943 resultados para Candida palmioleophila
海洋微生物拥有丰富多样的次生代谢途径,其中海洋生物内生真菌次生代谢产物研究日益受到天然产物化学界的重视。本论文以菌丝体生物量、发酵产物重量、抗菌与细胞毒活性、薄层色谱分析结果以及高效液相色谱分析结果等为评价依据对采自青岛沿海的13株海藻内生真菌在四种液体培养基上的静置发酵产物进行了综合评价,并从中选择了黑曲霉Aspergillus niger EN-13(分离自褐藻囊藻Colpomenia sinuosa)和杂色曲霉A. versicolor EN-7(分离自褐藻鼠尾藻Sargassum thunbergii)两株真菌进行了30升规模发酵(分别采用GPYM培养基和PDB培养)和化学成分的研究,对分离得到的大部分化合物进行了初步的生物活性筛选。 发酵提取物采用常规的硅胶柱层析、反相硅胶柱层析,凝胶Sephadex LH-20柱层析、制备薄层层析、半制备高效液相色谱以及重结晶等分离手段,得到单体化合物。利用各种现代波谱技术(IR、UV、EI-MS、FAB-MS、HR-ESI-MS、1H-NMR、13C-NMR、DEPT、1H-1H COSY、HSQC、HMBC等)并结合化学方法从两种菌株发酵提取物中鉴定了55个化合物的结构。其中从菌株A. niger EN-13分离鉴定了31个化合物,发现9个新化合物,包括2个鞘酯类化合物(AN-1~2)、3个萘并-γ-吡喃酮类化合物(AN-3~5)、3个苯乙基取代的α-吡喃酮类化合物(AN-17, AN-19~20)和1个甾体Diels-Alder加成产物(AN-21),另有1个新的天然环二肽(AN-27)被分离鉴定;从菌株A. versicolor EN-7分离鉴定了24个化合物,发现2个新化合物,为蒽醌AV-12与AV-17,另外,从前一菌株(A. niger EN-13)中鉴定的2个新鞘酯类化合物(AN-1~2)在A. versicolor EN-7中也被再次分离到。 对大部分单体化合物进行了抗菌活性、DPPH自由基清除活性和细胞毒活性测试。结果显示新化合物AN-1、AN-5和AN-20具有弱或中等强度的抑制白色念珠菌生长的活性,AN-4、AN-5、AN-21显示了弱或中等强度的抑制黑曲霉生长的活性,AV-12、AV-17显示了弱的抑制大肠杆菌生长的活性。在DPPH自由基清除活性筛选中,AN-5显示了中等强度的活性,其EC50为109.3 mM,与阳性对照BHT相近(EC50为81.8 mM)。其它部分已知化合物在抗菌和DPPH自由基清除活性的筛选中也显示了弱或中等强度的活性。在针对人肝癌细胞株SMMC-7721和人肺腺癌细胞株A549的体外细胞毒活性筛选中,所测样品均未显示显著活性。
Sistemas intensivos de produção animal podem causar impactos ambientais negativos, como degradação da base de recursos (naturais, humanos e financeiros) , contaminação por produtos químicos e acúmulo de dejetos, bem como competição por alimentos humanos, e reduzir a lucratividade por unidade produzida. Há a necessidade de avaliação desses impactos. O objetivo deste projeto foi: a) avaliar os impactos de um sistema intensivo de produção de bovinos de leite, em pastagem tropical, na qualidade ambiental da microbacia hidrográfica (MBH) do ribeirão Canchim; b) avaliar características físicas, químicas e biológicas da base de recursos e do manejo determinantes da qualidade ambiental, bem como selecionar possíveis indicadores de sustentabilidade ecológica para sistemas intensivos de produção de bovinos de leite. Em pastagens intensamente manejadas pode haver acúmulo de matéria orgânica e fósforo na camada superficial, à semelhança de áreas de plantio direto na palha, permitindo troca de informações entre técnicos que atuam nesses sistemas de produção. Verificou-se a necessidade de desenvolver uma técnica de rotina melhorada para quantificação de material orgânico, ocorrente na superfície e dentro do solo (raízes, biomassa microbiana), a fim de melhor avaliar a disponibilidade potencial de nutrientes para as plantas, além daquela determinada nas análises de rotina atual. A acidificação do solo ocorre com aplicação intensa de adubos nitrogenados e aplicação insuficiente de calcário, sendo que a intensificação no uso de corretivos de pH e adubos nitrogenados e/ou adubos verdes pode gerar alterações eletroquímicas nas camadas inferiores ( 100 a 250 cm) .Estas camadas podem reter nitrato lixiviado, em solos profundos. A lixiviação de nitrato, em áreas de pastagem, pode ser preocupante quando utilizadas doses de N acima de 100 kg/ha por aplicação (quatro a cinco no período das águas), em especial na forma de nitrato (nitrato de amônio). O uso mais intenso de corretivos e fertilizantes, nas condições de estudo, não elevou a condutividade elétrica do extrato de saturação a níveis preocupantes. A lixiviação de cátions, em sistemas intensivos, ocorre quando as cargas pH- dependentes estão ou são desativadas, tanto para K como para Ca e Mg, e quando são manejados adubos verdes ou adubos nitrogenados sintéticos, tanto em áreas de pastagem como de plantio direto. A taxa de decomposição de material orgânico no solo é mais intensa no período das águas em solo menos protegido da insolação, variando de 12% a 49% por mês. Não foi detectada alteração na taxa de decomposição por microartrópodes, o que sugere que a quantidade de resíduos de acaricidas nos excrementos é baixa ou inexistente e assim contraria a hipótese inicial de presença desses pesticidas nas fezes. No monitoramento do sistema de produção, os dados levantados permitiram verificar grande variabilidade espacial do ambiente na MBH, que se constitui em laboratório real complexo e completo para representar grande extensão do ambiente na região Sudeste e Centro-Oeste, onde ocorre o manejo de pastagens e áreas agrícolas de forma intensiva e de onde poderão surgir respostas de manejo e impacto ambienta! bastante significativos para a economia da região. Verificou-se que a variabilidade temporal de características do solo é muito sensível a mudanças nas práticas de manejo. A medida da condutividade hidráulica é muito sensível, mas parece sofrer influência de variações grandes na umidade do solo e na umidade relativa e na temperatura do ar, podendo dificultar comparações temporais. Verificou-se que o teor de iodo no leite tem sua fonte na ração concentrada ou no sal enriquecido com minerais, podendo o leite de sistemas intensivos constituir fonte complementar de iodo para a dieta humana deficiente, além de indicador para a qualidade de manejo do sistema de produção. O monitoramento das caracterfsticas físicas, qufmicas e microbiológicas da água permite diferenciar bem os corpos de água segundo o manejo em sua área de captação. Foram detectados "vazamentos" de nitrato e fósforo para os corpos de água, mesmo em áreas consideradas protegidas, e, embora estejam ocorrendo em baixo nfvel, necessitam de maiores estudos para seu estancamento. Verificou-se a necessidade de ajustes metodológicos e de legislação que contemplem não somente a saúde pública, mas também o impacto ecológico. As caracterfsticas atmosféricas mantiveram-se dentro da média dos últimos anos, embora tenha sido observada pior distribuição das chuvas, agravando os perfodos de déficit hfdrico ao longo do ano. Os possíveis indicadores de qualidade do solo, em sua maior parte, exigem ajustes e maiores estudos, embora já possam constituir ferramentas de grande valia. Foi verificado que o monitoramento de nitrato precisa ocorrer também em profundidade (mfnimo até 160 cm), sendo aconselhável a determinação do pH em água junto com a do Ca,CI2, também em profundidade. Para monitorar a qualidade da água, é aconselhável a determinação de, pelo menos, de fósforo total, nitrato e coliformes fecais.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
A bacteriocin-producing strain of Lactobacillus paracasei DPC 4715 was used as an adjunct culture in Cheddar cheese in order to control the growth of “wild” nonstarter lactic acid bacteria. No suppression of growth of the indicator strain was observed in the experimental cheese. The bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus paracasei DPC 4715 was sensitive to chymosin and cathepsin D and it may have been cleaved by the rennet used for the cheese manufactured or by indigenous milk proteases. A series of studies were performed using various microbial adjuncts to influence cheese ripening. Microbacterium casei DPC 5281, Corynebacterium casei DPC 5293 and Corynebacterium variabile DPC 5305 were added to the cheesemilk at level of 109 cfu/ml resulting in a final concentration of 108 cfu/g in Cheddar cheese. The strains significantly increased the level of pH 4.6-soluble nitrogen, total free amino acids after 60 and 180 d of ripening and some individual free amino acids after 180 d. Yarrowia lipolytica DPC 6266, Yarrowia lipolytica DPC 6268 and Candida intermedia DPC 6271 were used to accelerate the ripening of Cheddar cheese. Strains were grown in YG broth to a final concentration of 107 cfu/ml, microfluidized, freeze-dried and added to the curd during salting at level of 2% w/w. The yeasts positively affected the primary, secondary proteolysis and lipolysis of cheeses and had aminopeptidase, dipeptidase, esterase and 5’ phosphodiestere activities that contributed to accelerate the ripening and improve the flavor of cheese. Hafia alvei was added to Cheddar cheesemilk at levels of 107 cfu/ml and 108 cfu/ml and its contribution during ripening was evaluated. The strain significantly increased the level of pH 4.6-soluble nitrogen, total free amino-acids, and some individual free amino-acids of Cheddar cheese, whereas no differences in the urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (urea-PAGE) electrophoretograms of the cheeses were detected. Hafia alvei also significantly increased the level of some biogenic amines. A low-fat Cheddar cheese was made with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis, strain BB-12® at level of 108 cfu/ml, as a probiotic adjunct culture and Hi-Maize® 260 (resistant high amylose maize starch) at level of 2% and 4% w/v, as a prebiotic fiber which also played the role of fat replacer. Bifidobacterium BB-12 decreased by 1 log cycle after 60 d of ripening and remained steady at level of ~107 cfu/g during ripening. The Young’s modulus also increased proportionally with increasing levels of Hi-maize. Hencky strain at fracture decreased over ripening and increased with increasing in fat replacer. A cheese based medium (CBM) was developed with the purpose of mimicking the cheese environment at an early ripening stage. The strains grown in CBM showed aminopeptidase activity against Gly-, Arg-, Pro- and Phe-p-nitroanalide, whereas, when grown in MRS they were active against all the substrates tested. Both Lb. danicus strains grown in MRS and in CBM had aminotransferase activity towards aromatic amino acids (Phe and Trp) and also branched-chain amino acids (Leu and Val). Esterase activity was expressed against p-nitrophenyl-acetate (C2), pnitrophenyl- butyrate (C4) and p-nitrophenyl-palmitate (C16) and was significantly higher in CBM than in MRS.
Diabetes mellitus is becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide. Additionally, there is an increasing number of patients receiving implantable devices such as glucose sensors and orthopedic implants. Thus, it is likely that the number of diabetic patients receiving these devices will also increase. Even though implantable medical devices are considered biocompatible by the Food and Drug Administration, the adverse tissue healing that occurs adjacent to these foreign objects is a leading cause of their failure. This foreign body response leads to fibrosis, encapsulation of the device, and a reduction or cessation of device performance. A second adverse event is microbial infection of implanted devices, which can lead to persistent local and systemic infections and also exacerbates the fibrotic response. Nearly half of all nosocomial infections are associated with the presence of an indwelling medical device. Events associated with both the foreign body response and implant infection can necessitate device removal and may lead to amputation, which is associated with significant morbidity and cost. Diabetes mellitus is generally indicated as a risk factor for the infection of a variety of implants such as prosthetic joints, pacemakers, implantable cardioverter defibrillators, penile implants, and urinary catheters. Implant infection rates in diabetic patients vary depending upon the implant and the microorganism, however, for example, diabetes was found to be a significant variable associated with a nearly 7.2% infection rate for implantable cardioverter defibrillators by the microorganism Candida albicans. While research has elucidated many of the altered mechanisms of diabetic cutaneous wound healing, the internal healing adjacent to indwelling medical devices in a diabetic model has rarely been studied. Understanding this healing process is crucial to facilitating improved device design. The purpose of this article is to summarize the physiologic factors that influence wound healing and infection in diabetic patients, to review research concerning diabetes and biomedical implants and device infection, and to critically analyze which diabetic animal model might be advantageous for assessing internal healing adjacent to implanted devices.
Immune responses must be well restrained in a steady state to avoid excessive inflammation. However, such restraints are quickly removed to exert antimicrobial responses. Here we report a role of autophagy in an early host antifungal response by enhancing NFκB activity through A20 sequestration. Enhancement of NFκB activation is achieved by autophagic depletion of A20, an NFκB inhibitor, in F4/80(hi) macrophages in the spleen, peritoneum and kidney. We show that p62, an autophagic adaptor protein, captures A20 to sequester it in the autophagosome. This allows the macrophages to release chemokines to recruit neutrophils. Indeed, mice lacking autophagy in myeloid cells show higher susceptibility to Candida albicans infection due to impairment in neutrophil recruitment. Thus, at least in the specific aforementioned tissues, autophagy appears to break A20-dependent suppression in F4/80(hi) macrophages, which express abundant A20 and contribute to the initiation of efficient innate immune responses.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the immune reconstitution in HIV-1-infected children in whom highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) controlled viral replication and to assess the existence of a relation between the magnitude of this restoration and age. METHODS: All HIV-1-infected children in whom a new HAART decreased plasma viral load below 400 copies/ml after 3 months of therapy were prospectively enrolled in a study of their immune reconstitution. Viral load, lymphocyte phenotyping, determination of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell receptor repertoires and proliferative responses to mitogens and recall antigens were assessed every 3 months during 1 year. RESULTS: Nineteen children were evaluated. Naive and memory CD4+ percentages were already significantly increased after 3 months of HAART. In contrast to memory CD4+ percentages, naive CD4+ percentages continued to rise until 12 months. Age at baseline was inversely correlated with the magnitude of the rise in naive CD4+ cells after 3, 6 and 9 months of therapy but not after 12 months. Although memory and activated CD8+ cells were already decreasing after 3 months, abnormalities of the CD8 T cell receptor repertoire and activation of CD8+ cells persisted at 1 year. HAART increased the response to mitogens as early as 3 months after starting therapy. CONCLUSIONS: In children the recovery of naive CD4+ cells occurs more rapidly if treatment is started at a younger age, but after 1 year of viral replication control, patients of all ages have achieved the same level of restoration. Markers of chronic activation in CD8+ cells persist after 1 year of HAART.
Information on 12 exotic plants of diverse interest for the Galician flora are presented. All of them were collected in Ribeira council (SW of the A Coruña province). The total includes 8 novelties at a regional level (Aeonium haworthii, Aloe mitriformis, Brugmansia × candida, Nephrolepis cordifolia, Osteospermum ecklonis, Pelargonium capitatum, Sedum mexicanum, Sparaxis tricolor), and 2 provincial novelties. In addition, information on two taxa hardly mentioned in the literature on Galician vascular flora is also included. All the cited specimens are deposited at the SANT Herbarium.
Macroalgae (seaweeds) are a promising feedstock for the production of third generation bioethanol, since they have high carbohydrate contents, contain little or no lignin and are available in abundance. However, seaweeds typically contain a more diverse array of monomeric sugars than are commonly present in feedstocks derived from lignocellulosic material which are currently used for bioethanol production. Hence, identification of a suitable fermentative microorganism that can utilise the principal sugars released from the hydrolysis of macroalgae remains a major objective. The present study used a phenotypic microarray technique to screen 24 different yeast strains for their ability to metabolise individual monosaccharides commonly found in seaweeds, as well as hydrolysates following an acid pre-treatment of five native UK seaweed species (Laminaria digitata, Fucus serratus, Chondrus crispus, Palmaria palmata and Ulva lactuca). Five strains of yeast (three Saccharomyces spp, one Pichia sp and one Candida sp) were selected and subsequently evaluated for bioethanol production during fermentation of the hydrolysates. Four out of the five selected strains converted these monomeric sugars into bioethanol, with the highest ethanol yield (13 g L−1) resulting from a fermentation using C. crispus hydrolysate with Saccharomyces cerevisiae YPS128. This study demonstrated the novel application of a phenotypic microarray technique to screen for yeast capable of metabolising sugars present in seaweed hydrolysates; however, metabolic activity did not always imply fermentative production of ethanol.
Background. Invasive Candida infection among nonneutropenic, critically ill adults is a clinical problem that has received increasing attention in recent years. Poor performance of extant diagnostic modalities has promoted risk-based, preemptive prescribing in view of the poor outcomes associated with inadequate or delayed antifungal therapy; this risks unnecessary overtreatment. A rapid, reliable diagnostic test could have a substantial impact on therapeutic practice in this patient population.
Methods. Three TaqMan-based real-time polymerase chain reaction assays were developed that are capable of detecting the main medically important Candida species, categorized according to the likelihood of fluconazole susceptibility. Assay 1 detected Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis, and Candida dubliniensis. Assays 2 and 3 detected Candida glabrata and Candida krusei, respectively. The clinical performance of these assays, applied to serum, was evaluated in a prospective trial of nonneutropenic adults in a single intensive care unit.
Results. In all, 527 specimens were obtained from 157 participants. All 3 assays were run in parallel for each specimen; they could be completed within 1 working day. Of these, 23 specimens were obtained from 23 participants categorized as having proven Candida infection at the time of sampling. If a single episode of Candida famata candidemia was excluded, the estimated clinical sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of the assays in this trial were 90.9%, 100%, 100% and 99.8%, respectively.
Conclusions. These data suggest that the described assays perform well in this population for enhancing the diagnosis of candidemia. The extent to which they may affect clinical outcomes, prescribing practice, and cost-effectiveness of care remains to be ascertained.
We describe the isolation and structural characterization of a family of antimicrobial peptides related to kassinatuerin-2, from the skin secretion of the African hyperoliid frog, Kassina maculata. All four peptides, designated kassinatuerin-2Ma through Md, are C-terminally-amidated 20-mers with the consensus sequence – FX1GAIAAALPHVIX2AIKNAL – where X1 = L/F/V/I and X2 = S/N. All four peptides are encoded by precursors of 69 amino acids. Synthetic replicates of all kassinatuerin-2 related peptides displayed a potent inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus aureus with a minimal inhibitory concentration of 16 µM, at which concentration, however, they effected 18% haemolysis of horse erythrocytes after 2 h. Despite obvious membranolytic properties, all peptides were ineffective at inhibiting the growth of Escherichia coli at concentrations up to 200 µM and were relatively ineffective against Candida albicans (MIC 120 µM). The kassinatuerin-2 related peptides of K. maculata skin secretion thus possess a discrete antimicrobial and weak haemolytic activity in contrast to the prototype kassinatuerin-2 from the skin secretion of Kassina senegalensis.
Many neuropeptides are similar in size, amino acid composition and charge to antimicrobial peptides. This study aimed to determine whether the neuropeptides substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), neuropeptide Y (NPY) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), displayed antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans. SP, NPY, VIP and CGRP displayed variable degrees of antimicrobial activity against all the pathogens tested with the exception of S. aureus. These antimicrobial activities add a further dimension to the immunomodulatory roles for neuropeptides in the inflammatory and immune responses. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.