1000 resultados para Crescimento intra-uterino retardado
Os AA. apresentam dois casos de Osteomilite crônica submetidos durante anos a diversos tratamentos, sem resultado. Pela associação da assepsia integral com a Penicilina intra-arterial (via ainda não usada), conseguiram a cura após sutura primitiva num caso e secundária no outro. Por serem fátos excepcionais acham que devem ficar registrado.
Em 20 portadores de Lepra, internados na Colônia de São Roque, Paraná, 13 dos quais eram da forma lepromatosa e os 7 restantes da forma nervosa pura ou tuberculoide, o autor estudou a reação intradérmica de antigenos bacilares (Leprolinas Souza-Araujo 1, 1a, 3, 5, 5a), comparativamente com as reações produzidas, ao mesmo tempo, com antígeno lepromatoso (Emulsão de lepromas, lepromina). Observou o seguinte: 1.° - Que a lepromina, comportou-se como habitualmente, isto é, negativa nos lepromatosos e ositiva nos nervosos e tuberculoides e sempre mais intensa ao fim da quarta semana. 2.° - Que as leprolinas provocam reações, que o autor não conclui serem positivas ou negativas no sentido imunológico da expressão em virtude de estar estudando-as neste sentido, nos leprotomatosos e tuberculoides, mas, sempre mais intensas entre a 1.ª e 2.ª semanas, diminuindo de intensidade na 3.ª e desaparecendo ou quase desaparecendo ao fim da quarta semana: nódulos, nódulos-eritema, ulcerações. 3.° - Que nestas reações houve destruição de tecidos, pois a presença tardia de cicatrizes, mesmo quando não houve ulceração, mostra êste fato. 4.° - Que as inoculações das lepromina, não trouxeram nenhum inconveniente a saúde dos paciente; embora um deles tenha apresentado nos primeiros dias leve reação geral; outro, intensa fusão de suas lesões nodulars de lepra e, dois outros, a chamada Reação leprótica.
The writer, as medical director of Father Damien Leper Colony (Ubá, Minas Gerais, Brasil), treated 50 cases of perforating ulcers, from 2 to 40 years of duration, using the antigens prepared with acid-fast bacilli cultures obtained from leprous material by Dr. H. C. de Souza-Araujo. Dosage from 0,12 to 39,35 cm3, injected inside the ulcers, intramuscularly, every 2 to 4 days, accordingly to the patient reaction some of them presenting fever until 41° Centigrade. The result was cicatrization of the ulcers in 92% (46 out of 50) of the patients. The author concluded that the majority of his patients tolerate perfectly the medicine and that its efect was very eficient.
This study deals with the role of spatial accessibility to agglomeration economies in the change in spatial structure of industrial employment for the case of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (BMR). Using the growth in gross density of municipal employment between 1986 and 1996 for seven manufacturing industries as an indicator of changes in the spatial structure of employment, an exploration is made of the spatial impact of agglomeration economies operating on a local scale the municipality and three areas 5, 8 and 12 kilometres away surrounding the municipality itself - , agglomeration economies emerging from CBD and the main specialised subcentres in the region, and the network economies associated with the total jobs in the region, access to which depends on the distance from the main transport infrastructures
Após ter-se verificado que a buclizina era capaz de acelerar o crescimento de tumor maligno até 33%, animais de laboratório foram tratados com essa substância em doses subletais agudas e muito acima das doses terapêuticas, por vias subcutâneas e intraperitoneal, ocorrendo, ocasionalmente, o aparecimento de fibrosarcomas nos ratos Wistar e sarcoma indiferenciado e adenoma papilífero em camundongos Swiss. O primeiro tumor surguiu em 1970, ao qual foi dada a sigla "BUSP" (BUclizina-SPoladore). O tumor vem sendo mantido com facilidade, apresentando como características: crescimento lento, permitindo uma sobrevida do animal em torno de três meses; peso em torno de cento e vinte e cinco gramas na fase final; intensa hiperemia peritumoral; tumor maciço, quase sem necrose na parte central; persistindo bastante livre entre a pele e os tecidos subjacentes, durante toda a evolução.
A observação de oito exemplares de Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811) de procedência diversas, com vistas a procurar caracterizar as estruturas da genitália externa dos machos (processo do endosoma, suporte do falosoma, falosoma e visica) levou-nos a constatar a mesma variabilidade que a espécie demonstra em relação aos seus caracteres externos de colorido e relações da cabeça e do rosto. Por associação de idéias, ampliamos um estudo anterior sobre a genitália masculina de Triatoma infestans (Klug, 1834), também espécie de larga distribuição geográfica, porém com caracteres externos estáveis. Encontramos assim mesmo, embora em percentagem pequena, que os espinhos do processo do endosoma, habitualmente em número reduzido, podiam não existir. Desta espécie observamos quinze exemplares, de procedências diversas.
We study how conflict in a contest game is influenced by rival parties being groups and by group members being able to punish each other. Our main motivation stems from the analysis of socio-political conflict. The relevant theoretical prediction in our setting is that conflict expenditures are independent of group size and independent of whether punishment is available or not. We find, first, that our results contradict the independence of group-size prediction: conflict expenditures of groups are substantially larger than those of individuals, and both are substantially above equilibrium. Towards the end of the experiment material losses in groups are 257% of the predicted level. There is, however, substantial heterogeneity in the investment behaviour of individual group members. Second, allowing group members to punish each other after individual contributions to the contest effort are revealed leads to even larger conflict expenditures. Now material losses are 869% of the equilibrium level and there is much less heterogeneity in individual group members' investments. These results contrast strongly with those from public goods experiments where punishment enhances efficiency and leads to higher material payoffs.
BACKGROUND: Hypotension, a common intra-operative incident, bears an important potential for morbidity. It is most often manageable and sometimes preventable, which renders its study important. Therefore, we aimed at examining hospital variations in the occurrence of intra-operative hypotension and its predictors. As secondary endpoints, we determined to what extent hypotension relates to the risk of post-operative incidents and death. METHODS: We used the Anaesthesia Databank Switzerland, built on routinely and prospectively collected data on all anaesthesias in 21 hospitals. The three outcomes were assessed using multi-level logistic regression models. RESULTS: Among 147,573 anaesthesias, hypotension ranged from 0.6% to 5.2% in participating hospitals, and from 0.3% up to 12% in different surgical specialties. Most (73.4%) were minor single events. Age, ASA status, combined general and regional anaesthesia techniques, duration of surgery and hospitalization were significantly associated with hypotension. Although significantly associated, the emergency status of the surgery had a weaker effect. Hospitals' odds ratios for hypotension varied between 0.12 and 2.50 (P < or = 0.001), even after adjusting for patient and anaesthesia factors, and for type of surgery. At least one post-operative incident occurred in 9.7% of the procedures, including 0.03% deaths. Intra-operative hypotension was associated with a higher risk of post-operative incidents and death. CONCLUSION: Wide variations remain in the occurrence of hypotension among hospitals after adjustment for risk factors. Although differential reporting from hospitals may exist, variations in anaesthesia techniques and blood pressure maintenance may also have contributed. Intra-operative hypotension is associated with morbidities and sometimes death, and constant vigilance must thus be advocated.
Intrathymic T lymphocyte differentiation proceeds from complex interactions between prothymocytes of bone marrow origin and cells of the thymic stroma, epithelial cells and "acessory" cells (macrophages and/or interdigitating cells). The present paper describes the role of the accessoty cell compartment in this intrathymic process. Acessory cells produce factors which are involved in thymocyte proliferation (interleukin 1, prostaglandins, deoxynucleosides). Cell-cell interaction between "accessory" cells and thymocytes is required for the regulation of interleukin production. Prothymocytes, the precursors of all thymocyte subsets, need the accessory cell compartment for their IL2 dependent proliferation and their differentiation. Accessory cells of the thymic stroma may be involved in the intrathymic selection process at the prothymocyte level.
Objectifs: Etude prospective sur l'efficacité de la chimio-perfusion super-sélective avec Melphalan dans l'artère ophtalmique en tant qu'agent tumoricide chez l'enfantatteint de rétinoblastome avancé, pour éviter l'énucléation chirurgicale et/ou la radiothérapie externe. Matériels et méthodes: 19 enfants (âge moyen 25 mois) atteints de rétinoblastome de groupe D ont reçu 1 à 3 séances d'administration intra-artérielle de Melphalan (0,35 mg/kg) dans l'artère ophtalmique sous anesthésie générale. Au total 48 procédures ont été réalisées. Chaque séance était associée à une injection intra-vitréenne deMelphalan, ainsi qu'à une thermothérapie et/ou une cryothérapie. Résultats: Le traitement a été effectué avec succès chez 17/19 enfants avec une régression importante du volume tumoral. L'énucléation ainsi que la radiothérapie externeont pu être évitées dans 15/17 enfants, sur un suivi moyen d'une année. Aucune complication systémique ou thromboembolique n'a été observée. Lescomplications locales ont comporté 2 décollements de la rétine, 5 oedèmes conjonctivaux et palpébraux, 1 cas de pigmentation cutanée locale, 1 vasospasmetransitoire de l'artère carotide interne et 2 cas d'artériopathie occlusive choroïdienne sectorielle . Conclusion: L'administration intra-artérielle de Melphalan s'avère être très efficace dans les cas avancés de rétinoblastome chez l'enfant, aussi bien comme techniquecurative que pour éviter l'énucléation et/ou la radiothérapie externe.
Résumé : La présente étude vise à déterminer quels sont les facteurs permettant de valider de nouvelles échelles de personnalité spécifiques à la relation intra-couple construites sur la base de profils de personnalité en auto- et hétéro-évaluation. Pour ce faire, nous avons défini des critères sociologiques (par exemple âge, niveau socioprofessionnel, nombre de relations passées), des critères psychologiques (satisfaction conjugale) et des critères biologiques (distance génétique et préférence d'odeurs) afin de vérifier s'ils sont susceptibles de valider les six échelles de personnalité intra-couples inédites que nous avons construites dans le cadre de cette recherche de doctorat. Notre échantillon se compose de 106 couples mariés et de 60 jeunes couples non mariés, qui ont chacun complété le test de personnalité L.A. B. E. L. (F Gendre & R. Capel), l'Échelle d'Ajustement Dyadique (Spanier, 1976) ainsi qu'un test génétique pour une partie d'entre eux.
This paper examines the determinants of Italian intra-industry trade in horizontally and vertically differentiated products, using a dataset which eliminates the effects linked to the hypothesis of homogeneity both between countries - when specific industry characteristics are analysed - and between sectors - within the same country. In this way, within limits, we have tried to address an issue raised by Greenaway et al. in 1999 which, in the light of the current state of the literature on intra-industry trade, does not seem to have been explicitly dealt with. Our paper highlights how strong the impact of this hypothesis could be in the analyses of the determinants of intraindustry trade in the case of Italy.