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This dissertation deals with the use of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in the Military Police of Rio Grande do Norte (PMRN), an organization of service delivery in the area of public safety. For this purpose we sought refuge in the company's own documents, which presented the mission, vision and strategic objectives, which are items essential to the development of the instrument and its prospects. With the general objective of developing the BSC to PMRN, fitting into the methodology in a single case study, that from the desk study and according to their development, we established the classification of goals to the generic models and the BSC then adjusted according to public understanding of the corporation presented by professionals in the process of collection and in-depth interviews. Thus emerged the strategy map PMRN, based on the presentation of the causes and effects between the strategic objectives of each perspective, the value proposition to customers, internal processes needed to meet this value proposition and intangible assets, which are the basis to execute these processes


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This paper aims to conduct a study to evaluate and measure the possible impact that the unavailability of spare parts can have on customer satisfaction for car dealerships in the post-sales. A theoretical-conceptual review on the subject of satisfaction and loyalty, on the backdrop of the reality of the automobile market, allowed the construction of a research tool dedicated to collect opinions of car owners, to allow an analysis empirical relationship between the availability of parts, repairs or scheduled service possible, and change or stay on the mark on the occasion of change of vehicle. 236 forms were applied to car owners in the city of Natal / RN. The results obtained in this survey allowed the identification of the unavailability of parts as a significant factor, among others, the motivation for the customer to switch brands. Collaterally, we could also conclude that the dynamics of change in marks, whatever its motivation, is reflected in the perceived positions of the different brands as the market share both in strictly quantitative terms and in terms of relative positioning, with significant changes in the ranking of consumer preferences for different brands available


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This research aims to investigate the evolution presented during three decades (1980, 1990 and 2000) of using the tools of Operations Research (OR) as a suport to decision making in Production Operation Management (POM). Hypothesis tests were made to verify the proportional growth of a given area over the decades to the detriment of the areas of facility layout, capacity planning, production scheduling and inventory management. Six journals were selected and from them more than 800 articles were used for classification and analysis in the grounds of review. It also discussed possible ways for future research and comparisons are made with other papers of literature review. As a result, it was found that areas of heuristics and simulation showed a greater quantity of contributions in all POM areas of this study


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This paper proposes a procedure to control on-line processes for attributes, using an Shewhart control chart with two control limits (warning limit and control limit) and will be based on a sequence of inspection (h). The inspection procedure is based on Taguchi et al. (1989), in which to inspect the item, if the number of non-conformities is higher than an upper control limit, the process needs to be stopped and some adjustment is required; and, if the last inspection h, from all items inspected present a number of non-conformities between the control limit and warning limit. The items inspected will suffer destructive inspection, being discarded after inspection. Properties of an ergodic Markov chain are used to get the expression of average cost per item and the aim was the determination of four optimized parameters: the sampling interval of the inspections (m); the constant W to draw the warning limit (W); the constant C to draw the control limit (C), where W £ C, and the length of sequence of inspections (h). Numerical examples illustrate the proposed procedure


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This work presents an analysis of the method of intervention used in the craft of design by SEBRAE in Rio Grande do Norte under the viewpoint of the actors involved, especially the craftsmen and design consultants. The research methodology used was based on the ergonomic work analysis - AET, applying observational techniques and interactive. Data tabulated from the matrix to include comments were analyzed in order to allow the generation of qualitative and quantitative information. The results of this research allow us to affirm that for the process of innovation through the design of intervention are satisfactory for all involved, it is necessary that the bonds of interaction are established and the joint actions in the innovation process to bear fruit in favor sustainability of artisan groups


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We have been living in a world of packed products. The package and the labels support the companies to communicate with the customers in addition to give protection, storage and convenience in proportion to the products that move in the price list. The labels mainly add up a value which helps the companies differ their products and increase the value of the brands among the final customers. However, the information given in the label are not clear sometimes. It displays a verbal-visual defective language resulted from a poor visibility, legibleness and comprehensibleness of the verbal and visual marks. The aim of this research is to verify, according to the costumers‟ view, the level of the clarity in the informative texts, harmony and ergonomic conformity of the package labels in the chocolate powder of the Claralate brand, considering the linguistic aspects presented on the labels. The criteria to evaluate the chocolate package selected were based on the linguistic field: the organization and the structure of the text derided from the classification of the textual genre; the clarity and the comprehension of the language utilized on those labels. From the ergonomic view, the informative and ergonomic conformity, based on the following requirements: legibility, symbols, characters, reading fields and intermission of the written lines. Therefore, the research done july 2007 and added july 2011 had a structured questionnaire in the interview put to the 118 customers of the chocolate package that go shopping in one of the two supermarkets in Floriano, Piauí São Jorge and/or Super Quaresma. The main results of the investigation show that the linguistic aspects in the informative texts of the labels provide the customers‟ expectancy partially, while the consideration of the informative ergonomic analyzed can contribute to the improvement of the information and consequent visual progress of those, on the labels of chocolate package investigated. As recommendation towards the maker of the product, the outcome of the research indicates: harmonize the proportion of the letters and numbers; enlarge the letters size; make the visual information more comprehensive determined by the reading field; put the expiry date in a better visual place


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The strengthening of the domestic industry in Brazil required the modernization, mechanization and expansion of salt production. Thereafter the production of sea salt started to be made in a process of continuous flow, where the product is constantly stored in yards, with daily movements in and out of salt. Thus far, the major bottleneck found in this production process is the control of production, because due to the large amount produced and variety of losses existing in the various stages of production there are not a regulated and safe way to control inventories with accuracy and speed demanded. In a typical case with a salt marsh company of Rio Grande do Norte state, salt produced is stored in two open courtyards and inventory control of salt made by carrying input / output relationship of salt in each storage yard. This work developed a conceptual model of inventory control, based on topography, adopting surveys into one of the courtyards of the company. There were 25 biweekly survey measurements over a year book to generate digital models representing the stock. For each measurement, results were compared with the values of inventory accounting provided by the salt marsh in order to identify existing losses and mark out the sales department on the actual stock available at each measurement date. Inventories calculated by the model indicated losses of 6,349 tonnes for the period of one year book and 3,279 tonnes for the period between harvests, when compared to the accounting control


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The portfolio theory is a field of study devoted to investigate the decision-making by investors of resources. The purpose of this process is to reduce risk through diversification and thus guarantee a return. Nevertheless, the classical Mean-Variance has been criticized regarding its parameters and it is observed that the use of variance and covariance has sensitivity to the market and parameter estimation. In order to reduce the estimation errors, the Bayesian models have more flexibility in modeling, capable of insert quantitative and qualitative parameters about the behavior of the market as a way of reducing errors. Observing this, the present study aimed to formulate a new matrix model using Bayesian inference as a way to replace the covariance in the MV model, called MCB - Covariance Bayesian model. To evaluate the model, some hypotheses were analyzed using the method ex post facto and sensitivity analysis. The benchmarks used as reference were: (1) the classical Mean Variance, (2) the Bovespa index's market, and (3) in addition 94 investment funds. The returns earned during the period May 2002 to December 2009 demonstrated the superiority of MCB in relation to the classical model MV and the Bovespa Index, but taking a little more diversifiable risk that the MV. The robust analysis of the model, considering the time horizon, found returns near the Bovespa index, taking less risk than the market. Finally, in relation to the index of Mao, the model showed satisfactory, return and risk, especially in longer maturities. Some considerations were made, as well as suggestions for further work


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The search of the man for more comfort and one better quality of life led to an increment of the production of goods and services, that results, almost always, in aggressions to the nature and to a reduction of this same quality of life. The concern with the ambient problems appears as an important element regarding the material and economic growth and of the quality of life. With this scene a new question, the Ambient Marketing appears. Although the marketing concept to be well ample, the companies use the term ambient marketing to make reference what in fact, many times, are a more specific activity of ambient communication. The ambient communication is a new form to communicate used for the companies with the objective to get advantages of its competitors ahead, since the competitiveness by means of the o price, the stated period and the quality if becomes extremely incited. In view of the current competitive market, where the organizations need distinguishing to get greater have detached front to the competition, and the fact of the society to be each time more worried about the environment and the impacts that the companies cause it, the ambient communication has been used as form to convince its customers. Of this form, she evaluated herself, through a exploratory research and qualitative, the influence of the use of the ambient communication in the decision of purchase and of that she forms the companies when using of this communication can add value to its product. The results had indicated that 77% of the interviewed ones had heard to say on marketing or ambient communication and that the television is main the media for this knowledge, a time that 90.9% of the respondents had affirmed to have seen propagandas of directed products of consumption to the ambient question in this way. In fact, the concern with the environment demonstrated for the companies has its impact, therefore 84% of the respondents had told if to sensetize with this fact. However, only a lesser number of people, 70.5% answered that this concern really influences in its decision of purchase


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This work presents a hybrid approach for the supplier selection problem in Supply Chain Management. We joined decision-making philosophy by researchers from business school and researchers from engineering in order to deal with the problem more extensively. We utilized traditional multicriteria decision-making methods, like AHP and TOPSIS, in order to evaluate alternatives according decision maker s preferences. The both techiniques were modeled by using definitions from the Fuzzy Sets Theory to deal with imprecise data. Additionally, we proposed a multiobjetive GRASP algorithm to perform an order allocation procedure between all pre-selected alternatives. These alternatives must to be pre-qualified on the basis of the AHP and TOPSIS methods before entering the LCR. Our allocation procedure has presented low CPU times for five pseudorandom instances, containing up to 1000 alternatives, as well as good values for all considered objectives. This way, we consider the proposed model as appropriate to solve the supplier selection problem in the SCM context. It can be used to help decision makers in reducing lead times, cost and risks in their supply chain. The proposed model can also improve firm s efficiency in relation to business strategies, according decision makers, even when a large number of alternatives must be considered, differently from classical models in purchasing literature


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This survey develops a study about the pro-environment behavior of a brazilian company of oil and gas sector, emphazing the Petróleo Brasileiro S/A PETROBRAS in its Unit of Business of Exploration and Production in the State of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará − UN-RNCE. The work s development adopt the bibliographic research methodology with the descriptive exploratory analisys, with the purpouse of identifying related points with the knowledge and the analysed enterprise s staff conduct, by the aplication of the interview with a instrument of data colecting with closed variable questions from answers that varies from o to 10.The answers allowed us to know the employees knowledge about the related aspects of environmental responsability, knowing also the involvement of the employees with the politics of environmental managment that has been implemented in the operating area of the company. The research led us to an important verification of the pro-environmental behavior of the people interviewed. The results depends of a wise acting, not only inside the company, but also outside, where the results of this acting will be more perceived for the society. Finally, we conclude that the company has a politics of management with a great importance, emphasinzing that the employees are been in constant training about their behavior resulting in satisfaction


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The jangadeiros in the work activity are exposed to diverse and constant variability, which are extremely important to know in order to understand this activity and the risks they are exposed. The current study aims to analyze the work activity raftsmen of Ponta Negra beach in Natal, focusing on handling and quality of the fish sold by them to propose through the social construction recommendations for improving its product. To achieve this purpose was used a methodology inspired by the ergonomic work analysis using techniques observational and interactional. He was also made an assessment of fish sold by jangadeiros Ponta Negra, this evaluation was a sensory evaluation using the method "Torry Research" adapted by Vieira (2004) in order to assess the level of quality fish. In general it was observed that the fish originated from the fishing that rafts in Ponta Negra, have a good degree of freshness. But it was found that some ways of handling and storage can be improved


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The problem dealt with in this study concerns the analysis of bus drivers' working situation. It stemmed from the need to identify the difficulties faced by these professionals in accomplishing the results expected by the company. A case study was carried out in a public transportation company in the city of Natal. Records and observations made in the workplace, alongside perfomance indicators, such as absenteeism tax, staff turnover and traffic accidents, revealed problems in their activity. It was made clear that, in the company being studied, absenteeism was related to health problems, particularly psychiatric and musculoskeletal disorders, and that although the indicators of traffic accidents and staff turnover have declined over the years, they are still elevated. The interviews involved 50 of the 124 drivers who worked directly in the service, and contained questions covering eleven factors related to the drivers' work. They indicated a gap between the prescribed work and the work actually done, in that there were a series of embarassing or stressful situations involving traffic, itinerary length, road conditions, vehicle maintenance, physical environment (bus terminus), job post and supervision policies. On the other hand, factors such as enjoying driving, the work itself and being with workmates positively influenced the drivers' working conditions. In the propositions of the administration and human resources subsystems, some alternatives were found in order to remodel this activity


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This dissertation has as objective at analyzing the students' perception about the quality of graduate courses distance of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, which was motivated by the following research problem: the perception that graduate students of the distance of the UFRN have on the quality of the undergraduate? To this end, we sought to gather evidence for a satisfactory approach that addresses the complexity of the subject studied: quality management, distance learning and quality in the Higher Education Institutions. We chose to adopt as a research method, case study on the procedure of the research, exploratory research-descriptive about the objective and quantitative research when tackling the problem. The object of the study were six graduate courses distance UFRN/SEDIS, having as target the students of the courses. The sample was calculated using the Stratified sampling on which 217 students, the courses surveyed were selected. The survey instrument consisted of 21 structured questions, of which seven questions designed to identify the profile of students, seven issues of perceptions (manifest variables) on quality management in distance learning, where students have given values (responses) for 24 statements (which address the central theme of this dissertation) composite based on a 5-point Likert s scale, and six questions about general characteristics that may interfere with students' perception about the quality. Was used as statistical method (data analysis), descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis. The results show the identification of four latent factors (obtained by exploratory factor analysis), namely: (1) infrastructure and management - polo presence, (2) teaching-learning processes, (3) communication tools and integration; (4) tutors. We also observed that aspects related to infrastructure and management at the pole face had the lowest score among the factors observed, requiring special attention by the education institution. On the other hand, teachers and teaching learning processes were the items with better performance in the perception of students. It is concluded that the perception of students in relation to quality in distance education courses, the median is trending positive perception, ie the perception of overall quality of the courses is not assertive and unison, but tends to positive perception. Thus, the results, it is expected that the managers of the institution to focus attention on critical points in order to minimize them (or eliminate them) and maximize the positive aspects that are perceived by the students


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The objective in the facility location problem with limited distances is to minimize the sum of distance functions from the facility to the customers, but with a limit on each distance, after which the corresponding function becomes constant. The problem has applications in situations where the service provided by the facility is insensitive after a given threshold distance (eg. fire station location). In this work, we propose a global optimization algorithm for the case in which there are lower and upper limits on the numbers of customers that can be served