906 resultados para Escalonamento multidimensional
The coastal Pacific Ocean off northern and central California encompasses the strongest seasonal upwelling zone in the California Current ecosystem. Headlands and bays here generate complex circulation features and confer unusual oceanographic complexity. We sampled the coastal epipelagic fish community of this region with a surface trawl in the summer and fall of 2000–05 to assess patterns of spatial and temporal community structure. Fifty-three species of fish were captured in 218 hauls at 34 fixed stations, with clupeiform species dominating. To examine spatial patterns, samples were grouped by location relative to a prominent headland at Point Reyes and the resulting two regions, north coast and Gulf of the Farallones, were plotted by using nonmetric multidimensional scaling. Seasonal and interannual patterns were also examined, and representative species were identified for each distinct community. Seven oceanographic variables measured concurrently with trawling were plotted by principal components analysis and tested for correlation with biotic patterns. We found significant differences in community structure by region, year, and season, but no interaction among main effects. Significant differences in oceanographic conditions mirrored the biotic patterns, and a match between biotic and hydrographic structure was detected. Dissimilarity between assemblages was mostly the result of differences in abundance and frequency of occurrence of about twelve common species. Community patterns were best described by a subset of hydrographic variables, including water depth, distance from shore, and any one of several correlated variables associated with upwelling intensity. Rather than discrete communities with clear borders and distinct member species, we found gradients in community structure and identified stations with similar fish communities by region and by proximity to features such as the San Francisco Bay.
Emergent properties of global political culture were examined using data from the World History Survey (WHS) involving 6,902 university students in 37 countries evaluating 40 figures from world history. Multidimensional scaling and factor analysis techniques found only limited forms of universality in evaluations across Western, Catholic/Orthodox, Muslim, and Asian country clusters. The highest consensus across cultures involved scientific innovators, with Einstein having the most positive evaluation overall. Peaceful humanitarians like Mother Theresa and Gandhi followed. There was much less cross-cultural consistency in the evaluation of negative figures, led by Hitler, Osama bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein. After more traditional empirical methods (e.g., factor analysis) failed to identify meaningful cross-cultural patterns, Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) was used to identify four global representational profiles: Secular and Religious Idealists were overwhelmingly prevalent in Christian countries, and Political Realists were common in Muslim and Asian countries. We discuss possible consequences and interpretations of these different representational profiles.
É presentada nesta dissertação uma análise espectral das equações de transporte de nêutrons, independente do tempo, em geometria unidimensional e bidimensional, na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN), utilizando o modelo de uma velocidade e multigrupo, considerando meios onde ocorrem o fenômeno da fissão nuclear. Esta análise espectral constitui-se na resolução de problemas de autovalores e respectivos autovetores, e reproduz a expressão para a solução geral analítica local das equações SN (para geometria unidimensional) ou das equações nodais integradas transversalmente (geometria retangular bidimensional) dentro de cada região homogeneizada do domínio espacial. Com a solução geral local determinada, métodos numéricos, tais como os métodos de matriz de resposta SN, podem ser derivados. Os resultados numéricos são gerados por programas de computadores implementados em MatLab, versão 2012, a fim de verificar a natureza dos autovalores e autovetores correspondentes no espaço real ou complexo.
Esta Dissertação irá apresentar a utilização de técnicas de controle nãolinear, tais como o controle adaptativo e robusto, de modo a controlar um sistema de Eletroestimulação Funcional desenvolvido pelo laboratório de Engenharia Biomédica da COPPE/UFRJ. Basicamente um Eletroestimulador Funcional (Functional Electrical Stimulation FES) se baseia na estimulação dos nervos motores via eletrodos cutâneos de modo a movimentar (contrair ou distender) os músculos, visando o fortalecimento muscular, a ativação de vias nervosas (reinervação), manutenção da amplitude de movimento, controle de espasticidade muscular, retardo de atrofias e manutenção de tonicidade muscular. O sistema utilizado tem por objetivo movimentar os membros superiores através do estímulo elétrico de modo a atingir ângulos-alvo pré-determinados para a articulação do cotovelo. Devido ao fato de não termos conhecimento pleno do funcionamento neuro-motor humano e do mesmo ser variante no tempo, não-linear, com parâmetros incertos, sujeito a perturbações e completamente diferente para cada indivíduo, se faz necessário o uso de técnicas de controle avançadas na tentativa de se estabilizar e controlar esse tipo de sistema. O objetivo principal é verificar experimentalmente a eficácia dessas técnicas de controle não-linear e adaptativo em comparação às técnicas clássicas, de modo a alcançar um controle mais rápido, robusto e que tenha um desempenho satisfatório. Em face disso, espera-se ampliar o campo de utilização de técnicas de controle adaptativo e robusto, além de outras técnicas de sistemas inteligentes, tais como os algoritmos genéticos, provando que sua aplicação pode ser efetiva no campo de sistemas biológicos e biomédicos, auxiliando assim na melhoria do tratamento de pacientes envolvidos nas pesquisas desenvolvidas no Laboratório de Engenharia Biomédica da COPPE/UFRJ.
We examined the diets and habitat shift of juvenile red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the northeast Gulf of Mexico. Fish were collected from open sand-mud habitat (little to no relief), and artificial reef habitat (1-m3 concrete or PVC blocks), from June 1993 through December 1994. In 1994, fish settled over open habitat from June to September, as shown by trawl collections, then began shifting to reef habitat — a shift that was almost completed by December as observed by SCUBA visual surveys. Stomachs were examined from 1639 red snapper that ranged in size from 18.0 to 280.0 mm SL. Of these, 850 fish had empty stomachs, and 346 fish from open habitat and 443 fish from reef habitat contained prey. Prey were identified to the lowest possible taxon and quantified by volumetric measurement. Specific volume of particular prey taxa were calculated by dividing prey volume by individual fish weight. Red snapper shifted diets with increasing size. Small red snapper (<60 mm SL) fed mostly on chaetognaths, copepods, shrimp, and squid. Large red snapper (60–280 mm SL) shifted feeding to fish prey, greater amounts of squid and crabs, and continued feeding on shrimp. We compared red snapper diets for overlapping size classes (70–160 mm SL) of fish that were collected from both habitats (Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index and multidimensional scaling analysis). Red snapper diets separated by habitat type rather than fish size for the size ranges that overlapped habitats. These diet shifts were attributed to feeding more on reef prey than on open-water prey. Thus, the shift in habitat shown by juvenile red snapper was reflected in their diet and suggested differential habitat values based not just on predation refuge but food resources as well.
Little is known about the ocean distributions of wild juvenile coho salmon off the Oregon-Washington coast. In this study we report tag recoveries and genetic mixed-stock estimates of juvenile fish caught in coastal waters near the Columbia River plume. To support the genetic estimates, we report an allozyme-frequency baseline for 89 wild and hatchery-reared coho salmon spawning populations, extending from northern California to southern British Columbia. The products of 59 allozyme-encoding loci were examined with starch-gel electrophoresis. Of these, 56 loci were polymorphic, and 29 loci had P0.95 levels of polymorphism. Average heterozygosities within populations ranged from 0.021 to 0.046 and averaged 0.033. Multidimensional scaling of chord genetic distances between samples resolved nine regional groups that were sufficiently distinct for genetic mixed-stock analysis. About 2.9% of the total gene diversity was due to differences among populations within these regions, and 2.6% was due to differences among the nine regions. This allele-frequency data base was used to estimate the stock proportions of 730 juvenile coho salmon in offshore samples collected from central Oregon to northern Washington in June and September-October 1998−2000. Genetic mixed-stock analysis, together with recoveries of tagged or fin-clipped fish, indicates that about one half of the juveniles came from Columbia River hatcheries. Only 22% of the ocean-caught juveniles were wild fish, originating largely from coastal Oregon and Washington rivers (about 20%). Unlike previous studies of tagged juveniles, both tag recoveries and genetic estimates indicate the presence of fish from British Columbia and Puget Sound in southern waters. The most salient feature of genetic mixed stock estimates was the paucity of wild juveniles from natural populations in the Columbia River Basin. This result reflects the large decrease in the abundances of these populations in the last few decades.
The rockfishes of the sebastid genus Sebastes are a very important fishery resource off the coasts of California and southern Oregon. How-ever, many of the 54 managed stocks of west coast rockfish have recently reached historically low population levels, leading fishery managers to re-examine current management practices. Management of rockfish stocks as multispecies aggregates, as opposed to independent stocks within the ground-fish fishery, can be more desirable when nontargeted bycatch, discard, and management complexity are considered. Rockfish assemblage structure and species co-occurrences were determined by using data from the Alaska Fisheries Science Center triennial continental shelf bottom trawl survey. The weight of rockfish species in trawl catches was expressed as a catch-per-unit-of-effort (CPUE) statistic, from which species spatial distributions, overlaps, diversity, and richness were analyzed. Multidimensional scaling of transformed CPUE data was employed in indirect gradient and multivariate partitioning analyses to quantify assemblage relationships. Results indicated that rockfish distributions closely match the bathymetry of coastal waters. Indirect gradient analysis suggested that depth and latitude are the principal factors in structuring the spatial distributions of rockfish on trawlable habitat. In addition, four assemblages were identified through the joint evaluation of species’ distributions and multivariate partitioning analyses: 1) deep-water slope; 2) northern shelf; 3) southern shelf; and 4) nearshore. The slope, shelf, and near-shore groups are found in depth ranges of 200–500 m, 100–250 m, and 50–150 m, respectively. The division of northern and southern shelf assemblages occurs over a broad area between Cape Mendocino and Monterey Canyon. The results of this analysis are likely to have direct application in the management of rockfish stocks off the coasts of southern Oregon and California.
对云南僰人32份男性DNA样本进行Y染色体单倍型以及mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)单倍型分析,结果发现云南僰人的父系和母系遗传组分都表现出典型的南方人群的遗传特征.由僰人的数据结合已经发表的东亚人群的Y染色体和mtDNA单倍型(haplotype)数据进行Multidimensional Scaling(MDS)分析,结果表明,在MDS分布图中僰人群体的Y染色体单倍型和mtDNA单倍型都与南方人群聚在一起.这一结果支持僰人的遗传族源为东亚南方人群后裔,与考古学的推论相一致.结合历史和考古学证据来探讨僰人的起源和史前迁移,为揭开"僰人悬棺"这种独特的考古文化的起源和史前传播提供遗传学的研究证据.
In recent years, the ecological degradation, loss of technological sustenance and other multidimensional consequences caused by shrimp farming have made the experts and authorities bound to rethink about the development of the industry. The present study describes the water and sediment quality, and culture and management techniques in five selected shrimp farms at Paikgacha, Khulna throughout a production cycle from March to September 1997. The water quality parameters were found to be more or less suitable throughout the cycle. The concentration of the limiting major nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus and minor nutrients such as calcium and magnesium were satisfactorily high, concentrations of the organic matter content were also high. Remarkable negative correlation of shrimp production with secchi depth was observed among the farms. Production per cycle ranged between 273 kg/ha and as low as 63 kg/ha.
In this study, in order to assess the ecological health status and zoning of soft bottom of Gorgan Bay, the spatial and temporal distribution of macrofauna and their relationship with environmental stress were investigated. Sediment samples were collected using a Van Veen grab at 22 sampling points, seasonally during 2012-2013. The averages (±SD) of the percentages of sand, silt, clay and TOM (Total Organic Matter) in the sediment samples were determined (44.4± 15, 53.4 ± 14, and 2.2 ±2.2 and 7.2% ± 1.6, respectively). Our results showed that mean (range) of Al, As, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in the sediment samples were 1.2 % (0.4-2.1), 4.8 (2.5- 10.3) ppm, 10.5 (4.4-16.9) ppm, 1 (0.4 – 1.6) % , 13.6 (6.2-21.5) ppm, 9.1 (4.7-12.9) ppm and 23.9 (3.1-39.4) ppm, respectively. In spring, both Al and Ni were higher than the guideline level. In the event that arsenic was exceeds the guidelines in summer. In this study, 14 species of macrofauna from 12 families were identified. Polychaeta with 3 species was the most dominant group in terms of abundance. The four most abundant taxa making up 85% of all specimens (Streblospio gynobranchiata, Tubificidae, Hediste versicolor and Abra segmentum). The western area were characterized by the higher species diversity (H', 1.94). So Gorgan Bay presents transitional macrobenthic assemblages that are spatially distributed along substrate gradients .The mean of Shannon index, BENTIX, BO2A, AMBI and M-AMBI in the bay was 1.3, 2.2, 0.4, 3.2 and 0.65 respectively. According to the results of these indices, ecological status of the western part of the bay assessed better than the other parts. According to the results of the nmMDS (non-metric Multidimensional Scaling), PCA (Principal Components Analysis), the map of distribution of heavy metals and the map of the ecological status , it seems Gorgan Bay is divided into two separate zones (the eastern and the western parts).M-AMBI finaly introduced reliable index for assessing the ecological status of the Bay.
A common approach to visualise multidimensional data sets is to map every data dimension to a separate visual feature. It is generally assumed that such visual features can be judged independently from each other. However, we have recently shown that interactions between features do exist [Hannus et al. 2004; van den Berg et al. 2005]. In those studies, we first determined individual colour and size contrast or colour and orientation contrast necessary to achieve a fixed level of discrimination performance in single feature search tasks. These contrasts were then used in a conjunction search task in which the target was defined by a combination of a colour and a size or a colour and an orientation. We found that in conjunction search, despite the matched feature discriminability, subjects significantly more often chose an item with the correct colour than one with correct size or orientation. This finding may have consequences for visualisation: the saliency of information coded by objects' size or orientation may change when there is a need to simultaneously search for colour that codes another aspect of the information. In the present experiment, we studied whether a colour bias can also be found in a more complex and continuous task, Subjects had to search for a target in a node-link diagram consisting of SO nodes, while their eye movements were being tracked, Each node was assigned a random colour and size (from a range of 10 possible values with fixed perceptual distances). We found that when we base the distances on the mean threshold contrasts that were determined in our previous experiments, the fixated nodes tend to resemble the target colour more than the target size (Figure 1a). This indicates that despite the perceptual matching, colour is judged with greater precision than size during conjunction search. We also found that when we double the size contrast (i.e. the distances between the 10 possible node sizes), this effect disappears (Figure 1b). Our findings confirm that the previously found decrease in salience of other features during colour conjunction search is also present in more complex (more 'visualisation- realistic') visual search tasks. The asymmetry in visual search behaviour can be compensated for by manipulating step sizes (perceptual distances) within feature dimensions. Our results therefore also imply that feature hierarchies are not completely fixed and may be adapted to the requirements of a particular visualisation. Copyright © 2005 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
Humans develop rich mental representations that guide their behavior in a variety of everyday tasks. However, it is unknown whether these representations, often formalized as priors in Bayesian inference, are specific for each task or subserve multiple tasks. Current approaches cannot distinguish between these two possibilities because they cannot extract comparable representations across different tasks [1-10]. Here, we develop a novel method, termed cognitive tomography, that can extract complex, multidimensional priors across tasks. We apply this method to human judgments in two qualitatively different tasks, "familiarity" and "odd one out," involving an ecologically relevant set of stimuli, human faces. We show that priors over faces are structurally complex and vary dramatically across subjects, but are invariant across the tasks within each subject. The priors we extract from each task allow us to predict with high precision the behavior of subjects for novel stimuli both in the same task as well as in the other task. Our results provide the first evidence for a single high-dimensional structured representation of a naturalistic stimulus set that guides behavior in multiple tasks. Moreover, the representations estimated by cognitive tomography can provide independent, behavior-based regressors for elucidating the neural correlates of complex naturalistic priors. © 2013 The Authors.
Ecological responses to dam construction are poorly understood, especially for downstream benthic algal communities. We examined the responses of benthic algal communities in downstream reaches of a tributary of the Xiangxi River, China, to the construction of a small run-of-river dam. From February 2003 to August 2006, benthic algae, chemical factors, and habitat characteristics were monitored upstream and downstream of the dam site. This period spanned 6 mo before dam construction and 37 mo after dam construction. Benthic algal sampling yielded 199 taxa in 59 genera that belonged to Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, and Cyanophyta. Some physical factors (flow velocity, water depth, and channel width) and 3 algal metrics (diatom species richness, Margalef diversity, and % erect individuals) were significantly affected by the dam construction, whereas chemical factors (e.g., NH4-N, total N, SiO2) were not. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordinations showed that overall algal assemblage structure downstream of the dam sites was similar to that of upstream control sites before dam construction and for 1 year after dam construction (p > 0.05). However, sites belonging to upstream and downstream reaches were well separated on NMS axis 1 during the 2(nd) and 3(rd) years after dam construction. Our results suggest that impacts of dam construction on benthic algal communities took 2 to 3 y to emerge. Further development of a complete set of indicators is needed to address the impact of small-dam construction. Our observations underscore the need for additional studies that quantify ecological responses to dam construction over longer time spans.
This study consisted of sampling benthic algae at 32 sites in the Gangqu River, an important upstream tributary of the Yangtze River. Our aims were to characterize the benthic algae communities and relationships with environmental variables. Among the 162 taxa observed, Achnanthes linearis and Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptica were the dominant species (17.10% and 14.30% of the total relative abundance, respectively). Major gradients and principal patterns of variation within the environmental variables were detected by principal component analysis (PCA). Then non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) divided all the sites into three groups, which were validated by multi-response permutation procedures (MRPP). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that three environmental variables (TN, TDS, and TP) significantly affected the distribution of benthic algae. Weighted averaging regression and cross-calibration produced strong models for predicting TN and TDS concentration, which enabled selection of algae taxa as potentially sensitive indicators of certain TN and TDS levels: for TN, Achnanthes lanceolata, Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptica, and Cymbella ventricosa var. semicircularis; for TDS, Cocconeis placentula, Cymbella alpina var. minuta, and Fragilaria virescens. The present study represents an early step in establishing baseline conditions. Further monitoring is suggested to gain a better understanding of this region.
© 2015 John P. Cunningham and Zoubin Ghahramani. Linear dimensionality reduction methods are a cornerstone of analyzing high dimensional data, due to their simple geometric interpretations and typically attractive computational properties. These methods capture many data features of interest, such as covariance, dynamical structure, correlation between data sets, input-output relationships, and margin between data classes. Methods have been developed with a variety of names and motivations in many fields, and perhaps as a result the connections between all these methods have not been highlighted. Here we survey methods from this disparate literature as optimization programs over matrix manifolds. We discuss principal component analysis, factor analysis, linear multidimensional scaling, Fisher's linear discriminant analysis, canonical correlations analysis, maximum autocorrelation factors, slow feature analysis, sufficient dimensionality reduction, undercomplete independent component analysis, linear regression, distance metric learning, and more. This optimization framework gives insight to some rarely discussed shortcomings of well-known methods, such as the suboptimality of certain eigenvector solutions. Modern techniques for optimization over matrix manifolds enable a generic linear dimensionality reduction solver, which accepts as input data and an objective to be optimized, and returns, as output, an optimal low-dimensional projection of the data. This simple optimization framework further allows straightforward generalizations and novel variants of classical methods, which we demonstrate here by creating an orthogonal-projection canonical correlations analysis. More broadly, this survey and generic solver suggest that linear dimensionality reduction can move toward becoming a blackbox, objective-agnostic numerical technology.