843 resultados para Common carrier


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En cette ère que plusieurs surnomment le « Web 2.0 », les usagers se sont emparés avec enthousiasme des fonctions liées aux communications et au partage sur Internet, ce médium devenant ainsi une nouvelle plate-forme pour les enjeux liés à la vie privée et à la réputation. La diffamation constitue justement un des problèmes prédominants constatés en lien avec ce contenu électronique, plus particulièrement lorsqu’il est question de contenu généré par les utilisateurs. Face à cet outil permettant une diffusion et une intéractivité sans précédent, comment devons-nous aborder Internet au regard des règles de droit applicables au Canada en matière de diffamation? L’analyse juridique traditionnelle sied-elle aux nouvelles réalités introduites par ce médium? Le bijuridisme canadien nous impose d’étudier parallèlement les régimes de droit civil et de common law et ce, dans une optique comparative afin de comprendre les concepts et le fonctionnement propres à chacune des approches juridiques cohabitant au pays. Cette analyse nous permettra de mettre en lumière les particularités du médium électronique qui se révèlent pertinentes lorsqu’il est question de diffamation et qui font la spécificité des situations et des acteurs en ligne, distinguant ainsi Internet des modes de communications traditionnels que le droit connaît. Cette approche comparative permet de poser un regard critique sur chacun des régimes de droit en vigueur au Canada, considérant la réalité propre à Internet et au contenu généré par les utilisateurs, mais surtout, vise à promouvoir le développement de méthodes d’analyse véritablement ancrées dans le fonctionnement du médium en cause et susceptibles d’évoluer avec celui-ci.


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Une multitude de gens, au XXe siècle, se sont servis de la psychanalyse pour se rendre compte de leurs faits et gestes. En s’appuyant ainsi sur la psychanalyse, ils démontraient la profondeur de la confiance qu’ils lui accordaient. Cette diffusion ample et profonde, qui a laissé une empreinte très marquée sur la culture contemporaine, demeure largement inexpliquée. Ce phénomène étonnant devient intelligible dès lors qu’on aborde la psychanalyse comme une grammaire de l’intériorité, qui a guidé des interactions en les médiatisant par des symboles et des significations communes (normes, valeurs, etc.) propres aux sociétés démocratiques contemporaines (celles qui se conçoivent comme émanant d’un accord entre individus). Cette pratique sociale, l’enquête psychanalytique, peut être analysée en situant dans leurs contextes d’interactions les discours dans lesquels des désirs refoulés étaient imputés à différentes conduites. L’œuvre de Freud offre un échantillon de tels discours. La description de la forme et du sens que ces imputations de désirs refoulés conféraient à différentes interactions en cours nous permet d’identifier les traits caractéristiques de l’enquête psychanalytique. Freud montre que le refoulement naît d’un conflit entre une volonté présociale refoulée et une volonté socialisée, refoulante, née des exigences inculquées par l’autorité parentale. Pour identifier un désir refoulé, il faut donc simultanément identifier une relation refoulante. L’enquête psychanalytique amène à passer en revue les différentes relations interpersonnelles et intrapersonnelles dans lesquelles est impliqué l’auteur du refoulement. Cet exercice permet de départager les relations qui contraignent la volonté intérieure présociale à des exigences sociales de celles qui, en sens inverse, émanent de cette volonté intérieure. Comme les premières suscitent le refoulement et les symptômes indésirables qu’il entraîne, la guérison du refoulement exige que le porteur du refoulement prenne ses distances des exigences sociales héritées, de manière à parvenir à reconnaître sa volonté présociale. En soupesant ainsi la contrainte exercée sur les volontés présociales par les relations particulières, l’enquête psychanalytique jaugeait ces dernières à partir d’une exigence propre aux sociétés démocratiques contemporaines : celle de fonder les relations sociales sur les volontés non contraintes des partenaires. L’enquête psychanalytique participait ainsi d’un imaginaire social moderne qui donnait, à des relations variées, la forme d’un contrat. Les contemporains qui recouraient à cette enquête manifestaient un souci de respecter cette exigence et ils suscitaient une réaction critique envers les relations qui contraignaient la volonté. En somme, l’enquête psychanalytique offrait aux contemporains une manière d’ordonner les relations qui était adaptée à une société accordant une autorité prééminente aux exigences « contractuelles ». Voilà qui explique en grande partie l’ampleur et la profondeur de la diffusion de la psychanalyse au XXe siècle.


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Injectable drug nanocarriers have greatly benefited in their clinical development from the addition of a superficial hydrophilic corona to improve their cargo pharmacokinetics. The most studied and used polymer for this purpose is poly(ethylene glycol), PEG. However, in spite of its wide use for over two decades now, there is no general consensus on the optimum PEG chain coverage-density and size required to escape from the mononuclear phagocyte system and to extend the circulation time. Moreover, cellular uptake and active targeting may have conflicting requirements in terms of surface properties of the nanocarriers which complicates even more the optimization process. These persistent issues can be largely attributed to the lack of straightforward characterization techniques to assess the coverage-density, the conformation or the thickness of a PEG layer grafted or adsorbed on a particulate drug carrier and is certainly one of the main reasons why so few clinical applications involving PEG coated particle-based drug delivery systems are under clinical trial so far. The objective of this review is to provide the reader with a brief description of the most relevant techniques used to assess qualitatively or quantitatively PEG chain coverage-density, conformation and layer thickness on polymeric nanoparticles. Emphasis has been made on polymeric particle (solid core) either made of copolymers containing PEG chains or modified after particle formation. Advantages and limitations of each technique are presented as well as methods to calculate PEG coverage-density and to investigate PEG chains conformation on the NP surface.


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The optical and carrier transport properties of amorphous transparent zinc indium tin oxide (ZITO)(a-ZITO) thin films and the characteristics of the thin-film transistors TFTs were examined as a function of chemical composition. The as-deposited films were very conductive and showed clear free carrier absorption FCA . The analysis of the FCA gave the effective mass value of 0.53 me and a momentum relaxation time of 3.9 fs for an a-ZITO film with Zn:In:Sn = 0.35:0.35:0.3. TFTs with the as-deposited channels did not show current modulation due to the high carrier density in the channels. Thermal annealing at 300°C decreased the carrier density and TFTs fabricated with the annealed channels operated with positive threshold voltages VT when Zn contents were 25 atom % or larger. VT shifted to larger negative values, and subthreshold voltage swing increased with decreasing the Zn content, while large on–off current ratios 107–108 were kept for all the Zn contents. The field effect mobilities ranged from 12.4 to 3.4 cm2 V−1 s−1 for the TFTs with Zn contents varying from 5 to 48 atom %. The role of Zn content is also discussed in relation to the carrier transport properties and amorphous structures.


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The present work is an attempt to understand the characteristics of high energy ball milling on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of some normal spinets in the ultra fine regime, Magnetism and magnetic materials have been a fascinating subject for the mankind ever since the discovery of lodestone. Since then, man has been applying this principle of magnetism to build devices for various applications. Magnetism can be classified broadly into five categories. They are diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic. Of these, ferro and ferri magnetic materials assume great commercial importance due to their unique properties like appropriate magnetic characteristics, high resistivity and low eddy current losses. The emergence of nanoscience and nanotechnology during the last decade had its impact in the field of magnetism and magnetic materials too. Now, it is common knowledge that materials synthesized in the nanoregime exhibit novel and superlative properties with respect to their coarser sized counterparts in the micron regime. These studies reveal that dielectric properties can be varied appreciably by high-energy ball milling in nanosized zinc ferrites produced by coprecipitation method. A semi conducting behaviour was observed in these materials with the Oxygen vacancies acting as the main charge carrier for conduction, which was produced at the time of coprecipitation and milling. Thus through this study, it was possible to successfully investigate the finite size effects on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of normal spinels in the ultra fine regime


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Department of Instrumentation, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Plasma polymerization is found to be an excellent technique for the preparation of good quality, pinhole-free, polymer thin films from different monomer precursors. The present work describes the preparation and characterization of polypyrrole (PPy) thin films by ac plasma polymerization technique in their pristine and in situ iodine doped forms. The electrical conductivity studies of the aluminiumpolymeraluminium (AlpolymerAl) structures have been carried out and a space charge limited conduction (SCLC) mechanism is identified as the most probable mechanism of carrier transport in these polymer films. The electrical conductivity shows an enhanced value in the iodine doped sample. The reduction of optical band gap by iodine doping is correlated with the observed conductivity results.


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Very little is known about the tolerance of the pensoid prawns in Indian waters under varying environment conditions ,except for a note on the salinityon The growth of the juvenile papacus indicus by sreekumaran nair and krishnankutty there seems to be no work on this aspect besides the oxygen consumption of metsponecus dobsoni which is a major constituent of prawn fishery in this region has not been studied so far.T he present work comprises studies on the occurrence and abudance of penacid prawnsin two major estuaries in Kerala the kayamkulam lake and cochin backwaters the salinity and tempeture tolerance the effect of salinity on the growth of three comercially important prawns of kerala namely pensecus indicus, ,metaponaeus dobsoni, M monoceros and the respiratory metabolism of M. dobsoni.


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Polystyrene beads, impregnated with mineral salts/glutamine medium as inert support, were used to produce L-glutaminase from Vibrio costicola by solid-state fermentation. Maximum enzyme yield, 88 U/g substrate, was after 36 h. Glucose at 10 g/kg enhanced the enzyme yield by 66%. The support system allowed glutaminase to be recovered with higher specific activity and lower viscosity than when a wheat-bran system was used


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The carrier transport mechanism of polyaniline (PA) thin films prepared by radio frequency plasma polymerization is described in this paper. The mechanism of electrical conduction and carrier mobility of PA thin films for different temperatures were examined using the aluminium–PA–aluminium (Al–PA–Al) structure. It is found that the mechanism of carrier transport in these thin films is space charge limited conduction. J –V studies on an asymmetric electrode configuration using indium tin oxide (ITO) as the base electrode and Al as the upper electrode (ITO–PA–Al structure) show a diode-like behaviour with a considerable rectification ratio


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Photothermal deflection technique (PTD) is a non-destructive tool for measuring the temperature distribution in and around a sample, due to various non-radiative decay processes occurring within the material. This tool was used to measure the carrier transport properties of CuInS2 and CuInSe2 thin films. Films with thickness <1 μm were prepared with different Cu/In ratios to vary the electrical properties. The surface recombination velocity was least for Cu-rich films (5×105 cm/s for CuInS2, 1×103 cm/s for CuInSe2), while stoichiometric films exhibited high mobility (0.6 cm2/V s for CuInS2, 32 cm2/V s for CuInSe2) and high minority carrier lifetime (0.35 μs for CuInS2, 12 μs for CuInSe2


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Ultrafast laser pulses have become an integral part of the toolbox of countless laboratories doing physics, chemistry, and biological research. The work presented here is motivated by a section in the ever-growing, interdisciplinary research towards understanding the fundamental workings of light-matter interactions. Specifically, attosecond pulses can be useful tools to obtain the desired insight. However access to, and the utility of, such pulses is dependent on the generation of intense, few-cycle, carrier-envelope-phase stabilized laser pulses. The presented work can be thought of as a sort of roadmap towards the latter. From the oscillator which provides the broadband seed to amplification methods, the integral pieces necessary for the generation of attosecond pulses are discussed. A range of topics from the fundamentals to design challenges is presented, outfitting the way towards the practical implementation of an intense few-cycle carrier-envelope-phase stabilized laser source.


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I have added support for predicate dispatching, a powerful generalization of other dispatching mechanisms, to the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS). To demonstrate its utility, I used predicate dispatching to enhance Weyl, a computer algebra system which doubles as a CLOS library. My result is Dispatching-Enhanced Weyl (DEW), a computer algebra system that I have demonstrated to be well suited for both users and programmers.