943 resultados para Epithelial Cytokeratins


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Transcytosis of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) is stimulated by binding of its ligand, dimeric IgA (dIgA). During this process, dIgA binding at the basolateral surface of the epithelial cell transmits a signal to the apical region of the cell, which in turn stimulates the transport of dIgA–pIgR complex from a postmicrotubule compartment to the apical surface. We have previously reported that the signal of stimulation was controlled by a protein-tyrosine kinase (PTK) activated upon dIgA binding. We now show that this signal of stimulation moves across the cell independently of pIgR movement or microtubules and acts through the tyrosine kinase activity by releasing Ca++ from inositol trisphosphate–sensitive intracellular stores. Surprisingly we have found that a second independent signal is required to achieve dIgA-stimulated transcytosis of pIgR. This second signal depends on dIgA binding to the pIgR solely at the basolateral surface and the ability of pIgR to dimerize. This enables pIgR molecules that have bound dIgA at the basolateral surface to respond to the signal of stimulation once they reach the postmicrotubule compartment. We propose that the use of two signals may be a general mechanism by which signaling receptors maintain specificity along their signaling and trafficking pathways.


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In nonpolarized epithelial cells, microtubules originate from a broad perinuclear region coincident with the distribution of the Golgi complex and extend outward to the cell periphery (perinuclear [PN] organization). During development of epithelial cell polarity, microtubules reorganize to form long cortical filaments parallel to the lateral membrane, a meshwork of randomly oriented short filaments beneath the apical membrane, and short filaments at the base of the cell; the Golgi becomes localized above the nucleus in the subapical membrane cytoplasm (apiconuclear [AN] organization). The AN-type organization of microtubules is thought to be specialized in polarized epithelial cells to facilitate vesicle trafficking between the trans-Golgi Network (TGN) and the plasma membrane. We describe two clones of MDCK cells, which have different microtubule distributions: clone II/G cells, which gradually reorganize a PN-type distribution of microtubules and the Golgi complex to an AN-type during development of polarity, and clone II/J cells which maintain a PN-type organization. Both cell clones, however, exhibit identical steady-state polarity of apical and basolateral proteins. During development of cell surface polarity, both clones rapidly establish direct targeting pathways for newly synthesized gp80 and gp135/170, and E-cadherin between the TGN and apical and basolateral membrane, respectively; this occurs before development of the AN-type microtubule/Golgi organization in clone II/G cells. Exposure of both clone II/G and II/J cells to low temperature and nocodazole disrupts >99% of microtubules, resulting in: 1) 25–50% decrease in delivery of newly synthesized gp135/170 and E-cadherin to the apical and basolateral membrane, respectively, in both clone II/G and II/J cells, but with little or no missorting to the opposite membrane domain during all stages of polarity development; 2) ∼40% decrease in delivery of newly synthesized gp80 to the apical membrane with significant missorting to the basolateral membrane in newly established cultures of clone II/G and II/J cells; and 3) variable and nonspecific delivery of newly synthesized gp80 to both membrane domains in fully polarized cultures. These results define several classes of proteins that differ in their dependence on intact microtubules for efficient and specific targeting between the Golgi and plasma membrane domains.


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Fascin is an actin-bundling protein that is found in membrane ruffles, microspikes, and stress fibers. The expression of fascin is greatly increased in many transformed cells, as well as in specialized normal cells including neuronal cells and antigen-presenting dendritic cells. A morphological characteristic common to these cells expressing high levels of fascin is the development of many membrane protrusions in which fascin is predominantly present. To examine whether fascin contributes to the alterations in microfilament organization at the cell periphery, we have expressed fascin in LLC-PK1 epithelial cells to levels as high as those found in transformed cells and in specialized normal cells. Expression of fascin results in large changes in morphology, the actin cytoskeleton, and cell motility: fascin-transfected cells form an increased number of longer and thicker microvilli on apical surfaces, extend lamellipodia-like structures at basolateral surfaces, and show disorganization of cell–cell contacts. Cell migration activity is increased by 8–17 times when assayed by modified Boyden chamber. Microinjection of a fascin protein into LLC-PK1 cells causes similar morphological alterations including the induction of lamellipodia at basolateral surfaces and formation of an increased number of microvilli on apical surfaces. Furthermore, microinjection of fascin into REF-52 cells, normal fibroblasts, induces the formation of many lamellipodia at all regions of cell periphery. These results together suggest that fascin is directly responsible for membrane protrusions through reorganization of the microfilament cytoskeleton at the cell periphery.


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Previously, we identified the heavy chain of ferritin as a developmentally regulated nuclear protein of embryonic chicken corneal epithelial cells. The nuclear ferritin is assembled into a supramolecular form indistinguishable from the cytoplasmic form of ferritin found in other cell types and thus most likely has iron-sequestering capabilities. Free iron, via the Fenton reaction, is known to exacerbate UV-induced and other oxidative damage to cellular components, including DNA. Since corneal epithelial cells are constantly exposed to UV light, we hypothesized that the nuclear ferritin might protect the DNA of these cells from free radical damage. To test this possibility, primary cultures of cells from corneal epithelium and stroma, and from skin epithelium and stroma, were UV irradiated, and DNA strand breaks were detected by an in situ 3′-end labeling method. Corneal epithelial cells without nuclear ferritin were also examined. We observed that the corneal epithelial cells with nuclear ferritin had significantly less DNA breakage than other cell types examined. Furthermore, increasing the iron concentration of the culture medium exacerbated the generation of UV-induced DNA strand breaks in corneal and skin fibroblasts, but not in the corneal epithelial cells. Most convincingly, corneal epithelial cells in which the expression of nuclear ferritin was inhibited became much more susceptible to UV-induced DNA damage. Therefore, it seems that corneal epithelial cells have evolved a novel, nuclear ferritin-based mechanism for protecting their DNA against UV damage.


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The importance of soluble N-ethyl maleimide (NEM)-sensitive fusion protein (NSF) attachment protein (SNAP) receptors (SNAREs) in synaptic vesicle exocytosis is well established because it has been demonstrated that clostridial neurotoxins (NTs) proteolyze the vesicle SNAREs (v-SNAREs) vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)/brevins and their partners, the target SNAREs (t-SNAREs) syntaxin 1 and SNAP25. Yet, several exocytotic events, including apical exocytosis in epithelial cells, are insensitive to numerous clostridial NTs, suggesting the presence of SNARE-independent mechanisms of exocytosis. In this study we found that syntaxin 3, SNAP23, and a newly identified VAMP/brevin, tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT)-insensitive VAMP (TI-VAMP), are insensitive to clostridial NTs. In epithelial cells, TI-VAMP–containing vesicles were concentrated in the apical domain, and the protein was detected at the apical plasma membrane by immunogold labeling on ultrathin cryosections. Syntaxin 3 and SNAP23 were codistributed at the apical plasma membrane where they formed NEM-dependent SNARE complexes with TI-VAMP and cellubrevin. We suggest that TI-VAMP, SNAP23, and syntaxin 3 can participate in exocytotic processes at the apical plasma membrane of epithelial cells and, more generally, domain-specific exocytosis in clostridial NT-resistant pathways.


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In Caenorhabditis elegans, the EGF receptor (encoded by let-23) is localized to the basolateral membrane domain of the epithelial vulval precursor cells, where it acts through a conserved Ras/MAP kinase signaling pathway to induce vulval differentiation. lin-10 acts in LET-23 receptor tyrosine kinase basolateral localization, because lin-10 mutations result in mislocalization of LET-23 to the apical membrane domain and cause a signaling defective (vulvaless) phenotype. We demonstrate that the previous molecular identification of lin-10 was incorrect, and we identify a new gene corresponding to the lin-10 genetic locus. lin-10 encodes a protein with regions of similarity to mammalian X11/mint proteins, containing a phosphotyrosine-binding and two PDZ domains. A nonsense lin-10 allele that truncates both PDZ domains only partially reduces lin-10 gene activity, suggesting that these protein interaction domains are not essential for LIN-10 function in vulval induction. Immunocytochemical experiments show that LIN-10 is expressed in vulval epithelial cells and in neurons. LIN-10 is present at low levels in the cytoplasm and at the plasma membrane and at high levels at or near the Golgi. LIN-10 may function in secretion of LET-23 to the basolateral membrane domain, or it may be involved in tethering LET-23 at the basolateral plasma membrane once it is secreted.


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While astral microtubules are believed to be primarily responsible for the stimulation of cytokinesis in Echinoderm embryos, it has been suggested that a signal emanating from the chromosomal region and mediated by the interzonal microtubules stimulates cytokinesis in cultured mammalian cells. To test this hypothesis, we examined cytokinesis in normal rat kidney cells treated with an inhibitor of topoisomerase II, (+)-1,2-bis(3,5-dioxopiperaz-inyl-1-yl)propane, which prevents the separation of sister chromatids and the formation of a spindle interzone. The majority of treated cells showed various degrees of abnormality in cytokinesis. Furrows frequently deviated from the equatorial plane, twisting daughter cells into irregular shapes. Some cells developed furrows in regions outside the equator or far away from the spindle. In addition, F-actin and myosin II accumulated at the lateral ingressing margins but did not form a continuous band along the equator as in control cells. Imaging of microinjected 5- (and 6-) carboxymtetramethylrhodamine-tubulin revealed that a unique set of microtubules projected out from the chromosomal vicinity upon anaphase onset. These microtubules emanated toward the lateral cortex, where they delineated sites of microtubule bundle formation, cortical ingression, and F-actin and myosin II accumulation. As centrosome integrity and astral microtubules appeared unperturbed by (+)-1,2-bis(3,5-dioxopiperaz-inyl-1-yl)propane treatment, the present observations cannot be easily explained by the conventional model involving astral microtubules. We suggest that in cultured epithelial cells the organization of the chromosomes dictates the organization of midzone microtubules, which in turn determines and maintains the cleavage activity.


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Contact of cultured mammary epithelial cells with the basement membrane protein laminin induces multiple responses, including cell shape changes, growth arrest, and, in the presence of prolactin, transcription of the milk protein β-casein. We sought to identify the specific laminin receptor(s) mediating the multiple cell responses to laminin. Using assays with clonal mammary epithelial cells, we reveal distinct functions for the α6β4 integrin, β1 integrins, and an E3 laminin receptor. Signals from laminin for β-casein expression were inhibited in the presence of function-blocking antibodies against both the α6 and β1 integrin subunits and by the laminin E3 fragment. The α6-blocking antibody perturbed signals mediated by the α6β4 integrin, and the β1-blocking antibody perturbed signals mediated by another integrin, the α subunit(s) of which remains to be determined. Neither α6- nor β1-blocking antibodies perturbed the cell shape changes resulting from cell exposure to laminin. However, the E3 laminin fragment and heparin both inhibited cell shape changes induced by laminin, thereby implicating an E3 laminin receptor in this function. These results elucidate the multiplicity of cell-extracellular matrix interactions required to integrate cell structure and signaling and ultimately permit normal cell function.


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Organization of proteins into structurally and functionally distinct plasma membrane domains is an essential characteristic of polarized epithelial cells. Based on studies with cultured kidney cells, we have hypothesized that a mechanism for restricting Na/K-ATPase to the basal-lateral membrane involves E-cadherin–mediated cell–cell adhesion and integration of Na/K-ATPase into the Triton X-100–insoluble ankyrin- and spectrin-based membrane cytoskeleton. In this study, we examined the relevance of these in vitro observations to the generation of epithelial cell polarity in vivo during mouse kidney development. Using differential detergent extraction, immunoblotting, and immunofluorescence histochemistry, we demonstrate the following. First, expression of the 220-kDa splice variant of ankyrin-3 correlates with the development of resistance to Triton X-100 extraction for Na/K-ATPase, E-cadherin, and catenins and precedes maximal accumulation of Na/K-ATPase. Second, expression of the 190-kDa slice variant of ankyrin-3 correlates with maximal accumulation of Na/K-ATPase. Third, Na/K-ATPase, ankyrin-3, and fodrin specifically colocalize at the basal-lateral plasma membrane of all epithelial cells in which they are expressed and during all stages of nephrogenesis. Fourth, the relative immunofluorescence staining intensities of Na/K-ATPase, ankyrin-3, and fodrin become more similar during development until they are essentially identical in adult kidney. Thus, renal epithelial cells in vivo regulate the accumulation of E-cadherin–mediated adherens junctions, the membrane cytoskeleton, and Na/K-ATPase through sequential protein expression and assembly on the basal-lateral membrane. These results are consistent with a mechanism in which generation and maintenance of polarized distributions of these proteins in vivo and in vitro involve cell–cell adhesion, assembly of the membrane cytoskeleton complex, and concomitant integration and retention of Na/K-ATPase in this complex.


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Neuregulin, or neu differentiation factor, induces cell proliferation or differentiation through interaction with members of the ErbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases. We report that neuregulin can also induce profound morphogenic responses in cultured epithelial cells of different origins. These effects include scattering of small epithelial islands and rearrangement of larger cell islands into ordered ring-shaped arrays with internal lumens. The ring-forming cells are interconnected by cadherin- and β-catenin-containing adherens junctions. In confluent cultures, neuregulin treatment induces formation of circular lumenlike gaps in the monolayer. Both cell scattering and ring formation are accompanied by a marked increase in cell motility that is independent of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor and its receptor (c-Met). Affinity-labeling experiments implied that a combination of ErbB-2 with ErbB-3 mediates the morphogenic signal of neuregulin in gastric cells. Indeed, a similar morphogenic effect could be reconstituted in nonresponsive cells by coexpression of ErbB-2 and -3. We conclude that a heterodimer between the kinase-defective neuregulin receptor, ErbB-3, and the coreceptor, ErbB-2, mediates the morphogenetic action of neuregulin.


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The small G protein K-Ras2A is rapidly induced by aldosterone in A6 epithelia. In these Xenopus sodium reabsorbing cells, aldosterone rapidly activates preexisting epithelial Na+ channels (XENaC) via a transcriptionally mediated mechanism. In the Xenopus oocytes expression system, we tested whether the K-Ras2A pathway impacts on XENaC activity by expressing XENaC alone or together with XK-Ras2A rendered constitutively active (XK-Ras2AG12V). As a second control, XENaC-expressing oocytes were treated with progesterone, a sex steroid that induces maturation of the oocytes similarly to activated Ras. Progesterone or XK-Ras2AG12V led to oocyte maturation characterized by a decrease in surface area and endogenous Na+ pump function. In both conditions, the surface expression of exogenous XENaC′s was also decreased; however, in comparison with progesterone-treated oocytes, XK-ras2AG12V-coinjected oocytes expressed a fivefold higher XENaC-mediated macroscopic Na+ current that was as high as that of control oocytes. Thus, the Na+ current per surface-expressed XENaC was increased by XK-Ras2AG12V. The chemical driving force for Na+ influx was not changed, suggesting that XK-Ras2AG12V increased the mean activity of XENaCs at the oocyte surface. These observations raise the possibility that XK-Ras2A, which is the first regulatory protein known to be transcriptionally induced by aldosterone, could play a role in the control of XENaC function in aldosterone target cells.


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Although extensively studied biochemically, members of the Protein 4.1 superfamily have not been as well characterized genetically. Studies of coracle, a Drosophila Protein 4.1 homologue, provide an opportunity to examine the genetic functions of this gene family. coracle was originally identified as a dominant suppressor of EgfrElp, a hypermorphic form of the Drosophila Epidermal growth factor receptor gene. In this article, we present a phenotypic analysis of coracle, one of the first for a member of the Protein 4.1 superfamily. Screens for new coracle alleles confirm the null coracle phenotype of embryonic lethality and failure in dorsal closure, and they identify additional defects in the embryonic epidermis and salivary glands. Hypomorphic coracle alleles reveal functions in many imaginal tissues. Analysis of coracle mutant cells indicates that Coracle is a necessary structural component of the septate junction required for the maintenance of the transepithelial barrier but is not necessary for apical–basal polarity, epithelial integrity, or cytoskeletal integrity. In addition, coracle phenotypes suggest a specific role in cell signaling events. Finally, complementation analysis provides information regarding the functional organization of Coracle and possibly other Protein 4.1 superfamily members. These studies provide insights into a range of in vivo functions for coracle in developing embryos and adults.


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Oncogenic transformation of cells alters their morphology, cytoskeletal organization, and adhesive interactions. When the mammary epithelial cell line MCF10A is transformed by activated H-Ras, the cells display a mesenchymal/fibroblastic morphology with decreased cell–cell junctions but increased focal adhesions and stress fibers. We have investigated whether the transformed phenotype is due to Rho activation. The Ras-transformed MCF10A cells have elevated levels of myosin light chain phosphorylation and are more contractile than their normal counterparts, consistent with the activation of Rho. Furthermore, inhibitors of contractility restore a more normal epithelial phenotype to the Ras-transformed MCF10A cells. However, inhibiting Rho by microinjection of C3 exotransferase or dominant negative RhoA only partially restores the normal phenotype, in that it fails to restore normal junctional organization. This result prompted us to examine the effect that inhibiting Rho would have on the junctions of normal MCF10A cells. We have found that inhibiting Rho by C3 microinjection leads to a disruption of E-cadherin cytoskeletal links in adherens junctions and blocks the assembly of new adherens junctions. The introduction of constitutively active Rho into normal MCF10A cells did not mimic the Ras-transformed phenotype. Thus, these results lead us to conclude that some, but not all, characteristics of Ras-transformed epithelial cells are due to activated Rho. Whereas Rho is needed for the assembly of adherens junctions, high levels of activated Rho in Ras-transformed cells contribute to their altered cytoskeletal organization. However, additional events triggered by Ras must also be required for the disruption of adherens junctions and the full development of the transformed epithelial phenotype.


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Examination of the process of immortal transformation in early passages of two human mammary epithelial cell (HMEC) lines suggests the involvement of an epigenetic step. These lines, 184A1 and 184B5, arose after in vitro exposure of finite lifespan 184 HMEC to a chemical carcinogen, and both are clonally derived. Although early-passage mass cultures of 184A1 and 184B5 maintained continuous slow growth, most individual cells lost proliferative ability. Uniform good growth did not occur until 20–30 passages after the lines first appeared. Early-passage cultures expressed little or no telomerase activity and telomeres continued to shorten with increasing passage. Telomerase activity was first detected when the telomeres became critically short, and activity levels gradually increased thereafter. Early-passage cultures had little or no ability to maintain growth in transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ); however, both mass cultures and clonal isolates showed a very gradual increase in the number of cells displaying progressively increased ability to maintain growth in TGFβ. A strong correlation between capacity to maintain growth in the presence of TGFβ and expression of telomerase activity was observed. We have used the term “conversion” to describe this process of gradual acquisition of increased growth capacity in the absence or presence of TGFβ and reactivation of telomerase. We speculate that the development of extremely short telomeres may result in gradual, epigenetic-based changes in gene expression. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of HMEC conversion in vitro may provide new insight into the process of carcinogenic progression in vivo and offer novel modes for therapeutic intervention.


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The expression of the cellular form of the prion protein (PrPc) gene is required for prion replication and neuroinvasion in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. The identification of the cell types expressing PrPc is necessary to understanding how the agent replicates and spreads from peripheral sites to the central nervous system. To determine the nature of the cell types expressing PrPc, a green fluorescent protein reporter gene was expressed in transgenic mice under the control of 6.9 kb of the bovine PrP gene regulatory sequences. It was shown that the bovine PrP gene is expressed as two populations of mRNA differing by alternative splicing of one 115-bp 5′ untranslated exon in 17 different bovine tissues. The analysis of transgenic mice showed reporter gene expression in some cells that have been identified as expressing PrP, such as cerebellar Purkinje cells, lymphocytes, and keratinocytes. In addition, expression of green fluorescent protein was observed in the plexus of the enteric nervous system and in a restricted subset of cells not yet clearly identified as expressing PrP: the epithelial cells of the thymic medullary and the endothelial cells of both the mucosal capillaries of the intestine and the renal capillaries. These data provide valuable information on the distribution of PrPc at the cellular level and argue for roles of the epithelial and endothelial cells in the spread of infection from the periphery to the brain. Moreover, the transgenic mice described in this paper provide a model that will allow for the study of the transcriptional activity of the PrP gene promoter in response to scrapie infection.