994 resultados para Crop residue


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O aumento da produção hortícola em cultivo protegido necessita de estudos mais detalhados acerca da ocorrência de resíduos de agrotóxicos, devido às condições ambientais peculiares nesse sistema, no qual pragas de pouca importância no campo assumem relevância. Avaliou-se os resíduos dos inseticidas acefato e de seu metabólito metamidofós em tomate sob cultivo protegido e em campo. Os tratamentos aplicados foram: (a) testemunha; (b) uma aplicação de 75 g i.a. acefato.100 L-1 de água; (c) uma aplicação com 150 g i.a.100 L-1 de água; (d) quatro aplicações na dosagem de 75 g i.a.100 L-1 de água. As amostras foram tomadas a (-1), zero, 1, 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias após a última ou única aplicação. A determinação quantitativa foi feita por técnica de cromatografia em fase gasosa, usando-se detector fotométrico de chama. Os resíduos de acefato e de metamidofós nos frutos de cultivo protegido e de campo, sempre estiveram abaixo dos respectivos limites máximos de resíduos (LMRs) em todo o período de colheita das amostras. Ainda, o metabolismo de acefato a metamidofós foi muito baixo nos frutos, particularmente importante nas folhas, mas não foi bem caracterizado no solo. Os resíduos de acefato foram maiores no cultivo protegido do que no campo, especialmente em folhas e no solo, sendo também estáveis e persistentes, em geral até a amostragem de 7 dias após a aplicação.


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Um estudo sobre o uso de água do feijoeiro de inverno (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Carioca) foi realizado num solo Latossol Vermelho Amarelo de textura argilosa. Um sistema de sulcos de infiltração foi usado para proceder a irrigação com o intuito de manter o solo em potenciais de água superiores a -40,0 KPa. Duas doses de aplicação de N em cobertura (0 a 30 Kg N/ha) foram colocados 25 dias após o plantio. Os principais objetivos do estudo foram: avaliar a interação entre as duas doses de N com a evapotranspiração e medir os coeficientes de cultura (Kc). A evapotranspiração média máxima (ETm) foi 1,71 mm/dia, ou 157,16 mm nos 92 dias de observações; os valores de ETm para as fases vegetativa (1), florescimento (2) e formação de vagens (3) foram 1,48; 2,35 e 1,50 mm/dia, respectivamente, para a dose de 30 Kg/ha e 1,48, 1,88 e 1,45 mm/dia para o tratamento sem aplicação de N em cobertura. Os coeficientes de cultura (Kc = ETm/ETo) foram 0,62 e 0,78 para a fase 1, 0,80 e 1,10 para a 2, 0,45 e 0,55 para a 3 e 0,61 e 0,80 para o ciclo todo, respectivamente, baseados no método de FAO-Penman e do Tanque Classe A. Este mostrou melhores resultados para estimar o máximo uso de água pelo feijoeiro de inverno. Os tratamentos de N não afetaram a evapotranspiração significativamente. Entretanto, a evapotranspiração, medida pelo método do balanço de água, foi 59,78 e 27,12% maior no estágio do florescimento que no estádio vegetativo, respectivamente, nas doses de 30 e 0 Kg N/ha.


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O desempenho animal é a medida mais direta de se avaliar a qualidade dos alimentos. Entretanto, dados de desempenho são insuficientes para se detectar as possíveis interações que possam ocorrer no ambiente ruminal. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os possíveis efeitos associativos nas concentrações de ácidos graxos voláteis (AGVs), nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH3) e pH da fração líquida remanescente da digestão da matéria seca (MS) de volumosos exclusivos (cana-de-açúcar= CN; capim-elefante com 60 dias= CP60 e 180 dias= CP180 de crescimento; e silagem de milho= SIL) e suas combinações (cana-de-açúcar+silagem de milho= CNSIL; cana-de-açúcar+capim-elefante-60d= CNCP60; cana-de-açúcar+capim-elefante-180d= CNCP180; silagem de milho+capim-elefante-60d= SILCP60; silagem de milho+capim-elefante-180d= SILCP180) na proporção de 50% na MS, que levam a resultados de desempenhos positivos ou negativos de bovinos. As concentrações de AGVs, N-NH3 e pH dos tratamentos foram: CN= 56,9 mmol L-1, 50,1 mg dL-1, 5,7; CNSIL= 61,4 mmol L-1, 50,7 mg dL-1, 5,8; CNCP60= 54,7 mmol L-1, 47,6 mg dL-1, 5,8; CNCP180= 45,4 mmol L-1, 49,4 mg dL-1, 6,0; SIL= 57,2 mmol L-1, 54,0 mg dL-1, 5,8; SILCP60= 57,1 mmol L-1, 53,1 mg dL-1, 5,9; SILCP180= 55,9 mmol L-1, 52,3 mg dL-1, 6,0; CP60= 58,1 mmol L-1, 49,4 mg dL-1, 5,9; CP180= 44,0 mmol L-1, 46,4 mg dL-1, 6,1. Os carboidratos não estruturais e amido, aliados à fibra e proteína, contribuíram para que ocorresse o efeito associativo positivo na mistura 50:50 cana/silagem. Isso pode ter propiciado os melhores resultados de desempenho em bovinos devido ao elevado padrão fermentativo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present work was conducted at FCAV-UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, in late harvest crop time of 1991. One hundred interpopulational hybrids obtained from a top-cross between Dent Composite and Flint Composite populations were evaluated. The analyzed characteristics were: Spodoptera frugiperda damages, lodging, damaged ears percentage, and productivity. Estimates of heritability, variance between progenies and genetical gain for each character of available population were determined. Estimates of the progenies variance, like those from heritability for the different analysed characters, indicate that there is an adequate genetical variance for the utilization of that material on subsequent genetic breeding programs, though allowing genetical gains, on the following selection cycles for the characteristics: grain weight, lodging and damages caused by armyworm larvae, whereas for the other characteristics the obtained results were not satisfactory.


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An experimental investigation of air enrichment in a combustion chamber designed to incinerate aqueous residues is presented. Diesel fuel and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) were used independently as fuels. An increase of 85% in the incineration capacity was obtained with nearly 50% O-2 in the oxidant gas, in comparison to incineration with air only. The incineration capacity continues increasing for enrichment levels above 50% O-2 , although at a lower pace. For complete oxy-flame combustion (100% O-2 ), the increase of the incineration capacity was about 110% relative to the starting conditions and about 13.5% relative to the condition with 50% O-2 . The CO concentration measured near the flame front decreases drastically with the increase of O-2 content in the oxidant gas. At the chamber exit, the CO concentration was always near zero, indicating that the chamber residence time was sufficient to complete fuel oxidation in any test setting. For diesel fuel, the NOx was entirely formed in the first region of the combustion chamber. For diesel fuel, there was some increase in the NOx concentration up to 35% of O-2 ; this increase became very sharp after that. From 60 ppm, at operation with air only, the NOx concentration raises to 200 ppm at 35% O-2 , and then to 2900 ppm at 74% O-2 . The latter corresponds to six times more NOx in terms of the ratio of mass of NO to mass of residue, compared to the situation of combustion with air only. For LPG, the NOx concentrations reached 4200 ppm at 80% O-2 , corresponding to nine times more, also in terms of the ratio of mass of NO to mass of residue, in comparison with combustion with air only. Results of different techniques used to control the NOx emission during air enrichment are discussed: (a) variation of the recirculated zone intensity, (b) increase of the spray Sauter mean diameter, (c) fuel staging, (d) oxidizer staging, and (e) ammonia injection. The present paper shows that NOx emission may be controlled without damage of the increase of incineration capacity by the enrichment and with low emission of partial oxidation pollutants such as CO.


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Three insecticides (chlorpyrifos methyl, dimethoate and fenthion) were applied on clementine fruits with and without mineral oil to assess the effect of mineral oil on pesticide residues. In both experiments the residues on the fruits after the last treatment and at harvest time were not significantly different.


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Immunochemical methods have increased considerably in the past years, and many examples of small and large scale studies have demonstrated the reliability of the immunotechniques for control and monitoring gf contaminant residues in different kinds of samples. Application of the immunoassay (IA) methods in pesticide residue control is an area with enormous potential for growth. The most extensively studied IA is the enzyme-linked absorbent assay (ELISA), but several other approaches, that include radioimmunoassay and immunoaffinity chromatography, have been also developed recently. In comparison with classical analytical methods, IA methods offer the possibility of highly sensitive, relatively vapid, and cost-effective measurements. This paper introduces the general IAs used until now, focusing on their use in pesticide analysis, and discussing briefly the effects of interferences from solvent residues or matrix components on the IA performance. Numerous immunochemical methods commonly used for pesticide determination in different samples such as food, crop and environmental samples are presented.


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Propanil and its major degradation product, 3,4-dichloroaniline (DCA), were monitored in surface water and soil samples from two rice fields of the Ebre Delta area (Tarragona, Spain) following agricultural application. On-line solid-phase extraction (SPE) (water) and Soxhlet extraction (soil) followed by liquid chromatography/diode array detection (LC/DAD) were used for the trace determination of both compounds. Unequivocal confirmation/identification was conducted by using liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry, LC/APCI/MS (using negative and positive ionization modes). Concentrations of the herbicide propanil in water samples varied from 1.9 to 55.9 mu g/L. Propanil degraded very rapidly to DCA, and high concentrations of this product were found, varying from 16.5 to 470 mu g/L in water and 119 +/- 22 mu g/kg in soil samples. No detectable DCA (<0.001%) was found in the applied pesticide formulation, indicating that DCA formation took place after propanil application. These field results compared favorably with laboratory experiments showing that humic interactions had a strong influence on the pesticide degradation. The half-lifes under real conditions for propanil and DCA, calculated using a first-order decay, were 1.2 and 1.6 days, respectively.


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Winter cover crops can affect N nutrition of the following maize crop. Although legumes have been recommend for maize rotations, in tropical areas grasses may be more interesting because they provide a longer protection of soil surface. Legumes can add N to the system and grasses can compete with maize for the available nutrient. An experiment was conducted in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, to study N dynamics in the soil surface straw-maize system as affected by N fertilization management and species included in the no-till rotation. Treatments were fallow, black oat (Avena strigosa), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), white lupins (Lupinus albus), black oat fertilized with N. and pearl millet fertilized with N. Maize was grown afterwards in the same plots, receiving 0.0, 60.0 and 120.0 kg ha(-1) of N sidedressed 30 days after plant emergence. Soil, straw and maize samples were taken periodically. The highest corn yields were observed when it was cropped after pearl millet fertilized with N. Nitrogen side dressed application up to 120 kg ha(-1) was not able to avoid corn yield decrease caused by black oat. Grasses can be recommended in maize rotations in tropical areas, provided they receive nitrogen fertilizer and show no allelopathy. Due to its higher ON ratio and dry matter yield they are better than legumes, protecting the soil surface for a longer period. Pearl millet is particularly interesting because it enhances N use efficiency by the following maize crop. For a better N availability/demand synchronism, the cover crops should be desiccated right before maize planting.


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Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) are the most extensively studied types of immunoassay and their application in pesticide residue monitoring is an area with enormous potential for growth. In comparison with classical analytical methods, ELISA methods offer the possibility of highly sensitive, relatively rapid, and cost-effective measurements. This review introduces the general ELISA formats used, focusing on their use in pesticide analysis. Identifying and studying the effects of interferences in immunoassays is an active area of research and we discuss the matrix effects observed in several studies involving e.g. food, crop and environmental samples. The procedures to eliminate the matrix interferences are briefly discussed. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V.