991 resultados para COLONY FORMATION
Interleukin (IL)-12p40, a subunit of IL-12p70 and IL-23, has previously been shown to inhibit IL-12p70 activity and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production. However, recent evidence has suggested that the role of IL-12p40 is more complex. To study the contribution of IL-12p40 to immune responses against mycobacterial infections, we have used transgenic (tg) mice overexpressing IL-12p40 under the control of a major histocompatibility complex-II promoter. The IL-12p40 transgene was expressed during steady state at concentrations of 129 +/- 25 ng/ml of serum and 75 +/- 13 ng per spleen, while endogenous IL-12p40 was hardly detectable in control littermates. Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) infection strongly induced the expression of IL-12p40 transgene in infected organs, and IL-12p40 monomeric and dimeric forms were identified in spleen of IL-12p40 tg mice. Excessive production of IL-12p40 resulted in a 14-fold increase in IL-12p70 serum levels in tg mice versus non-transgenic mice. IL-23 was also strongly elevated in the serum and spleens of IL-12p40 tg mice through BCG infection. While IFN-gamma and tumour necrosis factor protein levels were similar in IL-12p40 tg and non-transgenic mice, Th2 type immune responses were reduced in IL-12p40 tg mice. The number of BCG granulomas and macrophage expressing inducible nitric oxide synthase were similar in IL-12p40 tg and non-transgenic mice. IL-12p40 tg mice were as resistant as non-transgenic mice to BCG and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections as they could efficiently control bacillary growth. These data show that high amounts of IL-12p40 promotes IL-12p70 and IL-23 formation, but that does not affect T helper 1 type immune responses and granuloma function, thus leading to normal mycobacterial clearance in infected organs.
Emigration of a colony of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex heyeri Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Colony migration is a poorly studied phenomenon in leaf-cutting ants. Here we report on the emigration of a colony of the leaf-cutting ant A. heyeri in Brazil. The colony emigrated to a new location 47.4 m away from the original nest site, possibly because it had undergone considerable stress due to competitive interactions with a colony of Acromyrmex crassispinus.
Background: Bacteria form biofilms on the surface of orthopaedic devices, causing persistent infections. Monitoring biofilm formation on bone grafts and bone substitutes is challenging due to heterogeneous surface characteristics. We analyzed various bone grafts and bone substitutes regarding their propensity for in-vitro biofilm formation caused by S. aureus and S. epidermidis. Methods: Beta-tricalciumphosphate (b-TCP, ChronOsTM), processed human spongiosa (TutoplastTM) and PMMA (PalacosTM) were investigated. PE was added as a growth control. As test strains S. aureus (ATCC 29213) and S. epidermidis RP62A (ATCC 35984) were used. Test materials were incubated with 105 cfu/ml. After 24 h, test materials were removed and washed, followed by a standardised sonication protocol. The resulting sonication fluid was plated and bacterial counts were enumerated and expressed as cfu/sample. Sonicated samples were transferred to a microcalorimeter (TA Instrument) and heat flow monitored over a 24 h period with a precision of 0.0001°C and a sensitiviy of 200 μW. Experiments were performed in triplicates to calculate the mean ± SD. One-way ANOVA analysis was used for statistical analysis. Results: Bacterial counts (log10 cfu/sample) were highest on b-TCP (S. aureus 7.67 ± 0.17; S. epidermidis 8.14 ± 0.05) while bacterial density (log10 cfu/surface) was highest on PMMA (S. aureus 6.12 ± 0.2, S. epidermidis 7.65 ± 0.13). Detection time for S. aureus biofilms was shorter for the porous materials (b-TCP and Tutoplast, p <0.001) compared to the smooth materials (PMMA and PE) with no differences between b-TCP and TutoplastTM (p >0.05) or PMMA and PE (p >0.05). In contrast, for S. epidermidis biofilms the detection time was different (p <0.001) between all materials except between Tutoplast and PE (p >0.05). Conclusion: Our results demonstrate biofilm formation with both strains on all tested materials. Microcalorimetry was able to detect quantitatively the amount of biofilm. Further studies are needed to see whether calorimetry is a suitable tool also to monitor approaches to prevent and treat infections associated with bone grafts and bone substitutes.
Nesting substrata, colony success and productivity of the wasp Mischocyttarus cassununga. Colonies of the wasp Mischocyttarus cassununga (von Ihering, 1903) are easily found in urban areas. However, in spite of the massive presence of this species in cities, little is known about its nesting habits, colony success and productivity. The present study aimed at answering the following questions: What are the substrates used for nesting by M. cassununga? What is the main foundation strategy adopted by M. cassununga in urban areas: a solitary female or associative foundation? Is there a relationship between foundation strategies and colony success? Is the total number of cells per nest related to the number of adults produced? The study was conducted in Juiz de Fora, southeastern Brazil, from December 2006 to November 2007. Nesting in man-made substrata seems to be a common strategy in M. cassununga (90.9%), with preference for nest building with a horizontal comb facing north. The colonies were established mainly by groups of foundresses (67.6%), with a success of 84%. The number of brood cells produced per nest was 71.74 ± 45.25 (18-203), and it was positively correlated with the number of adults produced. Hence, we can say that the nests founded by M. cassununga are located mainly in man-made substrata and mostly founded by a group of females. The cell reuse behavior increases the number of adults produced, as it optimizes foraging. These characteristics together with its behavior and nesting habits promote the success of this species in thriving in urban environments.
La formation continue fait à l'évidence partie intégrante de la vie du médecin, elle est non seulement un devoir éthique envers les patients mais également l'expression du besoin de se maintenir «à la page» dans sa pratique quotidienne, conséquence des progrès rapides en médecine, particulièrement en oncologie médicale. Elle peut être également source de plaisir quand il s'agit d'accroître ses connaissances. Ses règles minimales ont été définies depuis plusieurs années par la FMH qui délègue aux sociétés de disciplines son application pratique. En 2008, une révision nécessaire pour différentes raisons a facilité le calcul des crédits. Même si le total des heures de formation est resté le même (50 crédits), il a été partagé par deux : 25 pour la formation spécifique et 25 qui peuvent être acquis dans une autre discipline (révision de mars 2009 du Règlement pour la formation continue, art. 5a). Cette révision n'a pas réjoui toutes les sociétés de spécialistes qui gardent la faculté de revoir à la hausse le minimum jugé nécessaire à leur discipline. La quantité des offres de formation continue pour les médecins pose le problème d'être proprement pléthorique (congrès nationaux et internationaux, e-learning, symposiums locaux, etc.), il n'en va pas de même de leur qualité. Dans le domaine de l'oncologie médicale, les offres sont abondantes dans un contexte de marketing évident : les maisons pharmaceutiques parrainent des réunions avec un orateur mercenaire, prestigieux si possible, invité à vanter un produit spécifique dans un cycle de présentations en différents lieux de Romandie (avec à chaque fois, la possibilité d'inscrire des crédits à l'actif des participants)... Elles soutiennent également, par leur logistique, de miniconférences organisées par les différentes institutions locales et auxquelles les médecins ne participent que de façon sporadique vu leur intérêt souvent très secondaire - il n'est pas rare que l'auditoire médical se résume à cinq ou dix participants. Au final, ces offres dispersées et de qualité discutable monopolisent les ressources qui se raréfient rapidement dans le contexte économique actuel et qui doivent impérativement être utilisées de manière plus judicieuse, notamment en évitant les manifestations répétitives. Devant toutes ces offres, il est souvent difficile pour la société de discipline de séparer le bon grain de l'ivraie et en conséquence d'attribuer de manière objective les crédits de formation. Partant de ce constat, un petit groupe romand de médecins oncologues praticiens installés et des centres universitaires ont réfléchi à l'idée de regrouper au sein d'une seule structure romande l'organisation d'une formation continue qui réponde à la fois aux besoins et à l'exigence de qualité. Ses tâches sont multiples : mettre sur pied annuellement plusieurs demi-journées de formation, préaviser avec un comité scientifique de la qualité de la formation continue distillée sur son territoire de compétence (sans empiéter sur les prérogatives de la commission pour la formation postgraduée de la Société suisse d'oncologie médicale - SSOM) en rapprochant les centres universitaires, les hôpitaux cantonaux et régionaux, et les praticiens. Ainsi est née l'association FoROMe (Formation romande en oncologie médicale). Sa légitimité a été établie par la SSOM et par le Comité pour la formation postgraduée et continue (nouvellement SIWF) de la FMH. Elle est maintenant en mesure de mettre en application les tâches pour lesquelles elle a été constituée. Il est évident que cela n'ira pas sans résistance et que certains diront qu'ils ne voient pas la nécessité d'une structure supplémentaire, que les sociétés de disciplines font très bien leur travail, qu'il s'agit encore là d'une atteinte à la liberté. Cependant les nécessités économiques vont tôt ou tard venir au secours de la logique pour confirmer les changements que cette démarche a permis d'anticiper. A l'avenir, il s'agira d'assurer le bien-fondé de cette initiative et de rester vigilant au bon fonctionnement de cette structure à la satisfaction de nos membres.
Genetic diversity might increase the performance of social groups by improving task efficiency or disease resistance, but direct experimental tests of these hypotheses are rare. We manipulated the level of genetic diversity in colonies of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile, and then recorded the short-term task efficiency of these experimental colonies. The efficiency of low and high genetic diversity colonies did not differ significantly for any of the following tasks: exploring a new territory, foraging, moving to a new nest site, or removing corpses. The tests were powerful enough to detect large effects, but may have failed to detect small differences. Indeed, observed effect sizes were generally small, except for the time to create a trail during nest emigration. In addition, genetic diversity had no statistically significant impact on the number of workers, males and females produced by the colony, but these tests had low power. Higher genetic diversity also did not result in lower variance in task efficiency and productivity. In contrast to genetic diversity, colony size was positively correlated with the efficiency at performing most tasks and with colony productivity. Altogether, these results suggest that genetic diversity does not strongly improve short-term task efficiency in L. humile, but that worker number is a key factor determining the success of this invasive species.
The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which exists in two functionally distinct complexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2 plays an important role in tumor growth. Whereas the role of mTORC1 has been well characterized in this process, little is known about the functions of mTORC2 in cancer progression. In this study, we explored the specific role of mTORC2 in colon cancer using a short hairpin RNA expression system to silence the mTORC2-associated protein rictor. We found that downregulation of rictor in HT29 and LS174T colon cancer cells significantly reduced cell proliferation. Knockdown of rictor also resulted in a G1 arrest as observed by cell cycle analysis. We further observed that LS174T cells deficient for rictor failed to form tumors in a nude mice xenograft model. Taken together, these results show that the inhibition of mTORC2 reduces colon cancer cell proliferation in vitro and tumor xenograft formation in vivo. They also suggest that specifically targeting mTORC2 may provide a novel treatment strategy for colorectal cancer.
Certain fluorescent pseudomonads can protect plants from soil-borne pathogens, and it is important to understand how these biocontrol agents survive in soil. The persistence of the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0-Rif under plough pan conditions was assessed in non-sterile soil microcosms by counting total cells (immunofluorescence microscopy), intact cells (BacLight membrane permeability test), viable cells (Kogure's substrate-responsiveness test) and culturable cells (colony counts on selective plates) of the inoculant. Viable but non-culturable cells of CHA0-Rif (106 cells g-1 soil) were found in flooded microcosms amended with fermentable organic matter, in which the soil redox potential was low (plough pan conditions), in agreement with previous observations of plough pan samples from a field inoculated with CHA0-Rif. However, viable but non-culturable cells were not found in unamended flooded, amended unflooded or unamended unflooded (i.e. control) microcosms, suggesting that such cells resulted from exposure of CHA0-Rif to a combination of low redox potential and oxygen limitation in soil. CHA0-Rif is strictly aerobic. Its anaerobic regulator ANR is activated by low oxygen concentrations and it controls production of the biocontrol metabolite hydrogen cyanide under microaerophilic conditions. Under plough pan conditions, an anr-deficient mutant of CHA0-Rif and its complemented derivative displayed the same persistence pattern as CHA0-Rif, indicating that anr was not implicated in the formation of viable but non-culturable cells of this strain at the plough pan.
Present downslope iron accumulations were investigated in the rainforest zone in southern Cameroon. Six clay and Fe-hydroxide dominated patterns have been identified and occur on the lower part of hill slopes. They can be subdivided in three different sequences, related to gentle, moderate or steep slopes. They are discontinuous with respect to the dismantling zone of the old ferricrete cap formed at Cretaceous period. They show a gradual development from a soft Fe-crust (carapace) to a vesicular facies that will, with time, cover the whole landscape again.
Colony social organization in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta appears to be under strong genetic control. In the invasive USA range, polygyny (multiple queens per colony) is marked by the presence of the Gp-9(b) allele in most of a colony's workers, whereas monogyny (single queen per colony) is associated with the exclusive occurrence of the Gp-9(B) allele. Ross and Keller, Behav Ecol Sociobiol 51:287-295 (2002) experimentally manipulated social organization by cross-fostering queens into colonies of the alternate form, thereby changing adult worker Gp-9 genotype frequencies over time. Although these authors showed that social behavior switched predictably when the frequency of b-bearing adult workers crossed a threshold of 5-10%, the possibility that queen effects caused the conversions could not be excluded entirely. We addressed this problem by fostering polygyne brood into queenright monogyne colonies. All such treatment colonies switched social organization to become polygyne, coincident with their proportions of b-bearing workers exceeding 12%. Our results support the conclusion that polygyny in S. invicta is induced by a minimum frequency of colony workers carrying the b allele, and further confirm that its expression is independent of queen genotype or history, worker genotypes at genes not linked to Gp-9, and colony genetic diversity.
In Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, an antagonist of root-pathogenic fungi, the GacS/GacA two-component system tightly controls the expression of antifungal secondary metabolites and exoenzymes at a posttranscriptional level, involving the RNA-binding protein and global regulator of secondary metabolism RsmA. This protein was purified from P. fluorescens, and RNA bound to it was converted to cDNA, which served as a probe to isolate the corresponding chromosomal locus, rsmZ. This gene encoded a regulatory RNA of 127 nucleotides and a truncated form lacking 35 nucleotides at the 3' end. Expression of rsmZ depended on GacA, increased with increasing population density, and was stimulated by the addition of a solvent-extractable extracellular signal produced by strain CHA0 at the end of exponential growth. This signal appeared to be unrelated to N-acyl-homoserine lactones. A conserved upstream element in the rsmZ promoter, but not the stress sigma factor RpoS, was involved in rsmZ expression. Overexpression of rsmZ effectively suppressed the negative effect of gacS and gacA mutations on target genes, i.e., hcnA (for hydrogen cyanide synthase) and aprA (for the major exoprotease). Mutational inactivation of rsmZ resulted in reduced expression of these target genes in the presence of added signal. Overexpression of rsmA had a similar, albeit stronger negative effect. These results support a model in which GacA upregulates the expression of regulatory RNAs, such as RsmZ of strain CHA0, in response to a bacterial signal. By a titration effect, RsmZ may then alleviate the repressing activity of RsmA on the expression of target mRNAs.
The increase in weight, fat and energy content of queens was studied in Iridomyrmex humilis (Mayr) in relation to the mode of colony founding in ants. The increase in energy content of gynes during the time between emergence and mating reaches only 80% in this species in which queens found colonies with the help of workers (dependent mode), whereas it can reach 470% in species in which queens found colonies without the help of workers (independent mode). These results are discussed with regard to the investment in energy required by each mode of colony founding.