917 resultados para Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
The general aim of the thesis was to study university students’ learning from the perspective of regulation of learning and text processing. The data were collected from the two academic disciplines of medical and teacher education, which share the features of highly scheduled study, a multidisciplinary character, a complex relationship between theory and practice and a professional nature. Contemporary information society poses new challenges for learning, as it is not possible to learn all the information needed in a profession during a study programme. Therefore, it is increasingly important to learn how to think and learn independently, how to recognise gaps in and update one’s knowledge and how to deal with the huge amount of constantly changing information. In other words, it is critical to regulate one’s learning and to process text effectively. The thesis comprises five sub-studies that employed cross-sectional, longitudinal and experimental designs and multiple methods, from surveys to eye tracking. Study I examined the connections between students’ study orientations and the ways they regulate their learning. In total, 410 second-, fourth- and sixth-year medical students from two Finnish medical schools participated in the study by completing a questionnaire measuring both general study orientations and regulation strategies. The students were generally deeply oriented towards their studies. However, they regulated their studying externally. Several interesting and theoretically reasonable connections between the variables were found. For instance, self-regulation was positively correlated with deep orientation and achievement orientation and was negatively correlated with non-commitment. However, external regulation was likewise positively correlated with deep orientation and achievement orientation but also with surface orientation and systematic orientation. It is argued that external regulation might function as an effective coping strategy in the cognitively loaded medical curriculum. Study II focused on medical students’ regulation of learning and their conceptions of the learning environment in an innovative medical course where traditional lectures were combined wth problem-based learning (PBL) group work. First-year medical and dental students (N = 153) completed a questionnaire assessing their regulation strategies of learning and views about the PBL group work. The results indicated that external regulation and self-regulation of the learning content were the most typical regulation strategies among the participants. In line with previous studies, self-regulation wasconnected with study success. Strictly organised PBL sessions were not considered as useful as lectures, although the students’ views of the teacher/tutor and the group were mainly positive. Therefore, developers of teaching methods are challenged to think of new solutions that facilitate reflection of one’s learning and that improve the development of self-regulation. In Study III, a person-centred approach to studying regulation strategies was employed, in contrast to the traditional variable-centred approach used in Study I and Study II. The aim of Study III was to identify different regulation strategy profiles among medical students (N = 162) across time and to examine to what extent these profiles predict study success in preclinical studies. Four regulation strategy profiles were identified, and connections with study success were found. Students with the lowest self-regulation and with an increasing lack of regulation performed worse than the other groups. As the person-centred approach enables us to individualise students with diverse regulation patterns, it could be used in supporting student learning and in facilitating the early diagnosis of learning difficulties. In Study IV, 91 student teachers participated in a pre-test/post-test design where they answered open-ended questions about a complex science concept both before and after reading either a traditional, expository science text or a refutational text that prompted the reader to change his/her beliefs according to scientific beliefs about the phenomenon. The student teachers completed a questionnaire concerning their regulation and processing strategies. The results showed that the students’ understanding improved after text reading intervention and that refutational text promoted understanding better than the traditional text. Additionally, regulation and processing strategies were found to be connected with understanding the science phenomenon. A weak trend showed that weaker learners would benefit more from the refutational text. It seems that learners with effective learning strategies are able to pick out the relevant content regardless of the text type, whereas weaker learners might benefit from refutational parts that contrast the most typical misconceptions with scientific views. The purpose of Study V was to use eye tracking to determine how third-year medical studets (n = 39) and internal medicine residents (n = 13) read and solve patient case texts. The results revealed differences between medical students and residents in processing patient case texts; compared to the students, the residents were more accurate in their diagnoses and processed the texts significantly faster and with a lower number of fixations. Different reading patterns were also found. The observed differences between medical students and residents in processing patient case texts could be used in medical education to model expert reasoning and to teach how a good medical text should be constructed. The main findings of the thesis indicate that even among very selected student populations, such as high-achieving medical students or student teachers, there seems to be a lot of variation in regulation strategies of learning and text processing. As these learning strategies are related to successful studying, students enter educational programmes with rather different chances of managing and achieving success. Further, the ways of engaging in learning seldom centre on a single strategy or approach; rather, students seem to combine several strategies to a certain degree. Sometimes, it can be a matter of perspective of which way of learning can be considered best; therefore, the reality of studying in higher education is often more complicated than the simplistic view of self-regulation as a good quality and external regulation as a harmful quality. The beginning of university studies may be stressful for many, as the gap between high school and university studies is huge and those strategies that were adequate during high school might not work as well in higher education. Therefore, it is important to map students’ learning strategies and to encourage them to engage in using high-quality learning strategies from the beginning. Instead of separate courses on learning skills, the integration of these skills into course contents should be considered. Furthermore, learning complex scientific phenomena could be facilitated by paying attention to high-quality learning materials and texts and other support from the learning environment also in the university. Eye tracking seems to have great potential in evaluating performance and growing diagnostic expertise in text processing, although more research using texts as stimulus is needed. Both medical and teacher education programmes and the professions themselves are challenging in terms of their multidisciplinary nature and increasing amounts of information and therefore require good lifelong learning skills during the study period and later in work life.
By relying on existing cultural models, the Victorian spa promoted health and wellness. Advertising, together with other forms of promotion, strengthened the legitimacy of its claims to cure a variety of health problems. By the use of some links to science and a mystical folk belief about the efficacy of the local mineral waters, three spas emerged in St.Catharines: the Stephenson House, the WeIland House, and the Springbank. As the twentieth century approached, the spa movement declined and institutionalized medicine struggled to establish a monopoly on health care. This thesis argues that the health spas in St. Catharines occupied that transitional space in nineteenth century medicine between home remedy and hospital. The interplay between scientific discovery and business enterprise produced a climate in which the Victorian health resort flourished. This phenomenon, combined with the various maladies brought on by industrialization, nineteenth-century lifestyle, and the absence of medical options, created a surge in the popularity of health spas and mineral spring therapies. By the tum of the twentieth century, interest in mineral water treatments had declined. The health resorts that had blossomed between 1850 and 1899 began to experience a serious decrease in business. This popular movement became outmoded in the face of emerging medical and scientific knowledge. In St. Catharines, the last resort to remain standing, the WeIland House, finished out the city's spa era as a hospital.
This thesis analyzes the practices and experiences of two groups of Canadian volunteers who visited the organic fanning and "alternative development" project ofFinca la Flor (FLF) in central Costa Rica. Using both participant observation and in-depth interviews with volunteers and other people involved with FLF, I examine volunteers' understandings of their involvement with the fann. I argue that three discursive fonnations are instrumental in shaping this particular volunteering encounter. Specifically, interpretation of these Canadian volunteers' experiences inspires the argument that the emerging practice of international volunteering (or voluntourism) exists at the intersection of discourses of development, volunteering and tourism, all of which both reflect and maintain problematic North-South relationships. The analysis shows that in spite ofFLF's construction as an (alternative / sustainable) international-development project, and in spite of volunteers' initial conceptualization of their trip as "volunteering," volunteers tend to act and describe their time at FLF in ways that look more like tourism than like volunteer labor or international development. Likewise, although FLF claims to principally be focused on alternative development, and merely to open up this authentic development space to volunteers for their participation, the organization in both practice and discourse seems primarily to construct a tourist experience and cater to the needs of foreigners as tourists. Discourses of development and volunteering do infonn the practices offann personnel and volunteers at FLF, but they become subordinated to the more dominant discourse of tourism as the volunteers' and fann management's ideals of development and volunteering capitulate to become focused on satisfying volunteers' (perceived or "real") touristic desires. The FLF participants I studied may have entered the encounter as volunteers, but they departed the site having been tourists.
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is an augmentative and alternative communicative system that improves communication and decreases problem behaviors in children with Developmental Disabilities and Autism. The mediator model is a validated approach that clinicians use to train parents to perform evidence-based interventions. Parental non-adherence to treatment recommendations is a documented problem. This qualitative study investigated clinician-perceived factors that influence parental adherence to PECS recommendations. Three focus groups (n=8) were conducted with Speech Language Pathologists and Behavior Therapists experienced in providing parents with PECS recommendations. Constant comparison analysis was used. In general, clinicians believed that PECS was complex to implement. Thirty-one bridges were identified to overcome complexity. Twenty-two barriers and 6 other factors also impacted parental adherence. Strategies to address these factors were proposed based on a review of the literature. Future research will be performed to validate these findings using parents and a larger sample size.
This study sought to explore ways to work with a group of young people through an arts-based approach to the teaching of literacy. Through the research, the author integrated her own reflexivity applying arts methods over the past decade. The author’s past experiences were strongly informed by theories such as caring theory and maternal pedagogy, which also informed the research design. The study incorporated qualitative data collection instruments comprising interviews, journals, sketches, artifacts, and teacher field notes. Data were collected by 3 student participants for the duration of the research. Study results provide educators with data on the impact of creating informal and alternative ways to teach literacy and maintain student engagement with resistant learners.
The Vpu accessory protein promotes HIV-1 release by counteracting Tetherin/BST-2, an interferon-regulated restriction factor, which retains virions at the cell-surface. Recent reports proposed beta-TrCP-dependent proteasomal and/or endo-lysosomal degradation of Tetherin as potential mechanisms by which Vpu could down-regulate Tetherin cell-surface expression and antagonize this restriction. In all of these studies, Tetherin degradation did not, however, entirely account for Vpu anti-Tetherin activity. Here, we show that Vpu can promote HIV-1 release without detectably affecting Tetherin steady-state levels or turnover, suggesting that Tetherin degradation may not be necessary and/or sufficient for Vpu anti-Tetherin activity. Even though Vpu did not enhance Tetherin internalization from the plasma membrane (PM), it did significantly slow-down the overall transport of the protein towards the cell-surface. Accordingly, Vpu expression caused a specific removal of cell-surface Tetherin and a re-localization of the residual pool of Tetherin in a perinuclear compartment that co-stained with the TGN marker TGN46 and Vpu itself. This re-localization of Tetherin was also observed with a Vpu mutant unable to recruit beta-TrCP, suggesting that this activity is taking place independently from beta-TrCP-mediated trafficking and/or degradation processes. We also show that Vpu co-immunoprecipitates with Tetherin and that this interaction involves the transmembrane domains of the two proteins. Importantly, this association was found to be critical for reducing cell-surface Tetherin expression, re-localizing the restriction factor in the TGN and promoting HIV-1 release. Overall, our results suggest that association of Vpu to Tetherin affects the outward trafficking and/or recycling of the restriction factor from the TGN and as a result promotes its sequestration away from the PM where productive HIV-1 assembly takes place. This mechanism of antagonism that results in TGN trapping is likely to be augmented by beta-TrCP-dependent degradation, underlining the need for complementary and perhaps synergistic strategies to effectively counteract the powerful restrictive effects of human Tetherin.
Differentes études ont montré que la sensibilité au Ca2+ du canal KCa3.1, un canal potassique indépendant du voltage, était conférée par la protéine calmoduline (CaM) liée de façon constitutive au canal. Cette liaison impliquerait la région C-lobe de la CaM et un domaine de $\ikca$ directement relié au segment transmembranaire S6 du canal. La CaM pourrait égalment se lier au canal de façon Ca2+ dépendante via une interaction entre un domaine de KCa3.1 du C-terminal (CaMBD2) et la région N-lobe de la CaM. Une étude fut entreprise afin de déterminer la nature des résidus responsables de la liaison entre le domaine CaMBD2 de KCa3.1 et la région N-lobe de la CaM et leur rôle dans le processus d'ouverture du canal par le Ca2+. Une structure 3D du complexe KCa3.1/CaM a d'abord été générée par modélisation par homologie avec le logiciel MODELLER en utilisant comme référence la structure cristalline du complexe SK2.2/CaM (PDB: 1G4Y). Le modèle ainsi obtenu de KCa3.1 plus CaM prévoit que le segment L361-S372 dans KCa3.1 devrait être responsable de la liaison dépendante du Ca2+ du canal avec la région N-lobe de la CaM via les résidus L361 et Q364 de KCa3.1 et E45, E47 et D50 de la CaM. Pour tester ce modèle, les résidus dans le segment L361-S372 ont été mutés en Cys et l'action du MTSET+ (chargé positivement) et MTSACE (neutre) a été mesurée sur l'activité du canal. Des enregistrements en patch clamp en configuration ``inside-out`` ont montré que la liaison du réactif chargé MTSET+ au le mutant Q364C entraîne une forte augmentation du courant, un effet non observé avec le MTSACE. De plus les mutations E45A et E47A dans la CaM, ont empêché l'augmentation du courant initié par MTSET+ sur le mutant Q364C. Une analyse en canal unitaire a confirmé que la liaison MTSET+ à Q364C cause une augmentation de la probabilité d'ouverture de KCa3.1 par une déstabilisation de l'état fermé du canal. Nous concluons que nos résultats sont compatibles avec la formation de liaisons ioniques entre les complexes chargés positivement Cys-MTSET+ à la position 364 de KCa3.1 et les résidus chargés négativement E45 et E47 dans la CaM. Ces données confirment qu'une stabilisation électrostatique des interactions CaM/KCa3.1 peut conduire à une augmentation de la probabilité d'ouverture du canal en conditions de concentrations saturantes de Ca2+.
Si l’alternative est de nos jours et dans nos sociétés occidentales un concept de plus en plus en vogue, son caractère lui, en demeure pas moins ambigu. En effet, et alors même que nombre de pratiques dites alternatives émergent de part et d’autre de la société, en faire allusion dans certains domaines équivaut à s’affliger soi-même d’une étiquette sur laquelle serait inscrite « New-Age » en caractère gras. Pourtant, son caractère loin d’évoquer cette seule dimension, semble par ailleurs être conséquente d un déséquilibre de plus en plus prégnant au sein même des prérogatives de l’État. Ce mémoire tente donc de rendre compte de ce phénomène tout en investiguant les répercussions de cette asymétrie sur l’intégration de pratiques médicales alternatives au Québec. Ceci dans l’intention non seulement d’explorer davantage la nature de la relation entre médecine alternative et biomédecine, mais aussi afin de poser un nouveau regard sur son expansion. Un regard, lequel permettrait potentiellement de poser les jalons nécessaires à un espace de conciliation entre les médecines, lequel découlerait alors d’un nouvel équilibre au cœur des prérogatives mêmes de l’État.
Ce mémoire de maîtrise présente une nouvelle approche non supervisée pour détecter et segmenter les régions urbaines dans les images hyperspectrales. La méthode proposée n ́ecessite trois étapes. Tout d’abord, afin de réduire le coût calculatoire de notre algorithme, une image couleur du contenu spectral est estimée. A cette fin, une étape de réduction de dimensionalité non-linéaire, basée sur deux critères complémentaires mais contradictoires de bonne visualisation; à savoir la précision et le contraste, est réalisée pour l’affichage couleur de chaque image hyperspectrale. Ensuite, pour discriminer les régions urbaines des régions non urbaines, la seconde étape consiste à extraire quelques caractéristiques discriminantes (et complémentaires) sur cette image hyperspectrale couleur. A cette fin, nous avons extrait une série de paramètres discriminants pour décrire les caractéristiques d’une zone urbaine, principalement composée d’objets manufacturés de formes simples g ́eométriques et régulières. Nous avons utilisé des caractéristiques texturales basées sur les niveaux de gris, la magnitude du gradient ou des paramètres issus de la matrice de co-occurrence combinés avec des caractéristiques structurelles basées sur l’orientation locale du gradient de l’image et la détection locale de segments de droites. Afin de réduire encore la complexité de calcul de notre approche et éviter le problème de la ”malédiction de la dimensionnalité” quand on décide de regrouper des données de dimensions élevées, nous avons décidé de classifier individuellement, dans la dernière étape, chaque caractéristique texturale ou structurelle avec une simple procédure de K-moyennes et ensuite de combiner ces segmentations grossières, obtenues à faible coût, avec un modèle efficace de fusion de cartes de segmentations. Les expérimentations données dans ce rapport montrent que cette stratégie est efficace visuellement et se compare favorablement aux autres méthodes de détection et segmentation de zones urbaines à partir d’images hyperspectrales.
Le cancer de la prostate (CaP) est le plus diagnostiqué chez les hommes au Canada et représente le troisième cancer le plus meurtrier au sein de cette population. Malgré l’efficacité des traitements de première ligne, de nombreux patients finiront par développer une résistance et, le cas échéant, verront leur CaP progresser vers une forme plus agressive. Plusieurs paramètres, essentiellement cliniques, permettent de prédire la progression du CaP mais leur sensibilité, encore limitée, implique la nécessité de nouveaux biomarqueurs afin de combler cette lacune. Dans cette optique nous nous intéressons au facteur de transcription NF-κB. Des études réalisées au laboratoire et ailleurs, associent RelA(p65) à un potentiel clinique dans le CaP, soulignant ainsi l’importance de la voie classique NF-κB. L’implication de la voie alternative NF-κB dans la progression du CaP a aussi été suggérée dans une de nos études illustrant la corrélation entre la distribution nucléaire de RelB et le score de Gleason. Alors que la voie classique est largement documentée et son implication dans la progression du CaP établie, la voie alternative, elle, reste à explorer. La présente thèse vise à clarifier l’implication de la voie alternative NF-κB dans le CaP et répond à deux objectifs fixés dans ce but. Le premier objectif fut d’évaluer l’impact de l'activation de la voie alternative NF-κB sur la biologie des cellules cancéreuses prostatiques. L’étude de la surexpression de RelB a souligné les effets de la voie alternative NF-κB sur la prolifération et l'autophagie. Étant ainsi impliquée tant dans la croissance tumorale que dans un processus de plus en plus associée à la progression tumorale, quoique potentiellement létal pour les cellules cancéreuses, son impact sur la tumorigénèse du CaP reste encore difficile à définir. Il n'existe, à ce jour, aucune étude permettant de comparer le potentiel clinique des voies classique et alternative NF-κB. Le second objectif de ce projet fut donc l'analyse conjointe de RelA(p65) et RelB au sein de mêmes tissus de patients atteints de CaP afin de déterminer l'importance clinique des deux signalisations NF-κB, l'une par rapport à l'autre. Le marquage immunofluorescent de RelA(p65) et RelB en a permis l'analyse quantitative et objective par un logiciel d'imagerie. Nos travaux ont confirmé le potentiel clinique associé à RelA(p65). La variable RelA(p65)/RelB s’est, elle, avérée moins informative que RelA(p65). Par contre, aucune corrélation entre RelB et les paramètres cliniques inclus dans l'étude n’est ressortie. En définitive, mon projet de thèse aura permis de préciser l'implication de la voie alternative NF-κB sur la biologie du CaP. Son impact sur la croissance des cellules cancéreuses prostatiques ainsi que sur l'autophagie, dénote l’ambivalence de la voie alternative NF-κB face à la tumorigénèse du CaP. L’étude exhaustive de la signalisation NF-κB souligne davantage l'importance de la voie classique dont l’intérêt clinique est principalement associé au statut de RelA(p65). Ainsi, bien que RelB n’affiche aucun potentiel en tant que biomarqueur exploitable en clinique, l’analyse de l’intervention de la voie alternative NF-κB sur la biologie des cellules cancéreuses prostatiques reste d’intérêt pour la compréhension de son rôle exact dans la progression du CaP.
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) have the capacity to self renew and differentiate into a myriad of cell types making them potential candidates for cell therapy and regenerative medicine. The goal of this thesis was to determine the characteristics of equine iPSC (eiPSC) that can be harnessed for potential use in veterinary regenerative medicine. Trauma to a horse’s limb often leads to the development of a chronic non-healing wound that lacks a keratinocyte cover, vital to healing. Thus, the overall hypothesis of this thesis was that eiPSC might offer a solution for providing wound coverage for such problematic wounds. Prior to considering eiPSC for clinical applications, their immunogenicity must be studied to ensure that the transplanted cells will be accepted and integrate into host tissues. The first objective of this thesis was to determine the immune response to eiPSC. To investigate the immunogenicity of eiPSC, the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules by the selected lines was determined, then the cells were used in an intradermal transplantation model developed for this study. While transplantation of allogeneic, undifferentiated eiPSC elicited a moderate cellular response in experimental horses, it did not cause acute rejection. This strategy enabled the selection of weakly immunogenic eiPSC lines for subsequent differentiation into lineages of therapeutic importance. Equine iPSC offer a potential solution to deficient epithelial coverage by providing a keratinocyte graft with the ability to differentiate into other accessory structures of the epidermis. The second objective of this thesis was to develop a protocol for the differentiation of eiPSC into a keratinocyte lineage. The protocol was shown to be highly efficient at inducing the anticipated phenotype within 30 days. Indeed, the eiPSC derived vi keratinocytes (eiPSC-KC) showed both morphologic and functional characteristics of primary equine keratinocytes (PEK). Moreover, the proliferative capacity of eiPSC-KC was superior while the migratory capacity, measured as the ability to epithelialize in vitro wounds, was comparable to that of PEK, suggesting exciting potential for grafting onto in vivo wound models. In conclusion, equine iPSC-derived keratinocytes exhibit features that are promising to the development of a stem cell-based skin construct with the potential to fully regenerate lost or damaged skin in horses. However, since eiPSC do not fully escape immune surveillance despite low MHC expression, strategies to improve engraftment of iPSC derivatives must be pursued.
L’étude d’un centre de soins énergétiques montréalais offrant un rituel de guérison révèle le besoin de composantes symboliques dans l’expérience de guérison. À partir de l’expérience rituelle et de la subjectivité des participants, mes objectifs seront de comprendre les raisons et les besoins d’une telle quête thérapeutique dans le contexte de la société québécoise. Dans cette perspective, je m’interroge sur la production de sens qui émane de représentations symboliques étrangères à la culture québécoise (chamanisme et alchimie) et ses répercussions sur l’expérience de guérison. Ces formes de subjectivités et d’actions thérapeutiques affirment une quête de sens face à la maladie que la communauté médicale ne peut soutenir. Dans cette quête de sens face à la maladie, le rituel du cercle de guérison s’impose comme une activité symbolique où le sujet, individuel ou collectif, met en scène son image, son identité et ses valeurs. Cet espace thérapeutique fournit une forme d’agentivité et un lieu pour remettre en question l’autorité médicale. J’examinerai donc le contexte et les raisons pour lesquels les gens se tournent vers ce type de soins, le symbolisme de la guérison et la place du rituel dans l’imaginaire des participants. En élucidant le contexte culturel et le sens que prend le rituel dans la vie des participants, je pourrai illustrer les opérations symboliques menant à la construction des expériences de guérison.
Contexte. Les produits de santé naturels (PSN) suscitent de plus en plus d’intérêt au sein de la population. Les professionnels de la santé, dont les nutritionnistes, doivent être à l’affût de cette tendance afin de conseiller les utilisateurs et de limiter les risques liés à leur utilisation. Objectif. Explorer l’expérience, les perceptions et les besoins de formation des nutritionnistes du Québec à l’égard des PSN. Méthodes. Un sondage électronique a été envoyé à tous les membres de l’Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec via Fluid Survey. Les questions visaient à identifier les expériences, les attitudes à l’égard des PSN et de leur clientèle qui en consomme, les sources d’informations utilisées dans leurs consultations et d’identifier les besoins de formations en relation avec les PSN. Résultats. Au total, 295 nutritionnistes ont complété le questionnaire. Parmi ceux-ci, 93 % ont déjà reçu des questions portant sur les PSN. Environ 91 % ont déclaré consommer ou avoir déjà consommé un PSN et, au moins 94 % ont affirmé avoir recommandé un PSN. Aussi, 95 % de l’échantillon désiraient davantage d’informations sur les PSN. Enfin, ils ont une perception positive quant à leur rôle dans ce dossier, puisque 77 % de l’échantillon ont indiqué que le nutritionniste devrait être une source d’informations sur les PSN. Conclusion. Les grands constats de notre étude révèlent que le rôle des nutritionnistes du Québec en relation avec les PSN n’est pas clairement défini. Ils ont besoin de formation sur les PSN afin d’être outillés pour conseiller la population et, ainsi, leur ouvrir un nouveau champ d’expertise.
In the present study diversity of E. coli in the water samples of Cochin estuary were studied for a period of 3 years ranging from January 2010- December 2012. The stations were selected based on the closeness to satellite townships and waste input. Two of the stations (Chitoor and Thevara) were fixed upstream, two in the central part of the estuary namely Bolgatty and Off Marine Science Jetty, and one at the Barmouth. Diversity was assessed in terms of serotypes, phylogenetic groups and genotypes. Two groups of seafood samples such as fish and shellfish collected from the Cochin estuary were used for isolation of E. coli. One hundred clinical E. coli isolates were collected from one public health centre, one hospital and five medical labs in and around Cochin City, Kerala. From our results it was clear that pathogen cycling is occurring through food, water and clinical sources. Pathogen cycling through food is very common and fish and shellfish that harbour these strains might pose potential health risk to consumer. Estuarine environment is a melting pot for various kinds of wastes, both organic and inorganic. Mixing up of waste water from various sources such as domestic, industries, hospitals and sewage released into these water bodies resulting in the co-existence of E. coli from various sources thus offering a conducive environment for horizontal gene transfer. Opportunistic pathogens might acquire genes for drug resistance and virulence turning them to potential pathogens. Prevalence of ExPEC in the Cochin estuary, pose threat to people who use this water for fishing and recreation. Food chain also plays an important role in the transit of virulence genes from the environments to the human. Antibiotic resistant E. coli are widespread in estuarine water, seafood and clinical samples, for reasons well known such as indiscriminate use of antibiotics in animal production systems, aquaculture and human medicine. Since the waste water from these sources entering the estuary provides selection pressure to drug resistant mutants in the environment. It is high time that the authorities concerned should put systems in place for monitoring and enforcement to curb such activities. Microbial contamination can limit people’s enjoyment of coastal waters for contact recreation or shellfish-gathering. E. coli can make people sick if they are present in high levels in water used for contact recreation or shellfish gathering. When feeding, shellfish can filter large volumes of seawater, so any microorganisms present in the water become accumulated and concentrated in the shellfish flesh. If E. coli contaminated shellfish are consumed the impact to human health includes gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and bacteraemia. In conclusion, the high prevalence of various pathogenic serotypes and phylogenetic groups, multidrug-resistance, and virulence factor genes detected among E. coli isolates from stations close to Cochin city is a matter of concern, since there is a large reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes and virulence traits within the community, and that the resistance genes and plasmid-encoded genes for virulence were easily transferable to other strains. Given the severity of the clinical manifestations of the disease in humans and the inability and/or the potential risks of antibiotic administration for treatment, it appears that the most direct and effective measure towards prevention of STEC and ExPEC infections in humans and ensuring public health may be considered as a priority.
Las practicas ancestrales de las culturas precolombinas cada día son mas validas en su aplicación actual para la medicina alternativa, orientada al bienestar y la salud, es un hecho que en los últimos años se observa un gran crecimiento de endemias de estrés que se presentan bajo determinadas circunstancias propias del sistema actual de vida urbana y actividades cotidianas, ocasionando recargas de tensión como respuesta a la supervivencia en un mundo agitado. La somatizacion del estrés se traduce en enfermedades fisiológicas, emocionales y anímicas, consideradas peligrosas y causantes de altos índices de morbilidad y mortalidad. AúA S.A.S. se crea como solución a este gran conflicto que azota a la humanidad, así se han incrementado las instalaciones de diversos Spa (Salud por agua) como establecimientos de bienestar y esparcimiento que incluyen terapias no solo físicas sino mentales y emocionales como un sistema holístico der salud. En los últimos años y gracias a las facilidades de movilidad y comunicaciones se observa un crecimiento acelerado del turismo de salud como sector de talla mundial, el cual apunta a un mayor desarrollo tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Las visitas de turistas al país en interés de realizarse procedimientos tanto estéticos como médicos, permite identificar una gran oportunidad de negocio con visión sostenible y perdurable ante un futuro prometedor. En este sentido, se presenta la instauración de un Spa con rituales ancestrales como un establecimiento de salud (turismo de salud) que preste servicios a personas tanto colombianas como extranjeras interesadas en vivir una experiencia con tratamientos de relajación (turismo de bienestar). Si bien el gobierno ha impulsado nuevas políticas encaminadas al fomento de la competitividad en Colombia, a través de sectores de talla mundial, donde el turismo de salud se presenta con un fuerte potencial de crecimiento. El Programa de Transformación Productiva, es un ejemplo de lo anteriormente expresado como estrategia para lograr el desarrollo empresarial, crecimiento económico y la generación de más y mejores empleos en Colombia. AüA S.A.S ofrece servicios únicos con tiempos óptimos para resultados efectivos de relajación y bienestar, así como espacios adecuados, inspirados en los paisajes de la sierra nevada de Santa Marta y ecosistemas de la costa Caribe, teniendo un contacto más cercano con la naturaleza y sus elementos. Además de una atención y acompañamiento personalizado y servicios gratuitos de asesorías post-venta, creando un servicio nuevo de reeducación dentro del Spa y con material de cortesía dado, donde a través de libros, artículos, publicaciones, DVD y talleres a realizar el cliente cambiara su conciencia, como componentes diferenciadores y de valor agregado, saliendo de su estado patológico y con alto cubrimiento en la satisfacción de sus necesidades, creando fidelidad al cliente para que regrese. Así, en lo posible con esta información destacada de las encuestas, dentro de la investigación de mercados realizada, se puede determinar que la participación en el mercado es del 75%. El equipo emprendedor está conformado por Rosa Marina Lozano Socarrás, estudiante de Administración de Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad del Rosario. El proyecto arroja una rentabilidad del 58,22% promedio anual. El indicador VAN, determina que el proyecto arroja 60 Millones adicionales al invertir los recursos en este proyecto que en uno que rente el 33% anual, por lo tanto se sugiere continuar con el proyecto. Teniendo el indicador del Valor Presente Neto, para su cálculo es necesario la Tasa de descuento o Tasa de Interés de Oportunidad siendo del 33%, teniendo un valor de $ 60.278.254. La metodología empleada en el trabajo de grado se denota en la guía y lineamientos establecidos por el Centro de Emprendimiento de la Universidad del Rosario. Las fuentes primarias se destaca en la información de investigación de mercados a partir de encuestas, así como análisis del sector y competidores. La información secundaria se denota en el Plan de Negocios del subsector turismo de bienestar dado a conocer por el Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo.