995 resultados para Debye-Screening Length
Weight-on-length (W-L) relationships for 2,482 dolphinfish, Coryphaena hippurus, and 1,161 wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, were examined. Data on fork length, whole (round) weight, and sex were collected for dolphinfish at the Honolulu fish auction from March 1988 through November 1989. Unsexed weight and length data for wahoo were collected at the auction from July 1988 through November 1989. We also used sex specific weight and length data of 171 wahoo collected during 1977–1985 research cruises for analysis. Coefficients of W-L regressions were significantly different between the sexes for dolphinfish. Coefficients did not significantly differ between the sexes for wahoo based on research cruise data. In a general linear model evaluating month as a categorical factor, month was significant for female dolphinfish, male dolphinfish, and wahoo with sexes pooled. W-L and length-on-weight (L-W) relationships were fitted by nonlinear regression for all dolphinfish, female dolphinfish, male dolphinfish, and all wahoo sexes pooled. W-L relationships for monthly samples of female dolphinfish, male dolphinfish, and all wahoo with sexes pooled were also fitted by nonlinear regression. Predicted mean weight at length for wahoo was highest at the beginning of the spawning season in June and lowest after the spawning season in September. Maximum and minimum predicted mean weight at length for both sexes of dolphinfish did not correspond with the peak spawning period (March–May). Plausible migration models in conjunction with reproductive behavior were examined to explain the variability in monthly predicted mean weight at length for dolphinfish.
Measurements of adult marine fishes on the U.S. west coast are usually made using one of three methods: standard length, fork length, or total length. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. In this paper we attempt to determine whether one method is faster and/or more reliable than the other methods. We found that all three methods were comparable. There was no appreciable difference in the time it took to measure fish using the different methods. Fork length had the most reproducible results; however, it had the highest level of bias between researchers. We therefore suggest that selection of measurement type be based on what other researchers have used for the species under study. The best improvement in measurement reliability probably occurs by adequate training of personnel and not type of measurement used.
Enterococcus resistentes à vancomicina (VRE) são reconhecidos como importantes patógenos causadores de infecções nosocomiais, configurando um grave problema de saúde pública, principalmente pela escassez de opção terapêutica eficaz. O fenótipo de resistência VanA é o mais frequente, sendo definido pela resistência a altos níveis de vancomicina e teicoplanina. VanA é caracterizado por um conjunto gênico (vanRSHAXYZ) localizado no elemento genético móvel denominado transposon Tn1546. A diversidade de Tn1546 resulta de alterações estruturais promovidas por deleções ou integração de sequências de inserção (IS) que, exercem papel chave na evolução do elemento VanA, modificando os aspectos relacionados à sua transferência e expressão do fenótipo. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar e avaliar o polimorfismo de elementos Tn1546 presentes em amostras de diferentes espécies de Enterococcus isoladas em instituições hospitalares do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no período de 2000 a 2012. Foram incluídas neste estudo 70 amostras VRE que foram caracterizadas quanto ao gênero, espécies e genótipo de resistência aos glicopeptídeos por métodos convencionais e PCR multiplex. A susceptibilidade a 17 antimicrobianos foi avaliada pelo método de difusão em ágar, e concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) para vancomicina e teicoplanina foi determinada por microdiluição em caldo. O tranposon foi obtido após lise das células bacterianas e amplificação por PCR longo, utilizando-se oligonucleotídeos específicos para a região repetida e invertida que flanqueia este elemento genético. A diversidade dos elementos Tn1546 foi avaliada por um conjunto de métodos moleculares que incluiu a análise do polimorfismo do tamanho de fragmentos de restrição (restriction fragment lenght polymorphism, RFLP), utilizando-se a endonuclease ClaI, amplificação de segmentos internos por PCR de sobreposição de oligonucleotídeos (overlapping PCR) e detecção de sequências de inserção (ISs). A caracterização em espécies considerada para as demais análises foi obtida pela metodologia de PCR de acordo com a seguinte distribuição: E. avium (N=6), E. faecalis (N=12), E. faecium (N=46), E. gallinarum (N=4) e E. raffinosus (N=2). Todas as amostras apresentaram o genótipo vanA. Nos testes de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos foi observado que todas as amostras foram multirresistentes, sendo resistente de 6 a 13 dentre os 17 antimicrobianos testados. A presença de elementos semelhantes ao arquétipo de Tn1546 foi observada em 61,5% das amostras; entretanto, 27 amostras apresentaram perfis variantes de Tn1546. Foram identificados nove perfis de RFLP, dentre 66 avaliadas, sendo o perfil I, prevalente e semelhante ao arquétipo de Tn1546. Não foi possível analisar quatro amostras por RFLP. Os produtos de amplificação de Tn1546 alterados, obtidos pela overlapping PCR e pelo rastreamento de IS, levaram à classificação de 15 tipos polimórficos, nomeados de A a O. A maioria dos Tn1546 polimórficos teve suas regiões de ORF1 e/ou ORF2 deletadas; e IS1542 juntamente com IS1216V foram as inserções mais frequentes, que em muitas situações compartilhavam a mesma região de inserção. IS19 foi detectada apenas na região vanS-vanH. Os dados apresentados neste estudo indicam que o polimorfismo de Tn1546 pode ser explorado no rastreamento de rotas de transmissão, acompanhamento da dispersão de elementos VanA e investigação da evolução de amostras VRE.
To ensure the authentication of fishery products lacking biological characters, rapid species identification methods are required. Two DNA- and protein-based methods, PCR-SSCP (polymerase chain reaction - single strand conformation polymorphism) of a 464 bp segment of the cytochrome b – gene and isoelectric focusing (IEF) of water-soluble proteins from fish fillets, were applied to identify fillets of (sub-) tropical fish species available on the European market. Among the samples analysed were two taxonomically identified species from the family Sciaenidae and one from Sphyraenidae. By comparison of DNA- and protein patterns of different samples, information about intra-species variability of patterns, and homogeneity of batches (e.g. fillet blocks or bags) can be obtained. PCR-SSCP and IEF may be useful for pre-checking of a large number of samples by food control laboratories. Zusammenfassung Zur Sicherstellung der Authentizität von Fischerei-Erzeugnissen ohne biologische Merkmale sind schnelle Verfahren zur Speziesidentifizierung hilfreich. Zwei Methoden der DNA- bzw. Protein-Analyse wurden eingesetzt, um Filets (sub-) tropischer Fischarten, die auf dem europäischen Markt angeboten werden, zu identifizieren. Bei diesen Methoden handelt es sich um die PCR-SSCP (Polymerase-Kettenreaktion – Einzelstrang-Konformationspolymorphismus) – Analyse der PCR-Produkte und die IEF (isoelektrische Fokussierung) der wasserlöslichen Fischmuskelproteine. Unter den untersuchten Proben waren zwei taxonomisch bestimmte Arten aus der Familie Sciaenidae und eine Spezies aus der Familie Sphyraenidae. Durch Vergleich der DNA- bzw. Proteinmuster lassen sich Informationen über die intra-spezifische Variabilität solcher Muster und die Einheitlichkeit von Partien (beispielsweise Filetblöcke oder Filetbeutel) gewinnen. PCR-SSCP und IEF können in Laboratorien der Lebensmittelüberwachung als Vortest gerade bei hohen Probenzahlen sinnvoll eingesetzt werden.
In 2001, representative samples of adult Columbia Basin chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), sockeye (O. nerka), and coho salmon (O. kisutch) populations at Bonneville Dam were collected. Fish were trapped, anesthetized, sampled for scales and biological data, revived, and then released adult migrating salmonids. Scales were examined to estimate age composition; the results contributed to an ongoing database for age class structure of Columbia Basin salmon populations. Based on scale analysis of chinook salmon, four-year-old fish (from brood year [BY] 1997) comprised 88% of the spring chinook, 67% of the summer chinook, and 42% of the Bright fall chinook salmon population. Five-year-old fish (BY 1996) comprised 9% of the spring chinook, 14% of the summer chinook, and 9% of the fall chinook salmon population. The sockeye salmon population at Bonneville was predominantly four-year-old fish (81%), with 18% returning as five-year-olds in 2001. The coho salmon population was 96% three-year-old fish (Age 1.1). Length analysis of the 2001 returns indicated that chinook salmon with a stream-type life history are larger (mean length) than the chinook salmon with an ocean-type life history. Trends in mean length over the sampling period for returning 2001 chinook salmon were analyzed. Chinook salmon of age classes 0.2 and 1.3 show a significant increase in mean length over time. Age classes 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.4 show no significant change over time. A year class regression over the past 12 years of data was used to predict spring, summer, and Bright fall chinook salmon population sizes for 2002. Based on three-year-old returns, the relationship predicts four-year-old returns of 132,600 (± 46,300, 90% predictive interval [PI]) spring chinook and 44,200 (± 11,700, 90% PI) summer chinook salmon for the 2002 runs. Based on four-year-old returns, the relationship predicts five-year-old returns of 87,800 (± 54,500, 90% PI) spring, 33,500 (± 11,500, 90% PI) summer, and 77,100 (± 25,800, 90% PI) Bright fall chinook salmon for the 2002 runs. The 2002 run size predictions should be used with caution; some of these predictions are well beyond the range of previously observed data.
In 2000, representative samples of adult Columbia Basin chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), sockeye (O. nerka), and coho salmon (O. kisutch), populations were collected at Bonneville Dam. Fish were trapped, anesthetized, sampled for scales and biological data, allowed to revive, and then released. Scales were examined to estimate age composition and the results contribute to an ongoing database for age class structure of Columbia Basin salmon populations. Based on scale analysis, four-year-old fish (from brood year (BY) 1996) were estimated to comprise 83% of the spring chinook, 31% of the summer chinook, and 32% of the upriver bright fall chinook salmon population. Five-year-old fish (BY 1995) were estimated to comprise 2% of the spring chinook, 26% of the summer chinook, and 40% of the fall chinook salmon population. Three-year-old fish (BY 1997) were estimated to comprise 14% of the spring chinook, 42% of the summer chinook, and 17% of the fall chinook salmon population. Two-year-olds accounted for approximately 11% of the fall chinook population. The sockeye salmon population sampled at Bonneville was predominantly four-year-old fish (95%), and the coho salmon population was 99.9% three-year-old fish (Age 1.1). Length analysis of the 2000 returns indicated that chinook salmon with a stream-type life history are larger (mean length) than the chinook salmon with an ocean-type life history. Trends in mean length over the sampling period were also analysis for returning 2000 chinook salmon. Fish of age classes 0.2, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 have a significant increase in mean length over time. Age classes 0.3 and 0.4 have no significant change over time and age 0.1 chinook salmon had a significant decrease in mean length over time. A year class regression over the past 11 years of data was used to predict spring and summer chinook salmon population sizes for 2001. Based on three-year-old returns, the relationship predicts four-year-old returns of 325,000 (± 111,600, 90% Predictive Interval [PI]) spring chinook and 27,800 (± 29,750, 90% PI) summer chinook salmon. Based on four-year-old returns, the relationship predicts five-year-old returns of 54,300 (± 40,600, 90% PI) spring chinook and 11,000 (± 3,250, 90% PI) summer chinook salmon. The 2001 run size predictions used in this report should be used with caution, these predictions are well beyond the range of previously observed data.