935 resultados para Contranormal Subgroups
OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos das soluções de aspirina e de ácido acético, in vivo, em fígado de coelhos portadores de tumor hepático VX2, verificando o efeito histolítico e anatomo-patológico das soluções e eventuais alterações bioquímicas hepáticas. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se 48 coelhos, divididos em 2 protocolos experimentais(3 e 4), subdivididos em 3 grupos cada. Após 4 dias da implantação do tumor no fígado, procedeu-se a laparotomia mediana, com injeção de 0,4 ml da solução de aspirina (5,0%), de ácido acético (5,0%) e solução salina; o sacrifício ocorreu apos 24 horas (protocolo 3) e 11 dias (protocolo 4); avaliou-se o peso, evolução clinica, dosagens bioquímicas, cavidade abdominal e torácica e microscopia do fígado. RESULTADOS: Não foram observadas alterações na evolução clinica, peso e nas dosagens bioquímicas, apenas elevação da fosfatase alcalina no grupo controle do protocolo 4. Observamos desaparecimento do tumor em ambos os protocolos. CONCLUSÃO: As soluções de ácido acético e ácido acetilsalicílico acarretam destruição do tumor hepático experimental.
OBJETIVO: Investigar a ação histolítica da solução composta de fenol, glicerina e ácido acético para os casos de metástases hepáticas não ressecáveis. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas 32 cobaias, distribuídas, por sorteio, em quatro grupos: experimental (24 horas e quatro semanas) e controle (24 horas e quatro semanas); todos os animais foram submetidos a laparotomia mediana e realizada a injeção da solução E (grupo experimental) ou solução fisiológica (grupo controle). Foram estudadas as alterações bioquímicas e anatomopatológicas (fígado) com 24 horas e quatro semanas de evolução. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que a solução E produz necrose delimitada à área infiltrada apos 24 horas e que ao final de quatro semanas ocorreu regeneração do tecido hepático com formação de discreta área de fibrose. Não foram observadas quaisquer alterações bioquímicas tanto no grupo experimental como controle. CONCLUSÃO: Frente aos resultados obtidos, é válido considerar-se a possibilidade do emprego da solução proposta, nos casos de metástases hepáticas não ressecáveis.
OBJETIVO: Analisar o comportamento de pressão arterial (PA) e a freqüência cardíaca (Fc) de indivíduos ao longo da jornada de trabalho em dois ambientes com estresses ambientais distintos. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 46 funcionários, trabalhadores de uma indústria processadora de madeira, de Botucatu, SP, sendo 27 funcionários da linha de produção (esforço físico moderado-intenso, altas temperaturas e elevados níveis de ruído) (G1), e 19 da administração (sem esforço físico, salas aclimatadas, baixos níveis de ruído) (G2). Todos foram submetidos a avaliação antropométrica da composição corporal (obesidade e adiposidade) e bioquímica do sangue (lipidemia) e, adicionalmente, o registro da PA e da Fc em três momentos do turno de serviço: início, meio e fim. RESULTADOS: Houve semelhança na variação da PA entre G1 e G2, mas com maiores elevações de PA e Fc em G1. Os resultados mostraram grande variabilidade na resposta da PA, levando à subdivisão dos grupos G1 e G2 em respondedores (GR, aumento maior de 10% na PA média) e não respondedores (GN). Os subgrupos GR e GN apresentaram semelhanças nos padrões antropométrico e bioquímico diferindo apenas na resposta pressórica e no caso do GR1 na história familiar de hipertensão. Comparando os subgrupos GR1 e GR2, foi constatado que os primeiros apresentaram maiores variações de PA e Fc que os segundos. CONCLUSÕES: A variação individual da resposta pressórica e da Fc conforme o tipo de estresse ambiental indica ser este um fator adicional a ser considerado na avaliação da pressão arterial e, talvez, na gênese da hipertensão arterial de operários.
INTRODUÇÃO: O hipotireoidismo subclínico (HSC), definido por concentrações elevadas do TSH em face de níveis normais dos hormônios tireoidianos, tem elevada prevalência no Brasil, particularmente entre mulheres e idosos. Embora um número crescente de estudos venha associando o HSC com maior risco de doença arterial coronariana e de mortalidade, não há ensaio clínico randomizado sobre o benefício do tratamento com levotiroxina na redução dos riscos e o tratamento permanece controverso. OBJETIVO: Este consenso, patrocinado pelo Departamento de Tireoide da Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia e desenvolvido por especialistas brasileiros com vasta experiência clínica em tireoide, apresenta recomendações baseadas em evidências para uma abordagem clínica do paciente com HSC no Brasil. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Após estruturação das questões clínicas, a busca das evidências disponíveis na literatura foi realizada inicialmente na base de dados do MedLine-PubMed e posteriormente nas bases Embase e SciELO - Lilacs. A força da evidência, avaliada pelo sistema de classificação de Oxford, foi estabelecida a partir do desenho de estudo utilizado, considerando-se a melhor evidência disponível para cada questão e a experiência brasileira. RESULTADOS: Os temas abordados foram definição e diagnóstico, história natural, significado clínico, tratamento e gestação, que resultaram em 29 recomendações para a abordagem clínica do paciente adulto com HSC. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento com levotiroxina foi recomendado para todos os pacientes com HSC persistente com níveis séricos do TSH > 10 mU/L e para alguns subgrupos especiais de pacientes.
This work describes an application of principal component analysis (PCA) on a database of secondary metabolites from the Asteraceae family. The numbers of occurrences of metabolites in 11 chemical classes for the different vibes of the family were used as variables, PCA allows the identification of chemical classes that contribute most to the subgroups classification within the family. Relationships between chemical composition and botanical classification were made. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Effect of pancreas transplantation on the prevention of nephropathy in alloxan-induced diabetic rats
We studied the effects of pancreas transplantation on kidney lesions of rats with alloxan-induced diabetes. Ninety inbred male Lewis rats were randomly assigned to 3 experimental groups: group NC included 30 non-diabetic control rats, group DC included 30 alloxan-induced diabetic control rats, and group PT included 30 alloxan-induced diabetic rats that received pancreas transplants from normal donor Lewis rats. Each group was further divided into 3 subgroups of 10 rats which were sacrificed at 1, 3, and 6 months of follow-up, respectively. Clinical and laboratory parameters during these periods were documented. The kidneys of 5 rats in each subgroup were studied and 50 glomeruli and tubules from each kidney were analyzed by light microscopy by two different investigators in a double-blind study. There was progressive glomerular basement membrane thickening (GBMT), mesangial enlargement (ME), and Bowman's capsule thickening (BCT) in kidneys of rats in the 3 experimental groups during follow-up. These alterations were significantly higher in DC rats (GBMT: 1.99 +/- 0.31; ME: 2.00 +/- 0.33; BCT: 1.88 +/- 0.27) when compared to NC(GBMT: 1.54 +/- 0.30; ME: 1.56 +/- 0.47; BCT: 1.36 +/- 0.35) and PT rats (GBMT: 1.49 +/- 0.29; ME: 1.57 +/- 0.36; BCT: 1.35 +/- 0.28) at 6 months (P<0.01). The extent of GBMT, ME, and BCT observed in DC rats at 1 and 3 months was not significantly different from NC and PT rats. The amount of kidney lesions in PT rats was similar to that of NC rats and lower than those of DC rats at 6 months (P<0.01). In addition, Armanni-Ebstein lesions of the tubules (AE) and tubular lumen protein (PRO) observed in DC rats were not present in NC or PT rats. We conclude that pancreas transplantation in alloxan-induced diabetic rats prevents the development of kidney lesions beginning at 6 months after transplantation.
Seventy-seven rabies virus (RV) isolates originating from Brazilian cattle were genetically characterized. Partial nucleoprotein gene sequences of these isolates were phylogenetically and geographically analyzed. Cattle isolates, which clustered with the vampire bat-related RV group, were further subdivided into nine genetic subgroups. These subgroups were distributed widely in lowland regions, with some subgroups separated from each other by mountain ranges. In addition, separation of the groups in mountainous regions was correlated with altitude. These results indicate that cattle rabies is derived from several regionally-defined variants, which suggests that its geographical distribution is related to that of the vampire bat population.
Objective: To determine the effects produced by the ingestion of a fermented soy product (soy yoghurt), supplemented with isoflavones and associated with a resistive exercise program, on the bone metabolism of mature ovariectomized (Ovx) and sham-ovariectomized (sham-Ovx) rats.Methods: A total of 56 rats were used. They were divided into 2 sedentary control groups, the Ovx control group (C-Ovx) and the sham-Ovx control group (C-Sovx), each with 7 sedentary animals, and 2 treated groups, Ovx and sham-Ovx, with 21 animals each. These two treated groups were subdivided into three subgroups of seven animals each, which received the following treatments: consuming the soy yoghurt + sedentary, only subjected to resistive exercise, and consuming the soy yoghurt + resistive exercise. Both the program of resistive exercise and the consumption of soy yoghurt (at 3 mL/(kg body weight day)) continued for 12 weeks. The soy yoghurt was supplemented with isoflavones at 50 mg/100 g of product. The animals were sacrificed and their right-side femurs and tibias removed and assessed for bone mineral density (BMD). The alkaline phosphatase activity (AP) was determined in the blood serum.Results: There was a significant increase in both femur and tibia BMD values and in serum alkaline phosphatase activity in all the treated subgroups, compared with the control groups (p < 0.05).Conclusion: the ingestion of the soy yoghurt supplemented with isoflavones was capable of preventing a loss of bone mass in Ovx rats and of increasing bone mass in sham rats, whilst the resistive exercise program was effective in augmenting the bone mass in sham and Ovx rats. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
We define a cohomological invariant E(G, S, M) where G is a group, S is a non empty family of (not necessarily distinct) subgroups of infinite index in G and M is a F2G-module (F2 is the field of two elements). In this paper we are interested in the special case where the family of subgroups consists of just one subgroup, and M is the F2G-module F2(G/S). The invariant E(G, {S}, F2(G/S)) will be denoted by E(G, S). We study the relations of this invariant with other ends e(G) , e(G, S) and e(G, S), and some results are obtained in the case where G and S have certain properties of duality.
The occurrence, number of insertion sites and antisense RNA expression of micropia transposable element were studied in 26 species that belong to three subgroups (mercatorum, mulleri and hydei) of repleta group of Drosophila. Under high specific PCR, micropia sequences were detected in 11 species, but under less stringent condition, this retrotransposon was detected in all species. The widespread distribution of micropia suggests that this element was already present at the common ancestor of the repleta group of Drosophila. Southern blot analysis showed a variation from 0 to 17 different insertion sites and the occurrence of male-specific sequences. We found that the expression of the 1.0 kb micropia antisense RNA is variable among the species and tissues (soma and testis), which suggests that more than one mechanism regulates transposition in these species. Variation of amplification by PCR and of antisense RNA expression, as well as divergence of nucleotide sequences among the species allow us to suggest that at least two subfamilies of micropia transposable element are harbored by the genome of this species group.
This study determined the size of aluminum oxide particles used in an air abrasion system that is able to remove carious dentin tissue with maximum preservation of sound structure. Thirty extracted and carious-free third molars were used in this study. The dentin sample was obtained by sectioning the middle of the crown longitudinal to the long axis of the tooth in a mesio-distal direction. One half of the crown corresponded to the sound dentin group (SD), while the other half was used to develop artificial caries, constituting the, carious dentin group (CD). The specimens were air abraded for 15 seconds. The SD and CD groups were each randomly divided into three subgroups (N=10) according to the particle diameter employed (27, 50 and 125 pm). The prepared cavity was perpendicularly cut in half, and the profiles of all hemi-fragments were observed using SEM microscopy. The cavity measurements were made using a modified cephalometric analysis. The 27, 50 and 125 pun aluminum oxide particles did not present selectivity in the removal of carious dentin. However, when using the air abrasive technique for carious dentin treatment, the use of 27 and 50 pun aluminum oxide particles is recommended, due to their capacity to remove less sound tissue than the 125 pun particles.
Few are studies on P elements that have addressed the saltans group. These studies had shown that species from the cordata and elliptica subgroups were devoid of any discernible P homologous sequences, while species from the parasaltans, sturtevanti, and saltans subgroups all contain P element sequences. Our analyses showed the presence of one to 15 P element insertion sites in species of the saltans group, including Drosophila neocordata and Drosophila emarginata (cordata and elliptica subgroups, respectively). From these species, only those from the parasaltans, sturtevanti, and saltans subgroups harbor canonical P elements and, only those of the last two subgroups seem to harbor putative full-sized elements. Due to the low similarity of the sequences found in D. neocordata and D. emarginata to those earlier described, we suggest that these sequences might be rudimental P element derivatives that were present in the ancestral of the subgenus Sophophora. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to compare the pH and calcium ion liberation after use of calcium hydroxide pastes with different paste vehicles in human or bovine teeth. Ninety-two single-rooted human and bovine roots were used. The roots were instrumented and an external cavity preparation was performed. The roots were divided in to human and bovine groups. Each group was subdivided into four subgroups (SB) according to the vehicle:SB1, detergent; SB2, saline; SB3, polyethylenoglycol + camphorated paramonochlorophenol (Calen PMCC) and SB4, polyethylenoglycol + furacyn paramonochlorophenol (FPMC). Specimens were immersed into saline solution at 37 degrees C and after 7 and 14 days pH and calcium ion measurements were made. The results were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey tests (P < 0.05). There was no statistical difference between bovine and human teeth in the pH analysis (P < 0.05), but bovine teeth provided larger calcium ion liberation than human teeth. Calen PMCC was statistically more effective for pH increase and calcium ion liberation in all analyses, followed by FPMC and saline. Detergent showed the lowest pH alterations and calcium ion liberation. The period of 14 days showed more calcium ionic liberation than the 7-day period.
We studied the ingestion of 54 children with functional constipation (CC) and 41 without (Control), according to the Food Pyramid. A food frequency questionnaire was used, analyzing fruits with or without peel/bagasse, grains whole or refined, and beans separately. Total subjects and 2-6y CC ingested less DF (g/day) than Control (p < 0.05). The majority had high n degrees of dairy and of the meat group servings, but most groups/subgroups did not meet recommendation for fruit and vegetable. A greater proportion of fruit with peel/bagasse in Control than in CC was almost the only difference for 6-12y. There was a discrepancy between the high percentage of children with DF above AHF recommendation and the high percentage of children who did not meet Pyramid recommendations.
This study investigated the effects of growth hormone therapy on energy expenditure, lipid profile, oxidative stress and cardiac energy metabolism in aging and obesity conditions. Life expectancy is increasing in world population and with it, the incidence of public health problems such as obesity and cardiac alterations. Because growth hormone (GH) concentration is referred to be decreased in aging conditions, a question must be addressed: what is the effect of GH on aging related adverse changes? To investigate the effects of GH on cardiac energy metabolism and its association with calorimetric parameters, lipid profile and oxidative stress in aged and obese rats, initially 32 male Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups (n = 16), C: given standard-chow and water; H: given hypercaloric-chow and receiving 30 % sucrose in its drinking water. After 45 days, both C and H groups were divided into 2 subgroups (n = 8), C + PL: standard-chow, water, and receiving saline subcutaneously; C + GH: standard-chow, water, and receiving 2 mg/kg/day rhGH subcutaneously; H + PL: hypercaloric-chow, 30 % sucrose, receiving saline subcutaneously; H + GH: hypercaloric-chow, 30 % sucrose, receiving rhGH subcutaneously. After 30 days, C + GH and H + PL rats had higher body mass index, Lee-index, body fat content, percent-adiposity, serum triacylglycerol, cardiac lipid-hydroperoxide, and triacylglycerol than C + PL. Energy-expenditure (RMR)/body weight, oxygen consumption and fat-oxidation were higher in H + GH than in H + PL. LDL-cholesterol was highest in H + GH rats, whereas cardiac pyruvate-dehydrogenase and phosphofrutokinase were higher in H + GH and H + PL rats than in C + PL. In conclusion, the present study brought new insights on aging and obesity, demonstrating for the first time that GH therapy was harmful in aged and obesity conditions, impairing calorimetric parameters and lipid profile. GH was disadvantageous in control old rats, having undesirable effects on triacylglycerol accumulation and cardiac oxidative stress.