926 resultados para Ceremonial entries
One leaf containing a description by Croswell of nearly being run over by a carriage. The document is undated, but the date can be inferred from other diary entries in the collection.
This six-page undated list contains volume titles and estimates for the cost of binding them. The list is undated, but one of the first entries contains the note, "from the year 1774 to the present time [1801]."
This diary, which John Henry Tudor titled A Registry of College Adventures, documents his life as a student at Harvard College. The entries describe his daily activities and notable events, including trips to the theater, hunting outings to "shoot Robbins," adventures with other students in local taverns, visits with his family in Boston and at the family estate, Rockwood, and the illumination of Cambridge in honor of George Washington's birthday. Tudor created and recorded a humorous classology, describing his peers at Harvard in a sometimes scathing manner, and also recorded information about those obliged to leave the College, usually following pranks or other unacceptable behavior. He also recounts his own involvement in pranks and other antics, which he believed to be the only antidote to the dullness of college life, and in one entry he describes an evening when he and several friends "disguised [them]selves like Negroes" and wandered into scholars' rooms without detection. Tudor was a member of the Hasty Pudding Club and the Porcellian Club ("the Pig club") while at Harvard and describes club meetings in several entries. There are also more reflective and personal entries, describing Tudor's feelings about his aging grandmother, his brother William's departure for Holland, and his desire for a "wife who shall make [him] happy[,] an affectionate dog [and] a farm & garden."
The leather-bound volume contains accounts for the Classes of 1650-1663 and Fellows. Many of the student bills were settled with payment in kind, often in the form of grain, apples, or livestock. The Steward's accounts with the College from 1656-1659 were entered on pages 295-303 and listed as "The steward is Creditor" and "The steward is Debitor." Credit entries include food, fuel, corn, and wages; debit entries list purchases and often identify the sellers.
The parchment-bound hardcover folio volume contains the Steward's accounts with the College from March 20, 1712/13 through August 9, 1745. The accounts are arranged as Harvard College's debits to the Steward with entries listing the Steward's expenses for students, salaries, and provisions and equipment, and the Steward's credits collected from the quarterly bills, arranged by type of charge (such as study rent, payments from the Butler, and repairs).
The thin paper-covered notebook contains the Steward's accounts with Harvard College kept by Steward Andrew Bordman II from 1719-1722. Arranged by quarters, the entries list money collected by the Steward from students, and money paid for food supplies, household provisions, the Butler's salary, and for services provided to the College.
The leather bound folio account book kept by Steward Caleb Gannett contains accounts for members of the Classes of 1795-1804, as well as accounts for President Joseph Willard, Tutors, Fellows, and Faculty. The volume also contains the Steward's accounts with the Harvard Treasurer, as well as his "Cash" accounting. The volume does not have the detailed transaction descriptions found in earlier ledgers; both Credit and Debit entries are described as being paid by, or being owed to, cash, balance, sundry accounts, or the Treasury.
The large leather-bound volume contains a final monthly accounting of Steward Gannett's financial transactions from December 1795 through September 1804. The journal records four types of transactions: "Sundry accounts dr to Treasury," "Cash dr to sundry accounts," "Treasury dr to sundry accounts," and Treasury Dr to Treasury orders." The pages are arranged into columns for account numbers, transaction descriptions, and associated amounts. The entries reflect the movement of funds between the Steward's cash and sundry accounts and the Treasury. Transaction descriptions include student names and amounts based on quarterly bills, specific scholarship and salary allocations, and the names of individuals paid for services, from wood suppliers to medical instructors.
One-page handwritten unidentified accounting with entries between August 1781 and August 1790 following the format: date, weeks, rate, and total. The first entry reads: "Aug. 28 1781 ... 761 weeks ... @ 3/6 ... 133.3.6."
This paper notebook contains undated and unattributed handwritten summaries and notes from published texts on world history, religion, and natural history, and was presumably kept by William Sever. The first page notes the death of poet Alexander Pope in 1744, constituting the latest date referenced in the notebook. The entries are typically short and offer condensed information on subjects including the histories of England, Japan and Siam; early Christian history; and natural religion.
This paper notebook contains abstracts of sermons attended between January 12, 1745/6 and November 15, 1747 in Kingston, Massachusetts, presumably by William Sever. The notebook lists the minister by last name, the location ("King." for Kingston), the date the sermon was delivered, the biblical passage used, and one-to-two-page entries on the sermon containing numbered notes and a section titled "Improvements and Applications." From the front of the volume, the pages contain entries for sermons attended between January 12 1745/6 through November 30, 1746, and there are no entries for June-September 1746. Sermon entries for December 7, 1746 to November 15, 1747 are written tête-bêche from the other end of the volume, and there are no entries for February-July 1747. Almost all of the sermons were delivered by Rev. William Rand, but there are sporadic sermons by additional ministers, who based on the last name are presumed to be John Angier (1701-1787; Harvard AB 1720), Ebenezer Gay (1696-1787; Harvard AB 1714), Nathaniel Eells (1678-1750; Harvard AB 1699), Josiah Torrey (1720-1783; Harvard AB 1741) and Daniel Shute (1722-1802; Harvard AB 1743).
Handwritten copy of the College laws used by Harvard presidents Charles Chauncy and Leonard Hoar, in a modern hardcover binding. The last six pages of the volume contain additional entries through 1672, some in the hand of President Chauncy. One entry details the 1666 expulsion of Harvard students Mason, Hubbard, and Wintrop for the hanging of "Goodma Sells doge upon the signe post."
Sewn volume detailing the hours worked possibly by a carpenter or mason during the construction of University Hall. In addition to time worked, daily entries log the workmen employed on the project and the tasks completed in each room of University Hall. The back cover has several small drawings and illustrations inscribed with the year 1816.
This paper-bound index was created by Benjamin Wadsworth, probably around 1736. Although most entries are in his hand, additional entries have been made in other, unidentified hands. It is arranged alphabetically, though the keywords used to alphabetize topics are not always logical or intuitive. Each entry lists the College Book and page number where information on the given topic can be found.
Folders 1 and 2 contain two manuscript copies of the same journal; these copies are not identical, but instead reveal Kirkland's revisions and additions as he rewrote some journal entries.