913 resultados para Complications of Diabetes Mellitus


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Background: Diabetes mellitus type 1 is the most common endocrine metabolic disorder occurring in childhood and adolescence due to the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells as a result of various environmental factors interacting with an underlying genetic predisposition. Diabetes is a risk factor for early onset atherosclerosis, and the high mortality rate seen in these patients is partially related to cardiovascular diseases. Objectives: This study was conducted to compare mean platelet volume as a marker of early atherosclerosis with aortic intima-media thickness in children with type 1 diabetes and to identify its correlation with known cardiovascular risk factors. Patients and Methods: The study included 27 patients between age range of 6 and 17 years that were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and 30 healthy children of the same age range who did not have any chronic disease. In both groups, we used the color Doppler ultrasound to measure children’s aortic intima-media thickness and identify their mean platelet volumes. Results: There was no significant difference between the groups regarding gender distribution, age, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels (P > 0.05). Also no significant difference could be documented between the patient and control groups regarding the aortic intima-media thickness and mean platelet volume (P > 0.05). However, there was a significant correlation between aortic intima-media thickness and mean platelet volume (r = 0.351; P < 0.05). Conclusions: In the present study, there was no evidence of early atherosclerosis in children with type 1 diabetes. However, mean platelet volume having a significant correlation with aortic intima-media thickness may be useful as an early marker of atherosclerosis.


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Purpose: To determine the factors associated with severity of hypoglycemia in hospitalized type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in a tertiary health facility in Malaysia. Methods: This retrospective study involved 207 hospitalised T2DM patients with hypoglycaemia episodes from January 2008 to December 2012 and was conducted in University Malaya Medical Centre, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Patients were classified into 2 groups, viz, those who had hypoglycaemia on admission and those who had hypoglycaemia during hospital stay. Patients with hypoglycemia on admission were those admitted due to hypoglycemia while patients with hypoglycemia during hospital stay were those admitted due to other causes but subsequently developed hypoglycemia during hospitalization. Results: The results for the 207 patients investigated show that most of the patients (72.2 %) were asymptomatic during hypoglycemic episodes. The majority of the episodes (57.4 %) experienced by the patients were mild hypoglycemia (< 3.9 mmol/L). Old age (p = 0.011) and presence of stroke (p = 0.033) were found to be significantly associated with severe hypoglycemia (< 2.2 mmol/L) while concurrent use of opioid (p = 0.008) was associated with mild hypoglycemia. Conclusion: The identification of the underlying factors associated with severity of hypoglycemia may help in preventing and resolving hypoglycemia in T2DM patients.


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ANTECEDENTES: De acuerdo al estudio CODE-2 (Costo de la Diabetes en Europa: tipo 2) halló que en Europa solo el 28% de los pacientes diabéticos logra un buen control glucémico. En Ecuador durante el año 2011, se registraron 4.455 muertes a causa de Diabetes Mellitus, convirtiéndose en la principal causa de mortalidad general con un porcentaje de 7,15% (INEC). OBJETIVO GENERAL: Determinar la prevalencia de no adherencia al tratamiento con insulina y factores sociales asociados al mismo, en pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2, en la consulta externa de endocrinología del “Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso” en la ciudad de Cuenca 2015. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo analítico transversal con una muestra de 225 pacientes insulino-requirentes de la consulta externa de endocrinología del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Se trabajó con el porcentaje de incidencia de la ALAD para insulino requerimiento (55%) se calculó 225 pacientes a quienes se sometieron a una encuesta para determinar la no adherencia. Los datos obtenidos fueron tabulados y analizados en el programa SPSS. USO DE RESULTADOS: Como fuente de información, para estudiantes y médicos, además van a constituir un respaldo para futuros trabajos de investigación. CONCLUSIÓN: Concluimos que la mayoría de pacientes pertenecen al sexo femenino, con una media de edad de 61 ±13.58 años, nivel de instrucción primario y estado civil casado, el porcentaje de no adherencia es de 65.8% y el principal factor social asociado a la no adherencia es el olvido


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Background Ageing and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are risk factors for skeletal muscle loss. We investigated whether anabolic resistance to feeding might underlie accelerated muscle loss in older people with T2DM and whether dysregulated mTOR signalling was implicated. Subjects 8 obese men with T2DM, and 12 age-matched controls were studied (age 68±3 vs. 68±6y; BMI: 30±2 vs. 27±5 kg·m-2). Methods Body composition was measured by dual-X-ray absorptiometry. Insulin and glucose were clamped at post-absorptive concentrations (13±2 vs. 9±3 mU·l-1; 7.4±1.9 vs. 4.6±0.4 mmol·l-1; T2DM vs. controls). Fractional synthetic rates (FSR) of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins were measured as the rate of incorporation of [13C] leucine during a primed, constant infusion of [1-13C] α-ketoisocaproic acid, 3 h after 10 or 20g of essential amino acids (EAA) were orally administered. Protein expression of total and phosphorylated mTOR signalling proteins was determined by Western blot analysis. Results Despite a significantly lower appendicular lean mass index and a greater fat mass index in T2DM vs. controls, basal myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic and post-prandial myofibrillar FSR were similar. After 20g EAA, stimulation of sarcoplasmic FSR was slightly blunted in T2DM patients. Furthermore, feeding 20g EAA increased phosphorylation of mTOR, p70S6k and 4E-BP1 by 60-100% in controls with no response observed in T2DM. Conclusions There was clear dissociation between changes in mTOR signalling versus changes in protein synthesis rates. However, the intact anabolic response of myofibrillar FSR to feeding in both groups suggests anabolic resistance may not explain accelerated muscle loss in T2DM.


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In contrast to the definition of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in adults, there is no standard definition of MetS in pediatric populations. We aimed to assess the differences in the prevalence of MetS in children and adolescents aged 9–17 years in the city of Bogota (Colombia) using four different operational definitions for these age groups and to examine the associated variables. A total of 673 children and 1,247 adolescents attending public schools in Bogota (54.4% girls; age range 9–17.9 years) were included. The prevalence of MetS was determined by the definitions provided by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and three published studies by Cook et al., de Ferranti et al., and Ford et al. The prevalence of MetS was 0.3%, 6.3%, 7.8%, and 11.0% according to the IDF, Cook et al., Ford et al., and de Ferranti et al. definitions, respectively. The most prevalent components were low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and high triglyceride levels, whereas the least prevalent components were abdominal obesity and hyperglycemia. Overall, the prevalence of MetS was higher in obese than in non-obese schoolchildren. In conclusion, MetS diagnoses in schoolchildren strongly depend on the definition chosen. These findings may be relevant to health promotion efforts for Colombian youth to develop prospective studies and to define which cut-offs are the best indicators of future morbidity.


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Los cambios epigenéticos son responsables de la aparición de muchas patologías humanas y sus causas son debido a factores ambientales como genéticos. Se ha descrito en enfermedades crónicas como la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (T2DM) que se caracteriza por los estados de hiperglucemia y el incremento en el estrés oxidativo que conlleva a complicaciones micro y macro vasculares, asociado a una desmetilación global del genoma. Nuestra hipótesis corresponde a que los órganos diana son afectados por las alteraciones como la metilación e hidroximetilación como consecuencia del estrés oxidativo que luego repercuten en la persistencia de la enfermedad. Métodos: A partir de sangre periférica se analizaron los cambios globales en la metilación del DNA que son afectados por el estado metabólico de 60 individuos (40 pacientes, 20 controles sanos). Por técnicas de cuantificación se compararon los resultados obtenidos con los de la expresión de las enzimas involucradas. Por último, se realizó un estudio de microarreglos de metilación del DNA y de expresión obtenidos de la base de datos GEO para así comparar los resultados con nuestros datos experimentales. Resultados: Los pacientes diabéticos con pobre control metabólico presentaron mayores niveles de metilación que el grupo control y no se encontró alteración en las enzimas involucradas en este proceso. Los resultados fueron concordantes con el estudio de microarreglos. Conclusión: Los estudios experimentales y de microarreglos demostraron que la metilación es tejido específico y que existe una mayor oxidación en pacientes. Por ello proponemos una vía alterna de desmetilación no enzimática, basada en la oxidación directa de los grupos metilos generados por los estados oxidativos característicos de esta enfermedad.


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A Diabetes Mellitus é uma patologia fortemente associada ao processo de envelhecimento, afectando cada vez mais pessoas em todo o mundo. Uma das maiores complicações observadas nesta população prende-se com a diminuição do controlo postural e da capacidade funcional relacionada com a locomoção. O exercício físico tem sido apontado como uma das formas de prevenção e tratamento deste problema, no entanto existe ainda uma lacuna no conhecimento sobre o modo mais indicado de exercício. O presente pretende avaliar os efeitos de um programa de exercício físico aeróbio sobre o controlo postural e a capacidade funcional de pacientes portadores de Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 30 sujeitos de ambos os sexos, distribuídos por um grupo experimental (n=16) a quem foi aplicado o programa de exercício físico, e por um grupo de controlo (n=14), o qual não usufruiu de qualquer programa de exercício físico. O programa teve a duração de 12 semanas de treino, e uma frequência de 3 vezes por semana. Os participantes mantiveram-se em movimento constante durante as sessões tendo os exercícios realizados possuído uma forte componente dinâmica. Foi avaliado o controlo postural através de uma plataforma de forças e a capacidade funcional através de um conjunto de cinco testes funcionais. Os resultados obtidos revelam não terem existido diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05) na interacção entre grupos e momentos de avaliação nas variáveis analisadas, com excepção para a performance no Timed Get Up & Go Test, a qual melhorou significativamente (p<0,05) no grupo experimental. Estes dados sugerem que a especificidade tanto estática como dinâmica dos exercícios e a intensidade a que são realizados são factores fundamentais a ter em consideração no planeamento de programas de exercício físico, com vista à melhoria quer do controlo postural quer da capacidade funcional em portadores de Diabetes Mellius Tipo 2. ABSTRACT: Diabetes Mellitus is a disease associated with aging, affecting a growing number of people all over the world. One of the major concerns in this population relates to the decline of postural control and functional capacity. Exercise has been suggested as one way of preventing and treating this problem, however little is known about the most appropriate mode of exercise. This study evaluates the effect of an aerobic exercise program on postural control and functional capacity of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The sample consisted of 30 subjects, over an experimental group (n = 16) applied to an exercise program, and a control group (n = 14), that received no treatment. The program lasted 12 weeks, three times a week. Participants remained in constant motion during the sessions and the exercises performed had a strong dynamic component. Postural control was assessed using a force platform and functional capacity through a set of five functional tests. The results show that there were no statistically significant differences (p>O, O5) in group/moment interaction in the variables analyzed, except for the Timed Get Up & Go Test, which improved significantly (p <0,05) in the experimental group. These data suggest that both static and dynamic specificity and intensity of exercises are key factors in exercises programs planning, targeted to improve both postural control and functional capacity in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellius.


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The aim of the thesis is to assess the impact of depression in people with type 2 diabetes. Using Healthcare Utilization Databases, I estimated in a large population-based cohort with type 2 diabetes the incidence of depression over 10 year-period, identified the demographic and clinical predictors of depression, and determined the extent to which depression is a risk factor for acute and long-term complications and mortality. In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, I evaluated whether the presence of a history of depression in type 2 diabetes increased the Emergency Department (ED) access rate for diabetes-related complications, and I investigated changes in the incidence of depression during the first year of the pandemic. Findings from the first study indicated that developing depression was associated with being a woman, being over 65 years, living in rural areas, having insulin as initial diabetes medication and having comorbid conditions; the study also confirmed that depression was associated with an increased risk for acute and long-term diabetes complications and all-cause mortality. The second observational study showed a higher rate of ED access for diabetes-related complications during the pandemic in people with type 2 diabetes and a history of depression than in those without a history of depression, similar to what was observed in a pre-pandemic period. As shown in the third population-based study, the incidence of depression decreased in 2020 compared to 2019, mainly during the first and the second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, when people probably had difficulty reaching healthcare services. This new real-world evidence will help healthcare professionals identify timely patients at high risk of developing depression. Lastly, policymakers and physicians will benefit from new evidence of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on depression in people with type 2 diabetes to ensure a high level of care during crisis periods.


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O Diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma síndrome de etiologia múltipla, decorrente da falta de insulina e/ou incapacidade da insulina exercer adequadamente suas ações, caracterizada pela hiperglicemia crônica e alterações no metabolismo dos carboidratos, lipídeos e proteínas. A história natural do DM é marcada pelo aparecimento de complicações crônicas, classificadas como microvasculares e macrovasculares (retinopatia, nefropatia, neuropatia, doença arterial coronariana, doença cerebrovascular e vascular periférica). Por ocasião do diagnóstico situacional realizado no PSF Celso Diana, Minas Gerais, observou-se elevada prevalência de pacientes portadores de DM. Sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo elaborar um plano de intervenção que possibilite a modificação dos fatores de risco para complicações entre pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus no PSF Celso Diana, Santa Luzia, Minas Gerais. Para o desenvolvimento do Plano de Intervenção foi utilizado o Método do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional - PES (CAMPOS; FARIA; SANTOS, 2010), além de pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema em periódicos indexados à Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Sistema de Pesquisa para informação em saúde da U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM - Pub Med), Biblioteca Virtual da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais e Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO). Espera-se com este trabalho um controle satisfatório da doença e redução dos novos casos de DM na área de abrangência, reduzindo o número de internações, descompensações e complicações que esta doença provoca na população do território.


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O Diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma síndrome de etiologia múltipla, decorrente da falta de insulina e/ou incapacidade da insulina exercer adequadamente suas ações, caracterizada pela hiperglicemia crônica e alterações no metabolismo dos carboidratos, lipídeos e proteínas. A história natural do DM é marcada pelo aparecimento de complicações crônicas, classificadas como microvasculares e macrovasculares (retinopatia, nefropatia, neuropatia, doença arterial coronariana, doença cerebrovascular e vascular periférica). Por ocasião do diagnóstico situacional realizado na UBS "Otaviano de Oliveira", Itambé do Mato Dentro, Minas Gerais, observou-se elevada prevalência de pacientes portadores de DM. Sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo elaborar um plano de intervenção que possibilite a modificação dos fatores de risco para complicações entre pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus. Para o desenvolvimento do Plano de Intervenção foi utilizado o Método do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional - PES (Itambé do Mato Dentro, 2010), além de pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema em Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Sistema de Pesquisa para informação em saúde da U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM - Pub Med), Biblioteca Virtual da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais e Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO). Espera-se com esse trabalho um controle satisfatório da doença e redução dos novos casos de DM na área de abrangência, reduzindo o número de internações, descompensações e complicações que esta doença provoca na população do território


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Beta cell destruction in type 1 diabetes (TID) is associated with cellular oxidative stress and mitochondrial pathway of cell death. The aim of this study was to determine whether oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction are present in T1D model (non-obese diabetic mouse, NOD) and if they are related to the stages of disease development. NOD mice were studied at three stages: non-diabetic, pre-diabetic, and diabetic and compared with age-matched Balb/c mice. Mitochondria respiration rates measured at phosphorylating and resting states in liver and soleus biopsies and in isolated liver mitochondria were similar in NOD and Balb/c mice at the three disease stages. However, NOD liver mitochondria were more susceptible to calcium-induced mitochondrial permeability transition as determined by cyclosporine-A-sensitive swelling and by decreased calcium retention capacity in all three stages of diabetes development. Mitochondria H2O2 production rate was higher in non-diabetic, but unaltered in pre-diabetic and diabetic NOD mice. The global cell reactive oxygen species (ROS), but not specific mitochondria ROS production, was significantly increased in NOD lymphomononuclear and stem cells in all disease stages. In addition, marked elevated rates of 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein (H2DCF) oxidation were observed in pancreatic islets from non-diabetic NOD mice. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry (MS) and lipidomic approach, we identified oxidized lipid markers in NOD liver mitochondria for each disease stage, most of them being derivatives of diacylglycerols and phospholipids. These results suggest that the cellular oxidative stress precedes the establishment of diabetes and may be the cause of mitochondrial dysfunction that is involved in beta cell death.


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Investigate factors associated with the onset of diabetes in women aged more than 49 years. Cross-sectional, population-based study using self-reports with 622 women. The dependent variable was the age of occurrence of diabetes using the life table method. Cox multiple regression models were adjusted to analyse the onset of diabetes according to predictor variables. Sociodemographic, clinical and behavioural factors were evaluated. Of the 622 women interviewed, 22.7% had diabetes. The mean age at onset was 56 years. The factors associated with the age of occurrence of diabetes were self-rated health (very good, good) (coefficient=-0.792; SE of the coefficient=0.215; p=0.0001), more than two individuals living in the household (coefficient=0.656, SE of the coefficient=0.223; p=0.003), and body mass index (BMI) (kg/m(2)) at 20-30 years of age (coefficient= 0.056, SE of the coefficient=0.023; p=0.014). Self-rated health considered good or very good was associated with a higher rate of survival without diabetes. Sharing a home with two or more other people and a weight increase at 20-30 years of age was associated with the onset of type 2 diabetes.


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OBJETIVOS: Determinar a prevalência do diabetes melito (DM) e da hiperglicemia de estresse (HE) em pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) admitidos em unidade de emergência cardiológica. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva de 2.262 pacientes com IAM, avaliando, além da prevalência de diabetes referido, o diagnosticado e a hiperglicemia de estresse. RESULTADOS: Apesar de referido em 12,1% dos pacientes (H: 10,7%, M: 15,8%), o DM ocorria efetivamente em 24,8% (H: 22,9%, M: 29,7%) e a HE em 13,6% (H: 14,3%, M: 11,7%) dos indivíduos dessa população. Portanto, alterações glicêmicas ocorreram em 37,4% dos indivíduos com IAM (H: 37,2%, M: 41,4%). Nos pacientes com DM, observou-se maior precocidade etária do IAM, maior prevalência de óbitos (DM: 20,7%, ND:13,8%, HE: 13,4%) e de procedimentos cirúrgicos (ND: 33,8%, HE: 18,0%, DM: 21,7%). CONCLUSÃO: A elevada prevalência de DM e hiperglicemia de estresse observada em nosso estudo indica que as alterações glicêmicas constituem um dos mais importantes fatores de risco para o IAM.


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Objective: To determine whether information from genetic risk variants for diabetes is associated with cardiovascular events incidence. Methods: From the about 30 known genes associated with diabetes, we genotyped single-nucleotide polymorphisms at the 10 loci most associated with type-2 diabetes in 425 subjects from the MASS-II Study, a randomized study in patients with multi-vessel coronary artery disease. The combined genetic information was evaluated by number of risk alleles for diabetes. Performance of genetic models relative to major cardiovascular events incidence was analyzed through Kaplan-Meier curve comparison and Cox Hazard Models and the discriminatory ability of models was assessed for cardiovascular events by calculating the area under the ROC curve. Results: Genetic information was able to predict 5-year incidence of major cardiovascular events and overall-mortality in non-diabetic individuals, even after adjustment for potential confounders including fasting glycemia. Non-diabetic individuals with high genetic risk had a similar incidence of events then diabetic individuals (cumulative hazard of 33.0 versus 35.1% of diabetic subjects). The addition of combined genetic information to clinical predictors significantly improved the AUC for cardiovascular events incidence (AUC = 0.641 versus 0.610). Conclusions: Combined information of genetic variants for diabetes risk is associated to major cardiovascular events incidence, including overall mortality, in non-diabetic individuals with coronary artery disease.


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Background: The effects of renal denervation on cardiovascular reflexes and markers of nephropathy in diabetic-hypertensive rats have not yet been explored. Methods: Aim: To evaluate the effects of renal denervation on nephropathy development mechanisms (blood pressure, cardiovascular autonomic changes, renal GLUT2) in diabetic-hypertensive rats. Forty-one male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) similar to 250 g were injected with STZ or not; 30 days later, surgical renal denervation (RD) or sham procedure was performed; 15 days later, glycemia and albuminuria (ELISA) were evaluated. Catheters were implanted into the femoral artery to evaluate arterial pressure (AP) and heart rate variability (spectral analysis) one day later in conscious animals. Animals were killed, kidneys removed, and cortical renal GLUT2 quantified (Western blotting). Results: Higher glycemia (p < 0.05) and lower mean AP were observed in diabetics vs. nondiabetics (p < 0.05). Heart rate was higher in renal-denervated hypertensive and lower in diabetic-hypertensive rats (384.8 +/- 37, 431.3 +/- 36, 316.2 +/- 5, 363.8 +/- 12 bpm in SHR, RD-SHR, STZ-SHR and RD-STZ-SHR, respectively). Heart rate variability was higher in renal-denervated diabetic-hypertensive rats (55.75 +/- 25.21, 73.40 +/- 53.30, 148.4 +/- 93 in RD-SHR, STZ-SHR-and RD-STZ-SHR, respectively, p < 0.05), as well as the LF component of AP variability (1.62 +/- 0.9, 2.12 +/- 0.9, 7.38 +/- 6.5 in RD-SHR, STZ-SHR and RD-STZ-SHR, respectively, p < 0.05). GLUT2 renal content was higher in all groups vs. SHR. Conclusions: Renal denervation in diabetic-hypertensive rats improved previously reduced heart rate variability. The GLUT2 equally overexpressed by diabetes and renal denervation may represent a maximal derangement effect of each condition.