865 resultados para CUNY Legislative Day
A total of 46,089 individual monthly test-day (TD) milk yields (10 test-days), from 7,331 complete first lactations of Holstein cattle were analyzed. A standard multivariate analysis (MV), reduced rank analyses fitting the first 2, 3, and 4 genetic principal components (PC2, PC3, PC4), and analyses that fitted a factor analytic structure considering 2, 3, and 4 factors (FAS2, FAS3, FAS4), were carried out. The models included the random animal genetic effect and fixed effects of the contemporary groups (herd-year-month of test-day), age of cow (linear and quadratic effects), and days in milk (linear effect). The residual covariance matrix was assumed to have full rank. Moreover, 2 random regression models were applied. Variance components were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood method. The heritability estimates ranged from 0.11 to 0.24. The genetic correlation estimates between TD obtained with the PC2 model were higher than those obtained with the MV model, especially on adjacent test-days at the end of lactation close to unity. The results indicate that for the data considered in this study, only 2 principal components are required to summarize the bulk of genetic variation among the 10 traits.
The objective of this paper is to model variations in test-day milk yields of first lactations of Holstein cows by RR using B-spline functions and Bayesian inference in order to fit adequate and parsimonious models for the estimation of genetic parameters. They used 152,145 test day milk yield records from 7317 first lactations of Holstein cows. The model established in this study was additive, permanent environmental and residual random effects. In addition, contemporary group and linear and quadratic effects of the age of cow at calving were included as fixed effects. Authors modeled the average lactation curve of the population with a fourth-order orthogonal Legendre polynomial. They concluded that a cubic B-spline with seven random regression coefficients for both the additive genetic and permanent environment effects was to be the best according to residual mean square and residual variance estimates. Moreover they urged a lower order model (quadratic B-spline with seven random regression coefficients for both random effects) could be adopted because it yielded practically the same genetic parameter estimates with parsimony. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L'Autore opera una ricostruzione teorica del concetto di unità della successione, apprezzandone diverse sfumature: un significato più ristretto, per cui esso si lega al concetto di universitas ed individua appunto come unico il complesso delle situazioni giuridiche soggettive riferibili al de cuius; un secondo concetto più ampio, per cui unitarietà della successione mortis causa è il fenomeno per cui la successione nella somma delle posizioni giuridiche spettanti al defunto riceve una unica regolazione legislativa; un terzo profilo, che abbandona il concetto di successione mortis causa in senso giuridico, per accostarsi ad un concetto (piuttosto di natura economica)di unità della vicenda successoria. Se il concetto di unità della successione possiede un triplice, valore, anche la deroga ad esso potrà assumere diverse vesti, a seconda che incida sul primo, sul secondo o sul terzo di questi significati. Se il terzo profilo riguarda piuttosto un concetto economico e non tecnico di successione, ed importa conseguentemente deroghe solo indirette all’unità della successione, l’anomalia può essere di due tipi: possono essere dettate regole particolari per singoli beni, che però rimangono entro l’unica massa ereditaria, pur avendo una destinazione loro propria, e può invece essere creata dal legislatore una separata massa per cui si fa luogo ad una distinta regolazione successoria. Procedendo nella classificazione, le ipotesi di una deroga del primo tipo possono essere definite successioni speciali, riservando alla seconda classe di anomalie il nome di successioni separate. Conclusivamente, l'autore rileva che la disciplina della vicenda successoria, così come consegnata dalla tradizione e sancita ancora nelle norme della codificazione del 1942, non è più caratterizzata dall’assoluto dominio del principio di unità della successione, anche perché non si è rivelata, nella esperienza giuridica successiva alla codificazione, del tutto adeguata, in relazione a determinate categorie di beni e ad alcune categorie di soggetti coinvolti. Il legislatore ha infatti ritenuto di introdurre deroghe, via via maggiori al principio, con riferimento sia ai beni d’impresa sia alla particolare posizione – ed agli interessi tutelati – dei soggetti più vicini al de cuius, come il coniuge ed i parenti che vivessero a suo carico.
The present work provides an ex-post assessment of the UK 5-a-day information campaign where the positive effects of information on consumption levels are disentangled from the potentially conflicting price dynamics. A model-based estimate of the counterfactual (no-intervention) scenario is computed using data from the Expenditure and Food Survey between 2002 and 2006. For this purpose fruit and vegetable demand is modelled employing Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) specification with demographic effects and controlling for potential endogeneity of prices and total food expenditure.
Il presupposto della ricerca consiste nel riconosciuto valore storico-testimoniale e identitario e in un significativo potenziale d’indicazione pianificatoria e progettuale che detengono in sé i segni del paesaggio rurale tradizionale. Allo stato attuale, sebbene tali valori vengano ampiamente affermati sia nell’ambiente normativo-amministrativo che in quello scientifico, è tuttora riscontrabile una carenza di appropriati metodi e tecniche idonei a creare opportuni quadri conoscitivi per il riconoscimento, la catalogazione e il monitoraggio dei paesaggi rurali tradizionali a supporto di politiche, di piani e di progetti che interessano il territorio extraurbano. La ricerca si prefigge l’obiettivo generale della messa a punto di un set articolato ed originale di strumenti analitici e interpretativi di carattere quantitativo idonei per lo studio delle trasformazioni fisiche dei segni del paesaggio rurale tradizionale e per la valutazione del loro grado di integrità e rilevanza alla scala dell’azienda agricola. Tale obiettivo primario si è tradotto in obiettivi specifici, il cui conseguimento implica il ricorso ad un caso studio territoriale. A tal proposito è stato individuato un campione di 11 aziende agricole assunte quali aree studio, per una superficie complessiva pari all’incirca 200 ha, localizzate nel territorio dell’alta pianura imolese (Emilia-Romagna). L’analisi e l’interpretazione quantitativa delle trasformazioni fisiche avvenute a carico dei sopraccitati segni sono state condotte a decorrere da prima dell’industrializzazione all’attualità e per numerosi istanti temporali. Lo studio si presenta sia come contributo di metodo concernente la lettura diacronica dei caratteri tradizionali spaziali e compositivi del territorio rurale, sia come contributo conoscitivo relativo alle dinamiche evolutive dei paesaggi tradizionali rurali dell’area indagata.
The purpose of this dissertation is to reflect on the meaning of feminism in order to decide whether the movement needs a rebranding. The first part will focus on the history of feminism to clarify its beliefs and goals. The following part will highlight how feminism gained a bad reputation over time and will show Elle’s attempt in November 2013 to launch a project to rebrand the movement. The last part will explain what present-day feminism consists of by listing some of the latest projects and the most important issues the movement has to tackle. My analysis will finally show that the F-movement needs a rebranding and, in order to be effective, men should join women’s fight for equality. “We should all be feminists”.
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the main translating issues related to the subtitling of the Italian social movie Italy in a day into English: Italy in a day is a crowdsourced film, comprising a selection of video clips sent by ordinary people, showing occurrences of everyday life on a single day, October 26th, 2013. My dissertation consists of four chapters. The first provides a general overview of audiovisual translation, from the description of the characteristics of filmic products to a summary of the most important audiovisual translation modes; a theoretical framework of the discipline is also provided, through the analysis of the major contributions of Translations Studies and the multidisciplinary approach proposed by the scholar Frederic Chaume. The second chapter offers insight into the subtitling practice, examining its technical parameters, the spatial and temporal constraints, together with the advantages and pitfalls of this translation mode. The main criteria for quality assessment are also outlined, as well as the procedures carried out in the creation of subtitles within a professional environment, with a particular focus on the production of subtitles for the DVD industry. In the third chapter a definition of social movie is provided and the audiovisual material is accurately described, both in form and content. The creation of the subtitling project is here illustrated: after giving some information about the software employed, every step of the process is explained. In the final chapter the main translation challenges are highlighted. In the first part some text reduction techniques in the shift from oral to written are presented; then the culture-specific references and the linguistic variation in the film are analysed and the compensating strategies adopted to fill the linguistic and cultural gap are commented on and justified taking into account the needs and expectations of the target audience.
Attempting to achieve the high diversity of training goals in modern competitive alpine skiing simultaneously can be difficult and may lead to compromised overall adaptation. Therefore, we investigated the effect of block training periodization on maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and parameters of exercise performance in elite junior alpine skiers. Six female and 15 male athletes were assigned to high-intensity interval (IT, N = 13) or control training groups (CT, N = 8). IT performed 15 high-intensity aerobic interval (HIT) sessions in 11 days. Sessions were 4 x 4 min at 90-95% of maximal heart rate separated by 3-min recovery periods. CT continued their conventionally mixed training, containing endurance and strength sessions. Before and 7 days after training, subjects performed a ramp incremental test followed by a high-intensity time-to-exhaustion (tlim) test both on a cycle ergometer, a 90-s high-box jump test as well as countermovement (CMJ) and squat jumps (SJ) on a force plate. IT significantly improved relative VO2max by 6.0% (P < 0.01; male +7.5%, female +2.1%), relative peak power output by 5.5% (P < 0.01) and power output at ventilatory threshold 2 by 9.6% (P < 0.01). No changes occurred for these measures in CT. tlim remained unchanged in both groups. High-box jump performance was significantly improved in males of IT only (4.9%, P < 0.05). Jump peak power (CMJ -4.8%, SJ -4.1%; P < 0.01), but not height decreased in IT only. For competitive alpine skiers, block periodization of HIT offers a promising way to efficiently improve VO2max and performance. Compromised explosive jump performance might be associated with persisting muscle fatigue.
To investigate the hypothesis that day/night patterns of prothrombotic activity differ between patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and individuals with no OSA.