962 resultados para Dissolution sélective
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a dissolução do tecido pulpar pelo NaOCl contendo em sua composição agentes redutores da tensão superfical (Chlor-Xtra) quando comparados ao NaOCl convencional. Com esta finalidade 44 dentes unirradiculares humanos com tecido pulpar preservado em solução de formol a 10% foram agrupados em 22 pares de acordo com a semelhança de sua anatomia interna previamente avaliada por radiografias. Os canais foram instrumentados com sistema Protaper Universal e todo o processo de irrigação teve, além do tempo, seu volume e fluxo controlado por meio automatizado por meio do sistema Vatea Endodontic Iirrigation Device. Após cada canal que compunha um par ter sido instrumentado empregando-se uma das diferentes soluções testadas, as quais foram previamente avaliadas quanto a sua tensão superficial, ambos foram devidamente preparados e enviados para processamento e análise histológica. Cortes a 0,5, 1,2,3 e 4mm do ápice foram realizados, corados e fotografados. As imagens foram analisadas por meio do programa AxioVision a fim de estabelecer o percentual de tecido remanescente em relação à área total do canal nos segmentos estudados. As análises referentes a tensão superficial revelaram que o Chlor-Xtra demonstrou possuir significativamente menor tensão superficial quando comparado ao NaOCL convencional (p>0,05). A análise estatística por meio do test T student das áreas dos canais, demonstrou que o pareamento das amostras foi eficiente entre os grupo NaOCl e Chlor-Xtra (p>0,05). Em relação ao Percentual de Tecido Remanescente (PTR), os resultados revelaram por meio de análise feita pelo teste Kruskal-Wallis e o teste de correlação de Spearman que o nível de corte influencia significantemente o PTR (P<0,05).Por fim, o teste de Mann-Whitney indicou que o PTR não é influenciado pela solução irrigadora utilizada (P>0,05). A partir da análise dos resultados foi possível concluir que quanto mais apicalmente foi o nível de corte histológico dos canais estudados, maior foi o percentual de tecido pulpar remanescente independentemente da solução utilizada, portanto.não houve diferença significativa na qualidade do debridamento produzido pelas duas soluções testadas, desta forma indicando que a presença de agentes modificadores da tensão adicionados ao NaOCl não foi capaz de superar os resultados obtidos por soluções de NaOCl convencionais.
Inibidores de corrosão são substâncias que quando adicionadas a um meio agressivo, diminuem ou previnem a reação de oxidação de um metal com este meio e/ou as reações de redução de espécies presentes no meio. Para a inibição da corrosão de cobre e suas ligas em meios ácidos ou neutros, o inibidor mais empregado é o benzotriazol (BTAH), o qual forma complexos com os íons Cu (I) e Cu (II) na superfície do metal, diminuindo o processo corrosivo. A preocupação com a preservação ambiental e a toxicidade de inibidores de corrosão vem sendo discutida na literatura. Vários estudos têm-se intensificado usando aminoácidos, como proposta para substituição ao BTAH, considerado tóxico. Entre os aminoácidos estudados, dois apresentavam enxofre em suas moléculas (cisteína e metionina) e um outro sem heteroátomo na cadeira lateral (glicina). As concentrações variaram entre 10-2 a 10-4 mol/L e pH da solução entre 7,2 e 8,4. Foram realizadas medidas gravimétricas (ensaios de imersão total) e técnicas eletroquímicas, tais como polarização potenciodinâmica e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica. A caracterização morfológica da superfície do substrato após os ensaios de imersão total (743 horas) foi feita por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), espectroscopia de raios X por dispersão de energia (EDS ou EDX) e difração de raios X (DRX). Embora os resultados com aminoácidos tenham sido sempre muito inferiores àqueles obtidos na presença de BTAH, comportamentos semelhantes em função da concentração dos aminoácidos puderam ser observados pelos diagramas de Nyquist. Contudo, com exceção dos resultados verificados para o meio contendo cisteína 10-2 mol/L, todas as eficiências de inibição para os meios contendo aminoácidos, obtidas pelos ensaios de imersão total, foram negativas, mostrando que o tempo de exposição também pode ser relevante para o desempenho destes inibidores. Entre todos os aminoácidos testados, os meios contendo glicina apresentaram os piores desempenhos anticorrosivos, inclusive acelerando o processo de dissolução anódica do cobre. Esse resultado pode estar relacionado à faixa de pH das soluções testadas e à solubilidade dos complexos de cobre formados com os aminoácidos, mostrando que uma faixa ótima de pH também deve ser assegurada para aprimorar a ação destes aminoácidos como inibidores de corrosão
A indústria de petróleo e gás apresenta sérios problemas relacionados à corrosão. Nas petroquímicas e nas instalações de refino de petróleo, as falhas em materiais estão relacionadas com a corrosão, além disso, os processos de corrosão de metais são problemas no mundo, causando ônus em processos industriais e gerando situações de risco como a corrosão de pilares metálicos em pontes ou em fuselagens de aviões. Dentre os meios corrosivos, um muito comum é o meio ácido, que será o meio estudado neste trabalho. Com todos os problemas citados, se faz necessário o estudo de inibidores de corrosão com alta eficiência, estabilidade e que, preferencialmente, não agridam o meio ambiente. Alguns inibidores de corrosão apresentam solubilidade limitada em água, sendo necessária a utilização de alguns solventes não tão amigáveis ao meio ambiente. Então, propôs-se formar um complexo de inclusão para tornar possível a solubilização de inibidores convencionais em solução aquosa, como algumas tioureias, que apresentam solubilidade limitada em água. Essa completa solubilização do inibidor de corrosão orgânico em meio aquoso é possível com a utilização de um aditivo (hospedeiro) capaz de encapsular tais moléculas (convidados) via interações não covalentes, de modo a alcançar o máximo desempenho de inibição. Para a formação do complexo de inclusão foi usado como molécula hospedeira, a α e a β hidroxipropilciclodextrina e como molécula convidada a dibenziltioureia. A intenção foi testar a melhora da ação inibidora da corrosão do aço carbono em meio de HCl 1mol.L-1 com ensaios de perda de massa, de impedância, polarização e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), além de evidenciar a formação destes complexos de inclusão através da espectroscopia de absorção vibracional no infravermelho, espectroscopia de RMN de 1H, espectroscopia de absorção no Ultra-violeta e análise térmica diferencial (DTA)
The remodelling of the cytoskeleton and focal adhesion (FA) distributions for cells on substrates with micro-patterned ligand patches is investigated using a bio-chemo-mechanical model. We investigate the effect of ligand pattern shape on the cytoskeletal arrangements and FA distributions for cells having approximately the same area. The cytoskeleton model accounts for the dynamic rearrangement of the actin/myosin stress fibres. It entails the highly nonlinear interactions between signalling, the kinetics of tension-dependent stress-fibre formation/dissolution and stress-dependent contractility. This model is coupled with another model that governs FA formation and accounts for the mechano-sensitivity of the adhesions from thermodynamic considerations. This coupled modelling scheme is shown to capture a variety of key experimental observations including: (i) the formation of high concentrations of stress fibres and FAs at the periphery of circular and triangular, convex-shaped ligand patterns; (ii) the development of high FA concentrations along the edges of the V-, T-, Y- and U-shaped concave ligand patterns; and (iii) the formation of highly aligned stress fibres along the non-adhered edges of cells on the concave ligand patterns. When appropriately calibrated, the model also accurately predicts the radii of curvature of the non-adhered edges of cells on the concave-shaped ligand patterns.
(1R,4R)-2-(4-Hydroxybenzylidene)- and (1R,4R)-2-(4′-hydroxybiphenyl- 4-yl)methylene-p-menthan-3-ones were synthesized by condensation of (-)-menthone with O-tetrahydropyran-2-yl derivatives of 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde and 4′-hydroxy-4-formylbiphenyl, respectively, in a DMSO - base medium followed by the removal of the protective group. The reactions of these hydroxy derivatives with 4-alkylbenzoic, 4-alkyloxybenzoic, trans-4-alkylcyclohexane-4- carboxylic, and 4′-alkylbiphenyl-4-carboxylic acids afforded three series of new chiral esters. Compounds containing the arylidene moiety with three benzene rings were found to exhibit liquid-crystalline properties. The characteristic features of these compounds are discussed based on the results of studies by polarizing microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and small-angle X-ray scattering. It was found that the mesomorphic compounds under study can form a smectic A mesophase, twist grain boundary mesophases (TGBA), and blue phases in a wide temperature range. Upon dissolution of certain of chiral compounds in 4′-cyano-4-pentylbiphenyl, a rather high twisting power and the thermal stabilizing effect on mesophases were observed.
Results of the experimental formulation of an antifouling paint incorporating TBTO as toxic pigment are presented in this paper. Of the various resins tested, namely, phenolic, cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL), epoxy linseed oil with rosin and limed rosin, the paint composition with limed rosin gave the critical leaching rate of TBTO. Acid alkali test showed dissolution of matrix and visible migration of toxin to the surface. Accelerated corrosion tests had not recorded any signs of corrosion in panels painted with or without barrier coat. Raft exposure studies indicated that the new formulation could resist fouling accumulation on painted panels for 9 months.
The development of a new mercury-free ternary aluminum anode (CIFTAL) for cathodic protection of marine structures is described. The new anode demonstrated a current efficiency of 83.5% to 85.4% in a current density range of 5.6 to 166.7 mAdmˉ². The current efficiency remained practically stable at 1.4 mAdmˉ² over a test period of 300 days. The service trials of the anode on steel trawlers and aluminum (Indal M 57 S) sheathed wooden boats have shown satisfactory performance in terms of uniform dissolution, current efficiency and driving voltage. In the wake of legislations restricting the use of anodes containing mercury in an endeavor to control the mercury pollution of the near shore aquatic environment, the new anode (CIFTAL) with its stable current output and high current efficiency merits significance in marine cathodic protection.
In this study the process of female gray mullet brooders was carried out by using histological study and masurment of sex steroids. Results of histological studies showed that oocyte of gray mullet brooders in Gomishan Rearing Center conditions of develop to the end of yolk globule stage. The results were observed with oocyte in chromatin nucleolar stage (first stage) with means of diameter of 20 p m, in August, perinucleolar stage (second stage) in September with mean diameter of 87 p m, yolk vesicle stage (third stage) in October with mean diameter 200 p m and yolk granules stage (forth stage) from October to November with average diameter of 180 — 650 p m. For the reason of stopping oocyte develop at the end of fourth stage, hormonal induction to final oocyte maturation and ovulation was used. For this purpose, carp pituitary , HCG and LRH-A2 with different combinations were used in two stages, second injection was used 24 hours after first injection. 15 females brooders were divided in 5 groups, different hormonal combinations were injected to four groups and to fifth group as control, only saline, was injected. The process of female brooder rippening in hormonal induction was studied via masurment of sex steroids including 17 a - hydroxy progestrone, estradio1-17)6 and testosterone. Blood samples were collected from caudal vein during first injection, 24, 30 and 48 hours after the first injection. At the same time, for distinguishing histological changes the sample has been attained from the gonads Sex stroid fluctuation patterns in different brooder groups that injected hormon were similar, however hormonal composition had similar effects. All brooder that their oocyte in the beginning of hormonal injection were At the end of fourth stage with oocyte diameter average of 600 p m received to final maturation and ovulation. The brooder that its oocytes were At the begining or mid-fourth stage did not show ovulation but hormonal induction caused oocyte develop at the beginning of fifth stage. Study of 17-hydroxy progestrone fluctuation showed that the maximum level of this steroid (0.347 ng/ml) measured 30 hours after the first injection and was significantly higher (p< 0.05) than those of control group. So, 17-hydroxy progestrone is probably precursor of maturation inducing steroid (MIS). However the maximum level of that observed was coincident with germinal vesicle breakdown, oil droplets coalescence and dissolution of yolk granuls The maximum levels of esteradiol— 17/0 and testosterone (3.778 and 16.801ng/ml,respectively) in spawned brooders,were observed 24 hours after the first injection. levels of those steroids were significantly higher (p<0.05) than control group. Maximum level of sex steroids in the brooders that did not spawn to the end of treatment was observed with more delay than those in spawned brooders. Therefor maximum level of 17a-hydroxy progestrone (0.264 ng/ml) in those brooders observed in fourth sampling time and the maximum levels of estradio1-17a and testosterone (2.944 and 18.993 ng/ml, respectivly)observed in third sampling time that was significantly higher (p<0.05) than those of control group. For the study of stress effect on brooders during the hormonal induction, level of cortisol was measured in every sampling time. level of cortisol had high fluctuation that showed handling level and stress effect on brooders. However maximum level of cortisol in majority of brooders was dominant in third sampling time that was coincident with final maturation.
On page OP 175, U. Steiner and co-workers destabilise polymer trilayer films using an electric field to generate separated micrometre-sized core-shell pillars, which are further modified by selective polymer dissolution to yield polymer core columns surrounded by a rim and micro-volcano rim structures. When coated with gold and decorated with Raman active probes, all three structure types give rise to substantial enhancement in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Since this SERS enhancement arises from each of the isolated structures in the array, these surface patterns are an ideal platform for multiplexed SERS detection.
We report on an inexpensive, facile and industry viable carbon nanofibre catalyst activation process achieved by exposing stainless steel mesh to an electrolyzed metal etchant. The surface evolution of the catalyst islands combines low-rate electroplating and substrate dissolution. The plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposited carbon nanofibres had aspect-ratios > 150 and demonstrated excellent height and crystallographic uniformity with localised coverage. The nanofibres were well-aligned with spacing consistent with the field emission nearest neighbour electrostatic shielding criteria, without the need of any post-growth processing. Nanofibre inclusion significantly reduced the emission threshold field from 4.5 V/μm (native mesh) to 2.5 V/μm and increased the field enhancement factor to approximately 7000. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Carbon diffusion barriers are introduced as a general and simple method to prevent premature carbon dissolution and thereby to significantly improve graphene formation from the catalytic transformation of solid carbon sources. A thin Al2O3 barrier inserted into an amorphous-C/Ni bilayer stack is demonstrated to enable growth of uniform monolayer graphene at 600 °C with domain sizes exceeding 50 μm, and an average Raman D/G ratio of <0.07. A detailed growth rationale is established via in situ measurements, relevant to solid-state growth of a wide range of layered materials, as well as layer-by-layer control in these systems.
Micro-nano bubbles (MNBs) are tiny bubbles with diameters on the order of micrometers and nanometers, showing great potential in environmental remediation. However, the application is only in the beginning stages and remains to be intensively studied. In order to explore the possible use of MNBs in groundwater contaminant removal, this study focuses on the transport of MNBs in porous media and dissolution processes. The bubble diameter distribution was obtained under different conditions by a laser particle analyzer. The permeability of MNB water through sand was compared with that of air-free water. Moreover, the mass transfer features of dissolved oxygen in water with MNBs were studied. The results show that the bubble diameter distribution is influenced by the surfactant concentration in the water. The existence of MNBs in pore water has no impact on the hydraulic conductivity of sand. Furthermore, the dissolved oxygen (DO) in water is greatly increased by the MNBs, which will predictably improve the aerobic bioremediation of groundwater. The results are meaningful and instructive in the further study of MNB research and applications in groundwater bioremediation.
Strongly reducing organic substances (SROS) and iron oxides exist widely in soils and sediments and have been implicated in many soil and sediment processes. In the present work, the sorptive interaction between goethite and SROS derived from anaerobic decomposition of green manures was investigated by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). Both green manures, Astragaltus sinicus (Astragalus) and Vicia varia (Vicia) were chosen to be anaerobically decomposed by the mixed microorganisms isolated from paddy soils for 30 d to prepare different SROS. Goethite used in experiments was synthesized in laboratory. The anaerobic incubation solutions from green manures at different incubation time were arranged to react with goethite, in which SROS concentration and Fe(II) species were analyzed. The anaerobic decomposition of Astragalus generally produced SROS more in amount but weaker in reducibility than that of Vicia in the same incubation time. The available SROS from Astragalus that could interact with goethite was 0.69 +/- 0.04, 0.84 +/- 0.04 and 1.09 +/- 0.03 cmol kg(-1) as incubated for 10, 15 and 30 d, respectively, for Vicia, it was 0.12 +/- 0.03, 0.46 +/- 0.02 and 0.70 +/- 0.02 cmol kg(-1). One of the fates of SROS as they interacted with goethite was oxidation. The amounts of oxidizable SROS from Astragalus decreased over increasing incubation time from 0.51 +/- 0.05 cmol kg(-1) at day 10 to 0.39 +/- 0.04 cmol kg(-1) at day 30, but for Vicia, it increased with the highest reaching to 0.58 +/- 0.04 cmol kg(-1) at day 30. Another fate of these substances was sorption by goethite. The SROS from Astragalus were sorbed more readily than those from Vicia, and closely depended upon the incubation time, whereas for those from Vicia, the corresponding values were remarkably less and apparently unchangeable with incubation time. The extent of goethite dissolution induced by the anaerobic solution from Vicia was greater than that from Astragalus, showing its higher reactivity. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
A novel chemiluminescent immunoassay method based on gold nanoparticles was developed for the detection of microcystins (MCs). The immunoassay included three main steps: indirect competitive immunoreaction, oxidative dissolution of gold nanoparticles, and indirect determination for MCs with Au3+-catalysed luminol chemiluminesent system. The method has a wide working range (0.05-10 mu g L-1, r(2) = 0.9914), the limit of detection was determined to be 0.024 mu g L-1, which is much lower than the World Health Organization's proposed guidelines (1 mu g L-1) for drinking-water. The proposed method was applied to MC analysis in natural water and fish tissue samples, and most results in the proposed method were in agreement with the conventional indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method, which indicated that the new chemiluminescent immunoassay was sensitive, reliable, and suitable for MC analysis in natural water and fish tissue samples.
Microcystis aeruginosa Kutz. 7820 was cultured at 350 and 700 muL.L-1 CO2 to assess the impacts of doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration on this bloom-forming cyanobacterium. Doubling Of CO2 concentration in the airflow enhanced its growth by 52%-77%, with pH values decreased and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) increased in the medium. Photosynthetic efficiencies and dark respiratory rates expressed per unit chl a tended to increase with the doubling of CO2. However, saturating irradiances for photosynthesis and light-saturated photosynthetic rates normalized to cell number tended to decrease with the increase of DIC in the medium. Doubling of CO2 concentration in the airflow had less effect on DIC-saturated photosynthetic rates and apparent photosynthetic affinities for DIC. In the exponential phase, CO2 and HCO3- levels in the medium were higher than those required to saturate photosynthesis. Cultures with surface aeration were DIC limited in the stationary phase. The rate of CO2 dissolution into the liquid increased proportionally when CO2 in air was raised from 350 to 700 muL.L-1, thus increasing the availability of DIC in the medium and enhancing the rate of photosynthesis. Doubled CO2 could enhance CO2 dissolution, lower pH values, and influence the ionization fractions of various DIC species even when the photosynthesis was not DIC limited. Consequently, HCO3- concentrations in cultures were significantly higher than in controls, and the photosynthetic energy cost for the operation of CO2 concentrating mechanism might decrease.