999 resultados para Desafios de escritórios de projetos
The Curricular Proposals for Chemistry Teaching Courses aim at producing a reflexive-researcher teacher, who will be able to deal with cross-disciplinary subjects. The challenge faced by the majority of the federal universities, in implementing these guidelines, is to attain these objectives inside their departmental structure. We present here the formulation of the Chemistry Teaching Course Pedagogic Project from Federal University of Pelotas concerning on the CNE/CP 1/2002 and 2/2002 Resolutions. We discuss the impact of these Proposals, the difficulties faced and the new perspectives of organization inside of these institutions, which resulted in new spaces with cross-disciplinary and cross-departmental orientation.
The year 2011 has been chosen as the International Year of Chemistry and it will focus on the importance of sustainability in the field of chemistry. The program "Alternative Synthetic Routes for the Prevention of Pollution", implemented 20 years ago in the USA marked the official start of Green Chemistry. Currently, many lines of research in chemistry observe and comply with the concepts of green chemistry contributing significantly to the advancement of science. Hence, the objective of this paper is to present an overview of published papers on Green Chemistry in national and international journals from the "CAPES Portal Database", from 1997 to May 2010.
High-throughput screening (HTS) and virtual screening (VS) are useful methods employed in drug discovery, allowing the identification of promising hits for lead optimization. The efficiency of these approaches depends on a number of factors, such as the organization of high quality databases of compounds and the parameterization of essential components of the screen process. This brief review presents the basic principles of the HTS and VS methods, as well as a perspective of the utility and integration of these drug design approaches, highlighting current opportunities and future challenges in medicinal chemistry.
Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a disease characterized by a punctual mutation (GTG - GAG) in the sixth codon of the gamma globin gene leading to a substitution of glutamic acid by a valine in the β chain of hemoglobin. Despite the huge progress on the molecular knowledge of the disease in recent years, few therapeutic resources were developed. Currently, the treatment is mainly done with the anticancer agent hydroxyurea. This review summarizes current knowledge about possible targets and new approaches to the discovery new compounds to treat the symptoms of SCD.
Microalgae biomass has been described by several authors as the raw material with the greatest potential to meet the goals of replacing petroleum diesel by biodiesel while not competing with arable land suitable for food production. Research groups in different countries are seeking the most appropriate production model for productivity, economic viability and environmental sustainability. This review focused on recent advances and challenges of technology for the production of biodiesel from microalgae, including the procedures used to obtain biomass.
In an article recently published in Química Nova, entitled "Chemistry Without Borders" ("Química Sem Fronteiras") [Pinto, A. C.; Zucco, C.; Galembeck, F.; Andrade, J. B.; Vieira, P. C. Quim. Nova 2012, 35, 2092], the authors highlighted the important aspects of science and technology with special emphasis on the field of Chemistry and its contributions toward a more prosperous Brazil of future. As a second step in that direction, this article extends the discussion of a key issue for the country in the framework of the chemistry community through the so called position papers in strategic areas. This document is a part of the contribution of the Brazilian Chemical Society to the World Science Forum to be held in Rio de Janeiro in November 2013. In this context, the present paper provides a brief discussion on neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) with emphasis on the current challenges and opportunities towards the development and evolution of the field. NTDs leads to illness, long-term disability or death, and has severe social, economic and psychological consequences for millions of men, women, and children worldwide. In most cases, the available treatments are inadequate and extremely limited in terms of efficacy and safety, leading to an urgent demand for new drugs. In addition to the traditional challenges involved in any drug discovery process, it is widely recognized that there is an innovation gap and a lack of investment for research and development (R&D) in the area of NTDs. In the last few decades, methods toward combating, eradication, prevention, and treatment of NTDs have been repeatedly emphasized in the major international agendas. Developments in these strategies and alliances have continued to have an essential impact, particularly in the area of drug discovery, both in Brazil and globally and should be encouraged and supported. Several examples of international activities dedicated to the reduction of the devastating global impact of NTDs can be provided. Despite the beneficial developments in the past 30 years, NTDs continue to devastate poor communities in remote and vulnerable areas, in large part, due to market failures and public policies. Recent studies have shown that among 756 new drugs approved between 2000 and 2011, only four new chemical entities (NCEs) were identified for the treatment of malaria, while none were developed against NTDs or tuberculosis. Furthermore, only 1.4% of approximately 150,000 clinical trials were registered for neglected diseases, with a smaller number of trials for NCEs. Establishment and strengthening of global strategies involving the triad "government-academia-industry" is fundamental to the success in R&D of new drugs for NTDs. National and international public-private initiatives that aim to create, encourage, and invest in R&D projects have been implemented and therefore are of utmost importance to successfully integrate Brazil into this new paradigm. It is essential to lay the foundation for mechanisms that will intensify investments in infrastructure, training, and qualification of personnel with an ultimate strategic vision that foresees continuity. Our research group has made significant contributions to the development of this field with the goal of forging new frontiers while tackling both current and future challenges that include indispensable elements such as innovation and integration.
The paper traces a panorama of the development of new drugs and hopes to contribute for Brazil to become a player in the discovery of new drugs. Brazil is the sixth world market retail consumer of medicines prone to expansion, has a pharmaceutical industry focused on the production of generics and a very large number of undergraduate courses in Pharmacy. The national industry has grown over the last decade after the Generics Act 9787/99. Despite these positive aspects, a number of bottlenecks prevent Brazilian pharmaceutical industry to invest in the development of new drugs. There are, however, a number of initiatives to reduce the dependence on imported generic drugs. It is a very good start for the development of new pharmaceutical drugs.
Chemical knowledge plays a central role in the economical and social development of a nation. Chemistry is considered a key science, which provides the means and meanings that fuel the advancement of other fields of knowledge. However, the public image of chemistry is often associated with negative facts and misconceptions. This paper addresses and discusses the public image of chemistry with two case studies: the public image of chemistry depicted in two major Brazilian newspapers and the Brazilian project for the International Year of Chemistry (IYC). Analysis of the newspaper data strongly suggests that the public image of chemistry is related to both the way news is written and the ability of the reader to identify the chemical knowledge actually present in the text. Analysis of IYC related data in the second case study depicted an optimistic panorama for the divulgation of chemistry at both national and local levels. A model for broad and effective initiatives for dissemination of chemistry is discussed. The need to keep science divulgation as the top agenda of the scientific community is also highlighted.
Brazilian biodiversity is a colossal source of secondary metabolites with remarkable structural features, which are valuable in further biodiscovery studies. In order to fully understand the relations and interactions of a living system with its surroundings, efforts in natural product chemistry are directed toward the challenge of detecting and identifying all the molecular components present in complex samples. It is plausible that this endeavor was born out of recent technological sophistication in secondary metabolite identification with sensitive spectroscopic instruments (MS and NMR) and higher resolving power of chromatographic systems, which allow a decrease in the amount of required sample and time to acquire data. Nevertheless, the escalation of data acquired in these analyses must be sorted with statistical and multi-way tools in order to select key information. Chromatography is also of paramount importance, more so when selected compounds need to be isolated for further investigation. However, in the course of pursuing a "greener" environment, new policies, with an aim to decrease the use of energy and solvents, are being developed and incorporated into analytical methods. Metabolomics could be an effective tool to answer questions on how living organisms in our huge biodiversity work and interact with their surroundings while also being strategic to the development of high value bio-derived products, such as phytotherapeutics and nutraceuticals. The incorporation of proper phytotherapeutics in the so-called Brazilian Unified Health System is considered an important factor for the urgent improvement and expansion of the Brazilian national health system. Furthermore, this approach could have a positive impact on the international interest toward scientific research developed in Brazil as well as the development of high value bio-derived products, which appear as an interesting economic opportunity in national and global markets. Thus, this study attempts to highlight the recent advances in analytical tools used in detection of secondary metabolites, which can be useful as bioproducts. It also emphasizes the potential avenues to be explored in Brazilian biodiversity, known for its rich chemical diversity.
A aprovação da nova LDB, em 1996, levou à elaboração de Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) baseadas em competências necessárias para os médicos atuarem frente às novas tecnologias e para enfrentarem os desafios do desenvolvimento do SUS. Analisar a implantação das DCN no Paraná, verificando as características da formação dos profissionais de Medicina, foi o objetivo desta publicação específica, que faz parte dos dados coletados numa pesquisa mais ampla, apoiada pelo edital universal do CNPq (Proc. 474.029/2003-04). O estudo foi realizado com uma abordagem qualitativa e análise de conteúdo. Fez-se um levantamento das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) que oferecem cursos de Medicina, coletando-se os dados por questionário e pelas informações dos Projetos Político-Pedagógicos (PPP) obtidos, com instrumento baseado em sete eixos das DCN. Dois cursos apresentam grau avançado de implantação das DCN, um mostra iniciativa da implantação de alguns aspectos, e dois outros seguem formatos curriculares bem tradicionais. Os dados obtidos sugerem a existência de uma motivação para a inovação do ensino médico no Paraná, o que se traduz em currículos idealizados com vários princípios inspirados nas DCN.
As Práticas de Interação Ensino, Serviço e Comunidade (PIN) são módulos curriculares do curso deMedicina da Universidade Estadual de Londrina e têm como objetivo possibilitar aos estudantes uma inserção nas Unidades Saúde da Família (USF) que lhes permita compreender os determinantes do processo saúde-doença, a importância das medidas de promoção e prevenção e da USF como espaço do cuidado. As atividades são desenvolvidas nos quatro primeiros anos do curso, em módulos de cerca de 102 horas, por meio de conteúdos seqüenciais construídos mediante mapas conceituais que abrangem desde o conhecimento do território até atividades médicas da atenção básica. Os resultados mais evidentes são: a diversificação dos cenários de ensino-aprendizagem, a inserção precoce dos estudantes na rede básica e o desenvolvimento de habilidades voltadas à humanização do atendimento e ao cuidado centrado no paciente. Como desafios, destacam-se a necessidade de tornar mais atrativas as práticas em saúde nas unidades locais afim de aumentar a adesão dos estudantes, docentes e das equipes locais.
Na prática docente, verifica-se que o corpo de professores detém um alto nível de conhecimento técnico-científico, que se contrapõe às deficiências em sua formação didático-pedagógica, o que leva a resistência às mudanças. Este artigo apresenta os desafios enfrentados no processo de implementação de um projeto de educação permanente dos professores que atuam no curso de Medicina da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, com vistas ao desenvolvimento de uma prática pedagógica que leve em conta a realidade humana em toda a sua complexidade e diversidade. Para isso,foi realizado um curso deformação básica para professores-tutores, desenvolvido em três etapas e que possibilitou aos participantes a vivência da ABP. Além disso, foi constituído um grupo de estudos para refletir sobre temas relacionados à prática pedagógica docente, com uma assessoria pedagógica. Este grupo foi denominado Grupo de Estudos Seqüenciais, e o resultado esperado é a formação de multiplicadores. A superação dos desafios do processo de profissionalização do docente médico requer que se avaliem constantemente todas as iniciativas implantadas, pois este processo de acompanhamento auxiliará um aperfeiçoamento contínuo.
Este artigo relata a experiência de um grupo de docentes do curso de Medicina da Universidade Estadual de Londrina no ensino de comunicação no módulo de Habilidades do currículo integrado. A constatação da importância da comunicação no relacionamento médico-paciente e na evolução de doenças levou à elaboração de uma estrutura com dificuldades progressivas ao longo dos quatro primeiros anos do curso. Os conteúdos abordados variam desde a observação de pacientes em sala de espera até a discussão técnica sobre a abordagem da transmissão de informações, adesão ao tratamento e manejo de grupos especiais de pacientes em diferentes fases da vida. As estratégias utilizadas incluem observação de pacientes, entrevistas, discussões em grupo, dramatizações, filmes, mesas-redondas, conferências e depoimentos de pacientes. A avaliação é feita em duas partes, formativa e cognitiva. O treinamento da comunicação visa desenvolver a competência do aluno em aprimorar seu vínculo com o paciente, potencializar os processos de obtenção e transmissão de informações, o manejo do paciente e a promoção da adesão ao tratamento.
A democracia deve promover a satisfação de interesses diversos (o bem comum), o que é imprescindível à construção dos consensos, quando possível, entre os distintos atores. A partir de meados da década de 1970, o Brasil passa por importantes transformações político-democráticas, configurando-se em anos de mudanças nos paradigmas da saúde. Com a Constituição de 1988 e a criação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), os gestores, trabalhadores e usuários do sistema se deparam com uma nova forma de pensar, estruturar, desenvolver e produzir serviços e assistência em saúde - modelo de produção social em saúde. Entretanto, para promover o desenvolvimento da real ruptura com o modelo sanitário anterior - flexneriano -, as relações trabalhistas devem superar a precarização do trabalho por meio de medidas como investimentos consistentes nas áreas da gestão de recursos humanos, com a criação de meios de discussão para uma gestão democrática. O presente artigo tem como proposta repensar as relações entre a democracia e a saúde, a partir da análise reflexiva das práticas de gestão do trabalho no Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF), no contexto das reformas políticas. Entende-se que a efetiva consolidação do PSF como reorganizador da Atenção Básica, possibilitará configurar novos arranjos institucionais, capazes de repercutir na cultura sociopolítica do País, e contribuirá para a construção de políticas mais eficazes, justas e solidárias propostas pelo SUS.