871 resultados para Employer unions
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää ja arvioida kahden konetekniikan maisteriohjelman vaikuttavuutta ohjelmiin osallistuneiden opiskelijoiden ja heidän työnantajiensa näkökulmasta. Aikuiskoulutuksen vaikuttavuutta arvioidaan teemoilla osaaminen, tiedon siirtyminen yrityselämään ja työura. Lisäksi tarkastellaan millaista tukea aikuisopiskelija saa ja arvioidaan jatkotarpeita vastaaville koulutuksille. Tutkimus toteutettiin opiskelijoille tehdyn kvantitatiivisen kyselylomaketutkimuksen ja työnantajille tehdyn kvalitatiivisen teemahaastattelututkimuksen avulla. Menetelmät täydentävät tutkimuksessa toisiaan ja antavat eri näkökulmia käsiteltäviin aiheisiin. Tulokset esitetään rinnakkain, joten samalla on mahdollisuus vertailla niiden tuloksia keskenään. Opiskelulla on selvästi vaikutusta ammatilliseen ja muuhun osaamiseen. Opiskellessa tullutta tietoa siirtyy työyhteisöön harjoitustöiden, palaverien ja varsinkin epävirallisten keskustelujen kautta. Uraan opiskelu vaikuttaa selvästi edistävästi, yritysten onkin syytä antaa valmistuneille uusia haasteita jos haluavat pitää nämä itsellään. Tukea aikuisopiskelija kaipaa monelta suunnalta, mutta erityisesti perheeltään. Vastaavanlaiselle, ja myös muulle alueelliselle koulutukselle on selkeä tarve myös jatkossa.
Over the last years, in a context of international tax competition, international and regional institutions such as the G20, the OECD, and the European Union are redefining what is acceptable in terms of corporate fiscal policy. Certain Swiss preferential tax treatments are considered by the above-mentioned institutions as harmful tax practices. As a consequence, the Swiss government has planned a third corporate tax reform (CTR III). The objective of this reform is to ensure international acceptability of the corporate tax system without prejudicing local public finances and Swiss corporate tax attractiveness. Therefore, we can posit that the CTR III is an internationalized object influenced by both regulation trends and tax competition framework. The main purpose of this paper is to provide elements of answer on how the currently discussed CTR III is influenced by the international environment, by focusing on its content as well as the reactions and positions of local stakeholders. With the help of internationalization literature, two distinct internationalization processes have been identified through the propositions of compliance measures with internationally-defined standards and competitiveness-enhancing measures. With regard to the configuration of local actors, the degree of conflict seems to be rather high. The current content of the reform is supported by the business community and right-wing parties and rejected by the unions and the Socialist Party.
In the past four decades, women have made major inroads into occupations previously dominated by men. This paper examines whether occupational feminization is accompanied by a decline in wages: Do workers suffer a wage penalty if they remain in, or move into, feminizing occupations? We analyze this question over the 1990s and 2000s in Britain, Germany, and Switzerland, using longitudinal panel data to estimate individual fixed effects for men and women. Moving from an entirely male to an entirely female occupation entails a loss in individual earnings of 13 percent in Britain, 7 percent in Switzerland, and 3 percent in Germany. The impact of occupational feminization on wages is not linear, but sets apart occupations holding more than 60 percent of women. Moving into such female occupations incurs a wage penalty. Contrary to the prevailing idea in economics, differences in productivity-human capital, job-specific skills, and time investment-do not fully explain the wage gap between male and female occupations. The wage penalty associated with working in a female occupation is also much larger where employer discretion is greater-in the private sector-than where wagesetting is guided by formal rules-the public sector. These findings suggest that wage disparities across male and female occupations are due to gender devaluation.
This article assesses whether changes in government choice for policy concertation with trade unions and employers are better explained by international or domestic factors. We compare patterns of corporatist governance in a strongly Europeanized policy domain (labor migration policy) and in a weakly Europeanized policy domain (welfare state reforms) over the last 20 years in Austria and Switzerland. We show that there is no systematic difference in patterns of concertation between the two policy sectors and that factors linked to party politics play a bigger role in the choice of governments for concertation. If the base of party support for policies is divided, governments are more prone to resort to corporatist concertation as a way to build compromises for potentially controversial or unpopular policies. By contrast, ideologically cohesive majority coalitions are less prone to resort to concertation because they do not need to build compromises outside their base of party support.
Our research aims to analyze the causal relationships in the behavior of public debt issued by peripheral member countries of the European Economic and Monetary Union -EMU-, with special emphasis on the recent episodes of crisis triggered in the eurozone sovereign debt markets since 2009. With this goal in mind, we make use of a database of daily frequency of yields on 10-year government bonds issued by five EMU countries -Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain-, covering the entire history of the EMU from its inception on 1 January 1999 until 31 December 2010. In the first step, we explore the pair-wise causal relationship between yields, both for the whole sample and for changing subsamples of the data, in order to capture the possible time-varying causal relationship. This approach allows us to detect episodes of contagion between yields on bonds issued by different countries. In the second step, we study the determinants of these contagion episodes, analyzing the role played by different factors, paying special attention to instruments that capture the total national debt -domestic and foreign- in each country.
Based on contingent claims analysis, CCA, this paper tries to estimate the systemic risk build-up in the European Economic and Monetary Union, EMU countries using a market based measure distance-to-default, DtD. It analyzes the individual and aggregated series for a comprehensive set of banks in each eurozone country over the period 2004-Q4 to 2013-Q2. Given the structural differences in financial sector and banking regulations at national level, the indices provide a useful indicator for monitoring country specific banking vulnerability and stress. We find that average DtD indicators are intuitive, forward-looking and timely risk indicators. The underlying trend, fluctuations and correlations among indices help us analyze the interdependence while cross-sectional differences in DtD prior to crisis suggest banking sector fragility in peripheral EMU countries.
Tutkielmassa käsitellään Euroopan unionin kemikaaliasetusta 1907/2006, joka astui voimaan 1.6.2007 ja sen vaikutuksia maahantuontiyrityksen toimintaan. Kemikaaliasetusta toteutetaan soveltamalla REACH-järjestelmää. REACH tulee sanoista Registration (rekisteröinti), Evaluation (arviointi), Authorisation (lupamenettely) Chemicals (koskee kemikaaleja). Tutkielman kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään pääosin kemikaaliasetusta. Empiirisessä osassa käsitellään asetuksen tuomia haasteita ja peilataan niitä maahantuontiyrityksen tähänastisiin kokemuksiin ja vaikutelmiin. Kohdeyrityksenä on kemian alan yritys PCC SE. Tutkielmassa selvitetään myös, miten REACH on vaikuttanut tarkastus- ja testauslaitokseen. Lisäksi REACH-järjestelmää peilataan olemassa olevaan kasvinsuojelu-ainedirektiiviin ja käytännön kokemuksia saaneeseen kasvinsuojeluaine-teollisuuteen. Lyhyesti käsitellään myös joidenkin EU:n ulkopuolisten maiden kokemuksia. Johtopäätöksenä voitaneen todeta, että kemikaaliasetuksen tavoitteet, terveyttä ja ympäristöä suojelevat toimenpiteet, koetaan positiivisina asioina. Asioiden selvittely, valtava työmäärä ja korkeat kustannukset koettiin negatiivisiksi asioiksi. Markkinoiden uskotaan jakautuvan harvempien ja suurempien yritysten kesken, ja PK-yritysten toiminta-mahdollisuudet vähenevät oleellisesti. Tarkastus- ja testaus-asiantuntijoiden vähäinen määrä vaikuttaa jo nyt testausaikatauluihin ja tulee yhä enemmän vaikuttamaan tulevaisuudessa.
ENGLISH: It should be distinguished from the socalled 'balance liquidation and termination' three aspects are mixed sometimes creating confusion: The first, referred to repay outstanding accruals, which has a liquidation value, the second consisting of phrases expressing an added discontinuance of the contract value, which joined in the employment relationship with the worker to the employer, and the third, the waiver claim on the grounds that the debts were paid. The signing of cancellation of outstanding accounts or 'liquidation balance' is not the breaking of the employment relationship, but it might be well if you incorporate the unilateral will not flawed and unequivocally expressed the worker. ESPAÑOL: Se deben distinguir de la denominada"liquidación de saldo y finiquito" tres aspectos que en ocasiones aparecen mezclados creando confusión: El primero, referido a saldar devengos pendientes, lo cual tiene un valor liquidatorio; el segundo, consistente en frases añadidas que expresan un valor extintivo del contrato, el cual unía en la relación laboral al empleador con el trabajador, y el tercero, la renuncia a reclamar por considerar que se han satisfecho las deudas. La firma del documento de cancelación de cuentas pendientes o"liquidación de saldo", no supone la ruptura de la relación laboral, pero podría ser así si incorpora la voluntad unilateral no viciada y expresada inequívocamente del trabajador. CATALÀ: Cal distingir de l'anomenada 'liquidació de saldo i quitança' tres aspectes que de vegades apareixen barrejats creant confusió: El primer, referit a saldar meritacions pendents, la qual cosa té un valor liquidador, el segon, consistent en frases afegides que expressen un valor extintiu del contracte, el qual unia en la relació laboral l'ocupador amb el treballador, i el tercer, la renúncia a reclamar per considerar que s'han satisfet els deutes. La signatura del document de cancel·lació de comptes pendents o 'liquidació de saldo', no suposa la ruptura de la relació laboral, però podria ser així si incorpora la voluntat unilateral no viciada i expressada inequívocament del treballador.
The increasing prevalence of obesity and its associated complications requires specialized care to improve outcomes and control health care costs. Obesity is associated with numerous serious and costly medical problems requiring specialized care in managing health. The economic burden of obesity includes increased inpatient and outpatient medical expenditures as well as employer-related issues of absenteeism and associate costs. The objectives of this study are: - To describe the health consequences and the economic burden of obesity, - To review the existing treatment - To argue in favor of a specialized nutritional intervention that has shown to improve health and reduce obesity related health care costs. Therefore, expose the possibility of introducing the specialized nutrition in Switzerland and the feasibility of this project considering the medical trends and reimbursement system in Switzerland The benefits and outcomes for the patients will be the significant weight loss which reduces the severity and risk factors for complications and the improved health and quality of life. Weight loss will be a combination of a diet, exercise and behavioral interventions which are the basic recommendations for obesity treatment in addition to the specialized nutritional support. By nutritional support, we mean products that are intended to provide nutritional support in the dietary management of people with specific diseases and conditions when adequate intake of regular foods is compromised. These products are called, Food for special medical purposes FSMP. They are not intended to treat, cure, prevent, mitigate or have a direct impact on disease in a manner similar to drugs or other medical treatments and should be used under medical supervision. They also provide a low cost alternative to surgery. From a health care system perspective, the specialized nutrition will drive its advantage by reducing the utilization of medical services for obesity associated complications like medication, physician's consultations and surgical interventions arriving to a cost effective care for the hospitals, the health care organizations and the third party payers which are the health insurances. [Author, p. 4]
This paper asks whether collective industrial relations can be promoted by means other than seeking change in public policy. Recent research points to the increasing significance of transnational private regulation (TPR) in developing economies. There is an emerging consensus that market incentives to improve wages and conditions of work can have a modest positive effect on measurable outcomes like hours of work, and health and safety. However, it appears that TPR has little impact on the capacity of workers to pursue such improvements for themselves via collective action. The paper takes a closer look at the potential of TPR to enhance worker voice and participation. It argues that this potential cannot be properly evaluated without understanding how local actors mobilise the social and political resources that TPR provides. The case studies presented show how different TPR schemes have been used by unions in Africa as a means to pursue the interests of members. The authors found that the scale of the impact of TPR in all of the contexts studied depended almost entirely on the existing capacities and resources of the unions involved. TPR led to the creation of collective industrial relations processes, or helped unions to ensure that certain enterprises participated in existing industrial relations processes, but did virtually nothing to enhance the political and organisational capacity of the unions to influence the outcomes of those processes in terms of wages and conditions of employment. The paper concludes that the potential of TPR to promote the emergence of collective industrial relations systems is very low.
Regional differences in real wages have been shown to be both large and persistent in the U.S. and the U.K., as well as in the economies of other countries. Empirical evidence suggests that wage differentials adjusted for the cost of living cannot only be explained by the unequal spatial distribution of characteristics determining earnings. Rather, average wage gap decomposition reveals the important contribution made by regional heterogeneity in the price assigned to these characteristics. This paper proposes a method for assessing regional disparities in the entire wage distribution and for decomposing the effect of differences across regions in the endowments and prices of the characteristics. The hypothesis forwarded is that the results from previous studies obtained by comparing average regional wages may be partial and nonrobust. Empirical evidence from a matched employer-employee dataset for Spain confirms marked differences in wage distributions between regions, which do not result from worker and firm characteristics but from the increasing role of regional differences in the return to human capital.
Tässä diplomityössä ”Suomen ICT-sektori vuonna 2015” käsitellään Suomen tietoyhteiskunnan ja tietotekniikan tulevaisuutta kansainvälisestä ja kansallisesta näkökulmasta. Se koskee niin Yhdysvaltojen, Japanin, Euroopan Unionin kuin Suomenkin tietoyhteiskuntia. Suomen tietoyhteiskunnan ja EU:n ICT-sektorin vahvuudet, heikkoudet, uhat ja mahdollisuudet käyvät tästä diplomityöstä ilmi. Yhdysvallat, Japani ja EU toimivat suunnan antajana Suomen ICT-sektorin tulevaisuudelle. Euroopan Unioni on laatinut ICT-sektoria ja koko EU:ta koskevan Lissabonin strategian, joka käsittää niin EU:n eri kansakuntia koskevan taloudellisen panostuksen, innovaatiokehityksen, koulutuksen kuin tutkimuksen ja tuotekehityksenkin. Suomen tietoyhteiskunta on monilla alueilla maailman kärkitasoa, muutamilla sen keskitasoa. Suomen tietoyhteiskunnan vahvuudet, heikkoudet, uhat ja mahdollisuudet on kartoitettu Suomen tietoyhteiskuntastrategiassa vuosille 2007-2015. Se käsittää ne keinot, millä Suomi pystyy tulemaan kansainvälisesti tasapainoiseksi, hyväksi ja houkuttelevaksi paikaksi asua ja työskennellä sekä se käsittää ne keinot, jolla Suomen kilpailukyky taataan globaalisti kiristyvässä kilpailutilanteessa.
L’accés al mercat laboral per part de les persones amb diversitat funcional no està exempt de dificultats. Encara avui persisteixen barreres que societat i empresa han de superar com són els estereotips o prejudicis cap a les persones amb capacitats diferents. Perquè les persones en risc d’exclusió social puguin augmentar les seves opcions de trobar una feina plantegem, a la primera part de l’article, un pla d’acompanyament personalitzat a la inserció laboral que permeti al candidat augmentar els seus nivells d’ocupabilitat. A la segona meitat, canviem el focus d’atenció cap a l’empresa i proposem com la presència de persones amb diversitat funcional pot generar valor dins d’una organització.
We present parallel characterizations of two different values in the framework of restricted cooperation games. The restrictions are introduced as a finite sequence of partitions defined on the player set, each of them being coarser than the previous one, hence forming a structure of different levels of a priori unions. On the one hand, we consider a value first introduced in Ref. [18], which extends the Shapley value to games with different levels of a priori unions. On the other hand, we introduce another solution for the same type of games, which extends the Banzhaf value in the same manner. We characterize these two values using logically comparable properties.