862 resultados para Convenience stores
The aim of this study is to examine the lifestyle characteristics and health status of the elderly in order to identify aspects that might help promote active ageing. Participants were 26 elderly citizens aged 75 or over who were the recipients of home care services in Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona, Spain). They were recruited by means of convenience sampling, and a case study approach was adopted. Fieldwork was conducted in April 2007, with a specially designed questionnaire administered in the context of an in-depth interview. Quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS 15, while qualitative data were analysed and grouped by category. The results indicated that 53.8% of the elderly interviewees perceived their health status as being regular, most did not have adequate nutrition and hydration, while 42.3% had chewing problems and 65.3% presented slight dependence. Most of them received visits at home, but did not go on leisure outings. The only exercise they took was walking. These findings highlight the need to promote and strengthen activities for healthy ageing, and to ensure that people over 75 receive adequate care. Programmes should be implemented to improve those aspects that are currently under-addressed.
The aim of this study is to examine the lifestyle characteristics and health status of the elderly in order to identify aspects that might help promote active ageing. Participants were 26 elderly citizens aged 75 or over who were the recipients of home care services in Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona, Spain). They were recruited by means of convenience sampling, and a case study approach was adopted. Fieldwork was conducted in April 2007, with a specially designed questionnaire administered in the context of an in-depth interview. Quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS 15, while qualitative data were analysed and grouped by category. The results indicated that 53.8% of the elderly interviewees perceived their health status as being regular, most did not have adequate nutrition and hydration, while 42.3% had chewing problems and 65.3% presented slight dependence. Most of them received visits at home, but did not go on leisure outings. The only exercise they took was walking. These findings highlight the need to promote and strengthen activities for healthy ageing, and to ensure that people over 75 receive adequate care. Programmes should be implemented to improve those aspects that are currently under-addressed.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the reliability and the factor structure of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale - French version. BACKGROUND: The patient's perspective is essential when assessing risk for adverse events at hospital discharge. Developed in the USA, the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale is the only instrument that measures an individual's self-perception of readiness before leaving the hospital. A French version of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale was developed and validated. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. METHODS: A convenience sample of 265 older inpatients from four medical units was selected. The translation and cultural adaptation of the scale involved experts in gerontology and the French language and included back translation. The items were semantically evaluated and pretested in 10 older inpatients. The scale's psychometric properties were internally validated by using confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses. Reliability was assessed by examining the internal consistency of its items. RESULTS: Goodness-of-fit indices of the confirmatory factor analyses were not adequate, but reliability was acceptable (Cronbach's α = 0·80). Exploratory factor analysis of the French version provided results close to those described for the English version, with three similar subscales (physical and emotional readiness, coping with medical treatment and personal care), whereas the initially described Expected Support subscale was not identified in the French version. CONCLUSION: The Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale - French version appears to be partially consistent with its original English version, but requires additional adaptation to fully take into account the Swiss context and culture to achieve its original aim. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Assessing patient readiness for hospital discharge before leaving hospital could help nurses to improve the discharge planning process and achieve better patient preparedness and care coordination.
Omistajalähtöisen kulttuurin voimistumisen myötä omistajaohjausjärjestelmät ovat nousseet merkittävään asemaan yritysten toiminnassa. Tämä tutkielma osallistuu omistajaohjauksesta käytävään akateemiseen ja liikkeenjohdolliseen keskusteluun. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata ja ymmärtää asiakasomisteisten osuuskauppojen omistajaohjaukseen liittyviä erityispiirteitä ja haasteita. Tutkimuksen tavoitteisiin pyritään vastaamaan analysoimalla tutkimusta varten kerättyä S-ryhmän alueosuuskauppojen hallintoneuvostojen puheenjohtajien haastatteluista (22 kpl) ja S-ryhmän julkaisemasta kirjallisesta materiaalista koostuvaa laadullista aineistoa. Tutkimuksen mukaan osuuskauppojen omistajaohjaus poikkeaa sijoittajaomisteisten yritysten omistajaohjauksesta paitsi hallintotapaan, rahoitukseen ja omistusoikeuksiin liittyvissä kysymyksissä, myös siinä, että osuuskaupoissa omistajakunta on passiivista, eikä aina edes tiedosta omistajuuttaan. Haasteita osuuskauppojen omistajaohjaukseen tuovat luottamushenkilöiden edustavuuteen ja osaamistasoon, tiedonkulkuun, omistajien lyhyen ja pitkän tähtäimen etujen tasapainottamiseen sekä liikkeenjohdon vallan korostumiseen liittyvät tekijät.
Päivittäistavarakaupassa energiankulutus on kohtuullisen suurta. Etenkin kylmälaitteet, ilmanvaihto ja valaistus kuluttavat paljon sähköä. Kaupan alalla on viime vuosina tehty paljon energiansäästötoimenpiteitä, joiden ansiosta myymälöiden energiatehokkuutta on saatu merkittävästi parannettua. Yksi tärkeimmistä toimenpiteistä on lämmön talteenotto, jolla lämmönkulutusta on saatu pienennettyä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä on selvitetty kahdenkymmenen ympäri Suomea sijaitsevan Prisma-hypermarketin energiatehokkuus. Sähkön- ja lämmön sekä veden kulutusta on arvioitu suhteessa rakennusvuoteen, pinta-alaan, rakennuksen tilavuuteen, lämmitystarvelukuun, kylmätehoon sekä myyntiin. Työssä on hyödynnetty internet-pohjaista Promise-luokitustyökalua.
In this article we examine the convenience of dollarization for Ecuador today. As Ecuador is strongly integrated financially and commercially with the United States, the exchange rate pass-through should be zero. However, we sustain that rising rates of imports from trade partners other than the United States and subsequent real effective exchange rate depreciations are causing the pass-through to move away from zero. Here, in the framework of the Vector Error Correction Model, we analyse the impulse response function and variance decomposition of the inflation variable. We show that the developing economy of Ecuador is importing inflation from its main trading partners, most of them emerging countries with appreciated currencies. We argue that if Ecuador recovered both its monetary and exchange rate instruments it would be able to fight against inflation. We believe such an analysis could be extended to other countries with pegged exchange rate regimes.
Store-operated Ca(2+) channels (SOCs) are voltage-independent Ca(2+) channels activated upon depletion of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) stores. Early studies suggest the contribution of such channels to Ca(2+) homeostasis in insulin-secreting pancreatic β-cells. However, their composition and contribution to glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) remains unclear. In this study, endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) depletion triggered by acetylcholine (ACh) or thapsigargin stimulated the formation of a ternary complex composed of Orai1, TRPC1, and STIM1, the key proteins involved in the formation of SOCs. Ca(2+) imaging further revealed that Orai1 and TRPC1 are required to form functional SOCs and that these channels are activated by STIM1 in response to thapsigargin or ACh. Pharmacological SOCs inhibition or dominant negative blockade of Orai1 or TRPC1 using the specific pore mutants Orai1-E106D and TRPC1-F562A impaired GSIS in rat β-cells and fully blocked the potentiating effect of ACh on secretion. In contrast, pharmacological or dominant negative blockade of TRPC3 had no effect on extracellular Ca(2+) entry and GSIS. Finally, we observed that prolonged exposure to supraphysiological glucose concentration impaired SOCs function without altering the expression levels of STIM1, Orai1, and TRPC1. We conclude that Orai1 and TRPC1, which form SOCs regulated by STIM1, play a key role in the effect of ACh on GSIS, a process that may be impaired in type 2 diabetes.
The response of the common carp to diets with varying amounts of digestible starch, provided either as pea meal (LP, HP, 30 and 46% peas, respectively) or as cereal (LW, HW, 30 and 46% wheat, respectively), was studied and compared with the response to a carbohydrate-free protein-rich diet (CF). Here we focused on the utilisation of dietary carbohydrates by examining the relationship between dietary starch intake, hepatic hexokinase activities, circulating insulin and muscle insulin receptor system. Plasma glucose concentration and hepatic high Km hexokinase (glucokinase, GK) activity were not affected by the content of digestible starch, but 6 h after feeding enzyme activity was higher in the fish fed carbohydrate diets. Similarly, low Km hexokinase (HK) activity was also higher in the fish 24 h after feeding. Fat gain and protein retention were significantly improved by increased digestible starch intake, especially in the HP group, which in turn, presented the highest plasma insulin levels. Glycogen stores were moderately increased by the ingestion of digestible starch. The number of insulin receptors was greater in the CF group than in fish on carbohydrates, except the HP group. Our results confirmed that the common carp uses dietary carbohydrates efficiently, especially when there are provided by peas. This efficiency might be related to the enhanced response of postprandial insulin observed in the HP group.
This thesis presents a software that allows data acquisition production process, in this case, an automatic pallet nailing line. The recording of these data will enable them to make a track and analyze them later, either with the analytical tools of the application or by the transfer of such data to an Excel sheet or database. The programming language has been developed made by Ladder for the application in the PLC that controls the line of nailing. Control pages for the HMI application that monitors the process. Finally, the Visual Basic language for the production department computer application. To extract production variables from the process, the developed software communicates with the network formed by the PLC and the HMI terminal which stores and control the process using the Modbus TCP/IP protocol.
En el present treball es proposa com lluitar contra el malbaratament alimentari que es genera al llarg de tota la cadena alimentària, sent aquest degut a causa d'una planificació poc adequada. L'objectiu principal és planificar i implantar un sistema de gestió per tal de recuperar l'excedent alimentari que es genera als comerços i les indústries del municipi de Montmeló, elaborant així un protocol per tal de poder redistribuir aquest aliment als sectors de la població en situacions econòmiques més precàries. Com a objectius secundaris, es pretén conscienciar, fomentar i potenciar el treball en xarxa entre els diferents agents implicats, com ara: la ciutadania, les entitats socials (Càritas Parroquial Montmeló), sector privat (establiments alimentaris del municipi, mercat municipal, indústries del sector alimentari) i el sector públic (departament de serveis socials, medi ambient, comerç i brigada municipal). A l'hora de planificar i implantar un sistema de gestió per tal de recuperar l'excedent alimentari, s'ha analitzat i valorat el camí que hi realitza, des d'on es genera fins al beneficiari final. Aquest s'ha gestionat per etapes, en les que s'han identificat els generadors, el tipus i quantitat d'aliment que malbaraten. S'ha proposat un nou sistema de recollida d'informació i les pautes que han de seguir per garantir el bon estat de l'aliment com: una taula de conservació, un protocol de funcionament, un document d'entrega i una fitxa de control de les condicions d'higiene. Per tal d'assolir una bona coordinació entre totes les parts, s'han realitzat reunions conjuntes entre els generadors, serveis socials i Càritas on s'ha acabat signant un acord de col·laboració. Entre les conclusions més rellevants cal destacar que ha servit per establir un precedent d'aprofitament alimentari al municipi de Montmeló, aconseguint alimentar a un gran nombre de famílies amb greus problemes econòmics. A més s'ha arribat a disminuir la quantitat de residus generats, amb el conseqüent estalvi de recursos econòmics i materials on s'ha recuperat un total de 5.760 Kg d'aliments aptes pel consum.
Catalunya és un dels territoris on hi ha hagut més auge del sector de la cervesa artesana, i són molt nombroses les microcerveseries i les botigues especialitzades on es poden trobar els recursos materials necessaris, a més de ser centres difusió de coneixements relacionats. Així, doncs, aquest projecte està emmarcat en un context que permet el desenvolupament de tècniques d’elaboració de cervesa artesana. Aquest projecte es basa en la construcció d’un equip amb materials reutilitzats i amb un pressupost limitat que permet reproduir a petita escala els processos d’elaboració que es duen a terme en les microcerveseries artesanes actuals. El projecte s’ha assentat sobre la comprensió dels fonaments teòrics i pràctics del procés d’elaboració de cervesa, i amb l’experiència inicial d’elaboració de cervesa amb un equip bàsic de tipus homebrewer. Per minimintzar costos els tancs s’han construït a partir de barrils de cervesa i les parts sobrants s’han aprofitat per a altres elements. S’han emprat elements quotidians com una olla a pressió i s’ha construït un sistema regulador de pressió (per al tanc de fermentació cilindrocònic isobàric construït) en lloc d’adquirir-lo. S’ha posat l’èmfasi en minimitzar la necessitat de manipulació manual durant l’elaboració. Per tant, s’han instal·lat els components de l’equip formant un circuit tancat amb sistema de bombeig, i s’ha incorporat un sistema que permet el control i la lectura de les temperatures de cada procés. Altres elements són el sistema de filtres amb mecanisme de tub en forma d’ela (que permet l’extracció del most dels tanc de maceració i de cocció d’una manera efectiva i sense necessitat de manipulació) i el sistema de dutxa (que permet automatitzar el procés de rentat i filtrat). Un element que distingeix aquest equip d’altres equips emprats en algunes microcerveseries artesanes és el tanc de fermentació cilindrocònic isobàric amb vàlvula controladora de pressió, que permet prescindir de la doble fermentació en ampolla, ja que permet aprofitar el gas carbònic produït durant la fermentació per la carbonatació de la cervesa. Es pot concloure que gràcies a les seves característiques, l’equip permet realitzar successives elaboracions obtenint el mateix producte amb les mateixes característiques organolèptiques, principalement gràcies a la cambra de fermentació, que permet realitzar les etapes de fermentació, maduració i clarificació controlant la temperatura desitjada; al tanc de maceració amb aïllament, que permet realitzar el procés a temperatura constant sense pèrdues tèrmiques i al sistema de control de temperatura de totes les etapes. L’únic inconvenient és que, degut a la manca pressupostària, ha estat impossible l’adquisició d’un sistema d’embotellament isobàric que permeti realitzar l’embotellament sense pèrdues del gas carbònic. Per tant, el producte final pot embotellar-se amb una lleugera pèrdua de gas o es pot emmagatzemar en el mateix fermentador cilindrocònic per al seu consum directe, a l’estil d’alguns brewpubs.
Durante toda la evolución de la tecnología, se han empleado aparatos interconexionados por cables. Los cables limitan la libertad de movimiento del usuario y pueden captar interferencias entre ellos si la red de cableado es elevada. Mientras avanzaba la tecnología inalámbrica, se ha ido adaptando al equipamiento electrónico a la vez que se iban haciendo cada vez más pequeños. Por esto, se impone la necesidad de utilizarlos como controles a distancia sin el empleo de cables debido a los inconvenientes que estos conllevan. El presente trabajo, pretende unificar tres tecnologías que pueden tener en el futuro una gran afinidad. · Dispositivos basados en el sistema Android. Desde sus inicios, han tenido una evolución meteórica. Se han ido haciendo cada vez más rápidos y mejores. · Sistemas inalámbricos. Los sistemas wifi o bluetooth, se han ido incorporando a nuestras vidas cada vez más y están prácticamente en cualquier aparato. · Robótica. Cualquier proceso de producción incorpora un robot. Son necesarios para hacer muchos trabajos que, aunque el hombre lo puede realizar, un robot reduce los tiempos y la peligrosidad de los procesos. Aunque las dos primeras tecnologías van unidas, ¿quién no tiene un teléfono con conexión wifi y bluetooth?, pocos diseños aúnan estos campos con la Robótica. El objetivo final de este trabajo es realizar una aplicación en Android para el control remoto de un robot, empleando el sistema de comunicación inalámbrico. La aplicación desarrollada, permite controlar el robot a conveniencia del usuario en un entorno táctil/teledirigido. Gracias a la utilización de simulador en ambos lenguajes (RAPID y Android), ha sido posible realizar la programación sin tener que estar presente ante el robot objeto de este trabajo. A través de su progreso, se ha ido evolucionando en la cantidad de datos enviados al robot y complejidad en su procesamiento, a la vez que se ha mejorado en la estética de la aplicación. Finalmente se usó la aplicación desarrollada con el robot, consiguiendo con éxito que realizara los movimientos que eran enviados con la tablet programada.
Objective To evaluate the contribution of deglutition videofluoroscopy in the clinical diagnosis of dysphagia in chronic encephalopathy of childhood. Materials and Methods The study sample consisted of 93 children diagnosed with chronic encephalopathy, in the age range between two and five years, selected by convenience among patients referred to the authors' institution by speech therapists, neurologists and gastroenterologists in the period from March 2010 to September 2011. The data collection was made at two different moments, by different investigators who were blind to each other. Results The method presented low sensitivity for detecting aspiration with puree consistency (p = 0.04). Specificity and negative predictive value were high for clinical diagnosis of dysphagia with puree consistency. Conclusion In the present study, the value for sensitivity in the clinical diagnosis of dysphagia demonstrates that this diagnostic procedure may not detect any change in the swallowing process regardless of the food consistency used during the investigation. Thus, the addition of the videofluoroscopic method can significantly contribute to the diagnosis of dysphagia.
PURPOSE: The goal of this study was to explore the effect of lifelong aerobic exercise (i.e., chronic training) on skeletal muscle substrate stores (intramyocellular triglyceride [IMTG] and glycogen), skeletal muscle phenotypes, and oxidative capacity (ox), in older endurance-trained master athletes (OA) compared with noncompetitive recreational younger (YA) athletes matched by frequency and mode of training. METHODS: Thirteen OA (64.8 ± 4.9 yr) exercising 5 times per week or more were compared with 14 YA (27.8 ± 4.9 yr) males and females. IMTG, glycogen, fiber types, succinate dehydrogenase, and capillarization were measured by immunohistochemistry in vastus lateralis biopsies. Fat-ox and carbohydrate (CHO)-ox were measured by indirect calorimetry before and after an insulin clamp and during a cycle ergometer graded maximal test. RESULTS: V˙O2peak was lower in OA than YA. The OA had greater IMTG in all fiber types and lower glycogen stores than YA. This was reflected in greater proportion of type I and less type II fibers in OA. Type I fibers were similar in size, whereas type II fibers were smaller in OA compared with YA. Both groups had similar succinate dehydrogenase content. Numbers of capillaries per fiber were reduced in OA but with a higher number of capillaries per area. Metabolic flexibility and insulin sensitivity were similar in both groups. Exercise metabolic efficiency was higher in OA. At moderate exercise intensities, carbohydrate-ox was lower in OA but with similar Fat-ox. CONCLUSIONS: Lifelong exercise is associated with higher IMTG content in all muscle fibers and higher metabolic efficiency during exercise that are not explained by differences in muscle fibers types and other muscle characteristics when comparing older with younger athletes matched by exercise mode and frequency.
There is an intense debate on the convenience of moving from historical cost (HC) toward the fair value (FV) principle. The debate and academic research is usually concerned with financial instruments, but the IAS 41 requirement of fair valuation for biological assets brings it into the agricultural domain. This paper performs an empirical study with a sample of Spanish farms valuing biological assets at HC and a sample applying FV, finding no significant differences between both valuation methods to assess future cash flows. However, most tests reveal more predictive power of future earnings under fair valuation of biological assets, which is not explained by differences in volatility of earnings and profitability. The study also evidences the existence of flawed HC accounting practices for biological assets in agriculture, which suggests scarce information content of this valuation method in the predominant small business units existing in the agricultural sector in advanced Western countries