934 resultados para Discrimination in employment--South Carolina


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The geographical distribution of the African Tilapia Oreochromis mossambicusin Suriname is restricted to a narrow strip of land along the Atlantic coast. Within the coastal plain, O. mossambicusoccurs in brackish lagoons, oligohaline canals, and shell-sand pit lakes. Physico-chemical characteristics and phytoplankton composition of representative Tilapia water bodies are described. Blue-green algae and fine flocculent detritus are dominant food items in the diet of the Tilapia, while Rotifera and microcrustacea are also important in the diet of larvae and juveniles. Intraspecific diet overlap among ontogenetic stages of the Tilapia did not differ significantly from 1, which means that these diets showed complete overlap. Interspecific diet overlap between the Tilapia and the indigenous armoured catfish Hoplosternum littoralewere moderate or low. The results are discussed in relation to recent developments in the Surinamese fisheries and aquaculture sector.


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Given the fact that using timber frame structures has proven to improve the seismic behavior of vernacular architecture, as has been reported in past earthquakes in many countries, its preservation as a traditional earthquake resistant practice is important. This paper firstly intends to evaluate whether the use of timber frames as a traditional seismic resistant technique for vernacular architecture in the South of Portugal, traditionally a seismic region, is still active. Secondly, the city of Vila Real de Santo António was selected as a case study because it also followed a Pombaline development contemporary to the reconstruction of Lisbon. The plan included the provision of timber frame partition walls for some of the buildings and, thus, an overview of the type of constructions originally conceived is provided. Finally, the alterations done in the original constructions and the current state of the city center are described and the effect of these changes on the seismic vulnerability of the city is discussed.


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NIPE WP 04/ 2016


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Uno de los efectos más deletéreos del actual proceso de globalización de los capitales es el conflicto que surge, para poblaciones migrantes, de la necesidad de asimilarse a sociedades ajenas. Este es el escenario donde los derechos de los extranjeros, de los extraños, están en permanente riesgo de violación. Además de la dominante tendencia de las migraciones, con dirección sur-norte, aumentan los desplazamientos entre países "del sur". Las asimetrías en el desarrollo sumadas a las crecientes restricciones para el ingreso a los países centrales, hacen prever que en las próximas décadas algunos países de América Latina -con Argentina como polo regional de importancia- seguirán consolidándose como destino para los extranjeros tanto regionales como extraregionales. Este trabajo se ocupa de la necesidad de identificar los prejuicios y desconocimientos que sostienen las actitudes discriminatorias y las justifican de manera espuria, en el particular ámbito de la escuela. La escuela, como microcosmos donde se reproducen las prácticas de la sociedad en su conjunto, es un espacio fértil para la transmisión de las actitudes prejuiciosas y excluyentes de lo diferente. Los docentes de nivel primario se encuentran en una posición en la que pueden contribuir a atenuar o a exacerbar la discriminación. Esto sucede tanto por su función simbólica "ejemplar" como por su rol de mediador de las relaciones entre alumnos. Además, los prejuicios de los docentes sobre las diferentes potencialidades de los alumnos -ligadas a rasgos étnicos o raciales- tienen altas posibilidades de incidir en su rendimiento efectivo (efecto Pigmalión). Cuando es considerada en el aula, debe destacarse que la discriminación reconoce un doble efecto: directo e indirecto. El primero, al tratar de manera diferencial a los alumnos sobre la base de reperesentaciones prejuiciosas (rasgos físicos, origen nacional o étnico, religión o extracción social), a veces de manera explícita, pero con mucha más frecuencia implícitamente se afecta el derecho a la igualdad. El efecto indirecto es la reproducción del prejuicio entre los alumnos, la posición simbólica -de poder- que el docente ocupa, dota de autoridad no solo a sus expresiones, sino también a sus actitudes. Desde esa posición no solo se enseña a través de las palabras, los prejuicios se transmiten con actos, gestos, silencios, no necesariamente conscientes para quien los protagoniza, pero indudablemente legibles y efectivos.


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Broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris) hatchlings present a consistent sexual dimorphism in their cranium shape and size. Male hatchlings have smaller crania than females. Using multivariate statistical analyses it is possible to discriminate sex in broad-snouted caiman hatchlings by their cranial shape with a reasonable efficiency. The understanding of sexual dimorphism of crocodilian hatchlings might be possibly improved by experimental approach considering, genetic and phenotypic variables such as incubation temperature and clutch of origin.


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Afforestation of temperate grasslands with fast-growing trees for industrial pulpwood production is spreading in South America. Despite high afforestation rates resulting from governmental policies that stimulate pulpwood production in grasslands of southern Brazil and Uruguay, the impact of this activity on biodiversity remains to be properly assessed. We used an Impact-Reference study design to evaluate how grassland afforestation affects the composition of grassland bird assemblages. We sampled eucalyptus plantations and neighboring natural grasslands in southern Brazil from 2006-2009, and relied on nested sampling and analysis to separate the effects of afforestation from the natural variability of grasslands. We recorded a significant difference in composition between assemblages from grasslands and tree plantations. Species adapted to open, treeless areas tended to be negatively affected in relation to edge or forest birds in eucalyptus plantations. Afforestation is systematically replacing the bird assemblage of hilltop grasslands by a collection of common edge and forest species that occur in nearby riverine and hillside forests. Although most grassland birds negatively affected by tree plantations are common and widespread, observed and predicted afforestation rates in southeastern South America may result in regional population reductions in the near future.


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Based onmale and female, Psychoda simillima Tonnoir, 1929 is redescribed, with a discussion of generic and subgeneric classifications. This is the first record for Chile as well as the first description of a female for this species.


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The prevalence of hepatitis B and C infection has been determined in a seroepidemiological survey among blood donors from the south of Brazil (Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina). These markers has also been correlated with the levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), a surrogate marker to prevent post-transfusion hepatitis. Sera from 5000 donors were randomly collected in the period of April to November 1991. The prevalences of HBsAg, anti-HBs and anti-HBc were respectively 0.78, 7.02 and 13.98. The anti-HCV prevalence after confirmation testing with line immunoassay (LIA), was 1.14. Normal values of ALT ( < = 32 U/ml) were found in 59.78, values slightly above the mean (ALT between 32-70 U/ml) in 37.74 and high values of ALT ( > = 70 U/ml) in 2.48. The positivity of anti-HCV antibodies increased with the elevation of ALT levels. This correlation was not observed in relation to HBsAg. There exists a diversity in the recognition of HCV epitopes among HCV positive donors. Via the confirmation test used, we could observe that 94.7 of donors recognize the structural core antigen. Besides that, we observed that 5.26 of the HCV reactive sera recognized only epitopes located in the NS4 and/or NS5 region, indicating the importance of these epitopes for the improvement of assays.