954 resultados para Drug-induced autoimmune liver disease
The ability to detect, characterize, and manipulate specific biomolecules in complex media is critical for understanding metabolic processes. Particularly important targets are oxygenases (cytochromes P450) involved in drug metabolism and many disease states, including liver and kidney dysfunction, neurological disorders, and cancer. We have found that Ru photosensitizers linked to P450 substrates specifically recognize submicromolar cytochrome P450cam in the presence of other heme proteins. In the P450:Ru-substrate conjugates, energy transfer to the heme dramatically accelerates the Ru-luminescence decay. The crystal structure of a P450cam:Ru-adamantyl complex reveals access to the active center via a channel whose depth (Ru-Fe distance is 21 Å) is virtually the same as that extracted from an analysis of the energy-transfer kinetics. Suitably constructed libraries of sensitizer-linked substrates could be employed to probe the steric and electronic properties of buried active sites.
Drug-induced long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a prevalent disorder of uncertain etiology that predisposes to sudden death. KCNE2 encodes MinK-related peptide 1 (MiRP1), a subunit of the cardiac potassium channel IKr that has been associated previously with inherited LQTS. Here, we examine KCNE2 in 98 patients with drug-induced LQTS, identifying three individuals with sporadic mutations and a patient with sulfamethoxazole-associated LQTS who carried a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) found in ≈1.6% of the general population. While mutant channels showed diminished potassium flux at baseline and wild-type drug sensitivity, channels with the SNP were normal at baseline but inhibited by sulfamethoxazole at therapeutic levels that did not affect wild-type channels. We conclude that allelic variants of MiRP1 contribute to a significant fraction of cases of drug-induced LQTS through multiple mechanisms and that common sequence variations that increase the risk of life-threatening drug reactions can be clinically silent before drug exposure.
Liver-specific and nonliver-specific methionine adenosyltransferases (MATs) are products of two genes, MAT1A and MAT2A, respectively, that catalyze the formation of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), the principal biological methyl donor. Mature liver expresses MAT1A, whereas MAT2A is expressed in extrahepatic tissues and is induced during liver growth and dedifferentiation. To examine the influence of MAT1A on hepatic growth, we studied the effects of a targeted disruption of the murine MAT1A gene. MAT1A mRNA and protein levels were absent in homozygous knockout mice. At 3 months, plasma methionine level increased 776% in knockouts. Hepatic AdoMet and glutathione levels were reduced by 74 and 40%, respectively, whereas S-adenosylhomocysteine, methylthioadenosine, and global DNA methylation were unchanged. The body weight of 3-month-old knockout mice was unchanged from wild-type littermates, but the liver weight was increased 40%. The Affymetrix genechip system and Northern and Western blot analyses were used to analyze differential expression of genes. The expression of many acute phase-response and inflammatory markers, including orosomucoid, amyloid, metallothionein, Fas antigen, and growth-related genes, including early growth response 1 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen, is increased in the knockout animal. At 3 months, knockout mice are more susceptible to choline-deficient diet-induced fatty liver. At 8 months, knockout mice developed spontaneous macrovesicular steatosis and predominantly periportal mononuclear cell infiltration. Thus, absence of MAT1A resulted in a liver that is more susceptible to injury, expresses markers of an acute phase response, and displays increased proliferation.
Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that serves as a model for the human disease multiple sclerosis. We evaluated rolipram, a type IV phosphodiesterase inhibitor, for its efficacy in preventing EAE in the common marmoset Callithrix jacchus. In a blinded experimental design, clinical signs of EAE developed within 17 days of immunization with human white matter in two placebo-treated animals but in none of three monkeys that received rolipram (10 mg/kg s.c. every other day) beginning 1 week after immunization. In controls, signs of EAE were associated with development of cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis and cerebral MRI abnormalities. In the treatment group, there was sustained protection from clinical EAE, transient cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis in only one of three animals, no MRI abnormality, and marked reduction in histopathologic findings. Rolipram-treated and control animals equally developed circulating antibodies to myelin basic protein. Thus, inhibition of type IV phosphodiesterase, initiated after sensitization to central nervous system antigens, protected against autoimmune demyelinating disease.
Com o objetivo de se avaliar a importância do \"clearance\" do dietilenotriamino-pentacetato marcado com Tecnécio 99m (DTPA-Tecnécio-99m) em portadores de pneumopatia por amiodarona foram estudados 40 indivíduos, em quatro grupos. Grupo I: 10 voluntários normais, assintomáticos e não fumantes (8 homens e 2 mulheres), com média de idade de 56,80 anos. Grupo II: 10 voluntários normais, assintomáticos e fumantes (6 homens e 4 mulheres ), com média de idade de 27,50 anos. Grupo III: 10 pacientes não fumantes ( 4 homens e 5 mulheres ), com média de idade de 52,90 anos. Todos faziam uso crônico de amiodarona por via oral. Grupo IV: 10 pacientes portadores de pneumopatia por amiodarona, quatro ex-fumantes, dois fumantes e quatro não fumantes ( 8 homens e 2 mulheres) com média de idade de 52,90 anos. Todos faziam uso de amiodarona por via oral e nenhum fumou nas 4 semanas que precederam o estudo. Após espirometria que constou do registro da curva volume-tempo, todos inalaram 4 ml de solução salina contendo 740 MBq de DTPA Tecnécio-99m, durante cinco minutos. Através de uma c~mara de cintilação computadorizada foram obtidas imagens pulmonares, definindo-se 9 áreas de interesse. Para cada região escolhida foi determinada uma curva de \"clearance\" extraindo-se o valor de meia-vida biológica em minu- tos ( T 1/2 ) e a taxa percentual de \" clearance\" alvéolo capilar do radioaerossol por minuto (K%/min). Observamos que, das variáveis espirométricas consideradas, a capacidade vital forçada (CVF) e o volume expiratório forçado no 1 segundo (VEF1) mostraram diferenças significantes entre os grupos I e IV. A contagem total de radioatividade de ambos os pulmões não mostrou relação com a CVF e o VEF1. O \" clearance \" pulmonar do DTPA Tecnécio-99m foi maior nos grupos 11 e IV, porém não permitindo sua diferenciação. Estes resultados permitem concluir: Os pacientes portadores de pneumonite por amiodaro- na apresentam\" clearance \" alvéolo-capilar de DTPA Tecnécio-99m significativamente maior que os indivíduos do grupo de normais não fumantes. Este fato também se verificou em relação aos pacientes em uso crônico de amiodarona mas sem evidências de pneumopatia. Não é possível diferenciar os fumantes dos portadores de pneumonite por amiodarona através da análise da integridade da barreira alvéolo-epitelial com DTPA Tecnécio-99m. Comparativamente, o estudo da integridade alvéolo-epitelial pelo \"clearance\" pulmonar de DTPA Tecnécio-99m é mais sensível que a espirometria na avaliação da pneumonite por amiodarona, permitindo diferenciar estes pacientes dos que fazem uso crônico da droga
A doença hepática gordurosa não-alcoólica (NAFLD, do inglês) é a manifestação clínica hepática da síndrome metabólica, cuja incidência aumenta consideravelmente em todo o mundo. A NAFLD pode progredir para um estado de esteatohepatite não-alcoólica (NASH, do inglês), caracterizado por inflamação hepatocelular, com ou sem fibrose. Dados na literatura mostram que o coativador-1 alfa do receptor ativado por proliferadores de peroxissoma gama (PGC-1alfa), além de estar envolvido em diversos processos metabólicos, representa uma estratégia terapêutica promissora na modulação da inflamação. Neste projeto investigamos as alterações inflamatórias no fígado induzida por dieta hiperlipídica e o papel do PGC-1alfa nesse processo. Camundongos C57black/6 receberam dieta hiperlipídica contendo 30% de gordura por 10 semanas. O peso dos animais foi avaliado semanalmente. Após a eutanásia, o tecido adiposo intra-abdominal (retroperitoneal e periepididimal) foi coletado e pesado. Analisamos o perfil glicêmico e lipídico sérico e expressão de genes envolvidos no metabolismo glicêmico e lipídico. Avaliou-se também o aspecto histológico e a inflamação do tecido hepático por quantificação das citocinas IL-6, TNF-alfa e IL-1beta. A dieta rica em gordura conduziu a um aumento dos depósitos de gordura intra-abdominal, hiperglicemia e hiperlipidemia. Os animais também apresentavam esteatohepatite, com aumento de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e diminuição na expressão de PGC-1alfa no tecido hepático. O envolvimento do PGC-1alfa na produção de mediadores inflamatórios por hepatócitos foi avaliado em células HepG2 utilizando RNA de interferência (RNAi). O knockdown da expressão de PGC-1alfa causou aumento na expressão e liberação de IL-6 em hepatócitos via aumento na fosforilação de IkBalfa e consequente ativação do NFkB. Portanto, nossos dados mostram que o PGC-1alfa inibe a produção de mediadores inflamatórios (IL-6) em hepatócitos, e fornecem novas evidências das conexões existentes entre as vias metabólicas e imunes
Introdution: Haemochromatosis-type IV, the ferroportin disease, is characterized by an autosomal-dominant transmission and early iron accumulation in macrophages. It is caused by mutations in the transmembrane iron exporter protein ferroportin1 (SLC40A1 gene). In form A (classic), ferroportin loss of function mutants are unable to export iron from cells leading to cellular iron accumulation with decreased availability of iron for serum transferrin (TS). We present a Portuguese rare clinical case of HH-IV. Materials and Methods: A 41-year-old woman with hyperferritinemia and normal TS. Causes of hyperferritinemia (inflammation, chronic alcohol consumption, metabolic syndrome, cell necrosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and aceruloplasminemia) were assessed. Liver iron, evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was carried out. Screening for mutation in HFE and SCL40A1 genes were performed by Sanger sequencing. Baseline: Ferritin:708ng/ml; TS: 27%; MRI:85µmol/g; Hb:13,6g/dl. Therapy: weekly 450ml Therapeutic Phlebotomies (TP) until ferritin≤50ng/ml. Results: Hyperferritinemia comorbidities and common genetic mutations for haemochromatosis were negative. However, sequencing of the patient SLC40A1 gene has revealed the presence in heterozygosity of the variant c.238G>A; p.Gly80Ser. Due to low tolerance to TP, we adopted smaller phlebotomies every three weeks. Conclusion: This patient has a rare autosomal-dominant Ferroportin disease due to a mutated ferroportin which is predicted to be defective in iron cellular export. In agreement, she presents hyperferritinemia, with normal TS and liver iron overload. The genotype/phenotype association allowed to diagnosis this rare FD case. Although a mild form A, we decided to start TP. Her father also has been treated for iron overload.
BACKGROUND Prisoners represent a vulnerable population for blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections which can potentially lead to liver fibrosis and ultimately cirrhosis. However, little is known about the prevalence of liver fibrosis and associated risk factors among inmates in sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS Screening of liver fibrosis was undertaken in a randomly selected sample of male inmates incarcerated in Lome, Togo and in Dakar, Senegal using transient elastography. A liver stiffness measurement ≥9.5 KPa was retained to define the presence of a severe liver fibrosis. All included inmates were also screened for HIV, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection. Substances abuse including alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use were assessed during face-to-face interviews. Odds Ratio (OR) estimates were computed with their 95 % Confidence Interval (CI) to identify factors associated with severe liver fibrosis. RESULTS Overall, 680 inmates were included with a median age of 30 years [interquartile range: 24-35]. The prevalence of severe fibrosis was 3.1 % (4.9 % in Lome and 1.2 % in Dakar). Infections with HIV, HBV and HCV were identified in 2.6 %, 12.5 % and 0.5 % of inmates, respectively. Factors associated with a severe liver fibrosis were HIV infection (OR = 7.6; CI 1.8-32.1), HBV infection (OR = 4.8; CI 1.8-12.8), HCV infection (OR = 52.6; CI 4.1-673.8), use of traditional medicines (OR = 3.7; CI 1.4-10.1) and being incarcerated in Lome (OR = 3.3; CI 1.1-9.8) compared to Dakar. CONCLUSIONS HIV infection and viral hepatitis infections were identified as important and independent determinants of severe liver fibrosis. While access to active antiviral therapies against HIV and viral hepatitis expands in Africa, adapted strategies for the monitoring of liver disease need to be explored, especially in vulnerable populations such as inmates.
Background/Aims: Insulin resistance and systemic hypertension are predictors of advanced fibrosis in obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Genetic factors may also be important. We hypothesize that high angiotensinogen (AT) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) producing genotypes increase the risk of liver fibrosis in obese subjects with NAFLD. Methods: One hundred and five of 130 consecutive severely obese patients having a liver biopsy at the time of laparoscopic obesity surgery agreed to have genotype analysis. Influence of specific genotype or combination of genotypes on the stage of hepatic fibrosis was assessed after controlling for known risk factors. Results: There was no fibrosis in 70 (67%), stages 1-2 in 21 (20%) and stages 3-4 fibrosis in 14 (13%) of subjects. There was no relationship between either high AT or TGF-beta1 producing genotypes alone and hepatic fibrosis after controlling for confounding factors. However, advanced hepatic fibrosis occurred in five of 13 subjects (odds ratio 5.7, 95% confidence interval 1.5-21.2, P = 0.005) who inherited both high AT and TGF-beta1 producing polymorphisms. Conclusions: The combination of high AT and TGF-beta1 producing polymorphisms is associated with advanced hepatic fibrosis in obese patients with NAFLD. These findings support the hypothesis that angiotensin II stimulated TGF-beta1 production may promote hepatic fibrosis. (C) 2003 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Orthotopic liver retransplantation (re-OLT) is highly controversial. The objectives of this study were to determine the validity of a recently developed United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) multivariate model using an independent cohort of patients undergoing re-OLT outside the United States, to determine whether incorporation of other variables that were incomplete in the UNOS registry would provide additional prognostic information, to develop new models combining data sets from both cohorts, and to evaluate the validity of the model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) in patients undergoing re-OLT. Two hundred eighty-one adult patients undergoing re-OLT (between 1986 and 1999) at 6 foreign transplant centers comprised the validation cohort. We found good agreement between actual survival and predicted survival in the validation cohort; 1-year patient survival rates in the low-, intermediate-, and high-risk groups (as assigned by the original UNOS model) were 72%, 68%, and 36%, respectively (P < .0001). In the patients for whom the international normalized ratio (INR) of prothrombin time was available, MELD correlated with outcome following re-OLT; the median MELD scores for patients surviving at least 90 days compared with those dying within 90 days were 20.75 versus 25.9, respectively (P = .004). Utilizing both patient cohorts (n = 979), a new model, based on recipient age, total serum bilirubin, creatinine, and interval to re-OLT, was constructed (whole model χ(2) = 105, P < .0001). Using the c-statistic with 30-day, 90-day, 1-year, and 3-year mortality as the end points, the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for 4 different models were compared. In conclusion, prospective validation and use of these models as adjuncts to clinical decision making in the management of patients being considered for re-OLT are warranted.
End-stage liver disease associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is now the leading indication for liver transplantation in adults. However, reinfection of the graft is universal. We aimed to determine predictors of outcome of HCV-Iiver transplant recipients in the Australian and New Zealand communities. The following variables were analysed: demographic factors, coexistent pathology at the time of transplantation, HCV genotype, and donor age. Outcomes measures were: 1. mortality; 2. development of HCV-related complications, which were stage 3 or 4 fibrosis, or mortality from HCV-related graft failure, or both. Between January 1989 and December 30, 1999, 182 patients were transplanted for HCV-associated cirrhosis. The median follow-up period was 4 years (range, 0 to 13 years). Genotype data were available on 157 patients. The distribution of genotypes among the 157 patients was as follows: 36 (23%) genotype la, 30 (19%) genotype 1b, 4 (9%) genotype 1, 17 (11%) genotype 2, 41 (26%) genotype 3a, and 16 (10%) genotype 4. Eight (5%) patients were HCV-polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-negative (but HCV-antibody positive). Donor age and genotype 4 were associated with an increased risk of retransplantation or death (P < .001 and.05, respectively). Meanwhile, donor age, genotype 4, and pretransplant excess alcohol were risk factors for the development of HCV-related complications (P = .004, .008, and .02, respectively). In contrast, patients with genotype 3a were less likely to develop HCV-related complications (P = .05). In a population of HCV liver transplant recipients with a heterogeneous genotype distribution, donor age, and genotype 4, were predictors of a worse outcome, whereas genotype 3 was associated with a more favorable outcome.
The clinical outcome of patients who have undergone liver transplantation for hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) or who have received iron-loaded donor grafts is unclear. We reviewed 3,600 adult primary orthotopic liver transplants and assessed the outcomes in 22 patients with HH. We also evaluated graft function and iron mobilization in 12 recipients of iron-loaded donor grafts. All 22 subjects who received liver transplants for HH were male; 13 had other risk factors for liver disease. HH patients had comparatively poor outcomes following transplantation: survival at 1, 3, and 5 years posttransplantation were 72%, 62%, and 55%, respectively. Recurrent hepatocellular cancer was the most common cause of death. There was no convincing evidence of reaccumulation of iron in the grafted liver in HH; however, 1 subject demonstrated increased serum ferritin concentration and grade 2 hepatic siderosis. Liver iron stores were slow to mobilize in 7 of the 12 recipients of iron-loaded grafts. These recipients had appropriate early graft function, but 2 patients with heavy iron loading and increased hepatic iron developed hepatic fibrosis. In conclusion. (1) HH is an uncommon indication for liver transplantation, and the majority of patients requiring transplantation had other risk factors for chronic liver disease; (2) reaccumulation of liver iron in HH patients is very unusual, but increased iron stores may be slow to mobilize in normal recipients of iron-loaded grafts, potentially compromising late graft function; (3) post-liver transplant survival is reduced in HH, and affected patients require careful clinical evaluation of perioperative and postoperative risk factors. Our data suggest that iron excess in HH does not wholly depend on intestinal iron absorption but is also influenced by liver factors that moderate iron metabolism.
Aims/hypothesis: Subclinical left ventricular (LV) dysfunction has been shown by tissue Doppler and strain imaging in diabetic patients in the absence of coronary disease or LV hypertrophy, but the prevalence and aetiology of this finding remain unclear. This study sought to identify the prevalence and the determinants of subclinical diabetic heart disease. Methods: A group of 219 unselected patients with type 2 diabetes without known cardiac disease underwent resting and stress echocardiography. After exclusion of coronary artery disease or LV hypertrophy, the remaining 120 patients ( age 57 +/- 10 years, 73 male) were studied with tissue Doppler imaging. Peak systolic strain of each wall and systolic (Sm) and diastolic ( Em) velocity of each basal segment were measured from the three apical views and averaged for each patient. Significant subclinical LV dysfunction was identified according to Sm and Em normal ranges adjusted by age and sex. Strain and Em were correlated with clinical, therapeutic, echocardiographic and biochemical variables, and significant independent associations were sought using a multiple linear regressionmodel. Results: Significant subclinical LV dysfunction was present in 27% diabetic patients. Myocardial systolic dysfunction by peak strain was independently associated with glycosylated haemoglobin level ( p< 0.001) and lack of angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitor treatment ( p= 0.003). Myocardial diastolic function ( Em) was independently predicted by age ( p= 0.013), hypertension ( p= 0.001), insulin ( p= 0.008) and metformin ( p= 0.01) treatment. Conclusions/ interpretation: In patients with diabetes mellitus, subclinical LV dysfunction is common and associated with poor diabetic control, advancing age, hypertension and metformin treatment; ACE inhibitor and insulin therapies appear to be protective.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common of all liver diseases. The hepatic disposition [H-3]palmitate and its low-molecular-weight metabolites in perfused normal and steatotic rat liver were studied using the multiple indicator dilution technique and a physiologically based slow diffusion/bound pharmacokinetic model. The steatotic rat model was established by administration of 17alpha-ethynylestradiol to female Wistar rats. Serum biochemistry markers and histology of treated and normal animals were assessed and indicated the presence of steatosis in the treatment group. The steatotic group showed a significantly higher alanine aminotransferase-to-aspartate aminotransferase ratio, lower levels of liver fatty acid binding protein and cytochrome P-450, as well as microvesicular steatosis with an enlargement of sinusoidal space. Hepatic extraction for unchanged [H-3]palmitate and production of low-molecular-weight metabolites were found to be significantly decreased in steatotic animals. Pharmacokinetic analysis suggested that the reduced extraction and sequestration for palmitate and its metabolites was mainly attributed to a reduction in liver fatty acid binding protein in steatosis.
The use of sirolimus as an alternative to calcineurin antagonists has enabled the continuation of immunosuppression in patients with renal impairment with preservation of kidney function. Sirolimus is generally well tolerated, with the main causes of cessation of therapy related to its effect on blood lipid profile as well as leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. We report a case of a debilitating ulcerating maculopapular rash necessitating cessation of the drug in a liver transplantation patient. A 56-year-old Caucasian liver transplantation patient presented with a diffuse, debilitating rash attributed to sirolimus use. This ultimately necessitated cessation of the immunosuppressant with subsequent resolution of her symptoms. From a review of the current literature, this is a highly unusual adverse reaction to sirolimus.