961 resultados para Carboxyl-terminal Fragment


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BACKGROUND: Plasmodium falciparum MSP2 is a blood stage protein that is associated with protection against malaria. It was shown that the MSP2 dimorphic (D) and constant (C) regions were well recognized by immune human antibodies, and were characterized by major conserved epitopes in different endemic areas and age groups. These Abs recognized merozoite-derived proteins in WB and IFA. Here, the goal was to determine in mice the immunogenicity of the two allelic MSP2 D and C domains formulated with different adjuvants, for their possible use in future clinical studies. METHOD: Female A/J, C3H, and ICR mice were immunized subcutaneously 3 times at 3-week interval with a mixture of allelic and conserved MSP2 long synthetic peptides formulated with different adjuvants. One week after the third injection, sera from each group were obtained and stored at -20°C for subsequent testing. RESULTS: Both domains of the two MSP2 families are immunogenic and the fine specificity and intensity of the Ab responses are dependent on mouse strains and adjuvants. The major epitopes were restricted to the 20-mer peptide sequences comprising the last 8aa of D and first 12aa of C of the two allelic families and the first 20aa of the C region, this for most strains and adjuvants. Strong immune responses were associated with GLA-SE adjuvant and its combination with other TLR agonists (CpG or GDQ) compared to alhydrogel and Montanide. Further, the elicited Abs were also capable of recognizing Plasmodium-derived MSP2 and inhibiting parasite growth in ADCI. CONCLUSION: The data provide a valuable opportunity to evaluate in mice different adjuvant and antigen formulations of a candidate vaccine containing both MSP2 D and C fragments. The formulations with GLA-SE seem to be a promising option to be compared with the alhydrogel one in human clinical trials.


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Selon les statistiques, les maladies cancéreuses sont en augmentation dans les pays en développement ainsi que dans les pays industrialisés. Ceci peut s'expliquer largement par les habitudes alimentaires, le tabagisme, les infections, le manque d'activité physique, la pollution et le stress, entre autres. Ainsi, l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) prévoit une augmentation de la fréquence des cancers avec 15 millions de nouveaux cas par an en 2020. La transformation d'une cellule normale en une cellule cancéreuse se déroule en plusieurs étapes avec, au niveau moléculaire, différentes mutations ciblant des protéines régulant la croissance cellulaire. Un des exemples de protéines qui participent au contrôle des voies cellulaires impliquées lors de la prolifération des cellules sont les complexes de protéines mTORCl et mTORC2 (« mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 and 2 »). Ces complexes mTORCl et mTORC2 activent des processus anaboliques (la synthèse de protéines et de lipides, le métabolisme énergétique, entre autres) et inhibent en même temps des voies de catabolismes cellulaires (autophagie et synthèse de lysosomes). Ils sont souvent mutés dans de nombreux cas de cancers, c'est pourquoi ils sont la cible de nombreux traitements anti-cancéreux. Pour ces raisons, nous nous sommes intéressés aux mécanismes d'actions moléculaires des drogues qui ciblent les complexes mTORCl et mTORC2. Nous avons ainsi découvert qu'une molécule présente uniquement dans le complexe mTORCl, raptor, était clivée en un fragment plus petit lors du traitement de cellules cancéreuses avec des drogues. Des molécules activées durant la mort cellulaire programmée par apoptose, les caspases, se sont révélées responsables du clivage de raptor. Nous avons ensuite décrit de façon précise les sites de clivage de raptor par les caspases durant la mort cellulaire. Il s'est avéré que le clivage de raptor affaiblissait son interaction avec mTOR au sein du complexe mTORCl, ce qui participe à l'inactivation de mTORCl lors de traitements avec des molécules anti-cancéreuses. Ces résultats nous ont permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes d'actions de différentes drogues anti-cancéreuses au niveau du complexe mTORCl, ce qui peut être utile pour la synthèse de nouvelles molécules ciblant mTORCl ainsi que pour lutter contre les mécanismes de résistance chimiothérapeutiques. -- La protéine « mammalian target of rapamycin » (mTOR) est une sérine/thréonine kinase qui est hautement conservée des protistes à l'être humain. Deux complexes mTOR existent : le complexe 1 mTOR (mTORCl) et le complexe 2 mTOR (mTORC2). Ils régulent positivement des processus anaboliques (synthèse de protéines et de lipides, le métabolisme énergétique, l'organisation du cytosquelette, la survie cellulaire) et négativement des voies cataboliques (autophagic, biogenèse de lysosomes). Les complexes mTORCl et mTORC2 sont sensibles aux signaux mitogéniques tels que les acides aminés, le glucose, les facteurs de croissance, l'état énergétique (ATP) et les niveaux d'oxygène et induisent des voies de croissance cellulaire essentielles. La voie cellulaire regulée par mTORCl peut être hyperactivée dans de nombreux cancers humains. Puisque plusieurs voies cellulaires convergent et régulent les complexes mTORCl et mTORC2, des mutations dans les kinases en amont peuvent mener à une dérégulation de l'activation de mTOR. Des stratégies thérapeutiques ont été développées pour cibler les complexes mTORCl et mTORC2, ainsi que les kinases en amont qui régulent mTOR. Plusieurs drogues ciblant mTORCl, telles que la rapamycine et la curcumine, affectent l'interaction entre mTOR et un composant spécifique de mTORCl, raptor. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés aux mécanismes moléculaires des drogues qui ciblent mTORCl, ainsi que leur effet déstabilisant sur l'interaction entre mTOR et raptor dans des lignées cellulaires de lymphomes. Nous avons démontré que raptor était clivé en un fragment de lOOkDa après traitement avec la rapamycine, la curcumine, l'étoposide, la cisplatine, la staurosporine et le ligand Fas (FasL). Etant donné que ces drogues ont été décrites comme induisant I'apoptose, l'utilisation d'un inhibiteur de caspases (z- VAD-fmk) a révélé que le clivage de raptor, lors de la mort cellulaire, était dépendant des caspases. Des essais caspases in vitro ont permis d'identifier la caspase-6 (ainsi que probablement d'autres caspases) comme étant une protéase impliquée dans le clivage de raptor. La séquence protéique de raptor a montré potentiellement plusieurs sites de clivage de caspases aux extrémités amino-terminale et carboxy-terminale. La mutagénèse a permis d'identifier les sites de clivages de raptor par les caspases comme étant DEAD LTD (acides aminés 17-23) et DDADD (acides aminés 939¬943). De plus, le clivage de raptor corrèle avec l'inhibition de l'activité de mTORCl envers ces substrats (S6K et 4E-BP1). Nous avons aussi observé que le clivage de raptor affaiblissait l'interaction entre mTOR et raptor, ce qui indique que ce clivage est une étape critique dans l'inhibition de mTORCl durant I'apoptose. Pour terminer, la mutagénèse du site de clivage de raptor DDADD a montré une résistance à la mort cellulaire de cellules cancéreuses. Notre travail de recherche a révélé un nouveau mécanisme moléculaire qui module l'organisation et l'activité de mTORCl, ce qui peut être d'un grand intérêt pour les recherches dans le domaine de mTOR ainsi que pour la découverte de molécules ciblant mTORCl. -- The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a serine/threonine protein kinase, which is highly conserved from yeast to humans. Two different mTOR complexes exist: the mTOR complex 1 (mTORCl) and the mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2). They positively regulate anabolic processes (protein and lipid synthesis, energy metabolism, cytoskeleton organization, cell survival) and negatively regulate catabolic pathways (autophagy, lysosome biogenesis). The mTORCl and mTORC2 respond to mitogenic stimuli such as amino acids, glucose, growth factors, energy levels (ATP) and oxygen levels and drive essential cellular growth pathways. The mTORCl pathway can be found hyperactivated in numerous human cancers. As various cellular pathways converge and regulate mTORCl and mTORC2, mutations in upstream protein kinases can lead to a deregulated mTOR activation. Different therapeutic strategies have been developped to target mTORCl, mTORC2, as well as upstream protein kinases regulating mTOR pathways. Various drugs targeting mTORCl, such as rapamycin and curcumin, affect the interaction between mTOR and a specific mTORCl component, raptor. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms of drugs targeting mTORCl, as well as their destabilizing effect on the mTOR-raptor interaction in lymphoma cell lines. We demonstrated that raptor was processed into a lOOkDa fragment after treatment with rapamycin, curcumin, etoposide, cisplatin, staurosporine and FasL. As these drugs were reported to induce apoptosis, the use of a pan-caspase inhibitor (z-VAD-fmk) revealed that the cleavage of raptor under cell death was caspase-dependent. In vitro caspase assays were performed to identify caspases-6 (and probably other caspases) as an important cysteine protease implicated in the cleavage of raptor. Analysis of raptor protein sequence showed several putative caspase-specific cleavage sites at the N-terminal and the C-terminal ends. Mutagenesis studies allowed us to identify the DEADLTD (amino acids 17-23) and the DDADD (amino acids 939-943) as the caspase-dependent cleavage residues of raptor. Furthermore, the cleavage of raptor correlated with inhibition of mTORCl activity towards its specific targets (4E-BP1 and S6K). We also highlighted that raptor processing weakened the interaction between mTOR and raptor, indicating that raptor cleavage is a critical step in the mTORCl inhibition process during apoptosis. Finally, mutagenesis of raptor C-terminal cleavage site (DDADD) conferred resistance to the chemotherapeutic-mediated cell death cascade of cancer cell. Our research work highlighted a new molecular mechanism modulating mTORCl organization and activity, which can be of great interest in the mTOR field research and for designing drugs trageting mTORCl.


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Digitoitu 21. 8. 2008.


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O presente trabalho caracteriza a região 5'-terminal de um isolado do Southern bean mosaic virus encontrado no Estado de São Paulo (SBMV-SP). O RNA foi extraído de partículas virais purificadas e submetido a RT-PCR usando oligonucleotídeos desenhados para amplificar cerca de 590 nt da região 5'-terminal do RNA viral. Foi obtido um fragmento de tamanho esperado que, após clonagem e seqüenciamento, mostrou a existência de uma região não codificadora com 92 nt e a primeira ORF, começando no primeiro AUG (posição 93) e terminando no códon UGA na posição 534. Na região não codificadora foi detectado um segmento parcialmente complementar ao RNA ribossomal 18S. A ORF1 codifica uma proteína de 147 aminoácidos com massa molecular estimada de 17080 Da. A extremidade 3' da ORF1 sobrepõe a extremidade 5' da ORF2 em 34 nucleotídeos. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a região 5'-terminal do RNA do SBMV-SP é similar ao isolado Arkansas (SBMV-ARK) descrito na América do Norte.


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O presente trabalho caracteriza a região 3'-terminal do genoma de um isolado do Southern bean mosaic virus encontrado no Estado de São Paulo (SBMV-SP). O RNA foi extraído de partículas virais purificadas e submetido a RT-PCR usando oligonucleotídeos desenhados para amplificar 972 nt da região 3'-terminal do RNA viral. Foi obtido fragmento de tamanho esperado que inclui o gene da proteína capsidial e a região 3'-terminal não codificadora. O gene da proteína capsidial (ORF4) contém 801 nucleotídeos, incluindo-se o códon de terminação UGA, com seqüência deduzida de 266 aminoácidos e massa molecular estimada de 28.800 Da. Sessenta e um aminoácidos terminais da ORF2 estão sobrepostos na ORF4. O "sinal de localização nuclear", encontrado dentro do "Domínio R" na região 5'-terminal da ORF4 de alguns sobemovírus, não foi identificado no SBMV-SP. Esse dado pode explicar a ausência de partículas virais do SBMV-SP no núcleo celular. A seqüência do SBMV-SP apresentou identidade de nucleotídeos e aminoácidos de, respectivamente, 91% e 93% com o isolado "Arkansas" (SBMV-ARK) descrito nos EUA. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o SBMV-SP e o SBMV-ARK são isolados muito proximamente relacionados.


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Soitinnus: piano.


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Ce qui suit est le début de la présentation d'une sélection de mes articles, traduits en portugais, et supposés représentatifs de la "méthode" que j'ai pratiquée dans mes publications. J'y retrace en détail deux épisodes déjà anciens de "l'histoire de mon esprit" (si j'ose employer une expression de Descartes), qui ont fortement influencé mes travaux ultérieurs, en m'incitant à tout faire pour concilier le respect de la "lettre" avec le souci de "l'esprit", et l'attention aux genèses avec l'analyse des structure.


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Young nests of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus are characterized by refuse soil in the exterior of the nest, a single fungus chamber 11 to 20 cm deep in relation to soil surface and internal volume ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 liters. These nidification patterns are important characteristics for identifying and understanding the interactions between species and their habitats.


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Approximately 7.2% of the Atlantic rainforest remains in Brazil, with only 16% of this forest remaining in the State of Rio de Janeiro, all of it distributed in fragments. This forest fragmentation can produce biotic and abiotic differences between edges and the fragment interior. In this study, we compared the structure and richness of tree communities in three habitats - an anthropogenic edge (AE), a natural edge (NE) and the fragment interior (FI) - of a fragment of Atlantic forest in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (22°50'S and 42°28'W). One thousand and seventy-six trees with a diameter at breast height > 4.8 cm, belonging to 132 morphospecies and 39 families, were sampled in a total study area of 0.75 ha. NE had the greatest basal area and the trees in this habitat had the greatest diameter:height allometric coefficient, whereas AE had a lower richness and greater variation in the height of the first tree branch. Tree density, diameter, height and the proportion of standing dead trees did not differ among the habitats. There was marked heterogeneity among replicates within each habitat. These results indicate that the forest interior and the fragment edges (natural or anthropogenic) do not differ markedly considering the studied parameters. Other factors, such as the age from the edge, type of matrix and proximity of gaps, may play a more important role in plant community structure than the proximity from edges.


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Litter fall consists of all organic material deposited on the forest floor, being of extremely important for the structure and maintenance of the ecosystem through nutrient cycling. This study aimed to evaluate the production and decomposition of litter fall in a secondary Atlantic forest fragment of secondary Atlantic Forest, at the Guarapiranga Ecological Park, in São Paulo, SP. The litter samples were taken monthly from May 2012 to May 2013. To assess the contribution of litter fall forty collectors were installed randomly within an area of 0.5 ha. The collected material was sent to the laboratory to be dried at 65 °C for 72 hours, being subsequently separated into fractions of leaves, twigs, reproductive parts and miscellaneous, and weighed to obtain the dry biomass. Litterbags were placed and tied close to the collectors to estimate the decomposition rate in order to evaluate the loss of dry biomass at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days. After collection, the material was sent to the laboratory to be dried and weighed again. Total litter fall throughout the year reached 5.7 Mg.ha-1.yr-1 and the major amount of the material was collected from September till March. Leaves had the major contribution for total litter fall (72%), followed by twigs (14%), reproductive parts (11%) and miscellaneous (3%). Reproductive parts had a peak during the wet season. Positive correlation was observed between total litter and precipitation, temperature and radiation (r = 0.66, p<0.05; r = 0.76, p<0.05; r = 0.58, p<0.05, respectively). The multiple regression showed that precipitation and radiation contributed significantly to litter fall production. Decomposition rate was in the interval expected for secondary tropical forest and was correlated to rainfall. It was concluded that this fragment of secondary forest showed a seasonality effect driven mainly by precipitation and radiation, both important components of foliage renewal for the plant community and that decomposition was in an intermediate rate.


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ABSTRACT The present study aimed to analyze the production and decomposition of litterfall in a fragment of secondary Atlantic forest in the region of Ibiúna, SP, from April 2012 to March 2013. The litterfall production was estimated by 30 collectors distributed randomly in an area of 1000 m2, where the deposited material was collected every 15 days. The decomposition of litterfall was estimated through the mass loss in the period of study. After collecting, the material was dried in an oven at 65 °C for seven days to achieve a constant weight. The decomposition constant k was obteined according to Shanks and Oslon (1961) and the time for 50% and 95% of decomposition was estimated. It was found a higher litterfall production in October (454.3 kg ha-1) and lower production in July (164.9 kg ha-1), with a total amount produced of 3.5 Mg ha-1 year-1. A delay of one month in the precipitation and relative humidity showed great influence in the litter production during the study. The decomposition rate (k) was 3.1 and the time to decompose 50% of the material was estimated in 2 and ½ months and for 95% of the litterfall the time was estimated in 11 and ½ months. The production and decomposition values of this work are within the range found in other sites of secondary tropical forests.


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O tempo de vida pós-colheita de frutas e hortaliças está diretamente relacionado à temperatura de armazenamento do produto. Em condições controladas de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar, as reações metabólicas podem ser retardadas, proporcionando melhor conservação do produto. Foram realizadas avaliações das câmaras frias destinadas à estocagem de frutas e hortaliças na Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo, CEAGESP - São Paulo - SP, com o objetivo de identificar a situação das câmaras frias utilizadas nesse entreposto. As condições de estocagem dos produtos foram avaliadas por meio dos parâmetros: temperatura do ar, umidade relativa, isolamento, equipamento frigorífico (condensador, compressor, evaporador), piso, dimensões da câmara e da porta. Avaliou-se a eficiência de uso por meio do cálculo para a determinação da carga térmica. Observou-se que maçã e pêra possuem os maiores volumes comercializados, utilizando-se de estocagem pelo frio (63,25%), seguido pela banana (24,10%). Baseando-se no volume médio de comercialização dos permissionários, constatou-se que 73,91% possuem motores superdimensionados a sua capacidade calorífica de uso.


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In Brazil, the best results in milk production are found in the state of Paraná. Such results are reached through genetic selection of the animals and management of their diets, in which whole plant corn silage is widely used. Aiming the silage quality, it was evaluated the influence of dry matter content of the corn culture as forage and the harvester adjustments on the fragment size of whole plant corn silage. The fragment size of two corn hybrids silage (SPEED and 2B688) was evaluated using a 5x3 factorial, with 4 repetitions. The first factor was the harvest time of the plants (105, 108, 112, 118, and 123 days after sowing (DAS)), which determines the forage dry matter (DM) content. The second factor was the harvester adjustments (2, 6.5 and 11mm of theoretical fragment length (TFL)). The DM content did not affect the average fragment size of 2B688. For SPEED, however, the real fragment size decreased as the maturation of plants increased. The conclusion is that the DM content and harvester adjustments can affect the real fragment sizes, according to different plant genotypes. The alterations of the harvester adjustments resulted in different fragment sizes, however, it were different from those indicated by the manufacturer.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar os efeitos da isquemia e reperfusão hepática total sobre acúmulo de neutrófilos no íleo terminal e cólon sigmóide de ratos, em condições de normalidade e submetidos ao estado de choque hemorrágico controlado. MÉTODO: 32 ratos Wistar, machos, foram divididos em quatro grupos de oito animais cada: grupo Sham, submetido aos procedimentos padrões com um período de 60 minutos de observação; grupo Choque, submetido a choque hemorrágico controlado (PAM = 40mmHg, 20min) seguido de reposição volêmica (Ringer lactato + sangue, 3:1) e reperfusão (60min); grupo Pringle, submetido à isquemia hepática total (15min.) e reperfusão (60min); grupo Total submetido a choque hemorrágico controlado (20min) seguido de reposição volêmica (Ringer lactato + sangue, 3:1), isquemia hepática (15min) e reperfusão (60min). Após o sacrifício dos animais, procedeu-se à contagem de neutrófilos nos segmentos intestinais. RESULTADOS: Na contagem de neutrófilos no íleo terminal, apenas o grupo Choque diferiu dos demais (p<0.001) os quais não diferiram entre si (Sham 1.33 ± 0.55, Choque 5.48 ± 2.65, Pringle 2.47 ± 1.38, Total 2.44 ± 0.56) e, no cólon sigmóide, o grupo Choque diferiu apenas do grupo Sham (p = 0.021), sem diferença entre os demais (Sham 0.66 ± 0.44, Choque 2.08 ± 1.11, Pringle 1.04 ± 0.71, Total 1.21 ± 1.03). CONCLUSÃO: Diferentemente do estado de choque hemorrágico controlado, a isquemia hepática de 15 minutos, seguida de 60 minutos de reperfusão, não causou acúmulo significativo de neutrófilos no íleo terminal e cólon sigmóide.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar, experimentalmente, a diminuição do trânsito intestinal através de piloros artificiais no íleo terminal de ratos, sem secção da musculatura entérica. MÉTODO: O estudo foi realizado em 40 ratos distribuídos em dois grupos de 20 animais cada. Foram confeccionados quatro piloros no íleo terminal de cada animal, com pontos sero-musculares separados, distribuídos circunferencialmente na alça intestinal. O Grupo 1 foi morto com 15 dias e o Grupo 2, com 30 dias. Aferimos as medidas da circunferência do intestino no transoperatório e no momento da necrópsia. RESULTADOS: No Grupo 1 houve dilatação média de 3mm no nível do primeiro piloro e de 4,15mm no quarto piloro. No Grupo 2 a dilatação média foi de 7,50mm no primeiro piloro e de 5,75mm no quarto piloro. No estudo anátomo-patológico ficou evidente a formação bem definida dos piloros. CONCLUSÃO: Não é necessário remover ou seccionar a musculatura do intestino delgado, nem a secção do plexo nervoso próprio do intestino, para promover a dilatação intestinal com esse método e, como consequência, diminuir o trânsito intestinal.