950 resultados para Drag coefficients
Piotr Omenzetter and Simon Hoell's work within the Lloyd's Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research.
Piotr Omenzetter and Simon Hoell’s work within the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research.
Recrystallization processes in marine sediments can alter the extent to which biogenic calcite composition serves as a proxy of oceanic chemical and isotopic history. Models of calcite recrystallization developed to date have resulted in significant insights into these processes, but are not completely adequate to describe the conditions of recrystallization. Marine sediments frequently have concentration gradients in interstitial dissolved calcium, magnesium, and strontium which have probably evolved during sediment accumulation. Realistic, albeit simplified, models of the temporal evolution of interstitial water profiles of Ca, Mg, and Sr were used with several patterns of recrystallization rate variation to predict the composition of recrystallized inorganic calcite. Comparison of predictions with measured Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in severely altered calcite samples from several Deep Sea Drilling Project sites demonstrates that models incorporating temporal variation in interstitial water composition more successfully predict observed calcite compositions than do models which rely solely on present-day interstitial water chemistry. Temporal changes in interstitial composition are particularly important in interpreting Mg/Ca ratios in conjunction with Sr/Ca ratios. Estimates of Mg distribution coefficients from previous observations in marine sediments, much lower than those in laboratory studies of inorganic calcite, are confirmed by these results. Evaluation of the effects of diagenetic alteration of biogenic calcium carbonate sediment must be a site-specific process, taking into account accumulation history, present interstitial chemistry and its variation in the past, and sample depths and ages.
The drag on a nacelle model was investigated experimentally and computationally to provide guidance and insight into the capabilities of RANS-based CFD. The research goal was to determine whether industry constrained CFD could participate in the aerodynamic design of nacelle bodies. Grid refinement level, turbulence model and near wall treatment settings, to predict drag to the highest accuracy, were key deliverables. Cold flow low-speed wind tunnel experiments were conducted at a Reynolds number of 6∙〖10〗^5, 293 K and a Mach number of 0.1. Total drag force was measured by a six-component force balance. Detailed wake analysis, using a seven-hole pressure probe traverse, allowed for drag decomposition via the far-field method. Drag decomposition was performed through a range of angles of attack between 0o and 45o. Both methods agreed on total drag within their respective uncertainties. Reversed flow at the measurement plane and saturation of the load cell caused discrepancies at high angles of attack. A parallel CFD study was conducted using commercial software, ICEM 15.0 and FLUENT 15.0. Simulating a similar nacelle geometry operating under inlet boundary conditions obtained through wind tunnel characterization allowed for direct comparisons with experiment. It was determined that the Realizable k-ϵ was best suited for drag prediction of this geometry. This model predicted the axial momentum loss and secondary flow in the wake, as well as the integrated surface forces, within experimental error up to 20o angle of attack. SST k-ω required additional surface grid resolution on the nacelle suction side, resulting in 15% more elements, due to separation point prediction sensitivity. It was further recommended to apply enhanced wall treatment to more accurately capture the viscous drag and separated flow structures. Overall, total drag was predicted within 5% at 0o angle of attack and 10% at 20o, each within experimental uncertainty. What is more, the form and induced drag predicted by CFD and measured by the wake traverse shared good agreement. Which indicated CFD captured the key flow features accurately despite simplification of the nacelle interior geometry.
The random-phase approximation with exchange (RPAE) is used with a B-spline basis to compute dynamic dipole polarizabilities of noble-gas atoms and several other closed-shell atoms (Be, Mg, Ca, Zn, Sr, Cd, and Ba). From these, values of the van der Waals C6 constants for positronium interactions with these atoms are determined and compared with existing data. After correcting the RPAE polarizabilities to fit the most accurate static polarizability data, our best predictions of C6 for Ps–noble-gas pairs are expected to be accurate to within 1%, and to within a few percent for the alkaline-earth metals. We also used accurate dynamic dipole polarizabilities from the literature to compute the C6 coefficients for the alkali-metal atoms. Implications of increased C6 values for Ps scattering from more polarizable atoms are discussed.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att ur ett genreteoretiskt och komparativt perspektiv med hjälp av metoden närläsning undersöka vilka av gotikens genrekonventioner som förekommer i svensk urban fantasy. Romanerna som analyseras är Nene Ormes Udda verklighet (2010), Mats Strandbergs och Sara Bergmark Elfgrens Cirkeln (2011), samt Charlotte Cederlunds Middagsmörker (2016). De gotiska genrekonventioner som används vid analysen är hämtade från Mattias Fyhrs definition av gotik i hans doktorsavhandling De mörka labyrinterna (2003). I diskussionsdelen kombineras dessa med Alastair Fowlers teori ur Kinds of Literature (1982) kring hur olika genrer förefaller ha en rörlighet och flyta in i varandra. Resultatet av analysen visar att samtliga av Fyhrs kategorier finns representerade i de tre romanerna, och skiljer sig något i hur de gestaltas. Följande slutsatser dras: att många likheter förekommer såsom att de drömmar och syner som skildras är vitala för böckernas handlingar, att huvudkaraktären i samtliga analyserade romaner är kvinnlig, utom i Cirkeln där fem perspektiv förekommer varav ett är manligt, att alla romaner har sina egna varianter på fantasytroperna Rådet och Den utvalda, samt att urban fantasy inte går att se som en modern variant av gotiken utan snarare utgör en sentida ättling till gotikgenren.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
The paper presents a discussion about gender and body in the drag queens experience at Natal city (RN). From the different concepts that characterizes the identity processes on subjects who perform gender transformation (transvestites, transsexuals and female impersonators), the justification for studying the drag character is observed as a means to understand matters that are important when you take such a position. Therefore, there is a need for a linkage between the various concepts responsible for this definition, in addition to considering the historical and cultural process responsible for the creation of such categories, identities and stereotypes among these individuals. In this sense it will be possible to carry out a critical analysis on the different social loads present in each representation, and understand what is at stake in the attribution of classifications and terminologies that are applied to different expressions of metamorphosis. This ethnography considers the debate from a field research conducted at LGBT social establishments and other performance spaces of these people, verifying their dynamics in these places and investigating relationships between performers, personas and characters and also backstage scene in which they participate
In this study, the dynamic response of a vertical flexible cylinder vibrating at low mode numbers with combined x-y motion was investigated in a towing tank. The uniform flow was simulated by towing the flexible cylinder along the tank in still water; therefore, the turbulence intensity of the free flow was negligible in obtaining more reliable results. A lower branch of dominant frequencies with micro vibration amplitude was found in both cross-flow and in-line directions. This justifiable discrepancy was likely caused by an initial lock-in. The maximum attainable amplitude, modal analysis and x-y trajectory in cross-flow and in-line directions are reported here and compared with previous literature, along with some good agreements and different observations that were obtained from the study. Drag and lift coefficients are also evaluated by making use of a generalized integral transform technique approach, yielding an alternative method to study fluid force acting upon a flexible cylinder.
One key step of the industrial development of a tidal energy device is the testing of scale prototype devices within a controlled laboratory environment. At present, there is no available experimental protocol which addresses in a quantitative manner the differences which can be expected between results obtained from the different types of facilities currently employed for this type of testing. As a consequence, where differences between results are found it has been difficult to confirm the extent to which these differences relate to the device performance or to the test facility type. In the present study, a comparative ”Round Robin” testing programme has been conducted as part of the EC FP VII MaRINET program in order to evaluate the impact of different experimental facilities on the test results. The aim of the trials was to test the same model tidal turbine in four different test facilities to explore the sensitivity of the results to the choice of facility. The facilities comprised two towing tanks, of very different size, and two circulating water channels. Performance assessments in terms of torque, drag and inflow speed showed very similar results in all facilities. However, expected differences between the different tank types (circulating and towing) were observed in the fluctuations of torque and drag measurements. The main facility parameters which can influence the behaviour of the turbine were identified; in particular the effect of blockage was shown to be significant in cases yielding for high thrust coefficients, even at relatively small blockage ratios.
U of I Only
In this talk, we propose an all regime Lagrange-Projection like numerical scheme for the gas dynamics equations. By all regime, we mean that the numerical scheme is able to compute accurate approximate solutions with an under-resolved discretization with respect to the Mach number M, i.e. such that the ratio between the Mach number M and the mesh size or the time step is small with respect to 1. The key idea is to decouple acoustic and transport phenomenon and then alter the numerical flux in the acoustic approximation to obtain a uniform truncation error in term of M. This modified scheme is conservative and endowed with good stability properties with respect to the positivity of the density and the internal energy. A discrete entropy inequality under a condition on the modification is obtained thanks to a reinterpretation of the modified scheme in the Harten Lax and van Leer formalism. A natural extension to multi-dimensional problems discretized over unstructured mesh is proposed. Then a simple and efficient semi implicit scheme is also proposed. The resulting scheme is stable under a CFL condition driven by the (slow) material waves and not by the (fast) acoustic waves and so verifies the all regime property. Numerical evidences are proposed and show the ability of the scheme to deal with tests where the flow regime may vary from low to high Mach values.
This paper is concerned with an analysis of the Becker-Döring equations which lie at the heart of a number of descriptions of non-equilibrium phase transitions and related complex dynamical processes. The Becker-Döring theory describes growth and fragmentation in terms of stepwise addition or removal of single particles to or from clusters of similar particles and has been applied to a wide range of problems of physicochemical and biological interest within recent years. Here we consider the case where the aggregation and fragmentation rates depend exponentially on cluster size. These choices of rate coefficients at least qualitatively correspond to physically realistic molecular clustering scenarios such as occur in, for example, simulations of simple fluids. New similarity solutions for the constant monomer Becker-Döring system are identified, and shown to be generic in the case of aggregation and fragmentation rates that depend exponentially on cluster size.