935 resultados para Crianca pre-escolar


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This survey was carried out to provide the Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project (KLFPP), whose overall goal is the improvement of the standard of living of fishing communities around Kainji Lake, Nigeria, and an increase in the availability of fish to consumers, with nutritional status baseline data for long-term monitoring and evaluation of the overall project goal. In a cross-sectional survey, baseline anthropometric data was collected from 768 children, aged 3-60 months in 389 fisherfolk households around the southern sector of Kainji Lake, Nigeria. In addition, data was collected on the nutritional status and fertility of the mothers, vaccination coverage of children and child survival indicators. For control purposes, 576 children and 292 mothers from non-fishing households around Kainji Lake were likewise covered by the survey. A standardised questionnaire was used to collect relevant information, while anthropometric measurements were made using appropriate equipment. Data compilation and analysis was carried out with DATAEASE registered and EPI-INFO registered software, using NCHS reference data for the analysis of anthropometric measurements. The prevalence of stunted children in fishing households was high at 40%, while the prevalence of wasted and underweight children was likewise high at 10% and 29% respectively. Children from non-fishing households had a marginally lower prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight with 37%, 7% and 25 % respectively, although these differences were not statistically significant. Considering the fact that the survey was carried out during a period of relative food abundance, the prevalence of wasting and underweight children is likely to be much higher during periods of food shortage. The prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight was relatively high for children aged 3 to 23 months, suggesting an increased risk of malnutrition during this period, most likely associated with inadequate weaning practices. The prevalence of malnourishment amongst women of child-bearing age was relatively high, irrespective of occupation of the household, with an average of 11% undernourished and 6% wasted. Vaccination coverage was very low while infant and child mortality were extremely high with about 1 in 5 children dying before their fifth birthday. Based on the ethical obligation to maximise the potential benefits of the survey, recommendations for activities to improve community nutrition and health were made for communication to relevant authorities. (PDF contains 52 pages)


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This survey was carried out to provide the Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project (KLFPP), whose overall goal is the improvement of the standard of living of fishing communities around Kainji Lake, Nigeria, managing the fisheries on a sustainable basis, with follow-up data for long-term monitoring and evaluation of the overall project goal. A similar survey, conducted in 1996, provided the baseline against which data from the current survey was evaluated. In a cross-sectional survey, anthropometric data was collected from 576 children aged 3-60 months in 282 fisherfolk households around the southern sector of Kainji Lake, Nigeria. In addition, data was collected on the nutritional status and fertility of the mothers, vaccination coverage of children and child survival indicators. For control purposes, 374 children and 181 mothers from non-fishing households around Kainji Lake were likewise covered by the survey. A standardised questionnaire was used to collect relevant data, while anthropometric measurements were made using appropriate equipment. Data compilation and analysis was carried out with a specially designed Microsoft Access application, using NCHS reference data for the analysis of anthropometric measurements. Statistical significance testing was done using EPI-INFO" software. The results of the follow-up survey indicate a slight increase in the percentage of stunted pre-school children in fishing households around Kainji Lake, from 40% in 1996 to 41% in 1999. This increase is however not statistically significant (p= 0.704). Over the same period, the percentage of stunted children in non-fishing households increased from 37% to 39% (p= 0.540), which is also not statistically significant. Likewise, there were no statistically significant differences between the 1996 and 1999 results for the prevalence of either wasted or underweight children in fishing households. The same applies to children from non-fishing households. In addition, vaccination coverage remains very low while infant and child mortality rates continue to be extremely high with about 1 in 5 children dying before their fifth birthday. There has been no perceptible and lasting improvement in the standard of living of fishing households over the course of the second project phase as indicated by the persistently high prevalence of stunting. The situation is the same for the control group, indicating that for the region as a whole, a number of factors beyond the immediate influence of the project continue to negatively impact on the standard of living. The results also show that the project activities have not had any negative long-term effect on the nutritional status of the beneficiaries. (PDF contains 44 pages)


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Aprovechando la problemática surgida en Alava respecto a las prestaciones de los monitores deportivos en Deporte Escolar, el presente trabajo se centra en estudiar si existe o no relación laboral en la figura del monitor deportivo en Deporte Escolar. Partiendo de la complejidad que plantea este ámbito, los objetivos concretos son, por un lado, clarificar las diferentes relaciones que se presentan en la prestación personal de los monitores de deporte escolar y, por otro lado, exponer diversas opciones de las que AMPAs y clubes deportivos disponen a fin adecuar su realidad jurídica a la normativa.


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El deporte escolar es un fenomeno muy importante para la evolucion integrar del ni??o. Por ellos se debe trabajar desde todos los puntos que lo rodean para que sea eficaz. Con el paso de los a??os, van apareciendo motivos o razones por las que se decide abandonarlo, por lo que seria interesante dar respuesta a los posibles problemas que surjan y prevenir el abandono del deporte. Se ha realizado un estudio en la localidad de Zalla con las ni??as de 3?? y 4?? de ESO de los dos colegios del municipio con el objetivo de conocer cual es el nivel de pr??ctica deportiva y en segundo lugar saber cuales son los motivos y su influencia dentro del abandono deportivo.


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El trabajo va a constar de varios apartados, en el que el ep??grafe m??s importante ser??n los planes de actuaci??n en el cu??l se contar?? lo m??s importante a nivel deportivo, econ??mico, de formaci??n??? Otros apartados de inter??s en el transcurso del proyecto ser??n los principios de identidad y las finalidades y objetivos. Adem??s se realizar un an??lisis del entorno como punto de partida para el conocimiento del las caracter??sticas del municipio donde se llevar?? a cabo el Proyecto Deportivo Escolar, Balmaseda. Por ??ltimo, indicar que tambi??n se realizar?? un programa anual de actividades que al a??o siguiente se valorar??a por medio de una memoria, se presenta, as?? mismo, una propuesta de estructura organizativa de los recursos humanos relacionados con el proyecto. Se llevar?? a cabo, as?? mismo una propuesta de estructura organizativa tomando como base las planteadas por varios autores, tamizados por mi propia experiencia.


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El presente trabajo informa sobre qu?? es la violencia en el deporte y analiza el proyecto que realiz?? el Comit?? Vasco Contra la Violencia en el deporte en edad escolar en la Comunidad Aut??noma del Pa??s Vasco en el que finalmente se proponen unas ??reas de mejora.


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Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 España (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ES)


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Este trabajo se encuentra bajo la licencia Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.


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Pre-mRNA splicing requires interaction of cis- acting intron sequences with trans -acting factors: proteins and small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). The assembly of these factors into a large complex, the spliceosome, is essential for the subsequent two step splicing reaction. First, the 5' splice site is cleaved and free exon 1 and a lariat intermediate (intron- exon2) form. In the second reaction the 3' splice site is cleaved the exons ligated and lariat intron released. A combination of genetic and biochemical techniques have been used here to study pre-mRNA splicing in yeast.

Yeast introns have three highly conserved elements. We made point mutations within these elements and found that most of them affect splicing efficiency in vivo and in vitro, usually by inhibiting spliceosome assembly.

To study trans -acting splicing factors we generated and screened a bank of temperature- sensitive (ts) mutants. Eleven new complementation groups (prp17 to prp27) were isolated. The four phenotypic classes obtained affect different steps in splicing and accumulate either: 1) pre-mRNA, 2) lariat intermediate, 3) excised intron or 4) both pre-mRNA and intron. The latter three classes represent novel phenotypes. The excised intron observed in one mutant: prp26 is stabilized due to protection in a snRNP containing particle. Extracts from another mutant: prpl8 are heat labile and accumulate lariat intermediate and exon 1. This is especially interesting as it allows analysis of the second splicing reaction. In vitro complementation of inactivated prp18 extracts does not require intact snRNPs. These studies have also shown the mutation to be in a previously unknown splicing protein. A specific requirement for A TP is also observed for the second step of splicing. The PRP 18 gene has been cloned and its polyadenylated transcript identified.


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RESUMEN: En este trabajo se plasma la transcendencia que tiene la lectura en el desarrollo integral de las personas. Del mismo modo, consideramos fundamental que se fomente la lectura en la escuela desde la etapa de infantil. El supuesto de nuestro trabajo es que la escuela cuenta con un espacio que contiene todo lo necesario para fomentar el hábito lector: la biblioteca escolar. Para nuestra investigación nos hemos acercado a un centro escolar de Amorebieta (Bizkaia) para conocer si el funcionamiento de las bibliotecas escolares se realiza siguiendo los patrones que se consideran adecuados desde la literatura especializada en el tema.


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In the 1994 Mw 6.7 Northridge and 1995 Mw 6.9 Kobe earthquakes, steel moment-frame buildings were exposed to an unexpected flaw. The commonly utilized welded unreinforced flange, bolted web connections were observed to experience brittle fractures in a number of buildings, even at low levels of seismic demand. A majority of these buildings have not been retrofitted and may be susceptible to structural collapse in a major earthquake.

This dissertation presents a case study of retrofitting a 20-story pre-Northridge steel moment-frame building. Twelve retrofit schemes are developed that present some range in degree of intervention. Three retrofitting techniques are considered: upgrading the brittle beam-to-column moment resisting connections, and implementing either conventional or buckling-restrained brace elements within the existing moment-frame bays. The retrofit schemes include some that are designed to the basic safety objective of ASCE-41 Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings.

Detailed finite element models of the base line building and the retrofit schemes are constructed. The models include considerations of brittle beam-to-column moment resisting connection fractures, column splice fractures, column baseplate fractures, accidental contributions from ``simple'' non-moment resisting beam-to-column connections to the lateral force-resisting system, and composite actions of beams with the overlying floor system. In addition, foundation interaction is included through nonlinear translational springs underneath basement columns.

To investigate the effectiveness of the retrofit schemes, the building models are analyzed under ground motions from three large magnitude simulated earthquakes that cause intense shaking in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area, and under recorded ground motions from actual earthquakes. It is found that retrofit schemes that convert the existing moment-frames into braced-frames by implementing either conventional or buckling-restrained braces are effective in limiting structural damage and mitigating structural collapse. In the three simulated earthquakes, a 20% chance of simulated collapse is realized at PGV of around 0.6 m/s for the base line model, but at PGV of around 1.8 m/s for some of the retrofit schemes. However, conventional braces are observed to deteriorate rapidly. Hence, if a braced-frame that employs conventional braces survives a large earthquake, it is questionable how much service the braces provide in potential aftershocks.


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Nesta pesquisa procuramos avaliar a repercussão do Projeto e se os princípios da gestão democrática estão de fato sendo colocado em prática e identificar como os gestores que concluíram a especialização em Gestão Pública, através Programa de Capacitação a Distância para Gestores Escolares (PROGESTÃO), no Rio de Janeiro, estão fazendo uso de conceitos trabalhados em curso, tais como o processo de democratização e de socialização e a gestão democrática. Utilizando entrevistas estruturadas foram analisados os discursos produzidos pelos entrevistados: diretores, coordenador e tutor com o objetivo de avaliar a repercussão do Progestão e se os princípios da gestão democrática estão de fato sendo postos em prática. Abordamos a questão da gestão democrática no atual contexto educacional e os fundamentos conceituais e políticos para a formação de gestores escolares Progestão. Consideramos que os processos de formação de gestores precisam ser consolidados para que enfim a atitude democrática possa ser adotada no trabalho realizado no interior da escola. Acreditamos também que outros estudos que versem sobre os assuntos tratados nesta dissertação sejam realizados, pois existem os conflitos (nem sempre admitidos) entre o conservadorismo administrativo com cunho empresarial e a gestão democrática entre os gestores.