998 resultados para DNA-CLONING


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Basepair stacking calculations have been carried out to understand the conformational polymorphism of DNA and its sequence dependence. The recently developed self-consistent parameter set, which is specially suitable for describing irregular DNA structures, has been used to describe the geometry of a basepair doublet. While for basepairs without any propeller, the favourable stacking patterns do not appear to have very strong features, much more noticeable sequence dependent stacking patterns emerge once a propeller is applied to the basepairs. The absolute minima for most sequences occurs for a doublet geometry close to the B-DNA fibre models. Hence in the B-DNA region, no strong sequence dependent features are found, but the range of doublet geometries observed in the crystal structures generally lie within the low energy contours, obtained from stacking energy calculations. The doublet geometry corresponding to the A-DNA fibre model is not energetically favourable for the purine-pyrimidine sequences, which prefer small roll angle values when the slide has a large negative value as in A-DNA. However positive roll with large negative slide is allowed for GG, GA, AG and the pyrimidine-purine steps. This is consistent with the observed geometries of various steps in A-DNA crystals. Thus the general features of the basepair doublets predicted from these theoretical studies agree very well with the results from crystal structure analysis. However, since most sequences show an overall preference for B-type doublet geometry, the B --> A transition for random sequence DNA cannot be explained on the basis of basepair stacking interactions.


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We have developed the technique of thermal fluctuation spectroscopy to measure the thermal fluctuations in a system. This technique is particularly useful to study the denaturation dynamics of biomolecules like DNA. Here we present a study of the thermal fluctuations during the thermal denaturation (or melting) of double-stranded DNA. We find that the thermal denaturation of heteropolymeric DNA is accompanied by large, non-Gaussian thermal fluctuations. The thermal fluctuations show a two-peak structure as a function of temperature. Calculations of enthalpy exchanged show that the first peak comes from the denaturation of AT rich regions and the second peak from denaturation of GC rich regions. The large fluctuations are almost absent in homopolymeric DNA. We suggest that bubble formation and cooperative opening and closing dynamics of basepairs causes the additional fluctuation at the first peak and a large cooperative transition from a partially molten DNA to a completely denatured state causes the additional fluctuation at the second peak.


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The presence of DNA-specific IgG4 antibodies was demonstrated in the sera of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) by a microtiter solid-phase radioimmunoassay. A patient with distal inter-phalangeal swelling and extensive ulcers in the oral cavity, seronegative for anti-DNA antibodies of the IgG isotype, was found to have anti-DNA autoantibodies exclusively of the IgG4 subclass. These autoantibodies directed against the dsDNA conformation cross-reacted with chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate and heparin.


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To understand the molecular basis of gene targeting, we have studied interactions of nucleoprotein filaments comprised of single-stranded DNA and RecA protein with chromatin templates reconstituted from linear duplex DNA and histones. We observed that for the chromatin templates with histone/DNA mass ratios of 0.8 and 1.6, the efficiency of homologous pairing was indistinguishable from that of naked duplex DNA but strand exchange was repressed. In contrast, the chromatin templates with a histone/DNA mass ratio of 9.0 supported neither homologous pairing nor strand exchange. The addition of histone H1, in stoichiometric amounts, to chromatin templates quells homologous pairing. The pairing of chromatin templates with nucleoprotein filaments of RecA protein-single-stranded DNA proceeded without the production of detectable networks of DNA, suggesting that coaggregates are unlikely to be the intermediates in homologous pairing. The application of these observations to strategies for gene targeting and their implications for models of genetic recombination are discussed.


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In Salmonella typhimurium, propionate is oxidized to pyruvate via the 2-methylcitric acid cycle. The last step of this cycle, the cleavage of 2-methylisocitrate to succinate and pyruvate, is catalysed by 2-methylisocitrate lyase (EC Methylisocitrate lyase (molecular weight 32 kDa) with a C-terminal polyhistidine affinity tag has been cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified and crystallized under different conditions using the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion technique. Crystals belong to the orthogonal space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 63.600, b = 100.670, c = 204.745 Angstrom. A complete data set to 2.5 Angstrom resolution has been collected using an image-plate detector system mounted on a rotating-anode X-ray generator.


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A non-occluded baculovirus, OBV-KI has been isolated from the insect pest, Oryctes rhinoceros. The viral genome is estimated to be 123 kb, with a G + C content of 43 mol% and no detectible methylated bases. A restriction map of the OBV-KI genome for BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII, PstI, SalI and XbaI has been constructed.


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Kinetics of the interaction of Au(III) with native calf thymus DNA has been studied spectrophotometrically to determine the kinetic parameters and to examine their dependency on the concentrations of DNA and Au(III), temperature, ionic strength and pH. The reaction is of the first order with respect to both the nucleotide unit of DNA and Au(III) in the stoichiometry of 2∶1 respectively. The rate constants vary with the initial ratio of DNA to Au(III) and is attributed to the effect of free chloride ions and the existence of a number of reaction sites with slight difference in the rate constants. The activation energies of this interaction have been found to be 14–16 kcal/mol. From the effect of ionic strength the reaction is found to occur between a positive and a negative ion in the rate-limiting step. The logarithm of rate constants are the linear function of pH and the slopes are dependent on ther-values. A plausible mechanism has been proposed which involves a primary dissociation of the major existing species (AuCl2(OH)2)−, to give (AuCl2)+ which then reacts with a site in the nucleotide unit of DNA in the rate-liminting step followed by a rapid binding to another site on the complementary strand of the DNA double helix. There exist a number of binding sites with slight difference in reactivity.


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The human gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota is a complex ecosystem that lives in symbiosis with its host. The growing awareness of the importance of the microbiota to the host as well as the development of culture-free laboratory techniques and computational methods has enormously expanded our knowledge of this microbial community. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional bowel disorder affecting up to a fifth of the Western population. To date, IBS diagnosis has been based on GI symptoms and the exclusion of organic diseases. The GI microbiota has been found to be altered in this syndrome and probiotics can alleviate the symptoms, although clear links between the symptoms and the microbiota have not been demonstrated. The aim of the present work was to characterise IBS related alterations in the intestinal microbiota, their relation to IBS symptoms and their responsiveness to probiotic theraphy. In this thesis research, the healthy human microbiota was characterised by cloning and sequencing 16S rRNA genes from a faecal microbial community DNA pool that was first profiled and fractionated according to its guanine and cytosine content (%G+C). The most noticeable finding was that the high G+C Gram-positive bacteria (the phylum Actinobacteria) were more abundant compared to a corresponding library constructed from the unfractionated DNA pool sample. Previous molecular analyses of the gut microbiota have also shown comparatively low amounts of high G+C bacteria. Furthermore, the %G+C profiling approach was applied to a sample constructed of faecal DNA from diarrhea-predominant IBS (IBS-D) subjects. The phylogenetic microbial community comparison performed for healthy and IBS-D sequence libraries revealed that the IBS-D sample was rich in representatives of the phyla Firmicutes and Proteobacteria whereas Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes were abundant in the healthy subjects. The family Lachnospiraceae within the Firmicutes was especially prevalent in the IBS-D sample. Moreover, associations of the GI microbiota with intestinal symptoms and the quality of life (QOL) were investigated, as well as the effect of probiotics on these factors. The microbial targets that were analysed with the quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) in this study were phylotypes (species definition according to 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity) previously associated with either health or IBS. With a set of samples, the presence or abundance of a phylotype that had 94% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to Ruminococcus torques (R. torques 94%) was shown to be associated with the severity of IBS symptoms. The qPCR analyses for selected phylotypes were also applied to samples from a six-month probiotic intervention with a mixture of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, L. rhamnosus Lc705, Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS and Bifidobacterium breve Bb99. The intervention had been previously reported to alleviate IBS symptoms, but no associations with the analysed microbiota representatives were shown. However, with the phylotype-specific assays applied here, the abundance of the R. torques 94% -phylotype was shown to be lowered in the probiotic-receiving group during the probiotic supplementation, whereas a Clostridium thermosuccinogenes 85% phylotype, previously associated with a healthy microbiota, was found to be increased compared to the placebo group. To conclude, with the combination of methods applied, higher abundance of Actinobacteria was detected in the healthy gut than found in previous studies, and significant phylum-level microbiota alterations could be shown in IBS-D. Thus, the results of this study provide a detailed overview of the human GI microbiota in healthy subjects and in subjects with IBS. Furthermore, the IBS symptoms were linked to a particular clostridial phylotype, and probiotic supplementation was demonstrated to alter the GI microbiota towards a healthier state with regard to this and an additional bacterial phylotype. For the first time, distinct phylotype-level alterations in the microbiota were linked to IBS symptoms and shown to respond to probiotic therapy.


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The nature of interaction of Rh(III) with DNA was studied using viscometry and ultraviolet, visible and infrared spectroscopy. The rate of interaction was found to be very slow at room temperature taking several days for completion. The time needed to attain equilibrium is dependent on the concentrations of metal ion, higher the concentration shorter the period required for equilibration. Visible spectra of Rh(III) were found to alter considerably in the presence of DNA. An increase in absorbance and a red shift were observed in the ultraviolet spectra of DNA in the presence of Rh(III). The specific viscosity of DNA solution was found to decrease asymptotically with time and concentrations of metal ion. The melting temperature of DNA was found to increase at lower metal ion concentrations, whereas at higher values a decrease was obtained. At still higher metal ion concentrations (Image ) a ‘nonmeltable state’ of DNA was observed. These results seem to indicate that Rh(III) binds both with the phosphate and the bases of the DNA.


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The structure and properties of the double-helical form of the alternating copolymer poly(dA-dT) are considered. Different lines of evidence are interpreted in terms of a structure in which every second phosphate-diester linkage has a conformation different from that of the normal B form. A rationale for this “alternating-B” structure is given which provides an explanation for the effects of chemical modifications of the T residues on the binding of the poly(dA-dT)· poly(dA-dT) to the lac repressor of Escherichia coli.


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