were analysed for nitrate-N, cation and anion exchange capacities, pH, exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na), soil organic C, electrical conductivity, sulfate-S, and chloride. Nitrate-N concentration under sugarcane ranged from 0 to 72.5 mg/kg, compared with 0 to 0.31 mg/kg under rainforest, both Pin Gin soils. The average N load in 1-12 m depth across 19 highly oxidic profiles of the Pin Gin soil series was 1550 kg/ha, compared with 185 kg/ha under 8 non-Pin Gin soils and 11 kg/ha in rainforest on a Pin Gin soil. Most of the nitrate retention was observed at depth of 2-12 m, particularly at 4-10 m, indicating that the accumulation was well below the crop root-zone. The average maximum potential nitrate retention capacity was 10.8 t/ha for the Pin Gin and 4.7 t/ha for the non-Pin Gin soil. Compared with the current N load, the soils still possess a large capacity to adsorb and retain nitrate in profiles. Retention of large quantities of the leached nitrate deep in most of the profiles has reduced the risk of contamination of water bodies. However, computations show that substantial quantities of the nitrate leached below the root-zone were not adsorbed and remain unaccounted for. This unaccounted nitrate might have entered both on- and off-site water bodies and/or have been denitrified.
The impacts of climate change in the potential distribution and relative abundance of a C3 shrubby vine, Cryptostegia grandiflora, were investigated using the CLIMEX modelling package. Based upon its current naturalised distribution, C. grandiflora appears to occupy only a small fraction of its potential distribution in Australia under current climatic conditions; mostly in apparently sub-optimal habitat. The potential distribution of C. grandiflora is sensitive towards changes in climate and atmospheric chemistry in the expected range of this century, particularly those that result in increased temperature and water use efficiency. Climate change is likely to increase the potential distribution and abundance of the plant, further increasing the area at risk of invasion, and threatening the viability of current control strategies markedly. By identifying areas at risk of invasion, and vulnerabilities of control strategies, this analysis demonstrates the utility of climate models for providing information suitable to help formulate large-scale, long-term strategic plans for controlling biotic invasions. The effects of climate change upon the potential distribution of C. grandiflora are sufficiently great that strategic control plans for biotic invasions should routinely include their consideration. Whilst the effect of climate change upon the efficacy of introduced biological control agents remain unknown, their possible effect in the potential distribution of C. grandiflora will likely depend not only upon their effects on the population dynamics of C. grandiflora, but also on the gradient of climatic suitability adjacent to each segment of the range boundary.
A Baía de Vitória é um sistema estuarino da costa leste do Brasil que apresenta grande importância econômica e características ímpares, já que se desenvolveu entre três unidades geomorfológicas distintas. Apesar disto, este ambiente apresenta poucos estudos relacionados às suas características geológicas e oceanográficas. O presente trabalho se focou no preenchimento desta lacuna através da descrição da morfologia, da distribuição sedimentar e dos padrões sonográficos da Baía de Vitória, buscando relações entre os mesmos e inferindo os processos sedimentares dominantes em cada trecho do estuário. A análise integrada mostrou boa correlação entre os métodos e revelou a grande complexidade deste sistema estuarino. Três diferentes regiões foram identificadas mostrando processos distintos: o estuário superior apresentou input sedimentar fluvial e processos estuarinos; um largo trecho da região central do sistema apresentou características erosivas, relacionadas a adaptações morfológicas e ao aumento das correntes provocadas pelos estreitamentos artificiais da baía, propiciando a formação de formas de fundo; e a boca do estuário se apresentou dominada por processos marinhos. Parte da região central do estuário mostrou características mascaradas pela atividade antrópica através da instalação de pontes, aterros e dragagens.
Sistemática, Morfologia e Biogeografia
Foram estudadas as espécies de Anisepyris Kieffer, 1905, coletadas em 31 localidades ao longo da Mata Atlântica Brasileira. Foram descritas e ilustradas as seguintes espécies novas: A. basilongus Santos sp. nov., A. foveapertus Santos sp. nov., A. artus Santos sp. nov., A. basilargus Santos sp. nov., A. cepus Santos sp. nov. e A. ramosus Santos sp. nov.. Foram examinados espécimes adicionais de dezesseis espécies previamente descritas: A. amazonicus Westwood, 1874, A. bifidus Evans, 1966, A. bipartitus Santos & Azevedo, 2000, A. delicatus Evans, 1966, A. dentatus Santos & Azevedo, 2000, A. divisus Santos, 2002, A. inconspicuus Santos, 2002, A. lobatus Santos & Azevedo, 2000, A. longimerus Santos & Azevedo, 2000, A. nigripes Evans, 1966, A. proteus Evans, 1966, A. rotundus Santos, 2002, A. similis Santos & Azevedo, 2000, A. triangularis Moreira & Azevedo, 2003, A. trinitatis Evans, 1966 e A. tuberosus Santos & Azevedo, 2000, incluindo citações geográficas novas e suas variações taxonômicas, sendo o primeiro registro de A. bipartitus, A. dentatus, A. similis e A. trinitatis para a Mata Atlântica.