999 resultados para Estruturas em balcão
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2016.
A produção aditiva tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais importância no contexto atual pois, através destes processos, é possível criar protótipos de forma rápida que permitem de forma eficaz a visualização do modelo mas também, nalguns casos, a verificação da funcionalidade do mesmo. Este tipo de fabrico está em ascensão e estão constantemente a serem exploradas novas aplicações. Na produção aditiva, o material de suporte gerado para suportar a construção tem elevada importância no tempo e custo do processo. Neste contexto, torna-se cada vez mais evidente que é necessário entender o comportamento mecânico desta estrutura de modo a tornar o processo mais rápido e com menores custos sem comprometer a resistência das peças produzidas por este. O processo de FDM é um dos processos de produção aditiva que constrói modelos camada a camada a partir de ficheiros CAD que são tratados no software da máquina por forma a dividir o modelo em várias camadas finas que geram várias secções com as geometrias correspondentes. A construção do modelo físico é feita através da extrusão e deposição de polímeros consoante a secção pretendida. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a caracterização mecânica do material de suporte gerado aquando a construção da peça final pretendida. Foi com este objetivo que foram criados modelos de teste através do processo de FDM para serem submetidos a ensaios de compressão de modo a entender de que forma o material de suporte influencia na resistência final do modelo. Da análise dos dados obtidos é possível concluir que o material de suporte não aumenta a resistência das peças produzidas.
Começa-se por se fazer uma resenha histórica sobre barragens e a sua classificação, apresentam-se os critérios gerais a usar na escolha dos locais para implantação de barragens e o tipo de barragens a construir em função das características desses locais e dos materiais disponíveis e apresenta-se uma pequena nota sobre barragens portuguesas e um resumo geral da legislação nacional aplicável. Segue-se uma parte sobre os tipos usuais de barragens. Apresentam-se as características gerais das barragens de aterro, os seus perfis-tipo, os mecanismos de protecção do coroamento e dos paramentos e as diferentes soluções de controlo da percolação através das barragens e das respectivas fundações. Em seguida, apresentam-se as barragens de betão do tipo gravidade. Definem-se as forças actuantes, avaliam-se as tensões e os deslocamentos provocados por essas forças e apresentam-se as vias a usar na verificação da estabilidade em relação ao derrubamento e ao escorregamento. Apresentam-se também as barragens de contrafortes e do tipo abóbada, os seus perfis-tipo e os mecanismos de análise da sua estabilidade. Em seguida, estudam-se os evacuadores de cheias de barragens. Começa-se por definir os diferentes tipos de evacuadores, apresentando-se os critérios a usar na sua escolha. Em seguida, faz-se uma análise aprofundada sobre os mais importantes, incluindo as suas leis de vazão e os respectivos critérios de dimensionamento. Os dissipadores de energia usuais em barragens são também objeto de estudo particular. Depois de uma revisão sobre ressaltos hidráulicos em canais rectangulares, faz-se a apresentação geral das bacias de dissipação por ressalto hidráulico, bacias normalizadas USBR tipos II, III e IV, e dos respectivos critérios de dimensionamento. Faz-se também um estudo sobre tomadas de água em albufeiras e descargas de fundo. Por último e em Anexo, apresentam-se os textos completos da legislação portuguesa referente a barragens.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the horizontal and vertical structures of tree community in regeneration in a fragment of a secondary riparian forest at approximately 30 years of age and to identify the most abundant species in each fragment of the forest to determine the sucessional stage. An area of 800 m² was subdivided into 16 samples of 10 x 5 m and all individuals with DBH ≥ 1 cm were sampled and identified for the following analyzes: horizontal parameters (DR, FR, DoR, IVC and IVI), vertical parameters (PSR and RNR) and mixed parameters, from of value of increased importance index (IVIa). The survey measured 689 individuals, belonging to 38 families, 74 genus and 109 species. The total density was 8,614 individuals/ha. The index of Shannon´s diversity was 3.99 and the index of Pielou´s equability was 0.85. Tibouchina pulchra, Psychotria suterella and Endlicheria paniculata obtained high values of IVIa. Guarea macrophylla, Gomidesia anacardiaefolia, Xylopia langsdorffiana and Endlicheria paniculata achieved high values of RNT, indicating adequate natural regeneration in the plot. The initial secondary and umbrophylous species showed the highest ecological importance in this fragment of the forest, with the highest values of sociologic position and importance index. Furthermore, the presence of late secondary species in all layers suggest that the studied fragment is in intermediate succession degree.
This paper presents the behavior of three bored piles conducted in diabasic soil submitted to uplift forces. The piles were built at the site for Experimental Studies in Soil Mechanics and Foundations of UNICAMP, located in the city of Campinas, Brazil. Field tests have already been conducted at the site (SPT, CPT, DMT and PMT), as well as laboratory tests by using sample soils taken from a well up to 17 m deep. The water table is not checked until a depth of 17 m. In order to check the behavior of the piles when submitted to uplift forces, slow static load tests were carried out as the recommendations of NBR 12131. The carrying capacity of these piles was also provided by means of theoretical methods, appropriate for uplift forces, and through semi-empirical methods appropriate for compression forces, considering only the portion of lateral resistance. The values estimated by using the considered methods were compared to those obtained by means of load tests. One of the tested piles was extracted from the soil to be the subject of a study on its geometry.
We estimate litter production and leaf decomposition rate in a cerradão area, physiognomy little studied and very threatened in São Paulo State. During the period of study, litter production was 5646.9 kg.ha-1.year-1, which the 'leaf' fraction corresponded to 4081.2 kg.ha¹.year¹; the 'branch' fraction, to 1066.1 kg.ha-1.year-1; the 'reproductive structures' fraction, to 434.1 kg.ha-1.year-1; and the 'miscellaneous' fraction to 65.5 kg.ha-1.year-1. Litter production was highly seasonal and negatively correlated with relative humidity and air temperature. Leaf production was negatively correlated with relative humidity, rainfall, and air temperature. There was no significant difference between litter production found in this study and those in two other sites with cerradão and semideciduous forest, but these physiognomies differed significantly from the cerrado sensu stricto. Leaf decomposition rate (K) was 0.56. Half-life of the decomposing material was 1.8 years and turnover time was 2.3 years.
Size distributions in woody plant populations have been used to assess their regeneration status, assuming that size structures with reverse-J shapes represent stable populations. We present an empirical approach of this issue using five woody species from the Cerrado. Considering count data for all plants of these five species over a 12-year period, we analyzed size distribution by: a) plotting frequency distributions and their adjustment to the negative exponential curve and b) calculating the Gini coefficient. To look for a relationship between size structure and future trends, we considered the size structures from the first census year. We analyzed changes in number over time and performed a simple population viability analysis, which gives the mean population growth rate, its variance and the probability of extinction in a given time period. Frequency distributions and the Gini coefficient were not able to predict future trends in population numbers. We recommend that managers should not use measures of size structure as a basis for management decisions without applying more appropriate demographic studies.
In this paper I present some evidencie that forces us to conclude that within the Minimalist Program (Chomsky 1993; 1995), Binding Theory (BT) should be computed after LF (Logical Form). I show that derivations leading to structures containing violations of BT-Principles must converge at LF, since less economical alternative derivations respecting those principles are also ungrammatical. Being irrelevant to the notion of convergence, BT must apply after LF. A similar reasoning reveals that the Theta-Criterion should have the status of a bare output condition appling at LF, since less economical derivations are allowed by the computational system to prevent violations of it.
The unusual development of branches along the stem of Euterpe edulis is described for the first time. Branches originated at 2 to 190 cm from the ground. Ramified individuals and branches were able to produce reproductive structures and some branches produced roots. A plausible cause for the observed anomaly could be genetic problems due to small population sizes. The better agreement of this process can have a positive effect in the harvest of the heart of palm through the artificial induction of sprouts, what would prevent the death of the individual.
The XX male syndrome - Testicular Disorder of Sexual Differentiation (DSD) is a rare condition characterized by a spectrum of clinical presentations, ranging from ambiguous to normal male genitalia. We report hormonal, molecular and cytogenetic evaluations of a boy presenting with this syndrome. Examination of the genitalia at age of 16 months, showed: penis of 3.5 cm, proximal hypospadia and scrotal testes. Pelvic ultrasound did not demonstrate Mullerian duct structures. Karyotype was 46,XX. Gonadotrophin stimulation test yielded insufficient testosterone production. Gonadal biopsy showed seminiferous tubules without evidence of Leydig cells. Molecular studies revealed that SRY and TSPY genes and also DYZ3 sequences were absent. In addition, the lack of deletions or duplications of SOX9, NR5A1, WNT4 and NROB1 regions was verified. The infant was heterozygous for all microsatellites at the 9p region, including DMRT1 gene, investigated. Only 10% of the patients are SRY-negative and usually they have ambiguous genitalia, as the aforementioned patient. The incomplete masculinization suggests gain of function mutation in one or more genes downstream to SRY gene.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física