984 resultados para Camarón blanco
En la darrera dècada, la població de nacionalitat estrangera a la ciutat de Barcelona s'ha incrementat de forma notable fins a superar el 10% dels residents. Paral·lelament, ha existit una forta variació en les nacionalitats més presents i en les seves principals característiques sociodemogràfiques, de manera que s'han experimentat canvis substancials en la seva distribució espacial. És aquest darrer aspecte que es vol estudiar mitjançant les tècniques estadístiques d'anàlisi espacial, aplicades a nivell inframunicipal, amb la intenció d'observar l'evolució experimentada des de 1991 i la diversitat de pautes residencials en funció de la nacionalitat.
Presentamos un estudio doble ciego realizado en 90 pacientes para evaluar la utilidad de usar una solución viscosa de acetonido de triamcinolona unido a neomicina en el tratamiento sintomático de la aftosis oral recurrente. Los resultados obtenidos se muestran más positivos que otros productos como la clorhexidina, la colchicina o el uso clásico de corticoides tópicos.
Esta ponencia versa sobre la dificultad de investigar un tema tan escurridizo y oculto como son los sistemas políticos informales, las vías que los caciques emplean para suplantar al (imaginado) Estado democrático de Derecho y los medios con los que aglutinan a sus clientelas (pan, palo y símbolos). De todo ello, las conclusiones que se pueden extraer transitan entre dos planos: en primer lugar, desde la metodología, mi objetivo es demostrar que el antropólogo es el investigador social que está en mejor disposición de abordar un objeto de estudio como el caciquismo, gracias sobre todo al método etnológico. Siguiendo a Knight, ello requiere de doscompetencias profesionales de corte geertziano: la capacidad de inmersión y la descripción densa (Knight y Pansters, 2005). Cierta dosis de fortuna y un punto de arrojo también deben entrar en la ecuación. Además, un breve repaso por las aproximaciones teóricas más destacadas (desde la ciencia política, la economía política, la historia, la antropología, etc.) servirán para contextualizar los estudios similares. De esta manera, se va a realizar una revisión crítica y abierta a la posición teórica que sostiene la ausencia de Estado y a la del concepto de intermediación, apuntando hacia la integración y la continuidad de lógicas, discursos y prácticas entre los diversos actores políticos, tanto locales como de fuera de las comunidades.
Background: Treatment of depression, the most prevalent and costly mental disorder, needs to be improved. Non-concordance with clinical guidelines and non-adherence can limit the efficacy of pharmacological treatment of depression. Through pharmaceutical care, pharmacists can improve patients' compliance and wellbeing. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and costeffectiveness of a community pharmacist intervention developed to improve adherence and outcomes of primary care patients with depression. Methods/design: A randomized controlled trial, with 6-month follow-up, comparing patients receiving a pharmaceutical care support programme in primary care with patients receiving usual care. The total sample comprises 194 patients (aged between 18 and 75) diagnosed with depressive disorder in a primary care health centre in the province of Barcelona (Spain). Subjects will be asked for written informed consent in order to participate in the study. Diagnosis will be confirmed using the SCID-I. The intervention consists of an educational programme focused on improving knowledge about medication, making patients aware of the importance of compliance, reducing stigma, reassuring patients about side-effects and stressing the importance of carrying out general practitioners' advice. Measurements will take place at baseline, and after 3 and 6 months. Main outcome measure is compliance with antidepressants. Secondary outcomes include; clinical severity of depression (PHQ-9), anxiety (STAI-S), health-related quality of life (EuroQol-5D), satisfaction with the treatment received, side-effects, chronic physical conditions and sociodemographics. The use of healthcare and social care services will be assessed with an adapted version of the Client Service Receipt Inventory (CSRI). Discussion: This trial will provide valuable information for health professionals and policy makers on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a pharmaceutical intervention programme in the context of primary care. Trial registration: NCT00794196
Marcadores moleculares RAPD foram utilizados para avaliar a diversidade genética em uma população de 94 híbridos de tangerina 'Cravo' (Citrus reticulata Blanco) com laranja 'Pêra' (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck), obtidos por polinização controlada. Nas reações de amplificação foram usados 102 "primers" decâmeros de seqüência arbitrária, que amplificaram 640 fragmentos, sendo 77,2% monomórficos entre os parentais. Utilizou-se o coeficiente de Jaccard para estimar a similaridade genética entre os híbridos, o método UPGMA para gerar o fenograma (NTSYS 1,7) e o software BOOD para determinar a consistência de cada agrupamento. Verificou-se que a laranja 'Pêra' apresenta maior heterozigosidade que a tangerina 'Cravo', sendo, respectivamente, 180 e 126 os números observados de loci em heterozigose. Houve alta similaridade genética entre os parentais, caracterizada pelo baixo polimorfismo de marcadores RAPD. Não houve a formação de agrupamentos estatisticamente significativos dos híbridos entre si e com os parentais, demonstrando que a constituição genética dos híbridos foi originada pela segregação independente das marcas RAPD, sendo quebrado o efeito de ligação em função do tamanho amostral em estudo. Híbridos com maior similaridade genética em relação à tangerina 'Cravo' e laranja 'Pêra' podem ser facilmente selecionados a partir de marcadores RAPD.
Bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are crucial to maintain lifelong production of all blood cells. Although HSCs divide infrequently, it is thought that the entire HSC pool turns over every few weeks, suggesting that HSCs regularly enter and exit cell cycle. Here, we combine flow cytometry with label-retaining assays (BrdU and histone H2B-GFP) to identify a population of dormant mouse HSCs (d-HSCs) within the lin(-)Sca1+cKit+CD150+CD48(-)CD34(-) population. Computational modeling suggests that d-HSCs divide about every 145 days, or five times per lifetime. d-HSCs harbor the vast majority of multilineage long-term self-renewal activity. While they form a silent reservoir of the most potent HSCs during homeostasis, they are efficiently activated to self-renew in response to bone marrow injury or G-CSF stimulation. After re-establishment of homeostasis, activated HSCs return to dormancy, suggesting that HSCs are not stochastically entering the cell cycle but reversibly switch from dormancy to self-renewal under conditions of hematopoietic stress.
En aquest treball s'analitza el paper que Joanot Martorell assigna a les dones en la seva novel·la Tirant lo Blanc i, en concret, les diferències que aporta respecte de la narrativa anterior. El punt d'interès s'ha centrat en la versemblança dels personatges femenins del Tirant amb la realitat de l'època de l'autor i en quina manera es reflecteix a la novel·la la misoginia que imperava durant l'epoca medieval.
It is well known that, in distributions problems, fairness rarely leads to a single viewpoint (see, for instance, Young (1994)). In this context, this paper provides interesting bases that support the simple and commonly observed behavior of reaching intermediate agreements when two prominent distribution proposals highlight a discrepancy in sharing resources. Specifi cally, we formalize such a conflicting situation by associating it with a `natural' cooperative game, called bifocal distribution game, to show that both the Nucleolus (Schmeidler (1969)) and the Shapley value (Shapley (1953a)) agree on recommending the average of the two focal proposals. Furthermore, we analyze the interpretation of the previous result by means of axiomatic arguments. Keywords: Distribution problems, Cooperative games, Axiomatic analysis, Nucleolus, Shapley value. JEL Classi fication Numbers: C71, D63, D71.
Aquesta pretén ser una revisió general dels processos cognitius normals i de la capacitat de reorganització cerebral en cas de dany cerebral adquirit (lesions i malalties neurodegeneratives).
Information about the genomic coordinates and the sequence of experimentally identified transcription factor binding sites is found scattered under a variety of diverse formats. The availability of standard collections of such high-quality data is important to design, evaluate and improve novel computational approaches to identify binding motifs on promoter sequences from related genes. ABS (http://genome.imim.es/datasets/abs2005/index.html) is a public database of known binding sites identified in promoters of orthologous vertebrate genes that have been manually curated from bibliography. We have annotated 650 experimental binding sites from 68 transcription factors and 100 orthologous target genes in human, mouse, rat or chicken genome sequences. Computational predictions and promoter alignment information are also provided for each entry. A simple and easy-to-use web interface facilitates data retrieval allowing different views of the information. In addition, the release 1.0 of ABS includes a customizable generator of artificial datasets based on the known sites contained in the collection and an evaluation tool to aid during the training and the assessment of motif-finding programs.
Realizamos una revisión bibliográfica sobre los diferentes tipos de tratamiento alternativo en aquellos casos en los que fracasa la terapia convencional en el síndrome de dolor-disfunción craneomandibular y en los cuales la cirugía no sea la terapia de elección; haciendo una clasificación actualizada de los mismos, siendo estos: terapia psíquica (terapia de relajación muscular y control y manejo del estrés), terapia física realizada por el propio paciente y asistida por un fisioterapeuta, terapia mecánica (biofeedback electromiográfico, TENS, ionoforesis, ultrasonidos y láser blando) y terapia farmacológica.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the processes of selection in a citrus hybrid population using segregation analysis of RAPD markers. The segregation of 123 RAPD markers between 'Cravo' mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) and 'Pêra' sweet orange (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck) was analysed in a F1 progeny of 94 hybrids. Genetic composition, diversity, heterozygosity, differences in chromosomal structure and the presence of deleterious recessive genes are discussed based on the segregation ratios obtained. A high percentage of markers had a skeweness of the 1:1 expected segregation ratio in the F1 population. Many markers showed a 3:1 segregation ratio in both varieties and 1:3 in 'Pêra' sweet orange, probably due to directional selection processes. The distribution analysis of the frequencies of the segregant markers in a hybrid population is a simple method which allows a better understanding of the genetics of citrus group.
The objective of this work was to construct linkage maps of 'Pêra' sweet orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] and 'Cravo' mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) using RAPD markers and the pseudo-testcross strategy. The parents were chosen according to the resistance/susceptibility to citrus variegate chlorosis (CVC). The segregation of 176 markers was analyzed in 94 progeny of F1 hybrids, which were obtained from controlled crossings. The linkage map of 'Pêra' sweet orange had 117 markers defined by 12 linkage groups, which spanned 612.1 cM. Only six markers could not be linked to the linkage group and 48.7% of the markers showed segregation distortion. The linkage map of 'Cravo' mandarin had 51 markers defined by 12 linkage groups, which spanned 353.3 cM. Only two markers did not link to the groups and 15.7% showed segregation distortion. The construction of linkage maps is relevant to future mapping studies of the inheritance of CVC, citrus canker and leprosis.
Resultats d'una enquesta passada als assistents a una sessió clínia en un EAP. Els objectius de l'enquesta, en relació amb els professionals de la salut, són: conèixer l'ús que fan d'Internet en l'àmbit professional; conèixer quin ús fan de la prescripció web; saber si utilitzen el correu electrònic per comunicar-se amb els pacients; saber com perceben la consulta sobre informació mèdica o de salut a Internet per part dels seus pacients; i, finalment, identificar els recursos informatius sobre salut a Internet que utilitzen més, en relació amb els seus pacients.
Sessió clínica a un EAP amb dos objectius: proporcionar als professionals sanitaris de l'EAP orientacions bàsiques per ajudar els pacients a avaluar la informació sobre temes de salut localitzada a Internet, i promoure entre els professionals sanitaris l'ús de la prescripció web per formentar l'autonomia dels pacients. El contingut de la sessió va ser: breu introducció a Internet, tendències actuals en e-salut, criteris d'avaluació de pàgines web, segells de qualitat i prescripció web.