991 resultados para Crothers, Samuel McChord, 1857-1927.
General return showing the quantity of each article transported on the Welland Canal during the year ending 1857 and the amount of tolls collected thereon (Port of Maitland) (2 page, printed blank), 1857.
Office at Port Dalhousie statement of trade upwards on the Welland Canal during the years, 1857-1861
Office at Port Dalhousie statement of trade upwards on the Welland Canal during the years (10 pages of hand drawn charts), 1857-1861.
Comparative statement of different classes of trade passing downward through the Welland Canal at Port Colborne during the years 1857-1861 (1 page, hand drawn chart), Jan.25, 1862.
Statement of classes of vessels and merchandise passing downward through the Welland Canal during the year 1857 (Port Colborne), Jan. 30, 1862.
Statement showing the totals of the quantity of each class of articles transported on the Welland Canal during the years ending on the 31st of December 1857-1861 and the amount of tolls collected thereon 2 ½ page, hand drawn chart), Dec. 31, 1861.
Statement of the quantity of each article transported on the Welland Canal during the years 1857- 1861 from the Welland Canal Office, Dunnville. [This is a package containing charts and sections of charts – in total, 26 pieces of hand drawn charts wrapped in a piece of paper], 1862.
Telegraph to Samuel D. Woodruff from T. N. Burrell stating that they do not have enough brocatelle for his order, Sept. 22, 1876.
Receipt for building materials bought by Samuel Woodruff for E. Riddle, signed by Mr. Kiddee, Aug. 5, 1876.
Indenture of Quit Claim Deed between Roswell G. Benedict, Charles Pierson and Ira Spaulding, all of the same of the Town of Clifton to Samuel Zimmerman of the Town of Clifton for Lots no. 10 and 11 in Block F in the Town of Clifton – instrument no. 7127, April 28, 1856.
Indenture between the Honourable William Dickson of Dumphries, trustee and executor for the late Honourable Robert Hamilton Dickson to Samuel Street of Stamford for 50 acres in the Township of Gainsboro consisting of part of no. 27 in the 2nd Concession – instrument no. 599, Dec. 30, 1841.
Bill from Samuel Browne for furniture, Dec. 14, 1839.
Inventory of goods and chattels belonging to Samuel Wood and delivered to the Honourable William Dickson (double-sided, handwritten page), Dec. 10, 1828.
Letter to Henry Nelles from Samuel Street (1 ½ pages, handwritten) regarding a rental of a property to Harry Griffen, Dec. 13, 1841.
Letter in French to J.P. Bradley from his brother Samuel Bradley from Rimouski, Quebec (3 pages, handwritten), Nov. 1839.
Letter in French to J.P. Bradley from his brother Samuel Bradley (2 pages, handwritten), Jan. 1, 1840.