963 resultados para Complex regional pain syndrome
El siguiente artículo estudia la historia económica salteña entre 1850 y 1875. El trabajo estudia las características del comercio regional, la producción agropecuaria y la distribución demográfica a través del análisis del Registro Estadístico de la Provincia de Salta y el Censo Provincial, ambos de 1865. En segundo lugar, estudia la distribución de la tierra en la campaña de la capital a partir del análisis del Catastro Territorial de 1856 y el Catastro Reformado de 1876, con el propósito de identificar las bases materiales que controló la elite económica local. Por último, se presenta una síntesis de la distribución de la tierra en las otras regiones que se conformaron en la provincia, a partir del análisis de los catastros departamentales de 1872
Este artículo se propone interrogar las relaciones entre comunidad diaspórica catalana del Cono Sur y prácticas regionales solidarias, enfatizando aquellos proyectos e iniciativas que se articularon a ambos lados de la cordillera es pos de la ayuda hacia los desplazados (primero los desplazados al interior de la península durante la Guerra Civil, luego los desplazados a Francia tras la "retirada" y por último los evacuados desde el país galo hacia América Latina). Asimismo, intenta pensar desde un conjunto de trayectorias individuales y grupales de destierro que tuvieron como destinos a Chile y la Argentina, en qué medida estos países de recepción operaron, para esos sujetos y también para las instituciones (oficiales o societales catalanas) generadoras del auxilio, como un espacio poroso de tránsitos, de relaciones fluidas, de intercambio de información y de proyectos comunes, cimentado en complejas redes familiares, político-partidarias, profesionales e ideológicas, transfronterizas y también transnacionales
El siguiente artículo estudia la historia económica salteña entre 1850 y 1875. El trabajo estudia las características del comercio regional, la producción agropecuaria y la distribución demográfica a través del análisis del Registro Estadístico de la Provincia de Salta y el Censo Provincial, ambos de 1865. En segundo lugar, estudia la distribución de la tierra en la campaña de la capital a partir del análisis del Catastro Territorial de 1856 y el Catastro Reformado de 1876, con el propósito de identificar las bases materiales que controló la elite económica local. Por último, se presenta una síntesis de la distribución de la tierra en las otras regiones que se conformaron en la provincia, a partir del análisis de los catastros departamentales de 1872
Alteration of sheeted dikes exposed along submarine escarpments at the Pito Deep Rift (NE edge of the Easter microplate) provides constraints on the crustal component of axial hydrothermal systems at fast spreading mid-ocean ridges. Samples from vertical transects through the upper crust constrain the temporal and spatial scales of hydrothermal fluid flow and fluid-rock reaction. The dikes are relatively fresh (average extent of alteration is 27%), with the extent of alteration ranging from 0 to >80%. Alteration is heterogeneous on scales of tens to hundreds of meters and displays few systematic spatial trends. Background alteration is amphibole-dominated, with chlorite-rich dikes sporadically distributed throughout the dike complex, indicating that peak temperatures ranged from <300°C to >450°C and did not vary systematically with depth. Dikes locally show substantial metal mobility, with Zn and Cu depletion and Mn enrichment. Amphibole and chlorite fill fractures throughout the dike complex, whereas quartz-filled fractures and faults are only locally present. Regional variability in alteration characteristics is found on a scale of <1-2 km, illustrating the diversity of fluid-rock interaction that can be expected in fast spreading crust. We propose that much of the alteration in sheeted dike complexes develops within broad, hot upwelling zones, as the inferred conditions of alteration cannot be achieved in downwelling zones, particularly in the shallow dikes. Migration of circulating cells along rides axes and local evolution of fluid compositions produce sections of the upper crust with a distinctive character of alteration, on a scale of <1-2 km and <5-20 ka.
The precise pathophysiology of fibromyalgia, a syndrome characterized by, among other symptoms, chronic widespread pain, remains to be elucidated (Abeles et al., 2007). The fact that, when subjected to the same amount of stimulation, patients show enhanced brain responses as compared to controls provides evidence of central pain augmentation in this syndrome. We aimed to characterize brain response differences when stimulation is adjusted to elicit similar subjective levels of pain in both groups.
La presente Tesis analiza las posibilidades que ofrecen en la actualidad las tecnologías del habla para la detección de patologías clínicas asociadas a la vía aérea superior. El estudio del habla que tradicionalmente cubre tanto la producción como el proceso de transformación del mensaje y las señales involucradas, desde el emisor hasta alcanzar al receptor, ofrece una vía de estudio alternativa para estas patologías. El hecho de que la señal emitida no solo contiene este mensaje, sino también información acerca del locutor, ha motivado el desarrollo de sistemas orientados a la identificación y verificación de la identidad de los locutores. Estos trabajos han recibido recientemente un nuevo impulso, orientándose tanto hacia la caracterización de rasgos que son comunes a varios locutores, como a las diferencias existentes entre grabaciones de un mismo locutor. Los primeros resultan especialmente relevantes para esta Tesis dado que estos rasgos podrían evidenciar la presencia de características relacionadas con una cierta condición común a varios locutores, independiente de su identidad. Tal es el caso que se enfrenta en esta Tesis, donde los rasgos identificados se relacionarían con una de la patología particular y directamente vinculada con el sistema de físico de conformación del habla. El caso del Síndrome de Apneas Hipopneas durante el Sueno (SAHS) resulta paradigmático. Se trata de una patología con una elevada prevalencia mundo, que aumenta con la edad. Los pacientes de esta patología experimentan episodios de cese involuntario de la respiración durante el sueño, que se prolongan durante varios segundos y que se reproducen a lo largo de la noche impidiendo el correcto descanso. En el caso de la apnea obstructiva, estos episodios se deben a la imposibilidad de mantener un camino abierto a través de la vía aérea, de forma que el flujo de aire se ve interrumpido. En la actualidad, el diagnostico de estos pacientes se realiza a través de un estudio polisomnográfico, que se centra en el análisis de los episodios de apnea durante el sueño, requiriendo que el paciente permanezca en el hospital durante una noche. La complejidad y el elevado coste de estos procedimientos, unidos a las crecientes listas de espera, han evidenciado la necesidad de contar con técnicas rápidas de detección, que si bien podrían no obtener tasas tan elevadas, permitirían reorganizar las listas de espera en función del grado de severidad de la patología en cada paciente. Entre otros, los sistemas de diagnostico por imagen, así como la caracterización antropométrica de los pacientes, han evidenciado la existencia de patrones anatómicos que tendrían influencia directa sobre el habla. Los trabajos dedicados al estudio del SAHS en lo relativo a como esta afecta al habla han sido escasos y algunos de ellos incluso contradictorios. Sin embargo, desde finales de la década de 1980 se conoce la existencia de patrones específicos relativos a la articulación, la fonación y la resonancia. Sin embargo, su descripción resultaba difícilmente aprovechable a través de un sistema de reconocimiento automático, pero apuntaba la existencia de un nexo entre voz y SAHS. En los últimos anos las técnicas de procesado automático han permitido el desarrollo de sistemas automáticos que ya son capaces de identificar diferencias significativas en el habla de los pacientes del SAHS, y que los distinguen de los locutores sanos. Por contra, poco se conoce acerca de la conexión entre estos nuevos resultados, los sé que habían obtenido en el pasado y la patogénesis del SAHS. Esta Tesis continua la labor desarrollada en este ámbito considerando específicamente: el estudio de la forma en que el SAHS afecta el habla de los pacientes, la mejora en las tasas de clasificación automática y la combinación de la información obtenida con los predictores utilizados por los especialistas clínicos en sus evaluaciones preliminares. Las dos primeras tareas plantean problemas simbióticos, pero diferentes. Mientras el estudio de la conexión entre el SAHS y el habla requiere de modelos acotados que puedan ser interpretados con facilidad, los sistemas de reconocimiento se sirven de un elevado número de dimensiones para la caracterización y posterior identificación de patrones. Así, la primera tarea debe permitirnos avanzar en la segunda, al igual que la incorporación de los predictores utilizados por los especialistas clínicos. La Tesis aborda el estudio tanto del habla continua como del habla sostenida, con el fin de aprovechar las sinergias y diferencias existentes entre ambas. En el análisis del habla continua se tomo como punto de partida un esquema que ya fue evaluado con anterioridad, y sobre el cual se ha tratado la evaluación y optimización de la representación del habla, así como la caracterización de los patrones específicos asociados al SAHS. Ello ha evidenciado la conexión entre el SAHS y los elementos fundamentales de la señal de voz: los formantes. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el éxito de estos sistemas se debe, fundamentalmente, a la capacidad de estas representaciones para describir dichas componentes, obviando las dimensiones ruidosas o con poca capacidad discriminativa. El esquema resultante ofrece una tasa de error por debajo del 18%, sirviéndose de clasificadores notablemente menos complejos que los descritos en el estado del arte y de una única grabación de voz de corta duración. En relación a la conexión entre el SAHS y los patrones observados, fue necesario considerar las diferencias inter- e intra-grupo, centrándonos en la articulación característica del locutor, sustituyendo los complejos modelos de clasificación por el estudio de los promedios espectrales. El resultado apunta con claridad hacia ciertas regiones del eje de frecuencias, sugiriendo la existencia de un estrechamiento sistemático en la sección del tracto en la región de la orofaringe, ya prevista en la patogénesis de este síndrome. En cuanto al habla sostenida, se han reproducido los estudios realizados sobre el habla continua en grabaciones de la vocal /a/ sostenida. Los resultados son cualitativamente análogos a los anteriores, si bien en este caso las tasas de clasificación resultan ser más bajas. Con el objetivo de identificar el sentido de este resultado se reprodujo el estudio de los promedios espectrales y de la variabilidad inter e intra-grupo. Ambos estudios mostraron importantes diferencias con los anteriores que podrían explicar estos resultados. Sin embargo, el habla sostenida ofrece otras oportunidades al establecer un entorno controlado para el estudio de la fonación, que también había sido identificada como una fuente de información para la detección del SAHS. De su estudio se pudo observar que, en el conjunto de datos disponibles, no existen variaciones que pudieran asociarse fácilmente con la fonación. Únicamente aquellas dimensiones que describen la distribución de energía a lo largo del eje de frecuencia evidenciaron diferencias significativas, apuntando, una vez más, en la dirección de las resonancias espectrales. Analizados los resultados anteriores, la Tesis afronta la fusión de ambas fuentes de información en un único sistema de clasificación. Con ello es posible mejorar las tasas de clasificación, bajo la hipótesis de que la información presente en el habla continua y el habla sostenida es fundamentalmente distinta. Esta tarea se realizo a través de un sencillo esquema de fusión que obtuvo un 88.6% de aciertos en clasificación (tasa de error del 11.4%), lo que representa una mejora significativa respecto al estado del arte. Finalmente, la combinación de este clasificador con los predictores utilizados por los especialistas clínicos ofreció una tasa del 91.3% (tasa de error de 8.7%), que se encuentra dentro del margen ofrecido por esquemas más costosos e intrusivos, y que a diferencia del propuesto, no pueden ser utilizados en la evaluación previa de los pacientes. Con todo, la Tesis ofrece una visión clara sobre la relación entre el SAHS y el habla, evidenciando el grado de madurez alcanzado por la tecnología del habla en la caracterización y detección del SAHS, poniendo de manifiesto que su uso para la evaluación de los pacientes ya sería posible, y dejando la puerta abierta a futuras investigaciones que continúen el trabajo aquí iniciado. ABSTRACT This Thesis explores the potential of speech technologies for the detection of clinical disorders connected to the upper airway. The study of speech traditionally covers both the production process and post processing of the signals involved, from the speaker up to the listener, offering an alternative path to study these pathologies. The fact that utterances embed not just the encoded message but also information about the speaker, has motivated the development of automatic systems oriented to the identification and verificaton the speaker’s identity. These have recently been boosted and reoriented either towards the characterization of traits that are common to several speakers, or to the differences between records of the same speaker collected under different conditions. The first are particularly relevant to this Thesis as these patterns could reveal the presence of features that are related to a common condition shared among different speakers, regardless of their identity. Such is the case faced in this Thesis, where the traits identified would relate to a particular pathology, directly connected to the speech production system. The Obstructive Sleep Apnea syndrome (OSA) is a paradigmatic case for analysis. It is a disorder with high prevalence among adults and affecting a larger number of them as they grow older. Patients suffering from this disorder experience episodes of involuntary cessation of breath during sleep that may last a few seconds and reproduce throughout the night, preventing proper rest. In the case of obstructive apnea, these episodes are related to the collapse of the pharynx, which interrupts the air flow. Currently, OSA diagnosis is done through a polysomnographic study, which focuses on the analysis of apnea episodes during sleep, requiring the patient to stay at the hospital for the whole night. The complexity and high cost of the procedures involved, combined with the waiting lists, have evidenced the need for screening techniques, which perhaps would not achieve outstanding performance rates but would allow clinicians to reorganize these lists ranking patients according to the severity of their condition. Among others, imaging diagnosis and anthropometric characterization of patients have evidenced the existence of anatomical patterns related to OSA that have direct influence on speech. Contributions devoted to the study of how this disorder affects scpeech are scarce and somehow contradictory. However, since the late 1980s the existence of specific patterns related to articulation, phonation and resonance is known. By that time these descriptions were virtually useless when coming to the development of an automatic system, but pointed out the existence of a link between speech and OSA. In recent years automatic processing techniques have evolved and are now able to identify significant differences in the speech of OSAS patients when compared to records from healthy subjects. Nevertheless, little is known about the connection between these new results with those published in the past and the pathogenesis of the OSA syndrome. This Thesis is aimed to progress beyond the previous research done in this area by addressing: the study of how OSA affects patients’ speech, the enhancement of automatic OSA classification based on speech analysis, and its integration with the information embedded in the predictors generally used by clinicians in preliminary patients’ examination. The first two tasks, though may appear symbiotic at first, are quite different. While studying the connection between speech and OSA requires simple narrow models that can be easily interpreted, classification requires larger models including a large number dimensions for the characterization and posterior identification of the observed patterns. Anyhow, it is clear that any progress made in the first task should allow us to improve our performance on the second one, and that the incorporation of the predictors used by clinicians shall contribute in this same direction. The Thesis considers both continuous and sustained speech analysis, to exploit the synergies and differences between them. On continuous speech analysis, a conventional speech processing scheme, designed and evaluated before this Thesis, was taken as a baseline. Over this initial system several alternative representations of the speech information were proposed, optimized and tested to select those more suitable for the characterization of OSA-specific patterns. Evidences were found on the existence of a connection between OSA and the fundamental constituents of the speech: the formants. Experimental results proved that the success of the proposed solution is well explained by the ability of speech representations to describe these specific OSA-related components, ignoring the noisy ones as well those presenting low discrimination capabilities. The resulting scheme obtained a 18% error rate, on a classification scheme significantly less complex than those described in the literature and operating on a single speech record. Regarding the connection between OSA and the observed patterns, it was necessary to consider inter-and intra-group differences for this analysis, and to focus on the articulation, replacing the complex classification models by the long-term average spectra. Results clearly point to certain regions on the frequency axis, suggesting the existence of a systematic narrowing in the vocal tract section at the oropharynx. This was already described in the pathogenesis of this syndrome. Regarding sustained speech, similar experiments as those conducted on continuous speech were reproduced on sustained phonations of vowel / a /. Results were qualitatively similar to the previous ones, though in this case perfomance rates were found to be noticeably lower. Trying to derive further knowledge from this result, experiments on the long-term average spectra and intraand inter-group variability ratios were also reproduced on sustained speech records. Results on both experiments showed significant differences from the previous ones obtained from continuous speech which could explain the differences observed on peformance. However, sustained speech also provided the opportunity to study phonation within the controlled framework it provides. This was also identified in the literature as a source of information for the detection of OSA. In this study it was found that, for the available dataset, no sistematic differences related to phonation could be found between the two groups of speakers. Only those dimensions which relate energy distribution along the frequency axis provided significant differences, pointing once again towards the direction of resonant components. Once classification schemes on both continuous and sustained speech were developed, the Thesis addressed their combination into a single classification system. Under the assumption that the information in continuous and sustained speech is fundamentally different, it should be possible to successfully merge the two of them. This was tested through a simple fusion scheme which obtained a 88.6% correct classification (11.4% error rate), which represents a significant improvement over the state of the art. Finally, the combination of this classifier with the variables used by clinicians obtained a 91.3% accuracy (8.7% error rate). This is within the range of alternative, but costly and intrusive schemes, which unlike the one proposed can not be used in the preliminary assessment of patients’ condition. In the end, this Thesis has shed new light on the underlying connection between OSA and speech, and evidenced the degree of maturity reached by speech technology on OSA characterization and detection, leaving the door open for future research which shall continue in the multiple directions that have been pointed out and left as future work.
El presente trabajo de investigación aborda el tema del desarrollo regional en torno a una gran metrópoli como Bogotá y la Sabana de Bogotá. El crecimiento, expansión y relación con los municipios vecinos. Su entorno territorial; es un tema de discusión que cada día adquiere más fuerza desde hace varias décadas. Bogotá y la Sabana de Bogotá, se consideran en la actualidad como un caso representativo del caótico modelo de expansión urbana y crecimiento demográfico, enfrentado al desarrollo urbano como paradigma de la desigualdad de la ciudad latinoamericana. Son muchos los procesos y conflictos de naturaleza Regional y metropolitana que atraviesa la capital colombiana. Sin embargo esta investigación abordada el tema desde la necesidad de gobernanza y coordinación para el desarrollo territorial consensuado y equilibrado de la Región. La sabana de Bogotá está conformada por ciudades dormitorio, ciudades industriales, turísticas, agropecuarias, etc., es atravesada por el Río Bogotá, y en su centro la gran metrópoli, Bogotá D.C. centro de trabajo muy importante a nivel nacional, su área de influencia más próxima llega hasta: Caqueza, Zipaquira, Facatativa, Soacha, Fusagasuga y Girardot. Principales polos de desarrollo en la sabana y el departamento. Cundinamarca está compuesto por 15 provincias y Bogotá. Conformando un sistema de redes urbanas con necesidades comunes y demanda servicios públicos, de transporte, aseo, movilidad, salud, educación, espacio público y calidad ambiental. La metodología de esta investigación consiste en el análisis de la región a partir de la articulación de planes de ordenamiento territorial en un área de estudio propuesta. Mediante entrevistas con profesionales, expertos, funcionarios y empleados públicos y teniendo en cuenta las posibilidades legales en Colombia para el desarrollo territorial regional, establecer la situación real en materia de desarrollo para el departamento de Cundinamarca, evidenciando las necesidades del territorio y su desarrollo de una forma más compleja, valorando las sinergias y necesidades sociales, ambientales y económicas propias del crecimiento urbano, para proponer una serie de directrices que estructuren un desarrollo regional equilibrado en Bogotá y Cundinamarca. El análisis de los modelos del caso contribuye a fortalecer iniciativas para el desarrollo Regional de la Sabana de Bogotá como territorio sostenible: ambiental, económico y socialmente. En un sistema de redes que interconecte a Bogotá, con Cundinamarca, Colombia y el resto del mundo. Cundinamarca como región debe fijar estrategias y articular políticas en función de un modelo de desarrollo urbano regional para el departamento y la Sabana de Bogotá. Directrices departamentales básicas y fundamentales para el desarrollo territorial equilibrado que promueva ciudades sostenibles, compactas y con Calidad de vida para todos sus habitantes. ABSTRACT: This research addresses the issue of regional development around a big metropolis like Bogotá and Sabana de Bogota. The growth, expansion and relations with neighboring municipalities. Your local environment; It is an issue that becomes stronger every day for decades. Bogotá and Sabana de Bogotá, are considered today as a representative case of the chaotic model of urban expansion and population growth, urban development faced as a paradigm of inequality in Latin American city. Many processes and conflicts of Regional and metropolitan nature that crosses the Colombian capital. However this research addressed the issue from the need for governance and coordination for consensual and balanced territorial development of the region. The savannah of Bogota consists of bedroom communities, industrial cities, tourism, agriculture, etc., is crossed by the Bogota River, and at its center the great metropolis, Bogota DC center very important work at the national level, the area closest influence reaches: Caqueza, Zipaquira, Facatativa, Soacha, Fusagasuga and Girardot. Main centers of development in the savannah and the department. Cundinamarca is composed of 15 provinces and Bogota. Forming a system of urban networks with common needs and demand utilities, transportation, grooming, mobility, health, education, public space and environmental quality. The methodology of this research is the analysis of the region from the joint land use plans in the proposed study area. Through interviews with professionals, experts, public officials and employees and taking into account the legal possibilities in Colombia for regional territorial development, establish the real situation in development for the department of Cundinamarca, showing the region's needs and development of a more complex form, assessing synergies and own social, environmental and economic needs of urban growth, to propose a set of guidelines to structure a balanced regional development in Bogota and Cundinamarca. The analysis of case models helps to strengthen initiatives for regional development of the Sabana de Bogota and sustainable region: environmentally, economically and socially. In a network system that interconnects to Bogotá with Cundinamarca, Colombia and elsewhere. Cundinamarca region should set as joint strategies and policies based on a model of regional urban development for the department and the Sabana de Bogota. Basic and fundamental to balanced territorial development that fosters sustainable, compact and quality of life for all its inhabitants cities departmental guidelines.
The dose-limiting toxicity of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and immunotoxin (IT) therapy in humans is vascular leak syndrome (VLS). VLS has a complex etiology involving damage to vascular endothelial cells (ECs), extravasation of fluids and proteins, interstitial edema, and organ failure. IL-2 and ITs prepared with the catalytic A chain of the plant toxin, ricin (RTA), and other toxins, damage human ECs in vitro and in vivo. Damage to ECs may initiate VLS; if this damage could be avoided without losing the efficacy of ITs or IL-2, larger doses could be administered. In this paper, we provide evidence that a three amino acid sequence motif, (x)D(y), in toxins and IL-2 damages ECs. Thus, when peptides from RTA or IL-2 containing this sequence motif are coupled to mouse IgG, they bind to and damage ECs both in vitro and, in the case of RTA, in vivo. In contrast, the same peptides with a deleted or mutated sequence do not. Furthermore, the peptide from RTA attached to mouse IgG can block the binding of intact RTA to ECs in vitro and vice versa. In addition, RTA, a fragment of Pseudomonas exotoxin A (PE38-lys), and fibronectin also block the binding of the mouse IgG-RTA peptide to ECs, suggesting that an (x)D(y) motif is exposed on all three molecules. Our results suggest that deletions or mutations in this sequence or the use of nondamaging blocking peptides may increase the therapeutic index of both IL-2, as well as ITs prepared with a variety of plant or bacterial toxins.
Mutations of von Hippel–Lindau disease (VHL) tumor-suppressor gene product (pVHL) are found in patients with dominant inherited VHL syndrome and in the vast majority of sporadic clear cell renal carcinomas. The function of the pVHL protein has not been clarified. pVHL has been shown to form a complex with elongin B and elongin C (VBC) and with cullin (CUL)-2. In light of the structural analogy of VBC-CUL-2 to SKP1-CUL-1-F-box ubiquitin ligases, the ubiquitin ligase activity of VBC-CUL-2 was examined in this study. We show that VBC-CUL-2 exhibits ubiquitin ligase activity, and we identified UbcH5a, b, and c, but not CDC34, as the ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes of the VBC-CUL-2 ubiquitin ligase. The protein Rbx1/ROC1 enhances ligase activity of VBC-CUL-2 as it does in the SKP1-CUL-1-F-box protein ligase complex. We also found that pVHL associates with two proteins, p100 and p220, which migrate at a similar molecular weight as two major bands in the ubiquitination assay. Furthermore, naturally occurring pVHL missense mutations, including mutants capable of forming a complex with elongin B–elongin C-CUL-2, fail to associate with p100 and p220 and cannot exhibit the E3 ligase activity. These results suggest that pVHL might be the substrate recognition subunit of the VBC-CUL-2 E3 ligase. This is also, to our knowledge, the first example of a human tumor-suppressor protein being directly involved in the ubiquitin conjugation system which leads to the targeted degradation of substrate proteins.
Werner syndrome (WS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by genomic instability and the premature onset of a number of age-related diseases. The gene responsible for WS encodes a member of the RecQ-like subfamily of DNA helicases. Here we show that its murine homologue maps to murine chromosome 8 in a region syntenic with the human WRN gene. We have deleted a segment of this gene and created Wrn-deficient embryonic stem (ES) cells and WS mice. While displaying reduced embryonic survival, live-born WS mice otherwise appear normal during their first year of life. Nonetheless, although several DNA repair systems are apparently intact in homozygous WS ES cells, such cells display a higher mutation rate and are significantly more sensitive to topoisomerase inhibitors (especially camptothecin) than are wild-type ES cells. Furthermore, mouse embryo fibroblasts derived from homozygous WS embryos show premature loss of proliferative capacity. At the molecular level, wild-type, but not mutant, WS protein copurifies through a series of centrifugation and chromatography steps with a multiprotein DNA replication complex.
Lowe syndrome is an X-linked disorder that has a complex phenotype that includes progressive renal failure and blindness. The disease is caused by mutations in an inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase designated OCRL. It has been shown that the OCRL protein is found on the surface of lysosomes and that a renal tubular cell line deficient in OCRL accumulated substrate phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. Because this lipid is required for vesicle trafficking from lysosomes, we postulate that there is a defect in lysosomal enzyme trafficking in patients with Lowe syndrome that leads to increased extracellular lysosomal enzymes and might lead to tissue damage and contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease. We have measured seven lysosomal enzymes in the plasma of 15 patients with Lowe syndrome and 15 age-matched male controls. We find a 1.6- to 2.0-fold increase in all of the enzymes measured. When the data was analyzed by quintiles of activity for all of the enzymes, we found that 95% of values in the lowest quintile come from normal subjects whereas in the highest quintile 85% of the values are from patients with Lowe syndrome. The increased enzyme levels are not attributable to renal insufficiency because there was no difference in enzyme activity in the four patients with the highest creatinine levels compared with the six patients with the lowest creatinine values.
Spontaneous magnetoencephalographic activity was recorded in awake, healthy human controls and in patients suffering from neurogenic pain, tinnitus, Parkinson's disease, or depression. Compared with controls, patients showed increased low-frequency θ rhythmicity, in conjunction with a widespread and marked increase of coherence among high- and low-frequency oscillations. These data indicate the presence of a thalamocortical dysrhythmia, which we propose is responsible for all the above mentioned conditions. This coherent θ activity, the result of a resonant interaction between thalamus and cortex, is due to the generation of low-threshold calcium spike bursts by thalamic cells. The presence of these bursts is directly related to thalamic cell hyperpolarization, brought about by either excess inhibition or disfacilitation. The emergence of positive clinical symptoms is viewed as resulting from ectopic γ-band activation, which we refer to as the “edge effect.” This effect is observable as increased coherence between low- and high-frequency oscillations, probably resulting from inhibitory asymmetry between high- and low-frequency thalamocortical modules at the cortical level.
The region of human chromosome 22q11 is prone to rearrangements. The resulting chromosomal abnormalities are involved in Velo-cardio-facial and DiGeorge syndromes (VCFS and DGS) (deletions), “cat eye” syndrome (duplications), and certain types of tumors (translocations). As a prelude to the development of mouse models for VCFS/DGS by generating targeted deletions in the mouse genome, we examined the organization of genes from human chromosome 22q11 in the mouse. Using genetic linkage analysis and detailed physical mapping, we show that genes from a relatively small region of human 22q11 are distributed on three mouse chromosomes (MMU6, MMU10, and MMU16). Furthermore, although the region corresponding to about 2.5 megabases of the VCFS/DGS critical region is located on mouse chromosome 16, the relative organization of the region is quite different from that in humans. Our results show that the instability of the 22q11 region is not restricted to humans but may have been present throughout evolution. The results also underscore the importance of detailed comparative mapping of genes in mice and humans as a prerequisite for the development of mouse models of human diseases involving chromosomal rearrangements.
The GTPase dynamin has been clearly implicated in clathrin-mediated endocytosis of synaptic vesicle membranes at the presynaptic nerve terminal. Here we describe a novel 52-kDa protein in rat brain that binds the proline-rich C terminus of dynamin. Syndapin I (synaptic, dynamin-associated protein I) is highly enriched in brain where it exists in a high molecular weight complex. Syndapin I can be involved in multiple protein–protein interactions via a src homology 3 (SH3) domain at the C terminus and two predicted coiled-coil stretches. Coprecipitation studies and blot overlay analyses revealed that syndapin I binds the brain-specific proteins dynamin I, synaptojanin, and synapsin I via an SH3 domain-specific interaction. Coimmunoprecipitation of dynamin I with antibodies recognizing syndapin I and colocalization of syndapin I with dynamin I at vesicular structures in primary neurons indicate that syndapin I associates with dynamin I in vivo and may play a role in synaptic vesicle endocytosis. Furthermore, syndapin I associates with the neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein, an actin-depolymerizing protein that regulates cytoskeletal rearrangement. These characteristics of syndapin I suggest a molecular link between cytoskeletal dynamics and synaptic vesicle recycling in the nerve terminal.
The human deafness dystonia syndrome results from the mutation of a protein (DDP) of unknown function. We show now that DDP is a mitochondrial protein and similar to five small proteins (Tim8p, Tim9p, Tim10p, Tim12p, and Tim13p) of the yeast mitochondrial intermembrane space. Tim9p, Tim10p, and Tim12p mediate the import of metabolite transporters from the cytoplasm into the mitochondrial inner membrane and interact structurally and functionally with Tim8p and Tim13p. DDP is most similar to Tim8p. Tim8p exists as a soluble 70-kDa complex with Tim13p and Tim9p, and deletion of Tim8p is synthetically lethal with a conditional mutation in Tim10p. The deafness dystonia syndrome thus is a novel type of mitochondrial disease that probably is caused by a defective mitochondrial protein-import system.