989 resultados para Episcopal Church. Diocese of Vermont


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Compare, Library Company of Philadelphia. Afro-Americana, 1553-1906, entry 5755.


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Este trabalho, situado entre os estudos de religião, sociologia e gênero analisa três documentos da Igreja Católica: Catecismo da Igreja Católica, Mulieris Dignitatem e Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, cujo foco principal é a sexualidade e a questão de gênero. Buscamos, com esta análise, compreender questões relacionadas ao discurso da Igreja Católica, bem como as práticas cotidianas das mulheres da Região Episcopal Brasilândia, bairro pesquisado da capital paulista. As análises foram fundamentais para fazer um contraponto entre o discurso católico sobre a sexualidade e as práticas dessas mulheres, que vivem em constante tensão entre prática da sexualidade e o discurso da Igreja Católica. Inicialmente, a análise faz um percurso histórico do discurso oficial dessa instituição católica sobre a sexualidade, articulado pelas teóricas Ivone Gebara, Priore, Schott, Ranke-Heinemann, entre outros. Tratamos, enfim, do conflito entre o discurso católico, conservador, e a prática dessas mulheres, numa visão progressista. Os autores pesquisados constatam um distanciamento dos fiéis em relação aos dogmas católicos, seja devido à secularização ou pelo fato de a Igreja Católica ter perdido parte da hegemonia como reguladora da vida dos fiéis.


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"Reprinted June 1925"--T.p. verso.


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Este trabalho pretende caracterizar a crescente alienação do padrado régio na diocese de Lisboa no período medieval. Um tal estudo é acompanhado de uma reflexão sobre a definição de uma tal instituição, da tipologia da documentação existente para o seu estudo, assim como de um conjunto de anexos que pretendem recensear a informação disponível sobre o assunto.


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Este trabalho pretende caracterizar a crescente alienação do padrado régio na diocese de Lisboa no período medieval. Um tal estudo é acompanhado de uma reflexão sobre a definição de uma tal instituição, da tipologia da documentação existente para o seu estudo, assim como de um conjunto de anexos que pretendem recensear a informação disponível sobre o assunto.


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Much of the information of historical documents about the territory and property are defined on textual form. This information is mostly geographic and defines territorial areas, its limits and boundaries. For the treatment of this data, we have defined one information system where the treatment of the documental references for the study of the settlement and landscape implies a systematization of the information, normalization, integration and graphic and cartographic representation. This methodology was applied to the case study of the boundary of the monastery-diocese of Dume, in Braga - Portugal, for which there are countless documents and references to this site, but where the urban pressure has mischaracterized very significantly the landscape, making the identification of territorial limits quite difficult. The work carried out to give spatial and cartographic expression to the data, by defining viewing criteria according to the recorded information, proved to be a central working tool in the boundary study and in understanding the dynamics of the sites in the various cultural periods.


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PURPOSE: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most frequent disorders in childhood and adolescence. Both neurocognitive and environmental factors have been related to ADHD. The current study contributes to the documentation of the predictive relation between early attachment deprivation and ADHD. METHOD: Data were collected from 641 adopted adolescents (53.2 % girls) aged 11-16 years in five countries, using the DSM oriented scale for ADHD of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) (Achenbach and Rescorla, Manual for the ASEBA school-age forms and profiles. University of Vermont, Research Center for Children, Youth and Families, Burlington, 2001). The influence of attachment deprivation on ADHD symptoms was initially tested taking into consideration several key variables that have been reported as influencing ADHD at the adoptee level (age, gender, length of time in the adoptive family, parents' educational level and marital status), and at the level of the country of origin and country of adoption (poverty, quality of health services and values). The analyses were computed using the multilevel modeling technique. RESULTS: The results showed that an increase in the level of ADHD symptoms was predicted by the duration of exposure to early attachment deprivation, estimated from the age of adoption, after controlling for the influence of adoptee and country variables. The effect of the age of adoption was also demonstrated to be specific to the level of ADHD symptoms in comparison to both the externalizing and internalizing behavior scales of the CBCL. CONCLUSION: Deprivation of stable and sensitive care in infancy may have long-lasting consequences for children's development.


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El bisbe Simón Renteria y Reyes va ocupar la Mitra de la diòcesi de Lleida durant el període 1819-1824. Al Trienni Liberal Renteria va esdevenir un eix molt important de l’absolutisme a la ciutat de Lleida ja que va oposar-se notablement a les reformes legislatives liberals, defensant una clara tendència al conservadorisme i al tradicionalisme dins de l’àmbit del pensament polític. Per aquest motiu va protestar contra les noves lleis i Decrets del govern liberal i va enviar tot un seguit de cartes i oficis amb l’objectiu de capgirar la política de les Corts Constitucionals. Fruit d’aquesta oposició al règim liberal les autoritats lleidatanes el van expulsar de la ciutat. També altres membres de l’Església van patir, en diferent grau, la repressió del poder liberal. Amb el retorn un altre cop de l’absolutisme a finals de l’any 1823 els religiosos que s’havien mantingut fidels al tradicionalisme van rebre diverses recompenses.


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A somewhat fragmentary copy of a catholic antiphonary, prepared by several scribes, possibly during a longer period of time, in the reformation period. Owned and probably used by several priests in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the book found its way finaly to Tammela church, from where it was removed to Helsinki in 1882.


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Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.


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Hesperian College with students and faculty, showing south view of the building remodeled 1881-1882. [Chapman University was founded by members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) as Hesperian College in Woodland, Calif., on March 4, 1861. In 1920, the assets of Hesperian College were absorbed by California Christian College, which held classes in downtown Los Angeles. In 1934, the school was renamed after the chairman of its board of trustees (and primary benefactor), C.C. Chapman.]


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Chapman College Chapel, once Trinity Episcopal Church, Orange, California, The wooden-shingled church, constructed in 1909, is located on the northeast corner of East Maple Avenue and North Grand Street. Chapman College (now Chapman University) purchased the church for their chapel when the congregation moved to a new church on Canal Street.


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Chapman College Chapel, once Trinity Episcopal Church, Orange, California, The wooden-shingled church, constructed in 1909, is located on the northeast corner of East Maple Avenue and North Grand Street. Chapman College (now Chapman University) purchased the church for their chapel when the congregation moved to a new church on Canal Street.


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Whitsunday service inside Chapman College Chapel, Orange, California. The wooden-shingled church, constructed in 1909 for the congregation of Trinity Episcopal Church, is located on the northeast corner of East Maple Avenue and North Grand Street. Chapman College (now Chapman University) purchased the church for their chapel when the congregation moved to a new church on Canal Street.


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Four people posing by the sign board for Chapman College Chapel, Orange, California. A Catholic mass is scheduled. The wooden-shingled church, constructed in 1909 for the congregation of Trinity Episcopal Church, is located on the northeast corner of East Maple Avenue and North Grand Street. Chapman College (now Chapman University) purchased the church for their chapel when the congregation moved to a new church on Canal Street.