988 resultados para FLAVYLIUM DYE


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Diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP)-based organic semiconductors EH-DPP-TFP and EH-DPP-TFPV with branched ethyl-hexyl solubilizing alkyl chains and end capped with trifluoromethyl phenyl groups were designed and synthesized via Suzuki coupling. These compounds show intense absorptions up to 700 nm, and thin film-forming characteristics that sensitively depend on the solvent and coating conditions. Both materials have been used as electron donors in bulk heterojunction and bilayer organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices with fullerenes as acceptors and their performance has been studied in detail. The best power conversion efficiency of 3.3% under AM1.5G illumination (100 mW cm -2) was achieved for bilayer solar cells when EH-DPP-TFPV was used with C 60, after a thermal annealing step to induce dye aggregation and interdiffusion of C 60 with the donor material. To date, this is one of the highest efficiencies reported for simple bilayer OPV devices.


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Digital photographs sewn onto secondhand tie-dye t-shirts. The work continues Wyman's interest in exploring feminist strategies for negotiating individual and collective identiities, equality and social activism.


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Theranostics offers an improved treatment strategy for prostate cancer by facilitating simultaneous targeting of tumour cells with subsequent drug delivery and imaging. In this report we describe the synthesis of hyperbranched polymers that are biocompatible, can specifically target and be internalised by prostate cancer cells (through targeting of prostate-specific membrane antigen – PSMA) and ultimately facilitate controlled delivery of a model drug. The theranostic also incorporates a far-red fluorescent dye that allows tracking of the polymer via optical imaging. Controlled synthesis of the polymer is achieved via reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer polymerisation of polyethylene glycol monomethyl methacrylate, with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as the branching agent. Incorporation of 20 mol% of an hydrazide-methacrylate monomer allows post-ligation of a model drug, fluorene-2-carboxaldehyde, through a hydrolytically-degradable hydrazone linkage. The rate of degradation of this particular linker was enhanced at endosomal pH (pH = 5.5) where [similar]95% of the model drug was released in 4 hours compared to less than 5% released over the same period at physiological pH. The theranostic showed high uptake into prostate cancer cells expressing prostate-specific membrane antigen, while minimal uptake was observed in PC3 cells negative for PSMA, highlighting the enhanced efficacy of the targeting ligand.


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The use of GNSS tracked Lagrangian drifters allows more realistic quantification of fluid motion and dispersion coefficients than Eulerian techniques because such drifters are analogues of particles that are relevant to flow field characterisation and pollutant dispersion. Using the fast growing Real Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning technique derived from Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS), drifters are developed for high frequency (10 Hz) sampling with position estimates to centimetre accuracy. The drifters are designed with small size and less direct wind drag to follow the sub-surface flow which characterizes dispersion in shallow waters. An analysis of position error from stationary observation indicates that the drifter can efficiently resolve motion up to 1 Hz. The result of the field deployments of the drifter in conjunction with acoustic Eulerian devices shows higher estimate of the drifter streamwise velocities. Single particle statistical analysis of field deployments in a shallow estuarine zone yielded dispersion coefficients estimate comparable to those of dye tracer studies. The drifters capture the tidal elevation during field studies in a tidal estuary.


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Objectives. Extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate (ePPi) inhibits certain forms of pathological mineralization while promoting others. Three molecules involved in ePPi regulation are important candidates for the development of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate chondrocalcinosis (CPPD CC). These include ANKH, ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase (ENPP1) and TNAP. We have previously showed that genetic variation in ANKH is a cause of autosomal dominant familial CC and also some sporadic cases of CPPD CC. We now investigate the possible role of ENPP1 and TNAP in CPPD CC. Methods. Exons, untranslated regions (UTR) and exon-intron boundaries of ENPP1 and TNAP were sequenced using ABI Big Dye chemistry on automated sequencers. Sixteen variants were identified (3 in ENPP1 and 13 in TNAP) and were subsequently genotyped in 128 sporadic Caucasian CPPD CC patients and 600 healthy controls using a combination of polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment-length polymorphism analysis or using Taqman. Allele and genotype frequencies were compared between cases and controls using the χ 2 test. Linkage disequilibrium, haplotype and the single nucleotide polymorphism-specific analyses were also performed. This study had 80% power to detect an odds ratio of 2.2 or more at these loci. Results. No difference was observed in the allele or genotype frequencies between patients and controls at either ENPP1 or TNAP. Conclusions. Polymorphisms of ENPP1 and TNAP are not major determinants of susceptibility to CC in the population studied. Further studies of the aetiology of sporadic CPPD CC are required to determine its causes.


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When freshly starved amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum are loaded with the Ca2+-specific dye indo-1/AM and analyzed in a fluorescence-activated cell sorter, they exhibit a quasi-bimodal distribution of fluorescence. This permits a separation of the population into two classes: H, or ''high Ca2+-indo-1 fluorescence,'' and L, or ''low Ca2+-indo-1 fluorescence.'' Simultaneous monitoring of Ca2+-indo-1 and Ca2+-chlortetracycline fluorescence shows that by and large the same cells tend to have high (or low) levels of both cytoplasmic and sequestered Ca2+. Next we label H cells with tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC) and mix them in a 1:4 ratio with L cells, In the slugs that result, TRITC fluorescence is confined mainly to the anterior prestalk region. This implies that amoebae with relatively high Ca2+ at the vegetative stage tend to develop into prestalk cells and those with low Ca2+ into prespores. Polysphondylium violaceum, a cellular slime mold that does not possess prestalk and prespore cells, also does not display a Ca2+-dependent heterogeneity at the vegetative stage or in slugs. Finally, confirming earlier findings with the fluorophore fura-2 (Azhar ef al., Curr. Sci. 68, 337-342 (1995)), a prestalk-prespore difference in cellular Ca2+ is present in the cells of the slug in vivo. These findings are discussed in light of the possible roles of Ca2+ for cell differentiation in D. discoideum.


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In this study, we report an approach for the adsorption and desorption of anionic (sulfonated) dyes from aqueous solution by doped polyaniline. In this study, we have synthesized PANI with two dopants, namely, p-toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA) and camphorsulfonic acid (CSA), and used these to adsorb various dyes. It was found that the doped PANI selectively adsorbs anionic dyes and does not adsorb cationic dyes. The adsorption of anionic dyes causes the variation in electrical conductivity of PANI, indicating its potential as a conductometric sensor for these dyes at very low concentration. The adsorbed dyes were desorbed from the polymer by using a basic aqueous solution. The adsorption and desorption kinetics of the dye in the presence of doped PANI were also determined.


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The photocatalytic ability of cubic Bi1.5ZnNb1.5O7 (BZN) pyrochlore for the decolorization of an acid orange 7 (AO7) azo dye in aqueous solution under ultraviolet (UV) irradiation has been investigated for the first time. BZN catalyst powders prepared using low temperature sol-gel and higher temperature solid-state methods have been evaluated and their reaction rates have been compared.The experimental band gap energy has been estimated from the optical absorption edge and has been used as reference for theoretical calculations. The electronic band structure of BZN has been investigated using first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations for random, completely and partially ordered solid solutions of Zn cations in both the A and B sites of the pyrochlore structure.The nature of the orbitals in the valence band (VB) and the conduction band (CB) has been identified and the theoretical band gap energy has been discussed in terms of the DFT model approximations.


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Bi1.5ZnTa1.5O7 (BZT) has been synthesized using an alkoxide based sol-gel reaction route. The evolution of the phases produced from the alkoxide precursors and their properties have been characterized as function of temperature using a combination of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS), infrared emission spectrometry (IES), X-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet and visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms. The lowest sintering temperature (600∘C) to obtain phase pure BZT powders with high surface area (14.5m2/g) has been determined from the thermal decomposition and phase analyses.The photocatalytic activity of the BZT powders has been tested for the decolorization of organic azo-dye and found to be photoactive under UV irradiation.The electronic band structure of the BZT has been investigated using density functional theory (DFT) calculations to determine the band gap energy (3.12 eV) and to compare it with experimental band gap (3.02 eV at 800∘C) from optical absorptionmeasurements. An excellent match is obtained for an assumption of Zn cation substitutions at specifically ordered sites in the BZT structure.


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The interaction of Cibacron blue F3GA with ribosome inactivating proteins, ricin, ricin A-chain and momordin has been investigated using difference absorption spectroscopy. Ricin was found to bind the dye with a 20- and 2-fold lower affinity than ricin A-chain and momordin, respectively. A time dependent increase in the amplitude of Cibacron blue difference spectrum in the presence of ricin was observed on addition of beta-mercaptoethanol. Analysis of the kinetic profile of this increase showed a biphasic phenomenon and the observed rates were found to be independent of the concentration of beta-mercaptoethanol. Kinetics of reduction of the intersubunit disulphide bond in ricin by beta-mercaptoethanol showed that reduction pet se is a second order reaction. Therefore, the observed changes in the difference spectra of Cibacron blue probably indicate a slow change in the conformation of ricin, triggered by reduction of the intersubunit disulphide bond.


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A detailed study of the solvation dynamics of a charged coumarin dye molecule in gamma-cyclodextrin/water has been carried out by using two different theoretical approaches. The first approach is based on a multishell continuum model (MSCM). This model predicts the time scales of the dynamics rather well, provided an accurate description of the frequency-dependent dielectric function is supplied. The reason for this rather surprising agreement is 2-fold. First, there is a cancellation of errors, second, the two-zone model mimics the heterogeneous microenvironment surrounding the ion rather well. The second approach is based on the molecular hydrodynamics theory (MI-IT). In this molecular approach, the solvation dynamics has been studied by restricting the translational motion of the solvent molecules enclosed within the cavity. The results from the molecular theory are also in good agreement with the experimental results. Our study indicates that, in the present case, the restricted environment affects only the long time decay of the solvation time correlation function. The short time dynamics is still governed by the librational (and/or vibrational) modes present in bulk water.


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Ginger autotetraploids were produced by immersing shoot tips in a 0.5% w/v colchicine, 2% v/v dimethyl sulfoxide solution for 2 h. Stomatal measurements were used as an early indicator of ploidy differences in culture with mean stomata length of tetraploids (49.2 μm) being significantly larger than the diploid (38.8 µm). Of the 500 shoot tips treated, 2% were characterised as stable autotetraploid lines following field evaluation over several seasons. Results were confirmed with flow cytometry and, of the 7 lines evaluated for distinctness and uniformity, 6 were solid tetraploid mutants and 1 was a periclinal chimera. Significant differences were noted between individual tetraploid lines in terms of shoot length, leaf length, leaf width, size of rhizome sections (knob weight) and fibre content. The solid autotetraploid lines had significantly wider, greener leaves than the diploids, they had significantly fewer but thicker shoots and, although ‘Queensland’ (the diploid parent from which the tetraploids were derived) had a greater total rhizome mass at harvest, its knob size was significantly smaller. From the autotetraploid lines, one line was selected for commercial release as ‘Buderim Gold’. It compared the most favourably with ‘Queensland’ in terms of the aroma/flavour profile and fibre content at early harvest, and had consistently good rhizome yield. More importantly it produced large rhizome sections, resulting in a higher recovery of premium grade confectionery ginger and a more attractive fresh market product.


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The growth and performance of micropropagated ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) was compared with 'seed'-derived plants in field trials conducted in south-eastern Queensland. In the first generation ex vitro, micropropagated plants had significantly (P<0.01) reduced rhizome yield with smaller knobs and more roots. Micropropagated plants had a greater (P<0.01) shoot: root (rhizome) ratio compared with seed-derived plants. Shoots from micropropagated plants were also significantly (P<0.01) smaller with a greater number of shoots per plant. The unusual shoot morphology of the micropropagated plants did not appear to be related to the presence of benzylaminopurine, a plant growth hormone added to the multiplication medium, as plants subcultured for 3 cycles on a hormone-free medium also exhibited similar characteristics. Seed collected from the micropropagated plants and seed-derived plants was harvested and, despite the micropropagated seed being significantly (P<0.01) smaller, by the second generation ex vitro there were no significant differences between the treatments. Factors that can improve rhizome size, while reducing production costs, need to be identified before micropropagated plants can be recommended for routine use in the ginger industry as a source of disease and pest-free planting material.


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A detailed description and illustration of the Australian specimens of Peronospora lamii on Salvia spp. and on Lamium amplexicaule (Lamiaceae) are given.


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Cibacron Blue F3G-A, a probe used to monitor nucleotide binding domains in enzymes, inhibited sheep liver 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase competitively with respect to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and NADPH. The Ki values obtained by kinetic methods and the Kd value for the binding of the dye to the enzyme estimated by protein fluorescence quenching were in the range 0·9-1·2 μM. Another triazine dye, Procion Red HE-3B interacted with the enzyme in an essentially similar manner to that observed with Cibacron Blue F3G-A. These results as well as the interaction of the dye with the enzyme monitored by difference spectroscopy and intrinsic protein fluorescence quenching methods indicated that the dye was probably interacting at the active site of the enzyme by binding at a hydrophobic region.