824 resultados para EU citizenship
Summary: Educating for citizenship - the forgotten mission of the civic school
Background: Heavy drinking and smoking during pregnancy are known to have a negative impact on the unborn child. However, the impact of low-to-moderate alcohol consumption and binge drinking has been debated recently. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of moderate prenatal drinking and binge drinking with birthweight, being small for gestational age (SGA) at birth, preterm birth, and neonatal asphyxia. Methods: Moderate alcohol drinking, binge drinking, and several possible confounders were assessed in 1,258 pregnant women; information on neonatal health was obtained at birth. Results: Results indicate that 30.8% of the women drank at low levels (<2 glasses/wk), 7.9% drank moderately (2 to 4 glasses/wk), and 0.9% showed higher levels of drinking (≥5 glasses/wk); 4.7% reported binge drinking (defined as ≥3 glasses/occasion). 6.4% of the children were SGA (<10th percentile of birthweight adjusted for gestational age), 4.6% were preterm (<37th week of gestation), and 13.0% showed asphyxia (arterial cord pH <7.10 and/or arterial cord lactate >6.35 mmol and/or Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes). When controlling for maternal age, citizenship, occupational status, parity, smoking, use of prescription/over-the-counter drugs, illicit drug use, and child gender moderate drinking was related to lower birthweight (p < 0.01), and moderate drinking and binge drinking were associated with neonatal asphyxia at trend level (p = 0.06 and p = 0.09). Moderate drinking and binge drinking were not related to length of gestation. Conclusions: In contrast to recent reviews in the field, our results assume that moderate drinking and binge drinking are risk factors for neonatal health.
Este libro ofrece al lector el estudio y las conclusiones obtenidas en la investigaciónrealizada en España en el marco del proyecto JUST/2009/FRAC/AG/0933,“Children’s rights in action. Improving children’s rights in migration across Europe.The Romanian case”, proyecto financiado por la Dirección de Derechos Fundamentalesy Ciudadanía de la Comisión Europea. Esta investigación se ha llevadoa cabo en España, Italia y Rumanía entre octubre de 2010 y junio de 2012, realizándoseacciones de difusión de los resultados obtenidos hasta marzo de 2013.
This book offers the reader the study and the conclusions obtained from theresearch made in Spain in the frame of the JUST/2009/FRAC/AG/0933 project,“Children’s rights in action. Improving children’s rights in migration acrossEurope. The Romanian case”. A project funded by the Department of FundamentalRights and Citizenship of the European Commission. This research wascarried out in Spain, Italy and Romania between October 2010 and June 2012,performing activities to spread the results obtained until March 2013.
El text exposa les decisions adoptades pel govern del PP el 2012, abans de la reforma de la llei d'educació, sobre l'asignatura d'educació per a la ciutadania
La desafección aparente de los votantes hacia los procesos electorales parece ir en aumento. Algunos estudios proponen una doble vía para enderezar ese proceso: el cambio de las normas del juego democrático y la profundización en la formación política de los jóvenes. En este texto se apuesta decididamente por lo segundo y, para ello, se presentan los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en el marco de una de las actividades educativas que se realizan en el Parlamento de Cataluña con jóvenes de bachillerato. En él se exponen algunos datos que vienen a superar el estereotipo de que esa población joven, a las puertas de la mayoría de edad, tiene un conocimiento escaso de la política e incluso una desafección absoluta hacia ella. No sólo se demuestra que tienen interés por temas socialmente relevantes, sino que expresan su voluntad de acudir a las urnas en cuanto tengan oportunidad. Por supuesto, la discusión final del texto sugiere que el marco de obtención de los datos, un taller formativo con parlamentarios, facilita claramente esos resultados, y que esa corriente de inquietud que expresan los jóvenes debería ser adecuadamente canalizada en los centros escolares para redundar en su formación política y reforzar esa aparente expectación. En este sentido, el presente trabajo termina con un mapa de valores para desarrollar programas de formación política en educación secundaria
English summary: European Union citizenship: much ado about nothing or little ado about a great many things? (s.1285)
BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, health policies are decided at the local level, but little is known regarding their impact on the screening and management of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs). We thus aimed at assessing geographical levels of CVRFs in Switzerland.¦METHODS: Swiss Health Survey for 2007 (N = 17,879). Seven administrative regions were defined: West (Leman), West-Central (Mittelland), Zurich, South (Ticino), North-West, East and Central Switzerland. Obesity, smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes prevalence, treatment and screening within the last 12 months were assessed by interview.¦RESULTS: After multivariate adjustment for age, gender, educational level, marital status and Swiss citizenship, no significant differences were found between regions regarding prevalence of obesity or current smoking. Similarly, no differences were found regarding hypertension screening and prevalence. Two thirds of subjects who had been told they had high blood pressure were treated, the lowest treatment rates being found in East Switzerland: odds-ratio and [95% confidence interval] 0.65 [0.50-0.85]. Screening for hypercholesterolemia was more frequently reported in French (Leman) and Italian (Ticino) speaking regions. Four out of ten participants who had been told they had high cholesterol levels were treated and the lowest treatment rates were found in German-speaking regions. Screening for diabetes was higher in Ticino (1.24 [1.09 - 1.42]). Six out of ten participants who had been told they had diabetes were treated, the lowest treatment rates were found for German-speaking regions.¦CONCLUSIONS: In Switzerland, cardiovascular risk factor screening and management differ between regions and these differences cannot be accounted for by differences in populations' characteristics. Management of most cardiovascular risk factors could be improved.
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata ja ymmärtää osuustoiminnallisen yrityksen alaistaitoja henkilöstön näkökulmasta. Alaistaitoja pyritään ymmärtämään psykologisen sopimuksen, luottamuksen ja organisaatioon sitoutumisen kautta. Tavoitteena on kartoittaa henkilöstön käsityksiä alaistaidoista. Lisäksi pyritään ymmärtämään mitä osuustoiminnallisuus on henkilöstön näkökulmasta ja minkälaisia yhteyksiä sillä on henkilöstön alaistaitoihin. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen tutkimus, jossa tutkimusmetodina on käytetty teemahaastattelua. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty kahdellatoista yksilöhaastattelulla tutkimuksen kohteena olevan organisaation henkilöstöstä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että toimihenkilöiden hahmottamat mahdollisuudet olla osallisena johtamistyössä sekä esimiesten odotukset ja toiveet alaisten toteuttamista alaistaidoista ovat samansuuntaisia. Eroavaisuudet toimihenkilöiden ja esimiesten alaistaito käsityksistä liittyvät työyhteisöön ja esimieheen suuntautuvaan vuorovaikutukseen sekä ammatillisen kasvun menetelmiin. Osuustoiminnallisuus luo pohjaa yhteisöllisyydellä ja sitoutumisen kautta.
BACKGROUND: In most of the emergency departments (ED) in developed countries, a subset of patients visits the ED frequently. Despite their small numbers, these patients are the source of a disproportionally high number of all ED visits, and use a significant proportion of healthcare resources. They place a heavy economic burden on hospital and healthcare systems budgets overall. Several interventions have been carried out to improve the management of these ED frequent users. Case management has been shown in some North American studies to reduce ED utilization and costs. In these studies, cost analyses have been carried out from the hospital perspective without examining the costs induced by healthcare consumed in the community. However, case management might reduce ED visits and costs from the hospital's perspective, but induce substitution effects, and increase health service utilization outside the hospital. This study examined if an interdisciplinary case-management intervention-compared to standard ED care -reduced costs generated by frequent ED users not only from the hospital perspective, but also from the healthcare system perspective-that is, from a broader perspective taking into account the costs of healthcare services used outside the hospital. METHODS: In this randomized controlled trial, 250 adult frequent emergency department users (5 or more visits during the previous 12 months) who visited the ED of the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, between May 2012 and July 2013 were allocated to one of two groups: case management intervention (CM) or standard ED care (SC), and followed up for 12 months. Depending on the perspective of the analysis, costs were evaluated differently. For the analysis from the hospital's perspective, the true value of resources used to provide services was used as a cost estimate. These data were obtained from the hospital's analytical accounting system. For the analysis from the health-care system perspective, all health-care services consumed by users and charged were used as an estimate of costs. These data were obtained from health insurance providers for a subsample of participants. To allow comparisons in a same time period, individual monthly average costs were calculated. Multivariate linear models including a fixed effect "group" were run using socio-demographic characteristics and health-related variables as controlling variables (age, gender, educational level, citizenship, marital status, somatic and mental health problems, and risk behaviors).
BACKGROUND: Frequent emergency department users represent a small number of patients but account for a large number of emergency department visits. They should be a focus because they are often vulnerable patients with many risk factors affecting their quality of life (QoL). Case management interventions have resulted in a significant decrease in emergency department visits, but association with QoL has not been assessed. One aim of our study was to examine to what extent an interdisciplinary case management intervention, compared to standard emergency care, improved frequent emergency department users' QoL. METHODS: Data are part of a randomized, controlled trial designed to improve frequent emergency department users' QoL and use of health-care resources at the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. In total, 250 frequent emergency department users (≥5 attendances during the previous 12 months; ≥ 18 years of age) were interviewed between May 2012 and July 2013. Following an assessment focused on social characteristics; social, mental, and somatic determinants of health; risk behaviors; health care use; and QoL, participants were randomly assigned to the control or the intervention group (n=125 in each group). The final sample included 194 participants (20 deaths, 36 dropouts, n=96 in the intervention group, n=99 in the control group). Participants in the intervention group received a case management intervention by an interdisciplinary, mobile team in addition to standard emergency care. The case management intervention involved four nurses and a physician who provided counseling and assistance concerning social determinants of health, substance-use disorders, and access to the health-care system. The participants' QoL was evaluated by a study nurse using the WHOQOL-BREF five times during the study (at baseline, and at 2, 5.5, 9, and 12 months). Four of the six WHOQOL dimensions of QoL were retained here: physical health, psychological health, social relationship, and environment, with scores ranging from 0 (low QoL) to 100 (high QoL). A linear, mixed-effects model with participants as a random effect was run to analyze the change in QoL over time. The effects of time, participants' group, and the interaction between time and group were tested. These effects were controlled for sociodemographic characteristics and health-related variables (i.e., age, gender, education, citizenship, marital status, type of financial resources, proficiency in French, somatic and mental health problems, and behaviors at risk).
El concepte de ciutadania constitueix un d"aquells exemples en els quals l"evolució del significat del terme es vincula a processos d"interacció que han modificat l"essència de les relacions socials, tot i que de vegades no se sap ben bé si són els discursos els que s"adapten a la realitat o si és la realitat la que està construïda a partir de canvis en el discurs. De fet, en el context de la Grècia clàssica o de la Roma imperial, el concepte de ciutadania, portava aparellat una situació de privilegi, ja fos per diferenciar-se d"altres grups amb menor quota de poder social -el cas dels esclaus- ja fos per establir diferències en funció del lloc de naixement -els nascuts a Roma- que descrivia situacions diferenciades a les d"altres períodes històrics
Identification-commitment inventory (ICI-Model): confirmatory factor analysis and construct validity
The aim of this study is to confirm the factorial structure of the Identification-Commitment Inventory (ICI) developed within the frame of the Human System Audit (HSA) (Quijano et al. in Revist Psicol Soc Apl 10(2):27-61, 2000; Pap Psicól Revist Col Of Psicó 29:92-106, 2008). Commitment and identification are understood by the HSA at an individual level as part of the quality of human processes and resources in an organization; and therefore as antecedents of important organizational outcomes, such as personnel turnover intentions, organizational citizenship behavior, etc. (Meyer et al. in J Org Behav 27:665-683, 2006). The theoretical integrative model which underlies ICI Quijano et al. (2000) was tested in a sample (N = 625) of workers in a Spanish public hospital. Confirmatory factor analysis through structural equation modeling was performed. Elliptical least square solution was chosen as estimator procedure on account of non-normal distribution of the variables. The results confirm the goodness of fit of an integrative model, which underlies the relation between Commitment and Identification, although each one is operatively different.