1000 resultados para Engenharia Informática
Nowadays, data available and used by companies is growing very fast creating the need to use and manage this data in the most efficient way. To this end, data is replicated overmultiple datacenters and use different replication protocols, according to their needs, like more availability or stronger consistency level. The costs associated with full data replication can be very high, and most of the times, full replication is not needed since information can be logically partitioned. Another problem, is that by using datacenters to store and process information clients become heavily dependent on them. We propose a partial replication protocol called ParTree, which replicates data to clients, and organizes clients in a hierarchy, using communication between them to propagate information. This solution addresses some of these problems, namely by supporting partial data replication and offline execution mode. Given the complexity of the protocol, the use of formal verification is crucial to ensure the protocol two correctness properties: causal consistency and preservation of data. The use of TLA+ language and tools to formally specificity and verify the proposed protocol are also described.
Software Product Line (SPL) engineering aims at achieving efficient development of software products in a specific domain. New products are obtained via a process which entails creating a new configuration specifying the desired product’s features. This configuration must necessarily conform to a variability model, that describes the scope of the SPL, or else it is not viable. To ensure this, configuration tools are used that do not allow invalid configurations to be expressed. A different concern, however, is making sure that a product addresses the stakeholders’ needs as best as possible. The stakeholders may not be experts on the domain, so they may have unrealistic expectations. Also, the scope of the SPL is determined not only by the domain but also by limitations of the development platforms. It is therefore possible that the desired set of features goes beyond what is possible to currently create with the SPL. This means that configuration tools should provide support not only for creating valid products, but also for improving satisfaction of user concerns. We address this goal by providing a user-centric configuration process that offers suggestions during the configuration process, based on the use of soft constraints, and identifying and explaining potential conflicts that may arise. Suggestions help mitigating stakeholder uncertainty and poor domain knowledge, by helping them address well known and desirable domain-related concerns. On the other hand, automated conflict identification and explanation helps the stakeholders to understand the trade-offs required for realizing their vision, allowing informed resolution of conflicts. Additionally, we propose a prototype-based approach to configuration, that addresses the order-dependency issues by allowing the complete (or partial) specification of the features in a single step. A subsequent resolution process will then identify possible repairs, or trade-offs, that may be required for viabilization.
A interação homem-máquina é muitas vezes um processo excessivamente artificial. Para o homem constitui um desafio permanente a otimização dessa interação capaz de controlar a máquina de modo mais eficiente através de uma maior simplicidade de procedimentos. Este estudo sugere uma forma facilitadora desse controlo. Neste caso, pretende-se controlar um robô por meio de tele-operação, sem contacto visual direto. Um robô incorporando uma câmara é controlado através de um smartphone, que para tal, irá exibir na sua interface a visão do robô e um painel tátil para o controlar. No que diz respeito ao controlo, foram desenvolvidos dois modos de condução, um manual e outro com a velocidade assistida, recorrendo à lei de potência 2/3. Deste modo, deseja-se mostrar que o modo de condução de velocidade assistida facilita a condução ao homem. Com essa finalidade, foi implementado um sistema assente na construção de um robô e no desenvolvimento de uma aplicação Android para controlo do mesmo. Com recurso a este sistema, foi elaborada uma experiência, da qual foram recolhidos dados a fim de testar a hipótese que um robô que implementa leis biológicas no seu modo de funcionamento, facilita a interação homem-máquina.
Desempenho de técnicas de acesso distribuído em sistemas de comunicação sem fios de múltipla receção
Nas redes sem fios tradicionais, os nós recetores permitem apenas uma única receção individual. Contudo com o aumento do número de dispositivos móveis nas redes sem fios, tem-se explorado novas técnicas que permitem múltiplas receções em simultâneo (Multipacket Reception) (MPR), tais como CDMA, OFDMA e MU-MIMO. Estas técnicas permitem melhorar o desempenho dos sistemas, aumentando também os débitos de transferências de dados. Apesar deste desenvolvimento, os protocolos de controlo de acesso ao meio não estão desenhados para suportar múltiplas receções, admitindo ainda os pressupostos originais. Isto faz com que se estejam a desperdiçar recursos do canal, não aproveitando ao máximo as capacidades que os sistemas MPR têm para oferecer. Nesta dissertação estuda-se a condição de receção com sucesso de múltiplas transmissões. Isto permite obter um modelo para caracterizar o número de transmissões recebidas com sucesso tendo em conta o número de nós que transmitem em simultâneo e modelando também a probabilidade de receção com sucesso individual. A partir desta caracterização, é verificado o desempenho de cinco protocolos MAC diferentes com suporte para múltiplas receções em simultâneo. Realizando uma avaliação integrada (tendo em conta o nível físico e o nível MAC) para os diferentes protocolos estudados, realiza-se uma avaliação comparativa relativamente ao débito atingido por cada um deles. Propõem-se por fim dois novos protocolos MAC com suporte para múltiplas transmissões em simultâneo para que se faça um melhor aproveitamento das capacidades permitidas pelos sistemas MPR, atingindo também melhores débitos.
Based in internet growth, through semantic web, together with communication speed improvement and fast development of storage device sizes, data and information volume rises considerably every day. Because of this, in the last few years there has been a growing interest in structures for formal representation with suitable characteristics, such as the possibility to organize data and information, as well as the reuse of its contents aimed for the generation of new knowledge. Controlled Vocabulary, specifically Ontologies, present themselves in the lead as one of such structures of representation with high potential. Not only allow for data representation, as well as the reuse of such data for knowledge extraction, coupled with its subsequent storage through not so complex formalisms. However, for the purpose of assuring that ontology knowledge is always up to date, they need maintenance. Ontology Learning is an area which studies the details of update and maintenance of ontologies. It is worth noting that relevant literature already presents first results on automatic maintenance of ontologies, but still in a very early stage. Human-based processes are still the current way to update and maintain an ontology, which turns this into a cumbersome task. The generation of new knowledge aimed for ontology growth can be done based in Data Mining techniques, which is an area that studies techniques for data processing, pattern discovery and knowledge extraction in IT systems. This work aims at proposing a novel semi-automatic method for knowledge extraction from unstructured data sources, using Data Mining techniques, namely through pattern discovery, focused in improving the precision of concept and its semantic relations present in an ontology. In order to verify the applicability of the proposed method, a proof of concept was developed, presenting its results, which were applied in building and construction sector.
Modern fully integrated transceivers architectures, require circuits with low area, low cost, low power, and high efficiency. A key block in modern transceivers is the power amplifier, which is deeply studied in this thesis. First, we study the implementation of a classical Class-A amplifier, describing the basic operation of an RF power amplifier, and analysing the influence of the real models of the reactive components in its operation. Secondly, the Class-E amplifier is deeply studied. The different types of implementations are reviewed and theoretical equations are derived and compared with simulations. There were selected four modes of operation for the Class-E amplifier, in order to perform the implementation of the output stage, and the subsequent comparison of results. This led to the selection of the mode with the best trade-off between efficiency and harmonics distortion, lower power consumption and higher output power. The optimal choice was a parallel circuit containing an inductor with a finite value. To complete the implementation of the PA in switching mode, a driver was implemented. The final block (output stage together with the driver) got 20 % total efficiency (PAE) transmitting 8 dBm output power to a 50 W load with a total harmonic distortion (THD) of 3 % and a total consumption of 28 mW. All implementations are designed using standard 130 nm CMOS technology. The operating frequency is 2.4 GHz and it was considered an 1.2 V DC power supply. The proposed circuit is intended to be used in a Bluetooth transmitter, however, it has a wider range of applications.
Estudo e sugestões de melhorias de eficiência energética numa empresa do sector industrial de carnes
Desta dissertação resultou uma análise ao consumo energético associado aos produtos mais comerci-alizados por uma Empresa, inserida no sector industrial de carnes, e de respectivas medidas de ges-tão de energia eléctrica e de implementação de tecnologia térmica para optimizara a eficiência ener-gética da instalação. A avaliação realizada nesta dissertação permitiu identificar os processos que mais energia consomem, nomeadamente todos os produtos que envolvem a fumagem. Com base nes-tes resultados a empresa pode identificar as prioridades em termos de redução e melhoria da eficiên-cia energética. O estudo de gestão da energia eléctrica permitiu concluir que é mais proveitoso man-ter em funcionamento os processos pontuais durante os períodos nocturnos ou durante o fim-de-semana, permitindo, no segundo caso, obter uma poupança de 16% nos custos associados de cada vez que se colocar a linha de produção de peito de peru fumado entre o período semanal para o perí-odo entre sexta-feira e domingo, visto ser a linha de produção estudada que mais energia eléctrica consome. Na análise de pré-aquecimento dos fluidos utilizados na empresa através de recuperadores de calor, concluiu-se que é mais benéfico pré-aquecer a água utilizada para o processo de fumagem, visto obter-se uma poupança económica de 6 € e 11,8 m3 de gás natural por aplicação, ou seja, de cada vez que é utilizada água pré-aquecida através deste procedimento, tendo-se obtido valores de poupança energética entre 24 e 60% para os vários fluidos estudados.
Os consumidores exercem influência no comportamento do sector eléctrico pela variação da procura de electricidade à rede. A teoria económica e as estatísticas dos últimos anos sugerem que os consumidores reagem aos preços da electricidade, seja através dos usos que fazem da electricidade e na selecção de energias alternativas, seja pela tomada de decisão de investimento em eficiência energética e em autoconsumo. Indirectamente, a procura de electricidade à rede dos consumidores afecta o preço da venda da electricidade através das actualizações da tarifa para o ano seguinte. Apesar disso, raramente as políticas energéticas ou as previsões da procura são informadas com modelos de desempenho económico de procura dinâmica. Os objectivos da tese são desenvolver conceptualmente um modelo de simulação do sistema eléctrico considerando explicitamente a reacção e decisão dos consumidores face ao preço da electricidade; desenvolver informaticamente um Sistema de Suporte à Decisão (SSD) sobre o modelo de simulação e explorá-lo com o caso estudo do sistema eléctrico português. O modelo tem uma abordagem de simulação dinâmica. Conceptualmente, o modelo de simulação e o SSD são desenhados para permitir dois modos de aplicação: a) um modo interactivo, equivalente a um jogo entre os vários agentes (Estado como legislador/regulador; sector da produção, transporte e distribuição; e sector do consumo final com enfoque na indústria, famílias e serviços) ou b) um modo parametrizado assumindo comportamentos prédefinidos e tomadas de decisão de certos agentes para ensaiar opções de um utilizador. No âmbito da tese o modelo foi explorado apenas no modo parametrizado para ensaiar opções de políticas públicas no sector energético, em especial sistemas de incentivos, pré-definindo comportamentos dos agentes com tomada de decisão dos produtores e consumidores. Os cenários testados para o caso de estudo português sugerem que devem existir mais incentivos ao investimento em eficiência energética e menos subsidiação de preço de venda da electricidade: em todos os domínios, a redução do desperdício energético é melhor do que existirem preços artificialmente baixos. É este tipo de opções de política que melhor cumprem objectivos de uso racional de energia, protecção ambiental e redução de custos globais para os consumidores e para os contribuintes. A análise dos cenários sugere também que existe um potencial aliciante de poupança energética no sector do consumo final, que está longe de ser aproveitado. Verifica-se também que a tomada de decisão em autoconsumo reduz os investimentos em eficiência energética, obtendo-se menor redução do desperdício energético. O papel dos consumidores é importante. Um preço claro pode ajudar a consumir, a preservar e a investir.
In the early nineties, Mark Weiser wrote a series of seminal papers that introduced the concept of Ubiquitous Computing. According to Weiser, computers require too much attention from the user, drawing his focus from the tasks at hand. Instead of being the centre of attention, computers should be so natural that they would vanish into the human environment. Computers become not only truly pervasive but also effectively invisible and unobtrusive to the user. This requires not only for smaller, cheaper and low power consumption computers, but also for equally convenient display solutions that can be harmoniously integrated into our surroundings. With the advent of Printed Electronics, new ways to link the physical and the digital worlds became available. By combining common printing techniques such as inkjet printing with electro-optical functional inks, it is starting to be possible not only to mass-produce extremely thin, flexible and cost effective electronic circuits but also to introduce electronic functionalities into products where it was previously unavailable. Indeed, Printed Electronics is enabling the creation of novel sensing and display elements for interactive devices, free of form factor. At the same time, the rise in the availability and affordability of digital fabrication technologies, namely of 3D printers, to the average consumer is fostering a new industrial (digital) revolution and the democratisation of innovation. Nowadays, end-users are already able to custom design and manufacture on demand their own physical products, according to their own needs. In the future, they will be able to fabricate interactive digital devices with user-specific form and functionality from the comfort of their homes. This thesis explores how task-specific, low computation, interactive devices capable of presenting dynamic visual information can be created using Printed Electronics technologies, whilst following an approach based on the ideals behind Personal Fabrication. Focus is given on the use of printed electrochromic displays as a medium for delivering dynamic digital information. According to the architecture of the displays, several approaches are highlighted and categorised. Furthermore, a pictorial computation model based on extended cellular automata principles is used to programme dynamic simulation models into matrix-based electrochromic displays. Envisaged applications include the modelling of physical, chemical, biological, and environmental phenomena.
The study of AC losses in superconducting pancake coils is of utmost importance for the development of superconducting devices. Due to different technical difficulties this study is usually performed considering one of two approaches: considering superconducting coils of few turns and studying AC losses in a large frequency range vs. superconducting coils with a large number of turns but measuring AC losses only in low frequencies. In this work, a study of AC losses in 128 turn superconducting coils is performed, considering frequencies ranging from 50 Hz till 1152 Hz and currents ranging from zero till the critical current of the coils. Moreover, the study of AC losses considering two different simultaneous harmonic components is also performed and results are compared to the behaviour presented by the coils when operating in a single frequency regime. Different electrical methods are used to verify the total amount of AC losses in the coil and a simple calorimetric method is presented, in order to measure AC losses in a multi-harmonic context. Different analytical and numerical methods are implemented and/or used, to design the superconducting coils and to compute the total amount of AC losses in the superconducting system and a comparison is performed to verify the advantages and drawbacks of each method.
The amorphous silicon photo-sensor studied in this thesis, is a double pin structure (p(a-SiC:H)-i’(a-SiC:H)-n(a-SiC:H)-p(a-SiC:H)-i(a-Si:H)-n(a-Si:H)) sandwiched between two transparent contacts deposited over transparent glass thus with the possibility of illumination on both sides, responding to wave-lengths from the ultra-violet, visible to the near infrared range. The frontal il-lumination surface, glass side, is used for light signal inputs. Both surfaces are used for optical bias, which changes the dynamic characteristics of the photo-sensor resulting in different outputs for the same input. Experimental studies were made with the photo-sensor to evaluate its applicability in multiplexing and demultiplexing several data communication channels. The digital light sig-nal was defined to implement simple logical operations like the NOT, AND, OR, and complex like the XOR, MAJ, full-adder and memory effect. A pro-grammable pattern emission system was built and also those for the validation and recovery of the obtained signals. This photo-sensor has applications in op-tical communications with several wavelengths, as a wavelength detector and to execute directly logical operations over digital light input signals.
The way in which electricity networks operate is going through a period of significant change. Renewable generation technologies are having a growing presence and increasing penetrations of generation that are being connected at distribution level. Unfortunately, a renewable energy source is most of the time intermittent and needs to be forecasted. Current trends in Smart grids foresee the accommodation of a variety of distributed generation sources including intermittent renewable sources. It is also expected that smart grids will include demand management resources, widespread communications and control technologies required to use demand response are needed to help the maintenance in supply-demand balance in electricity systems. Consequently, smart household appliances with controllable loads will be likely a common presence in our homes. Thus, new control techniques are requested to manage the loads and achieve all the potential energy present in intermittent energy sources. This thesis is focused on the development of a demand side management control method in a distributed network, aiming the creation of greater flexibility in demand and better ease the integration of renewable technologies. In particular, this work presents a novel multi-agent model-based predictive control method to manage distributed energy systems from the demand side, in presence of limited energy sources with fluctuating output and with energy storage in house-hold or car batteries. Specifically, here is presented a solution for thermal comfort which manages a limited shared energy resource via a demand side management perspective, using an integrated approach which also involves a power price auction and an appliance loads allocation scheme. The control is applied individually to a set of Thermal Control Areas, demand units, where the objective is to minimize the energy usage and not exceed the limited and shared energy resource, while simultaneously indoor temperatures are maintained within a comfort frame. Thermal Control Areas are overall thermodynamically connected in the distributed environment and also coupled by energy related constraints. The energy split is performed based on a fixed sequential order established from a previous completed auction wherein the bids are made by each Thermal Control Area, acting as demand side management agents, based on the daily energy price. The developed solutions are explained with algorithms and are applied to different scenarios, being the results explanatory of the benefits of the proposed approaches.
Modern telecommunication equipment requires components that operate in many different frequency bands and support multiple communication standards, to cope with the growing demand for higher data rate. Also, a growing number of standards are adopting the use of spectrum efficient digital modulations, such as quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). These modulation schemes require accurate quadrature oscillators, which makes the quadrature oscillator a key block in modern radio frequency (RF) transceivers. The wide tuning range characteristics of inductorless quadrature oscillators make them natural candidates, despite their higher phase noise, in comparison with LC-oscillators. This thesis presents a detailed study of inductorless sinusoidal quadrature oscillators. Three quadrature oscillators are investigated: the active coupling RC-oscillator, the novel capacitive coupling RCoscillator, and the two-integrator oscillator. The thesis includes a detailed analysis of the Van der Pol oscillator (VDPO). This is used as a base model oscillator for the analysis of the coupled oscillators. Hence, the three oscillators are approximated by the VDPO. From the nonlinear Van der Pol equations, the oscillators’ key parameters are obtained. It is analysed first the case without component mismatches and then the case with mismatches. The research is focused on determining the impact of the components’ mismatches on the oscillator key parameters: frequency, amplitude-, and quadrature-errors. Furthermore, the minimization of the errors by adjusting the circuit parameters is addressed. A novel quadrature RC-oscillator using capacitive coupling is proposed. The advantages of using the capacitive coupling are that it is noiseless, requires a small area, and has low power dissipation. The equations of the oscillation amplitude, frequency, quadrature-error, and amplitude mismatch are derived. The theoretical results are confirmed by simulation and by measurement of two prototypes fabricated in 130 nm standard complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The measurements reveal that the power increase due to the coupling is marginal, leading to a figure-of-merit of -154.8 dBc/Hz. These results are consistent with the noiseless feature of this coupling and are comparable to those of the best state-of-the-art RC-oscillators, in the GHz range, but with the lowest power consumption (about 9 mW). The results for the three oscillators show that the amplitude- and the quadrature-errors are proportional to the component mismatches and inversely proportional to the coupling strength. Thus, increasing the coupling strength decreases both the amplitude- and quadrature-errors. With proper coupling strength, a quadrature error below 1° and amplitude imbalance below 1% are obtained. Furthermore, the simulations show that increasing the coupling strength reduces the phase noise. Hence, there is no trade-off between phase noise and quadrature error. In the twointegrator oscillator study, it was found that the quadrature error can be eliminated by adjusting the transconductances to compensate the capacitance mismatch. However, to obtain outputs in perfect quadrature one must allow some amplitude error.
Existing wireless networks are characterized by a fixed spectrum assignment policy. However, the scarcity of available spectrum and its inefficient usage demands for a new communication paradigm to exploit the existing spectrum opportunistically. Future Cognitive Radio (CR) devices should be able to sense unoccupied spectrum and will allow the deployment of real opportunistic networks. Still, traditional Physical (PHY) and Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols are not suitable for this new type of networks because they are optimized to operate over fixed assigned frequency bands. Therefore, novel PHY-MAC cross-layer protocols should be developed to cope with the specific features of opportunistic networks. This thesis is mainly focused on the design and evaluation of MAC protocols for Decentralized Cognitive Radio Networks (DCRNs). It starts with a characterization of the spectrum sensing framework based on the Energy-Based Sensing (EBS) technique considering multiple scenarios. Then, guided by the sensing results obtained by the aforementioned technique, we present two novel decentralized CR MAC schemes: the first one designed to operate in single-channel scenarios and the second one to be used in multichannel scenarios. Analytical models for the network goodput, packet service time and individual transmission probability are derived and used to compute the performance of both protocols. Simulation results assess the accuracy of the analytical models as well as the benefits of the proposed CR MAC schemes.
O planeamento das redes de distribuição de energia elétrica é considerado de extrema importância para o desenvolvimento de infraestruturas de elevada fiabilidade. A este nível, as empresas elétricas estão a ser confrontadas com objetivos contraditórios de clientes que requerem maior qualidade de serviço e dos que querem preços de energia mais baixos. Para competir neste contexto, é importante que as empresas elétricas estabeleçam um balanço entre os custos de investimento em equipamentos para aumentar a fiabilidade e o nível de fiabilidade alcançado com esse investimento. Este trabalho propõe resolver este problema de planeamento considerando a sua natureza multiobjectivo. Assim, foram desenvolvidos modelos matemáticos para a integração das diversas variáveis minimizadas associadas à fiabilidade, deste problema de otimização multiobjectivo. Nas últimas décadas, a crescente penetração da geração distribuída (GD) tem representado uma série de desafios técnicos para as redes de distribuição que foram concebidas de uma forma tradicional. Assim, propuseram-se modelos para a integração da GD no problema da fiabilidade deste tipo de redes. Neste contexto, também foi proposta uma abordagem para a análise da fiabilidade sob o ponto de vista da redução de gases de efeito de estufa. Neste momento, o problema da fiabilidade começa também a ser abordado quanto às interrupções momentâneas. Assim, considerou-se adicionalmente uma abordagem em que se consideram os sistemas de armazenamento de energia. Para a otimização das várias abordagens desenvolveram-se algoritmos de otimização do tipo evolutivo. Para testar as abordagens e modelos propostos, obtiveram-se resultados a partir de testes realizados sobre uma rede de distribuição real.