987 resultados para FU(p)-Space
Except for the "practical exercises" section, this work is registered under the following ISBN numbers: 978-84-15768-61-6 and 978-84-15768-62-3
Aquest article pretén bastir una comparativa entre la figura teratològica mostrada a l’obra A les muntanyes de la follia de Howard Phillips Lovecraft i La pell freda d’Albert Sánchez Piñol. Una comparativa que té per finalitat mostrar com Howard Phillips Lovecraft inicia una evolució en el gènere de por (basada en la introducció de la versemblança en les narracions d’aquest gènere a través d’un racionalisme que connecta amb exactitud tots els elements de la narració, tot introduint una realitat que contrasta amb allò sobrenatural i crea la por als ulls del lector) que és assumida per Sánchez Piñol en alguns aspectes i transgredida en altres. Així, aquest darrer autor traspassa la frontera infranquejable entre humans i monstres que planteja Lovecraft en humanitzar el monstre, tot atribuint-li qualitats físiques i psicològiques humanes. Una acció que ocasiona un sentiment d’empatia dels personatges humans envers els monstres que derivarà, en última instància, en un intent d’aproximació d’aquests al monstre. O, dit d’una altra manera, en una aproximació de l’ésser humà a l’obscuritat, espai que, lluny de ser perniciós per aquest, l’ajudarà a assolir un coneixement aprofundit de si mateix. Una característica del text de Sánchez Piñol que atorga a La pell freda (i a la major part de l’obra de l’autor) un important valor antropològic i sociològic que pot salvaguardar la narrativa de por de la tendència a desaparèixer que experimenta en una societat cada cop més marcada per l’escepticisme.
To improve the understanding of the development of locomotor capacity in layer hens, we measured how female laying hen chicks (n=120) of four different strains (LSL-lite, Hyline Brown, Dekalb White, Lohmann Brown; 3 groups of 10 chicks per line) utilized the ground, the air, elevated horizontal (platforms and perches) and inclined surfaces (ramps and ladders) in an aviary until 9 weeks of age. We used infra-red video recordings to perform all-occurrences sampling of locomotive behavioural and perching events that occurred on the ground—where bedding material, food and water were provided, in the air, and on elevated horizontal and inclined surfaces within weekly 30-min sampling periods. Chicks preferred level ground during the first week of life compared to weeks 5–9 (P<0.0001) and performed 52% of all behavioural events in this section. Elevated surface use began at 2 weeks of age and increased over time (P=0.003), where most behaviour was performed in S2 (45% of all events). Chicks preferred horizontal to inclined surfaces, which were used from weeks 2–5 with maximum use occurring during weeks 2 and 3. Lohmann LSL chicks used the space above the ground most frequently (P=0.05) and performed more aerial ascent/descent behaviour than other lines (P<0.0001). Overall activity levels declined with age (P<0.0001). In summary layer chicks almost exclusively locomoted on the ground but utilized elevated horizontal surfaces (perch, first platform) as early as 2 weeks. These results provide information for improving space use in rearing aviaries by introducing lower perches, platforms and ramps/ladders to accommodate age-dependent locomotor abilities.
Includes index.
Cover title.
Vol. II has title and imprint : Travels of a Chinese poet : Tu Fu, guest of rivers and lakes, A.D. 712-770 by Florence Ayscough ; illustrated from etchings by Lucille Douglass.
Added t.-p. in French.
Mode of access: Internet.
T.-p. in German, French and English.
"Literatur verzeichnis": p. [5].
Shipping list no.: 94-0396-P.
Shipping list no.: 93-0028-P.
"Bericht über die feier des fünfzigjährigen bestandes des ... vereines ... am 10. november 1912": v. 49, p. [I]-XXXV.
"Ignaz Moscheles gewidmet." -- P. 1.
University of Illinois bookplate: "From the library of Conte Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana Lazelada di Bereguardo, purchased 1921."