954 resultados para Causal attributions


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Este estudo tem como principal objetivo analisar a relação causal entre um conjunto de variáveis de política monetária e o mercado acionário brasileiro, representado pelo Ibovespa, e para tal utilizará o procedimento de Bernanke (1986). Buscou-se analisar o efeito dos choques inesperados nas variáveis de política monetária, além de analisar o poder explanatório de cada uma das variáveis do modelo sobre o Ibovespa. Os resultados obtidos deixam claro que as taxas de juros de curto e longo prazo e a taxa de câmbio impactam contemporaneamente o Ibovespa. Contudo, a maior sensibilidade do índice está na taxa de câmbio, mostrando a importância exercida pelo câmbio no mercado acionário brasileiro. Uma depreciação inesperada no câmbio da ordem de 10% impacta negativamente o Ibovespa em 11,6%. Como na função impulso resposta, o câmbio é a variável que tem o maior poder explanatório.


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A atmosfera de uma loja é capaz de provocar emoções e comportamentos que estimulam a compra. Entre as suas dimensões, está o aroma ambiental, adicionado artificialmente ao ambiente. Este artigo investiga a relação entre a presença de aroma ambiental no varejo e as avaliações de loja, ambiente de loja e produtos, além das intenções comportamentais relativas ao retorno e ao tempo gasto na loja. A pesquisa teve uma etapa exploratória, exame de publicações em fisiologia, psicologia e comportamento do consumidor, para construção do referencial teórico e formulação das hipóteses, e outra causal, quase experimento, para identificar as relações de causa e efeito na presença de aroma. O estudo foi conduzido em uma butique de frutos do mar, e os instrumentos de coleta de dados, escalas de diferencial semântico, basearam-se em pesquisas similares. As análises incluíram técnicas de estatística descritiva e teste de hipóteses. Os resultados revelaram que a presença de aroma ambiental não aumentou as avaliações nem a intenção de retorno, mas reteve o consumidor por mais tempo na loja.


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El principal objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar una escala de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial válida y fiable desarrollada desde el punto de vista del consumidor. A partir de aquí, se plantea un análisis causal que tiene como finalidad identificar aquellas actuaciones que provocan una respuesta por parte del mercado. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán informar a las empresas sobre las prácticas en materia de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial que tienen un efecto positivo sobre la actitud del consumidor hacia la empresa y su intención futura de compra.


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This paper shows the results of the empirical study conducted in 186 tourist accommodation businesses in Spain certified under the "Q for Tourist Quality", own System Quality Management. It was raised with the purpose of analyzing the structure of the relationship between critical quality factors and results-social impact, how they operate and the level of their influence on obtaining these results within the company. Starting from a deep theoretical revision we propose a theoretical model together with the hypotheses to be tested, and we proceed to validation using the technique of Structural Equation Models. The results obtained show that companies wishing to improve their social impact should take into account that leadership is the most important factor to achieve it. Leadership indirectly affects the social impact through its influence on alliances and resources, quality policy/planning, personnel management and learning.


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This study aims to be a contribution to a theoretical model that explains the effectiveness of the learning and decision-making processes by means of a feedback and mental models perspective. With appropriate mental models, managers should be able to improve their capacity to deal with dynamically complex contexts, in order to achieve long-term success. We present a set of hypotheses about the influence of feedback information and systems thinking facilitation on mental models and management performance. We explore, under controlled conditions, the role of mental models in terms of structure and behaviour. A test based on a simulation experiment with a system dynamics model was performed. Three out of the four hypotheses were confirmed. Causal diagramming positively influences mental model structure similarity, mental model structure similarity positively influences mental model behaviour similarity, and mental model behaviour similarity positively influences the quality of the decision.


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O Balanced Scorecard (BSC) tem vindo a revelar-se um conceito popular como ferramenta de suporte à descrição e implementação da estratégia organizacional. Esta abordagem propõe que os gestores se foquem no desenvolvimento e utilização dum número reduzido de indicadores críticos de desempenho, financeiros e não financeiros, que combinam diferentes disciplinas e perspectivas da organização e que estão articulados numa cadeia causal que explica de forma consistente o desempenho futuro de acordo com a estratégia formulada. Contudo, diversas dúvidas e críticas tem emergido relativamente à qualidade do processo de desenvolvimento do BSC e que colocam em causa a consistência e a validade da estrutura de indicadores que constitui o instrumento fundamental para o controlo da implementação da estratégia. Com o propósito de ultrapassar estes problemas, uma abordagem baseada na modelação e simulação dinâmica (dinâmica de sistemas) é proposta como suporte ao processo de desenvolvimento do BSC. Esta abordagem permite acelerar e melhorar a aprendizagem dos gestores acerca do processo de criação futura de valor que está associado à estratégia formulada e respectiva implementação, contribuindo assim para a validade e consistência da estrutura de indicadores do BSC.


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This study aims to be a contribution to a theoretical model that explains the effectiveness of the learning and decision-making processes by means of a feedback and mental models perspective. With appropriate mental models, managers should be able to improve their capacity to deal with dynamically complex contexts, in order to achieve long-term success. We present a set of hypotheses about the influence of feedback information and systems thinking facilitation on mental models and management performance. We explore, under controlled conditions, the role of mental models in terms of structure and behaviour. A test based on a simulation experiment with a system dynamics model was performed. Three out of the four hypotheses were confirmed. Causal diagramming positively influences mental model structure similarity, mental model structure similarity positively influences mental model behaviour similarity, and mental model behaviour similarity positively influences the quality of the decision


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O Balanced Scorecard (BSC) tem vindo a revelar-se um conceito popular como ferramenta de suporte à descrição e implementação da estratégia organizacional. Esta abordagem propõe que os gestores se foquem no desenvolvimento e utilização dum número reduzido de indicadores críticos de desempenho, financeiros e não financeiros, que combinam diferentes disciplinas e perspectivas da organização e que estão articulados numa cadeia causal que explica de forma consistente o desempenho futuro de acordo com a estratégia formulada. Contudo, diversas dúvidas e críticas tem emergido relativamente à qualidade do processo de desenvolvimento do BSC e que colocam em causa a consistência e a validade da estrutura de indicadores que constitui o instrumento fundamental para o controlo da implementação da estratégia. Com o propósito de ultrapassar estes problemas, uma abordagem baseada na modelação e simulação dinâmica (dinâmica de sistemas) é proposta como suporte ao processo de desenvolvimento do BSC. Esta abordagem permite acelerar e melhorar a aprendizagem dos gestores acerca do processo de criação futura de valor que está associado à estratégia formulada e respectiva implementação, contribuindo assim para a validade e consistência da estrutura de indicadores do BSC.


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Dez milhões de crianças brasileiras deveriam frequentar creches, mas apenas 21% delas estão regularmente matriculadas. O problema da falta de vagas em creches foi o cenário escolhido para evidenciar a utilidade do artefato proposto: procedimentos para análise de problemas complexos, composto pela aplicação integrada entre mapa causal e matriz de loops, duas técnicas associadas aos estudos de padrões de cognição nas organizações. O artefato proposto foi testado junto a três municípios brasileiros, segundo os preceitos da abordagem design science. Causas e associações intercausais foram identificadas e priorizadas pela técnica de mapa causal e, posteriormente, interdependências entre causas foram analisadas pela técnica matriz de loops, o que alterou a priorização inicial. Evidenciou-se que para problemas complexos é fundamental identificar e analisar os loops entre loops de amplificação de desvio (loops "explosivos"). Outro resultado a destacar é a melhor compreensão de um problema complexo e socialmente relevante.


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Foi feito estudo epidemiológico retrospectivo descritivo de mortalidade por suicídio no município de São Paulo, Brasil, baseado nos dados oficiais. Foram estudadas as tendências de alguns caracteres epidemiológicos dessa causa de morte nos anos de 1959 a 1968: causas exógena, distribuição cronológica, distribuição causal e distribuição por sexo e idade.


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This article was written by a Swiss-German historical demographer after having visited different Brazilian Universities in 1984 as a guest-professor. It aims at promoting a real dialog between developed and developing countries, commencing the discussion with the question: Can we learn from each other? An affirmative answer is given, but not in the superficial manner in which the discussion partners simply want to give each other some "good advice" or in which the one declares his country's own development to be the solely valid standard. Three points are emphasized: 1. Using infant mortality in S. Paulo from 1908 to 1983 as an example, it is shown that Brazil has at its disposal excellent, highly varied research literature that is unjustifiably unknown to us (in Europe) for the most part. Brazil by no means needs our tutoring lessons as regards the causal relationships; rather, we could learn two things from Brazil about this. For one, it becomes clear that our almost exclusively medical-biological view is inappropriate for passing a judgment on the present-day problems in Brazil and that any conclusions so derived are thus only transferable to a limited extent. For another, we need to reinterpret the history of infant mortality in our own countries up to the past few decades in a much more encompassing "Brazilian" sense. 2. A fruitful dialog can only take place if both partners frankly present their problems. For this reason, the article refers with much emprasis to our present problems in dealing with death and dying - problems arising near the end of the demographic and epidemiologic transitions: the superanuation of the population, chronic-incurable illnesses as the main causes of death, the manifold dependencies of more and more elderly and really old people at the end of a long life. Brazil seems to be catching up to us in this and will be confronted with these problems sooner or later. A far-sighted discussion already at this time seems thus to be useful. 3. The article, however, does not want to conclude with the rather depressing state of affairs of problems alternatingly superseding each other. Despite the caution which definitely has a place when prognoses are being made on the basis of extrapolations from historical findings, the foreseeable development especially of the epidemiologic transition in the direction of a rectangular survival curve does nevertheless provide good reason for being rather optimistic towards the future: first in regards to the development in our own countries, but then - assuming that the present similar tendencies of development are stuck to - also in regard to Brazil.


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The profile of 247 patients with erythroderma during a 23 year period from January, 1962 through March, 1985, with a follow-up period ranging from 1 to 26 years were analysed. The patients presented with diffuse erythema, scaling and pruritus of more than 2 months' duration, and the age ranged from 16 to 60 years. Psoriasis was the most frequent underlying disease with an estimated frequency of 44.9%, the reaction to the use of drugs appeared in 7.3% of total cases and association with reticulosis showed a frequency of 4.1%. The cause of the erythroderma could not be determined in 29.2% of the cases. Sex differences in terms of underlying diseases were not observed. One or more skin biopsies along with the clinical findings were diagnostic or suggestive of the underlying disease in 63.6% of the cases. Repeated skin biopsies are recommended as the best method for etiologic diagnosis of erythroderma. At P=0.05 significance level, masculine/feminine ratio of 2 : 1 was found. The question arises wether causal agent of erythroderma may not be somehow related to different exposure by sex to environmental antigens.


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The rise in ischemic heart disease(IHD) mortality occurring mostly during the first half of the 20th century is usually associated with economic development and its consequences for people's lifestyles. On the basis of historical evidence, it is postulated that a previous IHD epidemic cycle may have occurred in England and Wales towards the turn of the nineteenth century. The implications of this on causal theories and current etiological research on atherosclerosis are discussed.


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Since collaborative networked organisations are usually formed by independent and heterogeneous entities, it is natural that each member holds his own set of values, and that conflicts among partners might emerge because of some misalignment of values. In contrast, it is often stated in literature that the alignment between the value systems of members involved in collaborative processes is a prerequisite for successful co-working. As a result, the issue of core value alignment in collaborative networks started to attract attention. However, methods to analyse such alignment are lacking mainly because the concept of 'alignment' in this context is still ill defined and shows a multifaceted nature. As a contribution to the area, this article introduces an approach based on causal models and graph theory for the analysis of core value alignment in collaborative networks. The potential application of the approach is then discussed in the virtual organisations' breeding environment context.


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Collaborative networks are typically formed by heterogeneous and autonomous entities, and thus it is natural that each member has its own set of core-values. Since these values somehow drive the behaviour of the involved entities, the ability to quickly identify partners with compatible or common core-values represents an important element for the success of collaborative networks. However, tools to assess or measure the level of alignment of core-values are lacking. Since the concept of 'alignment' in this context is still ill-defined and shows a multifaceted nature, three perspectives are discussed. The first one uses a causal maps approach in order to capture, structure, and represent the influence relationships among core-values. This representation provides the basis to measure the alignment in terms of the structural similarity and influence among value systems. The second perspective considers the compatibility and incompatibility among core-values in order to define the alignment level. Under this perspective we propose a fuzzy inference system to estimate the alignment level, since this approach allows dealing with variables that are vaguely defined, and whose inter-relationships are difficult to define. Another advantage provided by this method is the possibility to incorporate expert human judgment in the definition of the alignment level. The last perspective uses a belief Bayesian network method, and was selected in order to assess the alignment level based on members' past behaviour. An example of application is presented where the details of each method are discussed.