962 resultados para Cfd


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The aim of integrating computational mechanics (FEA and CFD) and optimization tools is to speed up dramatically the design process in different application areas concerning reliability in electronic packaging. Design engineers in the electronics manufacturing sector may use these tools to predict key design parameters and configurations (i.e. material properties, product dimensions, design at PCB level. etc) that will guarantee the required product performance. In this paper a modeling strategy coupling computational mechanics techniques with numerical optimization is presented and demonstrated with two problems. The integrated modeling framework is obtained by coupling the multi-physics analysis tool PHYSICA - with the numerical optimization package - Visua/DOC into a fuJly automated design tool for applications in electronic packaging. Thermo-mechanical simulations of solder creep deformations are presented to predict flip-chip reliability and life-time under thermal cycling. Also a thermal management design based on multi-physics analysis with coupled thermal-flow-stress modeling is discussed. The Response Surface Modeling Approach in conjunction with Design of Experiments statistical tools is demonstrated and used subsequently by the numerical optimization techniques as a part of this modeling framework. Predictions for reliable electronic assemblies are achieved in an efficient and systematic manner.


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This paper describes work carried out in the FIRE EXIT research project. FIRE EXIT aims to develop an Evacuation Simulator, capable of addressing issues of mustering, ship motions, fire and abandonment. In achieving these aims, FIRE EXIT took as its starting point the state-of-the-art in ship evacuation simulation (the maritimeEXODUS software), fire simulation (the SMARTFIRE software) and large-scale experimental facilities (the SHEBA facility). It then significantly enhanced these capabilities. A number of new technologies have been developed in achieving these objectives. The innovations include directly linking CFD fire simulation with evacuation and abandonment software and automatic data transfer from concept design software allowing rapid generation of ship simulation models. Software usability was augmented by a module for interpretation of evacuation software output. Enhancements to a ship evacuation testing rig have resulted in a unique facility, capable of providing passenger movement data for realistic evacuation scenarios and large scale tests have provided meaningful data for the evacuation simulation.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is gradually becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimization of engineering applications. However the mathematical modelling of the erratic turbulent motion remains the key issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. In order to resolve the abrupt changes in the turbulent energy and other parameters situated at near wall regions a particularly fine mesh is necessary which inevitably increases the computer storage and run-time requirements. Turbulence modelling can be considered to be one of the three key elements in CFD. Precise mathematical theories have evolved for the other two key elements, grid generation and algorithm development. The principal objective of turbulence modelling is to enhance computational procedures of efficient accuracy to reproduce the main structures of three dimensional fluid flows. The flow within an electronic system can be characterized as being in a transitional state due to the low velocities and relatively small dimensions encountered. This paper presents simulated CFD results for an investigation into the predictive capability of turbulence models when considering both fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena. Also a new two-layer hybrid kε / kl turbulence model for electronic application areas will be presented which holds the advantages of being cheap in terms of the computational mesh required and is also economical with regards to run-time.


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Compuational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used to help understand the gas flow characteristics in the wave soldering process. CFD has the ability to calculate (1) heal transfer, (2) fluid dynamics, and (3) oxygen concentration throughout the wave soldering machine. Understanding the impact of fluid dynamics on oxygen concentration is important as excessive oxygen at the solder bath can lead to high dross contents and hence poor solder joint quality on the printed circuit board. This paper describes the CFD modelling approach and illustrates its capability for a machine which has nitrogen injectors near the solder bath. Different magnitiutes of nitrogen flow rates are investigated and it is demonstrated how these effect the oxygen concentration at the bath surface.


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The pseudo-spectral solution method offers a flexible and fast alternative to the more usual finite element/volume/difference methods, particularly when the long-time transient behaviour of a system is of interest. Since the exact solution is obtained at the grid collocation points superior accuracy can be achieved on modest grid resolution. Furthermore, the grid can be freely adapted with time and in space, to particular flow conditions or geometric variations. This is especially advantageous where strongly coupled, time-dependent, multi-physics solutions are investigated. Examples include metallurgical applications involving the interaction of electromagnetic fields and conducting liquids with a free sutface. The electromagnetic field then determines the instantaneous liquid volume shape and the liquid shape affects in turn the electromagnetic field. In AC applications a thin "skin effect" region results on the free surface that dominates grid requirements. Infinitesimally thin boundary cells can be introduced using Chebyshev polynomial expansions without detriment to the numerical accuracy. This paper presents a general methodology of the pseudo-spectral approach and outlines the solution procedures used. Several instructive example applications are given: the aluminium electrolysis MHD problem, induction melting and stirring and the dynamics of magnetically levitated droplets in AC and DC fields. Comparisons to available analytical solutions and to experimental measurements will be discussed.


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Heat is extracted away from an electronic package by convection, conduction, and/or radiation. The amount of heat extracted by forced convection using air is highly dependent on the characteristics of the airflow around the package which includes its velocity and direction. Turbulence in the air is also important and is required to be modeled accurately in thermal design codes that use computational fluid dynamics (CFD). During air cooling the flow can be classified as laminar, transitional, or turbulent. In electronics systems, the flow around the packages is usually in the transition region, which lies between laminar and turbulent flow. This requires a low-Reynolds number numerical model to fully capture the impact of turbulence on the fluid flow calculations. This paper provides comparisons between a number of turbulence models with experimental data. These models included the distance from the nearest wall and the local velocity (LVEL), Wolfshtein, Norris and Reynolds, k-ε, k-ω, shear-stress transport (SST), and kε/kl models. Results show that in terms of the fluid flow calculations most of the models capture the difficult wake recirculation region behind the package reasonably well, although for packages whose heights cause a high degree of recirculation behind the package the SST model appears to struggle. The paper also demonstrates the sensitivity of the models to changes in the mesh density; this study is aimed specifically at thermal design engineers as mesh independent simulations are rarely conducted in an industrial environment.


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The growth of computer power allows the solution of complex problems related to compressible flow, which is an important class of problems in modern day CFD. Over the last 15 years or so, many review works on CFD have been published. This book concerns both mathematical and numerical methods for compressible flow. In particular, it provides a clear cut introduction as well as in depth treatment of modern numerical methods in CFD. This book is organised in two parts. The first part consists of Chapters 1 and 2, and is mainly devoted to theoretical discussions and results. Chapter 1 concerns fundamental physical concepts and theoretical results in gas dynamics. Chapter 2 describes the basic mathematical theory of compressible flow using the inviscid Euler equations and the viscous Navier–Stokes equations. Existence and uniqueness results are also included. The second part consists of modern numerical methods for the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations. Chapter 3 is devoted entirely to the finite volume method for the numerical solution of the Euler equations and covers fundamental concepts such as order of numerical schemes, stability and high-order schemes. The finite volume method is illustrated for 1-D as well as multidimensional Euler equations. Chapter 4 covers the theory of the finite element method and its application to compressible flow. A section is devoted to the combined finite volume–finite element method, and its background theory is also included. Throughout the book numerous examples have been included to demonstrate the numerical methods. The book provides a good insight into the numerical schemes, theoretical analysis, and validation of test problems. It is a very useful reference for applied mathematicians, numerical analysts, and practice engineers. It is also an important reference for postgraduate researchers in the field of scientific computing and CFD.


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The cold crucible, or induction skull melting process as is otherwise known, has the potential to produce high purity melts of a range of difficult to melt materials, including Ti–Al and Ti6Al4V alloys for Aerospace, Ti–Ta and other biocompatible materials for surgical implants, silicon for photovoltaic and electronic applications, etc. A water cooled AC coil surrounds the crucible causing induction currents to melt the alloy and partially suspend it against gravity away from water-cooled surfaces. Strong stirring takes place in the melt due to the induced electromagnetic Lorentz forces and very high temperatures are attainable under the right conditions (i.e., provided contact with water cooled walls is minimised). In a joint numerical and experimental research programme, various aspects of the design and operation of this process are investigated to increase our understanding of the physical mechanisms involved and to maximise process efficiency. A combination of FV and Spectral CFD techniques are used at Greenwich to tackle this problem numerically, with the experimental work taking place at Birmingham University. Results of this study, presented here, highlight the influence of turbulence and free surface behaviour on attained superheat and also discuss coil design variations and dual frequency options that may lead to winning crucible designs.


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Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software technology has formed the basis of many investigations into the behavior and optimization of primary iron and steelmaking processes for the last 25+ years. The objective of this contribution is to review the progress in CFD technologies over the last decade or so and how this can be brought to bear in advancing the process analysis capability of primary ferrous operations. In particular, progress on key challenges such as compute performance, fluid-structure transformation and interaction, and increasingly complex geometries are highlighted.


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Unstructured grid meshes used in most commercial CFD codes inevitably adopt collocated variable solution schemes. These schemes have several shortcomings, mainly due to the interpolation of the pressure gradient, that lead to slow convergence. In this publication we show how it is possible to use a much more stable staggered mesh arrangement in an unstructured code. Several alternative groupings of variables are investigated in a search for the optimum scheme.


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A multi-phase framework is typically required for the CFD modelling of metals reduction processes. Such processes typically involve the interaction of liquid metals, a gas (often air) top space, liquid droplets in the top space and injection of both solid particles and gaseous bubbles into the bath. The exchange of mass, momentum and energy between the phases is fundamental to these processes. Multi-phase algorithms are complex and can be unreliable in terms of either or both convergence behaviour or in the extent to which the physics is captured. In this contribution, we discuss these multi-phase flow issues and describe an example of each of the main “single phase” approaches to modelling this class of problems (i.e., Eulerian–Lagrangian and Eulerian–Eulerian). Their utility is illustrated in the context of two problems – one involving the injection of sparging gases into a steel continuous slab caster and the other based on the development of a novel process for aluminium electrolysis. In the steel caster, the coupling of the Lagrangian tracking of the gas phase with the continuum enables the simulation of the transient motion of the metal–flux interface. The model of the electrolysis process employs a novel method for the calculation of slip velocities of oxygen bubbles, resulting from the dissolution of alumina, which allows the efficiency of the process to be predicted.


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In this paper, the application of a continuum model is presented, which deals with the discharge of multi-component granular mixtures in core flow mode. The full model description is given (including the constitutive models for the segregation mechanism) and the interactions between particles at the microscopic level are parametrised in order to predict the development of stagnant zone boundaries during core flow discharges. Finally, the model is applied to a real industrial problem and predictions are made for the segregation patterns developed during mixture discharge in core flow mode.


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The waves in commercial cells for electrolytic aluminium production originate at the interface between the liquid aluminium and electrolyte, but their effect can spread into the surrounding busbar network as electric current perturbation, and the total magnetic field acquires a time dependent component. The presented model for the wave development accounts for the nonuniform electric current distribution at the cathode and the whole network of the surrounding busbars. The magnetic field is computed for the continuous current in the fluid zones, all busbars and the ferromagnetic construction elements. When the electric current and the associated magnetic field are computed according to the actual electrical circuit and updated for all times, the instability growth rate is significantly affected. The presented numerical model for the wave and electromagnetic interaction demonstrates how different physical coupling factors are affecting the wave development in the electrolysis cells. These small amplitude self-sustained interface oscillations are damped in the presence of intense turbulent viscosity created by the horizontal circulation velocity field. Additionally, the horizontal circulation vortices create a pressure gradient contributing to the deformation of the interface. Instructive examples for the 500 kA demonstration cell are presented.


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A practical CFD method is presented in this study to predict the generation of toxic gases in enclosure fires. The model makes use of local combustion conditions to determine the yield of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbon, soot and oxygen. The local conditions used in the determination of these species are the local equivalence ratio (LER) and the local temperature. The heat released from combustion is calculated using the volumetric heat source model or the eddy dissipation model (EDM). The model is then used to simulate a range of reduced-scale and full-scale fire experiments. The model predictions for most of the predicted species are then shown to be in good agreement with the test results


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The generation and near-field radiation of aerodynamic sound from a low-speed unsteady flow over a two-dimensional automobile door cavity is simulated by using a source-extraction-based coupling method. In the coupling procedure, the unsteady cavity flow field is first computed solving the Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations. The radiated sound is then calculated by using a set of acoustic perturbation equations with acoustic source terms which are extracted from the time-dependent solutions of the unsteady flow. The aerodynamic and its resulting acoustic field are computed for the Reynolds number of 53,266 based on the base length of the cavity. The free stream flow velocity is taken to be 50.9m/s. As first stage of the numerical investigation of flow-induced cavity noise, laminar flow is assumed. The CFD solver is based on a cell-centered finite volume method. A dispersion-relation-preserving (DRP), optimized, fourth-order finite difference scheme with fully staggered-grid implementation is used in the acoustic solver