964 resultados para Cardiovascular System.


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The paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus (PVN) is a well known site of integration for autonomic and cardiovascular responses, and the glutamate neurotransmitter plays an important role. The aim of our study was to evaluate the cardiovascular parameters and autonomic modulation by means of spectral analysis after ionotropic glutamate receptor inhibition in the PVN in conscious sedentary (S) or swimming trained (ST) rats. After exercise training protocol, adult male Wistar rats, instrumented with guide cannulae to PVN and artery and vein catheters were submitted to mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) recording. At baseline, physical training induced a resting bradycardia (S: 379 +/- 3, ST: 349 +/- 2 bpm, P<0.05) and promoted adaptations in HRV characterized by an increase of HF in normalized values and a decrease of LF in absolute and normalized units compared with the sedentary group. Microinjection of kynurenic acid (KYNA) in the PVN of sedentary and trained rats promoted decreases in MAP and HR, but the decrease in HR was smaller in the trained animals (Delta HRS: -48 +/- 7, ST: -28 +/- 4 bpm, P<0.05). Furthermore, the differences in baseline parameters of pulse interval, found between sedentary and trained animals, disappeared after KYNA microinjection in the PVN. Our data suggest that the cardiovascular and autonomic adaptations to the heart induced by exercise training may involve glutamatergic mechanisms in the PVN. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: We investigated whether 9p21 polymorphisms are associated with cardiovascular events in a group of 611 patients enrolled in the Medical, Angioplasty or Surgery Study II (MASS II), a randomized trial comparing treatments for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and preserved left ventricular function. Methods: The participants of the MASS II were genotyped for 9p21 polymorphisms (rs10757274, rs2383206, rs10757278 and rs1333049). Survival curves were calculated with the Kaplan-Meier method and compared with the log-rank statistic. We assessed the relationship between baseline variables and the composite end-point of death, death from cardiac causes and myocardial infarction using a Cox proportional hazards survival model. Results: We observed significant differences between patients within each polymorphism genotype group for baseline characteristics. The frequency of diabetes was lower in patients carrying GG genotype for rs10757274, rs2383206 and rs10757278 (29.4%, 32.8%, 32.0%) compared to patients carrying AA or AG genotypes (49.1% and 39.2%, p = 0.01; 52.4% and 40.1%, p = 0.01; 47.8% and 37.9%, p = 0.04; respectively). Significant differences in genotype frequencies between double and triple vessel disease patients were observed for the rs10757274, rs10757278 and rs1333049. Finally, there was a higher incidence of overall mortality in patients with the GG genotype for rs2383206 compared to patients with AA and AG genotypes (19.5%, 11.9%, 11.0%, respectively; p = 0.04). Moreover, the rs2383206 was still significantly associated with a 1.75-fold increased risk of overall mortality (p = 0.02) even after adjustment of a Cox multivariate model for age, previous myocardial infarction, diabetes, smoking and type of coronary anatomy. Conclusions: Our data are in accordance to previous evidence that chromosome 9p21 genetic variation may constitute a genetic modulator in the cardiovascular system in different scenarios. In patients with established CAD, we observed an association between the rs2383206 and higher incidence of overall mortality and death from cardiac causes in patients with multi-vessel CAD.


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The lateral septal area (LSA) is a limbic structure involved in autonomic, neuroendocrine and behavioural responses. An inhibitory influence of the LSA on baroreflex activity has been reported; however, the local neurotransmitter involved in this modulation is still unclear. In the present study, we verified the involvement of local LSA adrenoceptors in modulating cardiac baroreflex activity in unanaesthetized rats. Bilateral microinjection of the selective a1-adrenoceptor antagonist WB4101 (10 nmol in a volume of 100 nl) into the LSA decreased baroreflex bradycardia evoked by blood pressure increases, but had no effect on reflex tachycardia evoked by blood pressure decreases. Nevertheless, bilateral administration of the selective a2-adrenoceptor antagonist RX821002 (10 nmol in 100 nl) increased baroreflex tachycardia without affecting reflex bradycardia. Treatment of the LSA with a cocktail containing WB4101 and RX821002 decreased baroreflex bradycardia and increased reflex tachycardia. The non-selective beta-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol (10 nmol in 100 nl) did not affect either reflex bradycardia or tachycardia. Microinjection of noradrenaline into the LSA increased reflex bradycardia and decreased the baroreflex tachycardic response, an opposite effect compared with those observed after double blockade of a1- and a2-adrenoceptors, and this effect of noradrenaline was blocked by local LSA pretreatment with the cocktail containing WB4101 and RX821002. The present results provide advances in our understanding of the baroreflex neural circuitry. Taken together, data suggest that local LSA a1- and a2-adrenoceptors modulate baroreflex control of heart rate differently. Data indicate that LSA a1-adrenoceptors exert a facilitatory modulation on baroreflex bradycardia, whereas local a2-adrenoceptors exert an inhibitory modulation on reflex tachycardia.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is a limbic structure that is involved in the expression of conditioned contextual fear. Among the numerous neural inputs to the BNST, noradrenergic synaptic terminals are prominent and some evidence suggests an activation of this noradrenergic neurotransmission in the BNST during aversive situations. Here, we have investigated the involvement of the BNST noradrenergic system in the modulation of behavioural and autonomic responses induced by conditioned contextual fear in rats. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH Male Wistar rats with cannulae bilaterally implanted into the BNST were submitted to a 10 min conditioning session (6 footshocks, 1.5 ma/ 3 s). Twenty-four hours later freezing and autonomic responses (mean arterial pressure, heart rate and cutaneous temperature) to the conditioning box were measured for 10 min. The adrenoceptor antagonists were administered 10 min before the re-exposure to the aversive context. KEY RESULTS L-propranolol, a non-selective beta-adrenoceptor antagonist, and phentolamine, a non-selective a-adrenoceptor antagonist, reduced both freezing and autonomic responses induced by aversive context. Similar results were observed with CGP20712, a selective beta 1-adrenoceptor antagonist, and WB4101, a selective a1-antagonist, but not with ICI118,551, a selective beta 2-adrenoceptor antagonist or RX821002, a selective a2-antagonist. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS These findings support the idea that noradrenergic neurotransmission in the BNST via a1- and beta 1-adrenoceptors is involved in the expression of conditioned contextual fear.


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Abstract Background Evidences have showed that the incidence of arterial hypertension is greater in postmenopausal women as compared to premenopausal. Physical inactivity has been implicated as a major contributor to weight gain and abdominal obesity in postmenopausal women and the incidence of cardiovascular disease increases dramatically after menopause. Additionally, more women than men die each year of coronary heart disease and are twice as likely as men to die within the first year after a heart attack. A healthy lifestyle has been strongly associated with the regular physical activity and evidences have shown that physically active subjects have more longevity with reduction of morbidity and mortality. Nitric oxide (NO) produced by endothelial cells has been implicated in this beneficial effect with improvement of vascular relaxing and reduction in blood pressure in both laboratory animals and human. Although the effect of exercise training in the human cardiovascular system has been largely studied, the majority of these studies were predominantly conducted in men or young volunteers. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate the effects of 6 months of dynamic exercise training (ET) on blood pressure and plasma nitrate/nitrite concentration (NOx-) in hypertensive postmenopausal women. Methods Eleven volunteers were submitted to the ET consisting in 3 days a week, each session of 60 minutes during 6 months at moderate intensity (50% of heart rate reserve). Anthropometric parameters, blood pressure, NOx- concentration were measured at initial time and after ET. Results A significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure values was seen after ET which was accompanied by markedly increase of NOx- levels (basal: 10 ± 0.9; ET: 16 ± 2 μM). Total cholesterol was significantly reduced (basal: 220 ± 38 and ET: 178 ± 22 mg/dl), whereas triglycerides levels were not modified after ET (basal: 141 ± 89 and ET: 147 ± 8 mg/dl). Conclusion Our study shows that changing in lifestyle promotes reduction of arterial pressure which was accompanied by increase in nitrite/nitrate concentration. Therefore, 6-months of exercise training are an important approach in management arterial hypertension and play a protective effect in postmenopausal women.


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Background Chronic exposure to musical auditory stimulation has been reported to improve cardiac autonomic regulation. However, it is not clear if music acutely influences it in response to autonomic tests. We evaluated the acute effects of music on heart rate variability (HRV) responses to the postural change maneuver (PCM) in women. Method We evaluated 12 healthy women between 18 and 28 years old and HRV was analyzed in the time (SDNN, RMSSD, NN50 and pNN50) and frequency (LF, HF and LF/HF ratio) domains. In the control protocol, the women remained at seated rest for 10 minutes and quickly stood up within three seconds and remained standing still for 15 minutes. In the music protocol, the women remained at seated rest for 10 minutes, were exposed to music for 10 minutes and quickly stood up within three seconds and remained standing still for 15 minutes. HRV was recorded at the following time: rest, music (music protocol) 0–5, 5–10 and 10–15 min during standing. Results In the control protocol the SDNN, RMSSD and pNN50 indexes were reduced at 10–15 minutes after the volunteers stood up, while the LF (nu) index was increased at the same moment compared to seated rest. In the protocol with music, the indexes were not different from control but the RMSSD, pNN50 and LF (nu) were different from the music period. Conclusion Musical auditory stimulation attenuates the cardiac autonomic responses to the PCM.


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Revisar os artigos publicados recentemente na imprensa científica brasileira sobre o tema geral de exercício físico. Todos os artigos publicados em 2010/2011 encontrados por meio do descritor exercício foram coletados em 11 periódicos brasileiros. Eles foram filtrados manualmente de modo a excluir todos os artigos de pesquisa que não fossem originais. Foram agrupados de acordo com categorias e subcategorias de assunto. Foi elaborado um breve resumo de todos os artigos incluídos, comparando os similares entre si. As interações mais comuns referem-se a exercício e sistema cardiovascular e metabolismo e sistema locomotor, nessa ordem. O volume de pesquisa científica nesse campo é grande e de qualidade suficiente que justifica o destaque.


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Devido às suas ações anabólicas, os esteroides anabolizantes (EAs) são usados por atletas para melhorar o desempenho físico, mas seu uso vem sendo crescente também entre indivíduos que praticam atividade física como forma de lazer, com o simples objetivo de melhorar a aparência física. Os usuários de EAs fazem uso de doses suprafisiológicas, que podem levar ao aparecimento de sérios efeitos colaterais, como os prejuízos cardiovasculares, o que faz do uso indiscriminado e abusivo um importante problema de saúde publica. Com isso, a presente revisão tem como objetivo despertar o interesse dos leitores e professores de Educação Física pelo EA e os perigos, muitas vezes ocultos, associados ao uso indiscriminado dessas drogas, principalmente sobre o sistema cardiovascular.


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The cardiovascular regulation undergoes wide changes in the different states of sleepwake cycle. In particular, the relationship between spontaneous fluctuations in heart period and arterial pressure clearly shows differences between the two sleep states. In non rapid-eye-movement sleep, heart rhythm is under prevalent baroreflex control, whereas in rapid-eye-movement sleep central autonomic commands prevail (Zoccoli et al., 2001). Moreover, during rapid-eye-movement sleep the cardiovascular variables show wide fluctuations around their mean value. In particular, during rapid-eyemovement sleep, the arterial pressure shows phasic hypertensive events which are superimposed upon the tonic level of arterial pressure. These phasic increases in arterial pressure are accompanied by an increase in heart rate (Sei & Morita, 1996; Silvani et al., 2005). Thus, rapid-eye-movement sleep may represent an “autonomic stress test” for the cardiovascular system, able to unmask pathological patterns of cardiovascular regulation (Verrier et al. 2005), but this hypothesis has never been tested experimentally. The aim of this study was to investigate whether rapid-eye-movement sleep may reveal derangements in central autonomic cardiovascular control in an experimental model of essential hypertension. The study was performed in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, which represent the most widely used model of essential hypertension, and allow full control of genetic and environmental confounding factors. In particular, we analyzed the cardiovascular, electroencephalogram, and electromyogram changes associated with phasic hypertensive events during rapid-eyemovement sleep in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and in their genetic Wistar Kyoto control strain. Moreover, we studied also a group of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats made phenotypically normotensive by means of a chronic treatment with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, the Enalapril maleate, from the age of four weeks to the end of the experiment. All rats were implanted with electrodes for electroencephalographic and electromyographic recordings and with an arterial catheter for arterial pressure measurement. After six days for postoperative recovery, the rats were studied for five days, at an age of ten weeks.The study indicated that the peak of mean arterial pressure increase during the phasic hypertensive events in rapid-eye-movement sleep did not differ significantly between Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Wistar Kyoto rats, while on the other hand Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats showed a reduced increase in the frequency of theta rhythm and a reduced tachicardia with respect to Wistar Kyoto rats. The same pattern of changes in mean arterial pressure, heart period, and theta frequency was observed between Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats treated with Enalapril maleate. Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats do not differ from Wistar Kyoto rats only in terms of arterial hypertension, but also due to multiple unknown genetic differences. Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats were developed by selective breeding of Wistar Kyoto rats based only on the level of arterial pressure. However, in this process, multiple genes possibly unrelated to hypertension may have been selected together with the genetic determinants of hypertension (Carley et al., 2000). This study indicated that Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats differ from Wistar Kyoto rats, but not from Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats treated with Enalapril maleate, in terms of arterial pH and theta frequency. This feature may be due to genetic determinants unrelated to hypertension. In sharp contrast, the persistence of differences in the peak of heart period decrease and the peak of theta frequency increase during phasic hypertensive events between Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats treated with Enalapril maleate demonstrates that the observed reduction in central autonomic control of the cardiovascular system in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats is not an irreversible consequence of inherited genetic determinants. Rather, the comparison between Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats treated with Enalapril maleate indicates that the observed differences in central autonomic control are the result of the hypertension per se. This work supports the view that the study of cardiovascular regulation in sleep provides fundamental insight on the pathophysiology of hypertension, and may thus contribute to the understanding of this disease, which is a major health problem in European countries (Wolf-Maier et al., 2003) with its burden of cardiac, vascular, and renal complications.


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L'insufficienza renale cronica (CKD) è associata ad un rischio cardiovascolare più elevato rispetto alla popolazione generale: fattori come uremia, stress ossidativo, età dialitica, infiammazione, alterazioni del metabolismo minerale e presenza di calcificazioni vascolari incidono fortemente sulla morbosità e mortalità per cause cardiovascolari nel paziente uremico. Diversi studi hanno verificato il coinvolgimento dei progenitori endoteliali (EPC) nella malattia aterosclerotica ed è stato dimostrato che esprimono osteocalcina, marcatore di calcificazione. Inoltre, nella CKD è presente una disfunzione in numero e funzionalità delle EPC. Attualmente, il ruolo delle EPC nella formazione delle calcificazioni vascolari nei pazienti in dialisi non è stato ancora chiarito. Lo scopo della tesi è quello di studiare le EPC prelevate da pazienti con CKD, al fine di determinarne numero e fenotipo. È stato anche valutato l'effetto del trattamento in vitro e in vivo con calcitriolo e paracalcitolo sulle EPC, dato il deficit di vitamina D dei pazienti con CKD: il trattamento con vitamina D sembra avere effetti positivi sul sistema cardiovascolare. Sono stati valutati: numero di EPC circolanti e la relativa espressione di osteocalcina e del recettore della vitamina D; morfologia e fenotipo EPC in vitro; effetti di calcitriolo e paracalcitolo sull’espressione di osteocalcina e sui depositi di calcio. I risultati dello studio suggeriscono che il trattamento con vitamina D abbia un effetto positivo sulle EPC, aumentando il numero di EPC circolanti e normalizzandone la morfologia. Sia calcitriolo che paracalcitolo sono in grado di ridurre notevolmente l’espressione di OC, mentre solo il paracalcitolo ha un effetto significativo sulla riduzione dei depositi di calcio in coltura. In conclusione, il trattamento con vitamina D sembra ridurre il potenziale calcifico delle EPC nell’uremia, aprendo nuove strade per la gestione del rischio cardiovascolare nei pazienti affetti da CKD.


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Speeding the VO2 kinetics results in a reduction of the O2 deficit. Two factors might determine VO2 kinetics: oxygen delivery to muscle (Tschakovsky and Hughson 1999) and a muscle 'metabolic inertia' (Grassi et al. 1996). Therefore, in study 1 we investigated VO2 kinetics and cardiovascular system adaptations during step exercise transitions in different regions of the moderate domain. In study 2 we investigated muscle oxygenation and cardio-pulmonary adaptations during step exercise tests before, after and over a period of training. Study 1 methods: Seven subjects (26 ± 8 yr; 176 ± 5 cm; 69 ± 6 kg) performed 4 types of step transition from rest (0-50W; 0-100W) or elevate baseline (25-75W; 25-125W). GET and VO2max were assessed before testing. O2 uptake and were measured during testing. Study 2 methods: 10 subjects (25 ± 4 yr; 175 ± 9 cm; 71 ± 12 kg) performed a step transition test (0 to 100 W) before, after and during 4 weeks of endurance training (ET). VO2max and GET were assessed before and after of ET (40 minutes, 3 times a week, 60% O2max). VO2 uptake, Q and deoxyheamoglobin were measured during testing. Study 1 results: VO2 τ and the functional gain were slower in the upper regions of the moderate domain. Q increased more abruptly during rest to work condition. Q τ was faster than VO2 τ for each exercise step. Study 2 results: VO2 τ became faster after ET (25%) and particularly after 1 training session (4%). Q kinetics changed after 4 training sessions nevertheless it was always faster than VO2 τ. An attenuation in ∆[HHb] /∆VO2 was detectible. Conclusion: these investigations suggest that muscle fibres recruitment exerts a influence on the VO2 response within the moderate domain either during different forms of step transition or following ET.


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Acute psychological stress can produce significant hemoconcentration as well as prothrombotic changes in blood, both of which may have potentially harmful effects on the cardiovascular system. It is unclear whether these effects are independent or have influence on each other.


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PRINCIPALS: Most people enjoy sexual intercourse without complications, but a significant, if small, number need to seek emergency medical help for related health problems. The true incidence of these problems is not known. We therefore assessed all admissions to our emergency department (ED) in direct relation to sexual intercourse. METHODS: All data were collected prospectively and entered into the ED's centralised electronic patient record database (Qualicare, Switzerland) and retrospectively analysed. The database was scanned for the standardised key words: 'sexual intercourse' (German 'Geschlechtsverkehr') or 'coitus' (German 'Koitus'). RESULTS: A total of 445 patients were available for further evaluation; 308 (69.0%) were male, 137 (31.0%) were female. The median age was 32 years (range 16-71) for male subjects and 30 years (range 16-70) for female subjects. Two men had cardiovascular emergencies. 46 (10.3%) of our patients suffered from trauma. Neurological emergencies occurred in 55 (12.4%) patients: the most frequent were headaches in 27 (49.0%), followed by subarachnoid haemorrhage (12, 22.0%) and transient global amnesia (11, 20.0%). 154 (97.0%) of the patients presenting with presumed infection actually had infections of the urogenital tract. The most common infection was urethritis (64, 41.0%), followed by cystitis (21, 13.0%) and epididymitis (19, 12.0%). A sexually transmitted disease (STD) was diagnosed in 43 (16.0%) of all patients presenting with a presumed infection. 118 (43.0%) of the patients with a possible infection requested testing for an STD because of unsafe sexual activity without underlying symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Sexual activity is mechanically dangerous, potentially infectious and stressful for the cardiovascular system. Because information on ED presentation related to sexual intercourse is scarce, more efforts should be undertaken to document all such complications to improve treatment and preventative strategies.


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Principals. Lightning is one of the most powerful and spectacular natural phenomena. Lightning strikes to humans are uncommon but can cause devastating injuries. We analyzed lightning-related admissions to our emergency department from January 2000 to December 2010 to review and highlight the main features of lightning-related injuries. Methods. All data were collected prospectively and entered in the emergency department' database (Qualicare Switzerland) and retrospectively analyzed. Results. Nine patients with lightning-related injuries presented to our emergency department. Four were female, and five were male. The most common site of injury was the nervous system (6 out of 9 patients) followed by the cardiovascular system (5 out of 9 patients). The third most common injuries occurred to the skin (3 out of 9 patients). Four of the patients had to be hospitalized for further observation. Conclusion. Reports of lightning strikes and related injuries are scarce. The establishment of an international register would therefore benefit the understanding of their injury patterns and facilitate specific treatment.


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Background: Prenatal glucocorticoid (GC) treatment of the female fetus with 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD) may prevent genital virilization and androgen effects on the brain, but prenatal GC therapy is controversial because of possible adverse effects on fetal programming, the cardiovascular system and the brain. Case Reports: We report 2 patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-OHD who were treated prenatally with dexamethasone, suffered from an acute encephalopathy and showed focal and multifocal cortical and subcortical diffusion restrictions in early MRI and signs of permanent alterations in the follow-up neuroimaging studies. Both patients recovered from the acute episode. Whereas the first patient recovered without neurological sequelae the second patient showed hemianopsia and spastic hemiplegia in the neurological follow-up examination. Conclusion: These are 2 children with CAH, both treated prenatally with high doses of dexamethasone to prevent virilization. The question arises whether prenatal high-dose GC treatment in patients with CAH might represent a risk factor for brain lesions in later life. Adverse effects/events should be reported systematically in patients undergoing prenatal GC treatment and long-term follow-up studies involving risk factors for cerebrovascular disease should be performed.