1000 resultados para Défices do Ciclo da Ureia


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Jaagiella alpicola fue aislada de suelos del Cap Norfeu (Gerona) mediante cultivos de enriquecimiento. Las células vegetativas son uninucleadas y contienen un cloroplasto parietal sin pirenoide. La reproducción asexual se lleva a cabo por bipartición y mediante acinetos y esporas móviles biflageladas. Las zoosporas se desarrollan directamente, después de su liberación, dando lugar a un talo heterótrico. El estudio de la división de las células vegetativas, mediante MET, ha revelado que se forma un huso mitótico metacéntrico en la telofase. Todas las características observadas indican que J. alpicola debe situarse en el orden Pleurastroles (Pleurastrophyceae).


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OBJETIVO: Determinar o nível de qualidade da proteção radiológica para os pacientes durante a realização de exames radiológicos e avaliar a efetividade de uma intervenção dirigida a melhorar a qualidade. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um ciclo de melhoria em um serviço de radiologia da Administração Geral de Saúde do Algarve, Portugal. Utilizando seis critérios de qualidade, foram efetivadas uma avaliação, uma intervenção focada nos critérios mais problemáticos (durante oito meses) e uma reavaliação. As amostras foram aleatórias (n = 60), possibilitando a inferência sobre as estimativas pontuais e intervalos de confiança do cumprimento de cada critério, assim como o cálculo da significância estatística da melhoria identificada, através do teste Z. RESULTADOS: Na avaliação inicial, todos os critérios de qualidade apresentaram falhas. Após a intervenção, a melhoria relativa mínima foi de 33% em cinco dos seis critérios, sendo significativa (p < 0,05) em dois deles. A frequência absoluta de não conformidades diminuiu de 38 (primeira avaliação) para 21 (segunda avaliação), que corresponde a uma melhoria de 44,7%. CONCLUSÃO: O início do ciclo de avaliação institucional revelou uma margem de melhoria que antes parecia incipiente, porém, a intervenção implementada foi efetiva para estimular boas práticas e aumentar o nível de proteção radiológica para os pacientes.


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The most relevant advances on the analytical applications of glutathione determination based on glutathione redox cycle and the antioxidant system are given. The main enzymes that participate of the glutathione metabolism are the glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase. The glutathione peroxidase has a major role in the removal of hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxides from the cells. These enzymes, operating in tandem with catalase and superoxide dismutase promote a scavenging of oxyradical products in tissues minimizing damages caused by these species. Reduced glutathione is the major intracellular thiol found in mammals and changes in the glutathione concentration in biological fluids or tissues may provide a useful marker in certain disorders like hemolytic anemia, myocardial oxidative stress and in the investigation of some kinds of cancers. Particular attention is devoted to the main advantages supplied by biosensors in which there is an incorporation of bioactive materials for the glutathione determination. The correlation between stability and sensitivity of some reduced glutathione electrochemical sensors is discussed.


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Este trabajo de investigación abarca el estudio, implementación y evaluación de diferentes herramientas, metodologías y procesos para la producción de software libre en el campo del desarrollo rápido de aplicaciones (RAD, precursor de metodologías ágiles como Scrum).


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The chemotherapy agents against cancer may be classified as "cell cycle-specific" or "cell cycle-nonspecific". Nevertheless, several of them have their biological activity related to any kind of action on DNA such as: antimetabolic agents (DNA synthesis inhibition), inherently reactive agents (DNA alkylating electrophilic traps for macromolecular nucleophiles from DNA through inter-strand cross-linking - ISC - alkylation) and intercalating agents (drug-DNA interactions inherent to the binding made due to the agent penetration in to the minor groove of the double helix). The earliest and perhaps most extensively studied and most heavily employed clinical anticancer agents in use today are the DNA inter-strand cross-linking agents.


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The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) may be both beneficial to cells, performing functions in intracellular signaling and detrimental, modifying cellular biomolecules. ROS can cause DNA damage, such as base damage and strand breaks. Organisms respond to chromosome insults by activation of a complex and hierarchical DNA-damage response pathway. The extent of DNA damages determines cell fate: cell cycle arrest and DNA repair or cell death. The ATM is a central protein in the response to DNA double-strand breaks by acting as a transducer protein. Collected evidences suggest that ATM is also involved in the response to oxidative DNA damage.


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Soils play an important role in the biogeochemical cycle of mercury as a sink for and source of this metallic species to atmospheric and hydrological compartments. In the study reported here, various types of soil were evaluated to ascertain the influence of parameters such as pH, organic matter content, Fe, Al, sand, silt, clay, C/H, C/N, C/O atomic ratios, and cation exchange capacity on the distribution of Hg in Amazonia's mid-Negro River basin. The data obtained were interpreted by multivariate exploratory analyses (hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis), which indicated that organic matter plays an important role in mercury uptake in the various soils studied. The soils in floodable areas were found to contain 1.5 to 2.8-fold higher Hg concentrations than those in non-floodable areas. Since these soils are flooded almost year-round, they are less available to participate in redox processes at the soil/atmosphere interface. Hence, floodable areas, which comprise humic-rich soils, accumulate more mercury than non-floodable soils, thus playing an important role in the biogeochemical cycle of Hg in Amazonia's mid-Negro River basin.


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Using a sampling method of particulate matter (PM) without the use of a dilution tunnel allows for evaluations of the volatile hydrocarbons (HC) in the emissions of diesel cycle engines. The procedure in this work applied a heated filter with temperature controlled. The volatile compounds are condensed at low temperature, allowing for evaluation of the HC by thermal desorption of the PM and for analysis of the condensed compounds of the exhaust gases.


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Celecoxib (CB) and lumiracoxib (LM) are potent COX-2 inhibitors widely marketed for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Nevertheless, it is difficult to obtain because it are protected under patents. The aim of this work was to develop an extraction method of drugs, CB and LM, in order to obtain the drug with a purity degree appropriated for use in research projects. The developed method showed to be effective of both drugs, becoming interesting due to its low cost, easy and speed of execution, application to different dosage forms (capsules and tablets) and drugs with different physicochemical properties.


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A laboratory experiment that enables the professor to introduce the problematic of sustainable development in pharmaceutical chemistry to undergraduate students is proposed, using a simple synthetic procedure. Cholesteryl acetate is prepared by the esterification of cholesterol using Montmorillonite K10 as heterogeneous catalyst. Cholesterol and cholesteryl acetate are characterized by spectroscopic (¹H RMN, 13C RMN, FTIR) and thermal analysis techniques. The thermal methods are used to introduce the concepts of polymorphism and the nature of mesophases.


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A fluid conducting composite material prepared from graphite powder, commercial epoxy resin Araldite®, and cyclohexanone has been developed. The composition was optimized considering the mechanical properties as conductivity and adhesiveness using response surface methodology. This work employed cyclic voltammetry and amperometry to investigate the characteristics of such composite electrodes without and with the insertion of Prussian blue in the electrode body (bulk modified electrode). The composite electrodes were also successfully used for the amperometric detection of hydrogen peroxide at 0.0V vs Ag/AgCl.


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The region of Aracá River (Middle and Upper Rio Negro-AM) has peculiar characteristics, having soils with atypical profile and high organic matter contents in great deep. The levels of aluminum and iron in the soil samples increased as a function of depth and concentrations of mercury ranged from 0.097 to 0.964 µg g-1. Statistical analysis showed the degree of similarity between soil samples collected. The highest concentrations of mercury in soil samples are directly related to soil higher content of organic matter, directly influencing the fate and bioavailability of mercury species to the environment.


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The triterpenoids oleanolic (OA) and ursolic (UA) acids show non-selective antiinflamatory activity in vitro for cyclooxygenase (COX) isoforms. 3D conformations of OA and UA, with three possible orientations (1, 1' and 2) in the active site of isoforms COX, obtained by docking, were submitted to molecular dynamics. The results show that orientation 2 of the OA in COX-2 is more favorable because orientation 1 moved away from the active site. The carboxylate group of OA interact by hydrogen bonds with Ser353 and with Phe357 and Leu359, mediated by water, while hydroxyl in C-3 interact by hydrogen bond, mediated by water, with Tyr385.


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We present in this work the influence of temperature on the dynamics of homogeneous chemical systems containing bromate and 1,4-cyclohexanedione (1,4-CHD) in acidic media. In particular, the following systems were studied: bromate/1,4-CHD/acid, bromate/1,4-CHD/ferroin/acid and bromate/1,4-CHD/trisbipyridine ruthenium/acid. Investigations were carried out by means of an electrochemical probe, at five temperatures between 5 and 45 °C. Activation energies (Ea) were estimated in different ways for the pre-oscillatory and oscillatory regimes. In any case, the Ea was found to depend on the catalyst, composition and initial concentrations. In addition, it was observed that ferroin and trisbipyridine ruthenium act as catalysts only during the transition between the induction period and oscillatory regime.


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The aim of the study was to synthesize the urea (13CO(NH2)2), with 99% 13C atoms, and to perform a quality analysis for the diagnosis (breath test) of Helicobacter pylori. Furthermore, the process was submitted to economic analysis. The reaction was performed in a stainless steel reactor, lined with polytetrafluoroethylene, under low pressure and temperature. The synthesis method was shown to be appropriate (2.35 g; 81.9% yield), evidenced by physico-chemical and microbiological results, according to Brazilian legislation. The production and diagnosis costs were competitive compared with national and international market values, rendering this a valuable tool in clinical medicine.