1000 resultados para Espessura óptima de isolamento térmico


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar se a forma física da ração (farelada e peletizada) afeta a porosidade e espessura da casca, e porcentagem de perda de água e eclodibilidade de ovos de perdiz. Os ovos foram coletados logo após a postura e separados em diferentes intervalos de peso (35-45g, 46-50g, 51-55g, 56-60g e 61-70g), sendo 10 ovos/classe/ração. O número de poros das cascas foi avaliado nas regiões apical, equatorial e basal dos ovos. Utilizou-se um micrômetro digital para a mensuração da espessura das três regiões da casca dos ovos, a partir dos quais obteve-se a espessura média por ovo. Os ovos para avaliação da eclodibilidade e porcentagem de perda de água do ovo até a transferência para o nascedouro (16º dia) foram pesados, desinfectados, incubados (T=35,5ºC e UR= 70%) e transferidos no 16º dia de incubação para o nascedouro, onde foram mantidos até a eclosão. As análises estatísticas empregadas foram: Análise de Variância e de Correlação, e teste de Tukey 5%. Os dados mostraram que, em perdizes, o número de poros na casca pode variar com a região da casca, peso do ovo e a forma física da ração, e que a ingestão de ração peletizada promove um aumento na espessura da casca dos ovos sem alterar a eclodibilidade e a porcentagem de perda de água dos mesmos durante a incubação.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as alterações tegumentares (morfogênese da pena), em embriões de frangos de corte de linhagens de diferentes padrões de crescimento, obtidos de ovos incubados sob diferentes temperaturas. Os ovos foram obtidos de matrizes das linhagens Cobb 500 e ISA JA57, distribuídos proporcionalmente em três incubadoras. do primeiro (D1) ao sexto dia (D6) de incubação, utilizou-se uma temperatura padrão (37,8°C). A partir do sétimo dia (D7) e até o momento do nascimento aos 21 dias (D21), uma das incubadoras teve a temperatura reduzida para 36,8°C (fria) e uma outra alterada para 38,8°C (quente). A terceira incubadora foi mantida a 37,8°C (controle). O delineamento adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 2 (temperatura de incubação e linhagem). A temperatura de incubação e a linhagem não alteraram a densidade dos folículos da pena (número médio de folículos por área de 337,5µm²) nas regiões femural e dorsopélvica dos embriões até os 11 dias (D11). Entretanto, observou-se aumento na densidade folicular na região dorsal dos embriões aos 16 dias (D16) devido ao aumento da temperatura, permanecendo até o momento do nascimento. É possível oncluirque embriões incubados em temperatura acima da recomendada (38,8°C) apresentam uma maior densidade de folículos na região dorsopélvica. Apesar disso, a morfogênese dos folículos permaneceu inalterada.


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The present research aims at contributing to the area of detection and diagnosis of failure through the proposal of a new system architecture of detection and isolation of failures (FDI, Fault Detection and Isolation). The proposed architecture presents innovations related to the way the physical values monitored are linked to the FDI system and, as a consequence, the way the failures are detected, isolated and classified. A search for mathematical tools able to satisfy the objectives of the proposed architecture has pointed at the use of the Kalman Filter and its derivatives EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) and UKF (Unscented Kalman Filter). The use of the first one is efficient when the monitored process presents a linear relation among its physical values to be monitored and its out-put. The other two are proficient in case this dynamics is no-linear. After that, a short comparative of features and abilities in the context of failure detection concludes that the UFK system is a better alternative than the EKF one to compose the architecture of the FDI system proposed in case of processes of no-linear dynamics. The results shown in the end of the research refer to the linear and no-linear industrial processes. The efficiency of the proposed architecture may be observed since it has been applied to simulated and real processes. To conclude, the contributions of this thesis are found in the end of the text


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This work describes the study, the analysis, the project methodology and the constructive details of a high frequency DC/AC resonant series converter using sequential commutation techniques for the excitation of an inductive coupled thermal plasma torch. The aim of this thesis is to show the new modulation technique potentialities and to present a technological option for the high-frequency electronic power converters development. The resonant converter operates at 50 kW output power under a 400 kHz frequency and it is constituted by inverter cells using ultra-fast IGBT devices. In order to minimize the turn-off losses, the inverter cells operates in a ZVS mode referred by a modified PLL loop that maintains this condition stable, despite the load variations. The sequential pulse gating command strategy used it allows to operate the IGBT devices on its maximum power limits using the derating and destressing current scheme, as well as it propitiates a frequency multiplication of the inverters set. The output converter is connected to a series resonant circuit constituted by the applicator ICTP torch, a compensation capacitor and an impedance matching RF transformer. At the final, are presented the experimental results and the many tests achieved in laboratory as form to validate the proposed new technique


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This master dissertation presents the development of a fault detection and isolation system based in neural network. The system is composed of two parts: an identification subsystem and a classification subsystem. Both of the subsystems use neural network techniques with multilayer perceptron training algorithm. Two approaches for identifica-tion stage were analyzed. The fault classifier uses only residue signals from the identification subsystem. To validate the proposal we have done simulation and real experiments in a level system with two water reservoirs. Several faults were generated above this plant and the proposed fault detection system presented very acceptable behavior. In the end of this work we highlight the main difficulties found in real tests that do not exist when it works only with simulation environments


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The work aimed at presenting analyses and comparisons of the thermal performance of a laying hens housing in the region of Bastos, in the state of São Paulo, adapted from natural alternatives of acclimatization, having a not adapted housing as reference, that is, of a more common typology in the area, and another one, artificially acclimatized. The index evaluated was the temperature and humidity (THI), the black globe temperature and humidity index (GTHI) and the thermal radiation charge (TRC). It was calculated from the measurement of the temperature of dry bulb, temperature of wet bulb, temperature of black globe and air speed. The measurements were made both in the intern and the extern environment, at four times (5 a.m, 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. o'clock) and in two seasons (late spring and early summer), for ten days in a row. The results allow to conclude that the house naturally acclimatized (NA) has presented intermediate performance as compared with the others, making it to possible to control environment at adequate levels only during spring.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In the last decades there was a concentrate effort of researchers in the search for options to the problem of the continuity of city development and environmental preservation. The recycling and reuse of materials in industry have been considerate as the best option to sustainable development. One of the relevant aspects in this case refers to the rational use of electrical energy. At this point, the role of engineering is to conceive new processes and materials, with the objective of reducing energy consumption and maintaining, at the same time the benefits of the technology. In this context, the objective of the present research is to analyze quantitatively the thermal behavior of walls constructed with concrete blocks which composition aggregates the expanded polystyrene (EPS) reused in the shape of flakes and in the shape of a board, resulting in a “light concrete”. Experiments were conducted, systematically, with a wall (considerate as a standard) constructed with blocks of ordinary concrete; two walls constructed with blocks of light concrete, distinct by the proportion of EPS/sand; a wall of ceramic bricks (“eight holes” type) and a wall with ordinary blocks of cement, in a way to obtain a comparative analysis of the thermal behavior of the systems. Others tests conducted with the blocks were: stress analysis and thermal properties analysis (ρ, cp e k). Based on the results, it was possible to establish quantitative relationship between the concentration (density) of EPS in the constructive elements and the decreasing of the heat transfer rate, that also changes the others thermal properties of the material, as was proved. It was observed that the walls of light concrete presents better thermal behavior compared with the other two constructive systems world wide used. Based in the results of the investigation, there was shown the viability of the use of EPS as aggregate (raw material) in the composition of the concrete, with the objective of the fabrication of blocks to non-structural masonry that works as a thermal insulation in buildings. A direct consequence of this result is the possibility of reduction of the consume of the electrical energy used to climatization of buildings. Other aspect of the investigation that must be pointed was the reuse of the EPS as a raw material to civil construction, with a clear benefit to reducing of environmental problems


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A housing unit was built to study the thermal performance, and of material using a composite made of gypsum and EPS ground. We used two techniques of construction, using blocks, and filling on the spot. Two compositions of the composite were studied. The blocks were fixed using conventional mortar. In the technical of filling on the spot were used PET bottles up inside the walls to provide mechanical and thermal resistance. Compression tests were realized according to the ABNT standard of sealing bricks. It is going to be shown an analysis of the thermal comfort through the use of thermocouples placed on the walls of the building, internally and externally. The manufacturing viability of houses, using recyclable materials, through the use of composite materials proposed will be demonstrated. The constructive aspects showing the advantages and disadvantages of the technique used also will be broached. The block used presents structural functions and thermal insulating, is low cost and represents an alternative to the use of EPS and PET bottles which are materials that end up occupying much space in the landfills, giving than an ecologically correct use. The results of thermal analysis shows the thermal comfort provided by the composite by the obtainment of a difference between the internal and external surfaces of the walls more exposed to the sun around 7º C. The average temperature of the air inside the building, around 28.0 º C was below the zone of thermal comfort recommended for countries with hot weather


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It presents a solar collector to be used in a system for heating water for bathing, whose main characteristics are low cost and easy manufacturing and assembly. The system operates under natural convection or thermosiphon. The absorbing surface of the collector is formed by twelve PVC pipes of 25 mm outside diameter connected in parallel via connections in T of the same material. The tubes were covered with absorbing fins made with recycled aluminum cans. We studied eight settings between absorber plate, thermal insulating EPS boards and thermal reservoirs 150 and 200 liters. It was determined the most efficient configuration for the correct purpose. We evaluated thermal parameters that proved the viability of the heating system studied


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ao pesquisar-se a presença de Salmonella a partir de materiais diversos, foram empregados vários meios de cultura e entre eles o meio Agar Xilose Lisina Verde Brilhante, com a finalidade de avaliá-lo em relação a outros meios seletivo-indicadores mais comumente empregados no isolamento desses microrganismos. Os resultados mostraram que o meio Agar Xilose Lisina Verde Brilhante foi inferior aos Agar SS e Agar Verde Brilhante, ligeiramente superior ao Agar EMB e superior ao Agar Sulfito de Bismuto no isolamento de Salmonella. Grande vantagem adicional desse meio é que as colônias de Salmonella apresentam-se facilmente identificáveis.


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The effect of confinement on the magnetic structure of vortices of dipolar coupled ferromagnetic nanoelements is an issue of current interest, not only for academic reasons, but also for the potential impact in a number of promising applications. Most applications, such as nano-oscillators for wireless data transmission, benefit from the possibility of tailoring the vortex core magnetic pattern. We report a theoretical study of vortex nucleation in pairs of coaxial iron and Permalloy cylinders, with diameters ranging from 21nm to 150nm, and 12nm and 21nm thicknesses, separated by a non-magnetic layer. 12nm thick iron and Permalloy isolated (single) cylinders do not hold a vortex, and 21nm isolated cylinders hold a vortex. Our results indicate that one may tailor the magnetic structure of the vortices, and the relative chirality, by selecting the thickness of the non-magnetic spacer and the values of the cylinders diameters and thicknesses. Also, the dipolar interaction may induce vortex formation in pairs of 12nm thick nanocylinders and inhibit the formation of vortices in pairs of 21nm thick nanocylinders. These new phases are formed according to the value of the distance between the cylinderes. Furthermore, we show that the preparation route may control relative chirality and polarity of the vortex pair. For instance: by saturating a pair of Fe 81nm diameter, 21nm thickness cylinders, along the crystalline anisotropy direction, a pair of 36nm core diameter vortices, with same chirality and polarity is prepared. By saturating along the perpendicular direction, one prepares a 30nm diameter core vortex pair, with opposite chirality and opposite polarity. We also present a theoretical discussion of the impact of vortices on the thermal hysteresis of a pair of interface biased elliptical iron nanoelements, separated by an ultrathin nonmagnetic insulating layer. We have found that iron nanoelements exchange coupled to a noncompensated NiO substrate, display thermal hysteresis at room temperature, well below the iron Curie temperature. The thermal hysteresis consists in different sequences of magnetic states in the heating and cooling branches of a thermal loop, and originates in the thermal reduction of the interface field, and on the rearrangements of the magnetic structure at high temperatures, 5 produce by the strong dipolar coupling. The width of the thermal hysteresis varies from 500 K to 100 K for lateral dimensions of 125 nm x 65 nm and 145 nm x 65 nm. We focus on the thermal effects on two particular states: the antiparallel state, which has, at low temperatures, the interface biased nanoelement with the magnetization aligned with the interface field and the second nanoelement aligned opposite to the interface field; and in the parallel state, which has both nanoelements with the magnetization aligned with the interface field at low temperatures. We show that the dipolar interaction leads to enhanced thermal stability of the antiparallel state, and reduces the thermal stability of the parallel state. These states are the key phases in the application of pairs of ferromagnetic nanoelements, separated by a thin insulating layer, for tunneling magnetic memory cells. We have found that for a pair of 125nm x 65nm nanoelements, separated by 1.1nm, and low temperature interface field strength of 5.88kOe, the low temperature state (T = 100K) consists of a pair of nearly parallel buckle-states. This low temperature phase is kept with minor changes up to T= 249 K when the magnetization is reduced to 50% of the low temperature value due to nucleation of a vortex centered around the middle of the free surface nanoelement. By further increasing the temperature, there is another small change in the magnetization due to vortex motion. Apart from minor changes in the vortex position, the high temperature vortex state remains stable, in the cooling branch, down to low temperatures. We note that wide loop thermal hysteresis may pose limits on the design of tunneling magnetic memory cells