987 resultados para Davis, Gustavus Fellowes, 1797-1836.
Three-page draft of a report presented to the "executive government" of Harvard College by the "committee appointed to prepare a plan for the suppression of certain disorders during the public services in the chapel & in the meeting house."
Handwritten copy of an address by Eliphalet Pearson made "in ye middle of public lecture 13 Mh. 1797, in consequence of repeated scrapings, shuffling, & thumping with various other noises; all which appeared to be confined to the freshmen."
9-page handwritten copy of an address by Eliphalet Pearson read to twenty-seven members of the sophomore class after an incident on June 27, 1797 in which "in direct violation of College law a majority of the sophomore class repaired to the house of Richard Boardman in this town; that they did then & there indulge to a free use of wine" that incited them to drunkenly parade through town and disturb the evening church services of the College.
One-page printed circular to Harvard alumni regarding a dinner on September 8, 1836 for the second Centennial Celebration.
One-page handwritten letter from Sarah King requesting time to speak with Baldwin.
One-page handwritten letter from Robert Charles Winthrop regarding Baldwin's appointment as vice-president of the second Centennial Festival at Harvard.
A half-page handwritten draft of a letter to Thomas Gill written on the second leaf of a September 10, 1836 printed circular from Gill requesting copies of those who made speeches at the second Centennial Anniversary.
One-page handwritten letter of introduction for Sarah King, widow of Edward King of Cincinnati.
Eight receipts from Abiel Holmes for room and board dated October 19, 1796; January 3, 1797; February 20, 1797; April 19, 1797; July 14, 1797; October 10, 1797; April 17, 1798; and July 12, 1798.
Shapleigh served as Secretary of Harvard's chapter of Phi Beta Kappa in 1797.