800 resultados para FARC-EP


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Ju Nan of Shandong province is located at southwest of Sulu UHP (ultrahigh-pressure) metamorphic terrane. It is composed of gneiss, paragneiss, eclogites, ultramafic rocks, marble and quartzite. A large ductile shear zone extends east-west has been found at the Zhubian, The south of Junan county. The Zhubian ductile shear zone is composed of high srain rock and mylonites. The mylonites fall into 3 types: Initial gneiss mylonite, mylonite and altramylonit.obvious lineation of penetration,foliation,S-Cfabrics,porphyroclasts,folds,irregularundulatory,extinction,subgrain boundary, dynamic recrystallization microstructure, core-mantle structure and are common in the ductile shear zone. Based on field work and microstructural analyse, a conclution is arrived: The ductile shear zone is an approximately SE trending faults. The Zhubian ductile shear zone formed at Ep ―Hb facies conditions which could be proved by deformaed and metamorphosed mineral aggregates, Deformation behavior, Ternary-feldspar geothermometry and so on. Zircon MC―ICP―MS U-Pb analysis is performed on the mylonite and have an average age ―835.9±13.9Ma, it’s the primary rocks formed age. The Zhubian ductile shear zone maybe formed at 224-242Ma.


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Since the middle of 1980's, the mechanisms of transfer of training between cognitive subskills rest on the same body of declarative knowledge has been highly concerned. The dominant theory is theory of common element (Singley & Anderson, 1989) which predict that there will be little or no transfer between subskills within the same domain when knowledge is used in different ways, even though the subskills might rest on a common body of declarative knowledge. This idea is termed as "principle of use specificity of knowledge" (Anderson, 1987). Although this principle has gained some empirical evidence from different domains such as elementary geometry (Neves & Anderson, 1981) and computer programming (McKendree & Anderson, 1987), it is challenged by some research (Pennington et al., 1991; 1995) in which substantially larger amounts of transfer of training was found between substills that rest on a shared declarative knowledge but share little procedures (production rules). Pennington et al. (1995) provided evidence that this larger amounts of transfer are due to the elaboration of declarative knowledge. Our research provide a test of these two different explanation, by considering transfer between two subskills within the domain of elementary geometry and elementary algebra respectively, and the inference of learning method ("learning from examples" and "learning from declarative-text") and subject ability (high, middle, low) on the amounts of transfer. Within the domain of elementary geometry, the two subskills of generating proofs" (GP) and "explaining proofs" (EP) which are rest on the declarative knowledge of "theorems on the characters of parallelogram" share little procedures. Within the domain of elementary algebra, the two subskills of "calculation" (C) and "simplification" (S) which are rest on the declarative knowledge of "multiplication of radical" share some more procedures. The results demonstrate that: 1. Within the domain of elementary geometry, although little transfer was found between the two subskills of GP and EP within the total subjects, different results occurred when considering the factor of subject's ability. Within the high level subjects, significant positive transfer was found from EP to GP, while little transfer was found on the opposite direction (i. e. from GP to EP). Within the low level subjects, significant positive transfer was found from EP to GP, while significant negative transfer was found on the opposite direction. For the middle level subject, little transfer was found between the two subskills. 2. Within the domain of elementary algebra, significant positive transfer was found from S to C, while significant negative transfer was found on the opposite direction (i. e. from C to S), when considering the total subjects. The same pattern of transfer occurred within the middle level subjects and low level subject. Within the high level subjects, no transfer was found between the two subskills. 3. Within theses two domains, different learning methods yield little influence on transfer of training between subskills. Apparently, these results can not be attributed to either common procedures or elaboration of declarative knowledge. A kind of synthetic inspection is essential to construct a reasonable explanation of these results which should take into account the following three elements: (1) relations between the procedures of subskills; (2) elaboration of declarative knowledge; (3) elaboration of procedural knowledge. 排Excluding the factor of subject, transfer of training between subskills can be predicted and explained by analyzing the relations between the procedures of two subskills. However, when considering some certain subjects, the explanation of transfer of training between subskills must include subjects' elaboration of declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge, especially the influence of the elaboration on performing the other subskill. The fact that different learning methods yield little influence on transfer of training between subskills can be explained by the fact that these two methods did not effect the level of declarative knowledge. Protocol analysis provided evidence to support these hypothesis. From this research, we conclude that in order to expound the mechanisms of transfer of training between cognitive subskills rest on the same body of declarative knowledge, three elements must be considered synthetically which include: (1) relations between the procedures of subskills; (2) elaboration of declarative knowledge; (3) elaboration of procedural knowledge.


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Peron, N., Cox, S.J., Hutzler, S. and Weaire, D. (2007) Steady drainage in emulsions: corrections for surface Plateau borders and a model for high aqueous volume fraction. The European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter. 22: 341-351. Sponsorship: This research was supported by the European Space Agency (14914/02/NL/SH, 14308/00/NL/SG) (AO-99-031) CCN 002 MAP Project AO-99-075) and Science Foundation Ireland (RFP 05/RFP/PHY0016). SJC acknowledges support from EPSRC (EP/D071127/1).


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Raufaste, C., Dollet, B., Cox, S., Jiang, Y. and Graner, F. (2007). Yield drag in a two-dimensional foam flow around a circular obstacle: Effect of liquid fraction. European Physical Journal E, 23 (2), 217?228 Sponsorship: Y.J. is supported by US DOE under contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25396. S.C. is supported by EPSRC (EP/D071127/1)


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null Sponsorship: Financial support is acknowledged from the University of Wales Aberystwyth Senate Fund, the Ulysses France-Ireland Exchange Scheme and EPSRC (EP/D014956/1, EP/D048397/1, EP/D071127/1).


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Q. Shen and R. Jensen, 'Approximation-based feature selection and application for algae population estimation,' Applied Intelligence, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 167-181, 2008. Sponsorship: EPSRC RONO: EP/E058388/1


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Hutzler, S., Saadatfar, M., van der Net, A., Weaire, D. and Cox, S.J. (2007) The dynamics of a topological change in a system of soap films. Coll. Surf. A, 323:123-131. Sponsorship: This research was supported by the European Space Agency (contracts 14914/02/NL/SH and 14308/00/NL/SH), Science Foundation Ireland. (RFP 05/REP/PHY00/6), and the EU program COST P21 (The Physics of droplets). SJC acknowledges support from EPSRC (EP/D071127/1). MS is supported by the Irish Higher Education Authority (PRTLI-IITAC).


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S.J. Cox and E. Janiaud (2008) On the structure of quasi-two-dimensional foams. Phil. Mag. Letts. 88:693-701 Philosophical Magazine Letters Volume 88, Issue 9-10, 2008 Special Issue: Solid and Liquid Foams. In commemoration of Manuel Amaral Fortes The full text will be available 12 months after publication Sponsorship: We thank K. Brakke for his development and maintenance of the Surface Evolver code, I. Cantat, N. Denkov and F. Graner for their insightful comments on this work, and the participants in the Grenoble Foam Mechanics Workshop (2008) for their suggestions. EJ thanks D. Weaire and S. Hutzler for support, and ESA (MAP AO-99-108:C14914/02/NL/SH, MAP AO-99-075:C14308/00/NL/SH) for funding. SJC thanks the British Council Alliance programme, CNRS and EPSRC (EP/D048397/1, EP/D071127/1) for financial support.


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T. Boongoen and Q. Shen. 'Detecting False Identity through Behavioural Patterns', In Proceedings of International Crime Science Conference, British Library, London UK, 2008. Publisher's online version forthcoming.;The full text is currently unavailable in CADAIR pending approval by the publisher. Sponsorship: UK EPSRC grant EP/D057086


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Scully, Roger, Farrell, David, Representing Europe's Citizens? Electoral Institutions and the Failure of Parliamentary Representation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007), pp.xiii+230 RAE2008


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Zwiększanie składu Parlamentu Europejskiego jest zjawiskiem zrozumiałym i związanym z rozszerzaniem się Unii o kolejne państwa. Zazwyczaj zwiększenie składu PE następuje wraz z rozpoczęciem nowej kadencji. Niniejszy artykuł omawia jednakże przypadek zwiększenia składu PE podczas trwającej kadencji. Konieczność zwiększenia liczby mandatów przypadających części państw wywołana została wejściem w życie Traktatu Lizbońskiego, przewidującego zwiększenie liczby mandatów do PE z 736 do 754. W Traktacie nie umieszczono przepisu wskazującego, że przepisy dotyczące składu PE wejdą w życie od nowej kadencji, co zrodziło szereg problemów związanych przede wszystkim z wyborem trybu obsady dodatkowych mandatów. Rada Europejska zaproponowała 3 sposoby obsady dodatkowych mandatów: na podstawie wyników wyborów z czerwca 2009 r., w drodze wyborów przeprowadzonych ad hoc, przez parlamenty narodowe spośród swych członków. Wszystkie państwa członkowskie, w tym Polska, zdecydowały się na wybór pierwszego ze wskazanych sposobów. Zdaniem autora, przyjęty w Polsce sposób obsady dodatkowego mandatu dokonany na podstawie przeprowadzonych już wyborów jest wątpliwy z punktu widzenia zgodności z Konstytucją RP.


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Today, the only surviving wild population of giant tortoises in the Indian Ocean occurs on the island of Aldabra. However, giant tortoises once inhabited islands throughout the western Indian Ocean. Madagascar, Africa, and India have all been suggested as possible sources of colonization for these islands. To address the origin of Indian Ocean tortoises (Dipsochelys, formerly Geochelone gigantea), we sequenced the 12S, 16S, and cyt b genes of the mitochondrial DNA. Our phylogenetic analysis shows Dipsochelys to be embedded within the Malagasy lineage, providing evidence that Indian Ocean giant tortoises are derived from a common Malagasy ancestor. This result points to Madagascar as the source of colonization for western Indian Ocean islands by giant tortoises. Tortoises are known to survive long oceanic voyages by floating with ocean currents, and thus, currents flowing northward towards the Aldabra archipelago from the east coast of Madagascar would have provided means for the colonization of western Indian Ocean islands. Additionally, we found an accelerated rate of sequence evolution in the two Malagasy Pyxis species examined. This finding supports previous theories that shorter generation time and smaller body size are related to an increase in mitochondrial DNA substitution rate in vertebrates.


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The extinction of the giant tortoises of the Seychelles Archipelago has long been suspected but is not beyond doubt. A recent morphological study of the giant tortoises of the western Indian Ocean concluded that specimens of two native Seychelles species survive in captivity today alongside giant tortoises of Aldabra, which are numerous in zoos as well as in the wild. This claim has been controversial because some of the morphological characters used to identify these species, several measures of carapace morphology, are reputed to be quite sensitive to captive conditions. Nonetheless, the potential survival of giant tortoise species previously thought extinct presents an exciting scenario for conservation. We used mitochondrial DNA sequences and nuclear microsatellites to examine the validity of the rediscovered species of Seychelles giant tortoises. Our results indicate that the morphotypes suspected to represent Seychelles species do not show levels of variation and genetic structuring consistent with long periods of reproductive isolation. We found no variation in the mitochondrial control region among 55 individuals examined and no genetic structuring in eight microsatellite loci, pointing to the survival of just a single lineage of Indian Ocean tortoises.


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Population introduction is an important tool for ecosystem restoration. However, before introductions should be conducted, it is important to evaluate the genetic, phenotypic and ecological suitability of possible replacement populations. Careful genetic analysis is particularly important if it is suspected that the extirpated population was unique or genetically divergent. On the island of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, the introduction of greater prairie chickens (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) to replace the extinct heath hen (T. cupido cupido) is being considered as part of an ecosystem restoration project. Martha's Vineyard was home to the last remaining heath hen population until its extinction in 1932. We conducted this study to aid in determining the suitability of greater prairie chickens as a possible replacement for the heath hen. We examined mitochondrial control region sequences from extant populations of all prairie grouse species (Tympanuchus) and from museum skin heath hen specimens. Our data suggest that the Martha's Vineyard heath hen population represents a divergent mitochondrial lineage. This result is attributable either to a long period of geographical isolation from other prairie grouse populations or to a population bottleneck resulting from human disturbance. The mtDNA diagnosability of the heath hen contrasts with the network of mtDNA haplotypes of other prairie grouse (T. cupido attwateri, T. pallidicinctus and T. phasianellus), which do not form distinguishable mtDNA groupings. Our findings suggest that the Martha's Vineyard heath hen was more genetically isolated than are current populations of prairie grouse and place the emphasis for future research on examining prairie grouse adaptations to different habitat types to assess ecological exchangeability between heath hens and greater prairie chickens.