953 resultados para Constantine I, Emperor of Rome, d. 337


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Volem constatar com, en la nostra realitat quotidiana, sovint tenim poc en compte les necessitats de comprensió dels alumnes quan elaborem textos di ctics. Si no pensem en adequar el vocabulari ni la complexitat gramatical al que realment poden abastar en diferents edats, la significativitat dels aprenentatges se'n ressentirà. Si els estudiants no han estat capaços d'entendre el contingut, no podran respondre a activitats que els ho exigeixin, com les de PISA, que pretenen avaluar la comprensió a partir d'un concepte de lectura molt ampli i allunyat de la mera comprensió literal ii. Ans al contrari, només seran capaços de respondre a activitats d'un nivell d'exigència comprensiva molt baix, com les que els proposen bona part dels llibres de text d'ús corrent al nostre país, com ara vull constatar


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La proposta que es presenta a continuació s’emmarca en el desenvolupament de l’assignatura Noves Tecnologies Aplicades a l’Educació als Estudis de Mestre de la Facultat €™Educació i Psicologia de la Universitat de Girona. Aquesta assignatura ja no forma part del pla €™estudis actual. Tot i així, durant els cursos que es va dur a terme, les activitats €™aprenentatge es van planificar de manera que anessin encaminades a adquirir els coneixements i les habilitats que havien de permetre als estudiants començar a assolir algunes de les competències que haurien de tenir en acabar els seus estudis. És per això que considerem que continua tenint vigència


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L'EEES situa en el centre del procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge l'estudiant actiu i autònom i destaca el paper fonamental del professor com a guia. Per aquest motiu és fonamental tenir informació sobre què saben i com aprenen els alumnes, la qual cosa obre suggeridors interrogants: Com reflexionen els alumnes sobre el seu aprenentatge? Què porta a un alumne a implicar-se en l'aprenentatge de forma autònoma? Quines eines ajuden a desenvolupar un pensament propi? En aquesta experiència es plantegen algunes respostes a les preguntes anteriors, a partir de les activitats reflexives que planteja el professorat i que serveixen per incentivar la interacció constant entre estudiants i docents, interacció que suposa un motor decisiu per a l'autonomia d'aprenentatge de l'estudiant


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Ultrastructural features of embryogenic pollen in Datura innoxia are described, just prior to, during, and after completion of the first division of the presumptive vegetative cell. In anther cultures initiated towards the end of the microspore phase and incubated at 28 degrees C in darkness, the spores divide within 24 h and show features consistent with those of dividing spores in vivo. Cytokinesis is also normal in most of the spores and the gametophytic cell-plate curves round the presumptive generative nucleus in the usual highly ordered way. Further differentiation of the 2 gametophytic cells does not take place and the pollen either switches to embryogenesis or degenerates. After 48-72 h, the remaining viable pollen shows the vegetative cell in division. The cell, which has a large vacuole and thin layer of parietal cytoplasm carried over from the microspore, divides consistently in a plane parallel to the microspore division. The dividing wall follows a less-ordered course than the gametophytic wall and usually traverses the vacuole, small portions of which are incorporated into the daughter cell adjacent to the generative cell. The only structural changes in the vegetative cell associated with the change in programme appear to be an increase in electron density of both plastids and mitochondria and deposition of an electron-dense material (possibly lipid) on the tonoplast. The generative cell is attached to the intine when the vegetative cell divides. Ribosomal density increases in the generative cell and exceeds that in the vegetative cell. A thin electron-dense layer also appears in the generative-cell wall. It is concluded that embryogenesis commences as soon as the 2 gametophytic cells are laid down. Gene activity associated with postmitotic synthesis of RNA and protein in the vegetative cell is switched off. The data are discussed in relation to the first division of the embryogenic vegetative cells in Nicotiana tabacum.


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Human D-2Long (D-2L) and D-2Short (D-2S) dopamine receptor isoforms were modified at their N-terminus by the addition of a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or a FLAG epitope tag. The receptors were then expressed in Spodoptera frugiperda 9 (Sf9) cells using the baculovirus system, and their oligomerization was investigated by means of co-immunoprecipitation and time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). [H-3] Spiperone labelled D-2 receptors in membranes prepared from Sf9 cells expressing epitope-tagged D-2L or D-2S receptors, with a pK(d) value of approximate to 10. Co-immunoprecipitation using antibodies specific for the tags showed constitutive homo-oligomerization of D-2L and D-2S receptors in Sf9 cells. When the FLAG-tagged D-2S and HIV-tagged D-2L receptors were co-expressed, co-immunoprecipitation showed that the two isoforms can also form hetero-oligomers in Sf9 cells. Time-resolved FRET with europium and XL665-labelled antibodies was applied to whole Sf9 cells and to membranes from Sf9 cells expressing epitope-tagged D-2 receptors. In both cases, constitutive homo-oligomers were revealed for D-2L and D-2S isoforms. Time-resolved FRET also revealed constitutive homo-oligomers in HEK293 cells expressing FLAG-tagged D-2S receptors. The D-2 receptor ligands dopamine, R-(-) propylnorapomorphine, and raclopride did not affect oligomerization of D-2L and D-2S in Sf9 and HEK293 cells. Human D-2 dopamine receptors can therefore form constitutive oligomers in Sf9 cells and in HEK293 cells that can be detected by different approaches, and D-2 oligomerization in these cells is not regulated by ligands.