976 resultados para EEG, fMRI, sinestesia


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Objective: Phenobarbital increases electroclinical uncoupling and our preliminary observations suggest it may also affect electrographic seizure morphology. This may alter the performance of a novel seizure detection algorithm (SDA) developed by our group. The objectives of this study were to compare the morphology of seizures before and after phenobarbital administration in neonates and to determine the effect of any changes on automated seizure detection rates. Methods: The EEGs of 18 term neonates with seizures both pre- and post-phenobarbital (524 seizures) administration were studied. Ten features of seizures were manually quantified and summary measures for each neonate were statistically compared between pre- and post-phenobarbital seizures. SDA seizure detection rates were also compared. Results: Post-phenobarbital seizures showed significantly lower amplitude (p < 0.001) and involved fewer EEG channels at the peak of seizure (p < 0.05). No other features or SDA detection rates showed a statistical difference. Conclusion: These findings show that phenobarbital reduces both the amplitude and propagation of seizures which may help to explain electroclinical uncoupling of seizures. The seizure detection rate of the algorithm was unaffected by these changes. Significance: The results suggest that users should not need to adjust the SDA sensitivity threshold after phenobarbital administration.


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BARBOSA, André F. ; SOUZA, Bryan C. ; PEREIRA JUNIOR, Antônio ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D.de, . Implementação de Classificador de Tarefas Mentais Baseado em EEG. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE REDES NEURAIS, 9., 2009, Ouro Preto, MG. Anais... Ouro Preto, MG, 2009


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Drowsy driving impairs motorists’ ability to operate vehicles safely, endangering both the drivers and other people on the road. The purpose of the project is to find the most effective wearable device to detect drowsiness. Existing research has demonstrated several options for drowsiness detection, such as electroencephalogram (EEG) brain wave measurement, eye tracking, head motions, and lane deviations. However, there are no detailed trade-off analyses for the cost, accuracy, detection time, and ergonomics of these methods. We chose to use two different EEG headsets: NeuroSky Mindwave Mobile (single-electrode) and Emotiv EPOC (14- electrode). We also tested a camera and gyroscope-accelerometer device. We can successfully determine drowsiness after five minutes of training using both single and multi-electrode EEGs. Devices were evaluated using the following criteria: time needed to achieve accurate reading, accuracy of prediction, rate of false positives vs. false negatives, and ergonomics and portability. This research will help improve detection devices, and reduce the number of future accidents due to drowsy driving.


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The use of human brain electroencephalography (EEG) signals for automatic person identi cation has been investigated for a decade. It has been found that the performance of an EEG-based person identication system highly depends on what feature to be extracted from multi-channel EEG signals. Linear methods such as Power Spectral Density and Autoregressive Model have been used to extract EEG features. However these methods assumed that EEG signals are stationary. In fact, EEG signals are complex, non-linear, non-stationary, and random in nature. In addition, other factors such as brain condition or human characteristics may have impacts on the performance, however these factors have not been investigated and evaluated in previous studies. It has been found in the literature that entropy is used to measure the randomness of non-linear time series data. Entropy is also used to measure the level of chaos of braincomputer interface systems. Therefore, this thesis proposes to study the role of entropy in non-linear analysis of EEG signals to discover new features for EEG-based person identi- cation. Five dierent entropy methods including Shannon Entropy, Approximate Entropy, Sample Entropy, Spectral Entropy, and Conditional Entropy have been proposed to extract entropy features that are used to evaluate the performance of EEG-based person identication systems and the impacts of epilepsy, alcohol, age and gender characteristics on these systems. Experiments were performed on the Australian EEG and Alcoholism datasets. Experimental results have shown that, in most cases, the proposed entropy features yield very fast person identication, yet with compatible accuracy because the feature dimension is low. In real life security operation, timely response is critical. The experimental results have also shown that epilepsy, alcohol, age and gender characteristics have impacts on the EEG-based person identication systems.


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In this work, we perform a first approach to emotion recognition from EEG single channel signals extracted in four (4) mother-child dyads experiment in developmental psychology -- Single channel EEG signals are analyzed and processed using several window sizes by performing a statistical analysis over features in the time and frequency domains -- Finally, a neural network obtained an average accuracy rate of 99% of classification in two emotional states such as happiness and sadness


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Inter-subject parcellation of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data based on a standard General Linear Model (GLM) and spectral clustering was recently proposed as a means to alleviate the issues associated with spatial normalization in fMRI. However, for all its appeal, a GLM-based parcellation approach introduces its own biases, in the form of a priori knowledge about the shape of Hemodynamic Response Function (HRF) and task-related signal changes, or about the subject behaviour during the task. In this paper, we introduce a data-driven version of the spectral clustering parcellation, based on Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) instead of the GLM. First, a number of independent components are automatically selected. Seed voxels are then obtained from the associated ICA maps and we compute the PLS latent variables between the fMRI signal of the seed voxels (which covers regional variations of the HRF) and the principal components of the signal across all voxels. Finally, we parcellate all subjects data with a spectral clustering of the PLS latent variables. We present results of the application of the proposed method on both single-subject and multi-subject fMRI datasets. Preliminary experimental results, evaluated with intra-parcel variance of GLM t-values and PLS derived t-values, indicate that this data-driven approach offers improvement in terms of parcellation accuracy over GLM based techniques.


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Schurz and Tholen (2016) argue that common approaches to studying the neural basis of “theory of mind” (ToM) obscure a potentially important role for inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) in managing conflict between perspectives, and urge new work to address this question: “to gain a full understanding of the IFG's role in ToM, we encourage future imaging studies to use a wider range of control conditions.” (p332). We wholeheartedly agree, but note that this observation has been made before, and has already led to a programme of work that provides evidence from fMRI, EEG, and TMS on the role of IFG in managing conflict between self and other perspectives in ToM. We highlight these works, and in particular we demonstrate how careful manipulation within ToM tasks has been used to act as an internal control condition, wherein conflict has been manipulated within-subject. We further add to the discussion by framing key questions that remain regarding IFG in the context of these. Using limitations in the existing research, we outline how best researchers can proceed with the challenge set by Schurz and Tholen (2016).


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Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are widely used classifiers for detecting physiological patterns in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Their success is due to their versatility, robustness and large availability of free dedicated toolboxes. Frequently in the literature, insufficient details about the SVM implementation and/or parameters selection are reported, making it impossible to reproduce study analysis and results. In order to perform an optimized classification and report a proper description of the results, it is necessary to have a comprehensive critical overview of the application of SVM. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the usage of SVM in the determination of brain and muscle patterns for HCI, by focusing on electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) techniques. In particular, an overview of the basic principles of SVM theory is outlined, together with a description of several relevant literature implementations. Furthermore, details concerning reviewed papers are listed in tables, and statistics of SVM use in the literature are presented. Suitability of SVM for HCI is discussed and critical comparisons with other classifiers are reported.


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Thesis (Ph.D, Neuroscience Studies) -- Queen's University, 2016-08-27 00:55:35.782


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Introduction Seizures are harmful to the neonatal brain; this compels many clinicians and researchers to persevere further in optimizing every aspects of managing neonatal seizures. Aims To delineate the seizure profile between non-cooled versus cooled neonates with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE), in neonates with stroke, the response of seizure burden to phenobarbitone and to quantify the degree of electroclinical dissociation (ECD) of seizures. Methods The multichannel video-EEG was used in this research study as the gold standard to detect seizures, allowing accurate quantification of seizure burden to be ascertained in term neonates. The entire EEG recording for each neonate was independently reviewed by at least 1 experienced neurophysiologist. Data were expressed in medians and interquartile ranges. Linear mixed models results were presented as mean (95% confidence interval); p values <0.05 were deemed as significant. Results Seizure burden in cooled neonates was lower than in non-cooled neonates [60(39-224) vs 203(141-406) minutes; p=0.027]. Seizure burden was reduced in cooled neonates with moderate HIE [49(26-89) vs 162(97-262) minutes; p=0.020] when compared with severe HIE. In neonates with stroke, the background pattern showed suppression over the infarcted side and seizures demonstrated a characteristic pattern. Compared with 10 mg/kg, phenobarbitone doses at 20 mg/kg reduced seizure burden (p=0.004). Seizure burden was reduced within 1 hour of phenobarbitone administration [mean (95% confidence interval): -14(-20 to -8) minutes/hour; p<0.001], but seizures returned to pre-treatment levels within 4 hours (p=0.064). The ECD index in cooled, non-cooled neonates with HIE, stroke and in neonates with other diagnoses were 88%, 94%, 64% and 75% respectively. Conclusions Further research exploring the treatment effects on seizure burden in the neonatal brain is required. A change to our current treatment strategy is warranted as we continue to strive for more effective seizure control, anchored with use of the multichannel EEG as the surveillance tool.


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La decodifica dei segnali elettroencefalografici (EEG) consiste nell’analisi del segnale per classificare le azioni o lo stato cognitivo di un soggetto. Questi studi possono permettere di comprendere meglio i correlati neurali alla base del movimento, oltre che avere un’applicazione pratica nelle Brain Computer Interfaces. In questo ambito, di rilievo sono le reti neurali convoluzionali (Convolutional Neural Networks, CNNs), che grazie alle loro elevate performance stanno acquisendo importanza nella decodifica del segnale EEG. In questo elaborato di tesi è stata addestrata una CNN precedentemente proposta in letteratura, EEGNet, per classificare i segnali EEG acquisiti durante movimenti di reaching del braccio dominante, sulla base della posizione del target da raggiungere. I dati sono stati acquisiti su dieci soggetti grazie al protocollo sviluppato in questo lavoro, in cui 5 led disposti su una semicirconferenza rappresentano i target del movimento e l’accensione casuale di un led identifica il target da raggiungere in ciascuna prova. I segnali EEG acquisiti sono stati quindi ricampionati, filtrati e suddivisi in epoche di due secondi attorno all’inizio di ciascun movimento, rimuovendo gli artefatti oculari mediante ICA. La rete è stata valutata in tre task di classificazione, uno a cinque classi (una posizione target per classe) e due a tre classi (raggruppando più posizioni target per classe). Per ogni task, la rete è stata addestrata in cross-validazione utilizzando un approccio within-subject. Con questo approccio sono state addestrate e validate 15 CNNs diverse per ogni soggetto. Infine, è stato calcolato l’F1 score per ciascun task di classificazione, mediando i risultati sui soggetti, per valutare quantitativamente le performance della CNN che sono risultati migliori nel classificare target disposti a destra e a sinistra.


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Il miglioramento dell'assistenza e dei risultati dei pazienti si basano attualmente sullo sviluppo e sulla convalida di nuovi farmaci e tecnologie, soprattutto in campi in rapida evoluzione come la Cardiologia Interventistica. Tuttavia, al giorno d’oggi ancora poca attenzione è rivolta ai professionisti che effettuano tali operazioni, il cui sforzo cognitivo-motorio è essenziale per la riuscita degli interventi. L’ottimizzazione delle prestazioni e dell'organizzazione del lavoro è essenziale in quanto influisce sul carico di lavoro mentale dell'operatore e può determinare l'efficacia dell'intervento e l'impatto sulla prognosi dei pazienti. È stato ampiamente dimostrato che diverse funzioni cognitive, tra cui l'affaticamento mentale comporta alcuni cambiamenti nei segnali elettroencefalografici. Vi sono diversi marcatori dei segnali EEG ciascuno con una determinata ampiezza, frequenza e fase che permettono di comprendere le attività cerebrali. Per questo studio è stato utilizzato un modello di analisi spettrale elettroencefalografica chiamato Alpha Prevalence (AP), che utilizza le tre onde alpha, beta e theta, per mettere in correlazione i processi cognitivi da un lato e le oscillazioni EEG dall’altro. Questo elaborato, condotto insieme all’azienda Vibre, prende in esame il cambiamento dell’AP, all’interno di una popolazione di cardiologi interventisti che effettuano interventi in cath-lab presso l’ospedale universitario di Ferrara, per valutare la condizione di affaticamento mentale o di eccessiva sonnolenza. L’esperimento prevede la registrazione del segnale EEG nei partecipanti volontari durante gli interventi e durante le pause nel corso dell’intero turno di lavoro. Lo scopo sarà quello di rilevare i cambiamenti nella metrica dell’alpha prevalence al variare del carico attentivo: ossia al variare delle risorse attentive richieste dal compito in relazione all’aumentare del tempo.