913 resultados para Building energy-efficiency
O presente relatório de projeto explicita as etapas da elaboração e os resultados obtidos através da realização de um projeto de reabilitação energética de um complexo de piscinas interiores. Esta reabilitação energética tem por objetivo a redução dos custos energéticos através da subtração de consumos supérfluos de energia ou da melhoria da eficiência energética dos equipamentos. Para alcançar estes objetivos recorreu-se à simulação dinâmica do edifício de modo a estimar múltiplas variáveis energéticas e identificar quais os setores e equipamentos que maior influência têm no consumo energético do complexo em estudo. Para a realização da simulação, recorreu-se a um software desenvolvido pelo DOE dos Estados Unidos da América, o Energy Plus, com o auxílio do Design Builder, que permite a criação e edição do modelo de forma mais fácil e acessível. Os valores retirados da simulação foram posteriormente comparados com valores reais. Com o complexo caraterizado e os principais consumidores identificados foi possível iniciar o estudo das medidas de melhoria da eficiência energética. As principais medidas estudadas incidiram na instalação de coberturas isotérmicas nas piscinas para reduzir a perda de energia através da evaporação e da radiação, a introdução de fontes de energia renovável como alternativa energética, substituição de elementos do sistema de iluminação e o aproveitamento de energia dissipada em equipamentos. Com este estudo, a entidade gestora do complexo encontra-se mais informada e pronta a tomar decisões que influenciem de forma significativa o consumo de energia no complexo, podendo optar pela instalação de alguma das medidas propostas.
Resource management policies are frequently designed and planned to target specific needs of particular sectors, without taking into account the interests of other sectors who share the same resources. In a climate of resource depletion, population growth, increase in energy demand and climate change awareness, it is of great importance to promote the assessment of intersectoral linkages and, by doing so, understand their effects and implications. This need is further augmented when common use of resources might not be solely relevant at national level, but also when the distribution of resources ranges over different nations. This dissertation focuses on the study of the energy systems of five south eastern European countries, which share the Sava River Basin, using a water-food(agriculture)-energy nexus approach. In the case of the electricity generation sector, the use of water is essential for the integrity of the energy systems, as the electricity production in the riparian countries relies on two major technologies dependent on water resources: hydro and thermal power plants. For example, in 2012, an average of 37% of the electricity production in the SRB countries was generated by hydropower and 61% in thermal power plants. Focusing on the SRB, in terms of existing installed capacities, the basin accommodates close to a tenth of all hydropower capacity while providing water for cooling to 42% of the net capacity of thermal power currently in operation in the basin. This energy-oriented nexus study explores the dependency on the basin’s water resources of the energy systems in the region for the period between 2015 and 2030. To do so, a multi-country electricity model was developed to provide a quantification ground to the analysis, using the open-source software modelling tool OSeMOSYS. Three main areas are subject to analysis: first, the impact of energy efficiency and renewable energy strategies in the electricity generation mix; secondly, the potential impacts of climate change under a moderate climate change projection scenario; and finally, deriving from the latter point, the cumulative impact of an increase in water demand in the agriculture sector, for irrigation. Additionally, electricity trade dynamics are compared across the different scenarios under scrutiny, as an effort to investigate the implications of the aforementioned factors in the electricity markets in the region.
PEDRINI, Aldomar; SZOKOLAY, Steven. Recomendações para o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de suporte às primeiras decisões projetuais visando ao desempenho energético de edificações de escritório em clima quente. Ambiente Construído, Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 1, p.39-54, jan./mar. 2005. Trimestral. Disponível em:
Sustainability in buildings, while reducing the impact on the environment, contributes to the promotion of social welfare, to increase the health and productivity of occupants. The search for a way of build that meets the aspirations and development of humanity without, however, represent degradation of the environment, has become the great challenge of contemporary architecture. It is considered that the incorporation of principles that provide a sustainable building with careful choices of design solutions contribute to a better economic and thermal performance of the building, as well as functional and psychological comfort to its users. Based on this general understanding, this paper presents an architecture project aimed to health care whose the solutions adopted follow carefully the relevant legislation and sets his sights on the theme of sustainability. The methodology began with studies on the themes of verification service of deaths, sustainability and those application in construction developed through research in academic studies and analysis of architectural projects, using them like reference for the solutions adopted. Within the project analysis was performed a visit to the verification service of deaths in the city of Palmas in Tocantins, subsidizing information that, plus the relevant legislation, led to functional programming and pre-dimensional of the building to be designed. The result of this programming environments were individual records with information from environmental restrictions, space required for the development of activities, desirable flow and sustainability strategies, that can be considered as the first product of relevance of the professional master's degree. Finally we have outlined the basic design architecture of a Verification Service of Death SVO/RN (in portuguese), whose process of projecting defined as a guiding line of work four points: the use of bioclimatic architecture as the main feature projectual, the use of resources would provide minimal harm to the environment, the use of modulation and structure to the building as a form of rationalization and finally the search for solutions that ensure environmental and psychological comfort to users. Importantly to highlight that, besides owning a rare theme in literature that refers to architectural projects, the whole project was drawn up with foundations in projective criteria that contribute to environmental sustainability, with emphasis on thermal performance, energy efficiency and reuse of rainwater
This thesis describes the theoretical, methodological and programmatic proposal for a multifamily residential building located in the urban expansion area of Parnamirim/RN, inserted in the program Minha Casa Minha Vida and level of energy efficiency "A", as the RegulamentoTécnico de Qualidade (RTQ-R/INMETRO) for residential buildings. The development project initially consists of procedures as the study of theoretical, architectural programming and cases studies. With the delimitation of a field solution, situated between the reference and the context, proposals are studied to determine the solution and architectural detailing of the proposal. The architectural program was built based on the method of Problem Seeking (Peña and Parshall, 2001) and research has highlighted aspects of reducing the environmental impact and of the program Minha Casa Minha Vida , among others. The design process was characterized by the incorporation of aspects reviewed and programmed, seeking them compatible and have an economically viable building, socio-spatial quality and energy efficient. The results show that it is possible to obtain a building that meets the constraints of the program that provides housing and energy efficiency level A - and many other environmental qualities and constructive, particularly through architectural design
The purpose of this dissertation is the architectural project of the ambulatory complex of the Federal University of Pará in Belém. It is a health care establishment whose focus is sustainability, energy efficiency and humanization. This design went through the application of architectural concepts, the study of references (theorical and empirical ones), planning, examining the terrain and its conditions and the preliminay design and resulted in a preliminary architecture blueprint. The empirical research is based on the main building of the Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto in Belém, Hospital Sarah Kubitschek of Fortaleza (Architect João Filgueiras de Lima - Lelé) and Hospital e Maternity São Luiz of São Paulo (Architect Siegbert Zanettini). Part of the planning is based on the method "Problem Seeking of Pena and Parshal (2001)". During the development process I sought to incorporate sustainability criterias, energy efficiency and humanization. In relation to sustainability the dissertation focuses on the utilization of rainwater for non-potable usage
The goal of the research was to investigate the energy performance of residential vertical buildings envelope in the hot and humid climate of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, based in the Technical Regulation of Quality for Energy Efficiency Level in Residential Buildings (RTQ -R), launched in 2010. The study pretends to contribute to the development of design strategies appropriate to the specific local climate and the increasing of energy efficiency level of the envelope. The methodological procedures included the survey in 22 (twenty two) residential buildings, the formulation of representative prototypes based on typological and constructives characters researched and the classification of the level of energy efficiency in the envelopment of these prototypes, using as a tool the prescriptive method of the RTQ-R and the parametric analyzes from assigning different values of the following variables: shape of the pavement type; distribution of housing compartments; orientation of the building; area and shading of openings; thermal transmittance, and solar absorptance of opaque materials of the frontage in order to evaluate the influence of these on the envelopment performance. The main results accomplished with this work includes the qualification of vertical residential buildings in Natal/RN; the verification of the adequacy of these buildings to local climate based from the diagnosis of the thermal energy of the envelopment performance, the identification of variables with more significant influence on the prescriptive methodology of RTQ-R and design solutions more favorable to obtain higher levels energy efficiency by this method. Finally, it was verified, that some of these solutions proved contradictory in relation to the recommendations contained in the theoretical approaches regarding environmental comfort in hot and humid weather, which indicates the need for improvement of the prescriptive method RTQ-R and further research on efficient design solutions
A presente dissertação é o resultado de um estudo realizado entre Março de 2015 e Março de 2016 centrado no tema Eficiência Energética nos Edifícios, no âmbito da Dissertação do 2º ano do Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica – Sistemas Elétricos de Energia no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). Atualmente, os edifícios são responsáveis por cerca de 40% do consumo de energia na maioria dos países da europa. Energia consumida, principalmente, no aquecimento, arrefecimento e na alimentação de aparelhos elétricos. Os hospitais, como grandes edifícios, são grandes consumidores de energia e, na maioria dos países europeus, situam-se entre os edifícios públicos menos eficientes. Neste contexto, representam um tipo de edifícios cuja atividade apresenta um potencial de poupança energético importante. O tipo de atividade aí desenvolvida, aliada às especificidades do sector da saúde, faz deste tipo de edifícios um alvo de análise e otimização energética bastante apetecível. O presente trabalho passa pelo estudo do potencial para a eficiência energética de um hospital situado na zona do Porto. Foi, inicialmente, efetuado um levantamento das necessidades energéticas, de modo a identificar os sectores prioritários de atuação. Este estudo conta com a análise dos consumos obtidos através do processo de monitorização, substituição da iluminação existente por uma mais eficiente, a instalação de painéis solares para reduzir o consumo destinado às águas quentes sanitárias, a substituição de caldeira a diesel por caldeira a biomassa, substituição de um chiller por um mais eficiente, entre outros. Os consumos registados no hospital em estudo serão comparados com um plano nacional (Eficiência Energética e Hídrica no Sistema Nacional de Saúde), para, desta forma, se perceber quais os consumos do hospital em estudo, quando comparados com outros hospitais.
Com o aumento constante de procura de recursos naturais por parte dos vários setores da sociedade é urgente encontrar soluções para reduzir o seu consumo sem se travar a expansão demográfica que se tem vindo a sentir nos grandes centros urbanos. É através da implementação de medidas de sustentabilidade e pelo aumento da eficiência de utilização desses recursos que se tem vindo a combater esta tendência cada vez maior de consumismo global, sendo isto apenas possível com a implementação de ferramentas tecnológicas avançadas que permitem estabelecer limites ao considerado eficiente e premiando, em termos financeiros e de imagem de marketing, as entidades que o alcancem. O LEED é um sistema de certificação de sustentabilidade voluntário de edifícios residenciais e comerciais que estabelece métricas de comparação de parâmetros indicadores de consumos energéticos, hídricos e de materiais em todo o ciclo de vida do edifício e que tem vindo a ganhar destaque em crescendo a nível mundial. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo comparar a performance de consumo energético no âmbito do sistema LEED com a do sistema de certificação energética de edifícios nacional (SCE) de um grande edifício de serviços, estabelecendo um paralelismo de semelhanças e diferenças entre os dois e de avaliar os efeitos de potenciais medidas de eficiência energética e seus efeitos nas classificações de mérito obtidas em cada sistema. Os resultados obtidos na simulação que permitiu avaliar a performance foi muito satisfatório, tendo sido aproveitado pela empresa para efeitos de certificação LEED do edifício em estudo.
PM motors are suitable for nearly all applications, like pumps, elevators, compressors, blowers, extruders, generators, electric vehicles, servodrives, cooling towers, household appliances, etc. This paper will present some applications where the use of PM motors allowed for enhancements in energy efficiency and process quality.
Energy efficient policies are being applied to network protocols, devices and classical network management systems. Researchers have already studied in depth each of those fields, including for instance a long monitoring processes of various number of individual ICT equipment from where power models are constructed. With the development of smart meters and emerging protocols such as SNMP and NETCONF, currently there is an open field to couple the power models, translated to the expected behavior, with the realtime energy measurements. The goal is to derive a comparison on the power data between both of the processes in the direction of detection for possible deviations on the expected results. The logical assumption is that a fault in the usage of a particular device will not only increase its own energy usage, but also may cause additional consumption on the other devices part of the network. A platform is developed to monitor and analyze the retrieved power data of a simulated enterprise ICT infrastructure. Moreover, smart algorithms are developed which are aware of the different states that are occurring on each device during their typical use phase, as well as to detect and isolate possible anomalies. The produced results are obtained and validated with the use of Cisco switches and routers, Dell Precision stations and Raritan PDU as part of the monitored infrastructure.
Indoor Air 2016 - The 14th International Conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate
A dependência energética das grandes economias mundiais alertou o mundo para a necessidade de mudar o comportamento relativo ao consumo de energia. O aumento dos custos energéticos tem induzido ao uso racional da energia por parte das organizações, implicando uma monitorização permanente nas instalações. A eficiência energética é um tema que tem vindo a assumir grande importância nos dias de hoje na nossa sociedade, não só pelos compromissos internacionais assumidos, como também pelo combate ao desperdício energético. Esta dissertação relata o estágio curricular na Agência de Energia do Ave, que inclui uma auditoria energética à escola Padre Benjamim Salgado. O estágio visou essencialmente a contribuição para um modelo de desenvolvimento sustentável, na procura de alternativas com menor impacto ambiental, introduzindo conceitos de eficiência energética e ambiental nos processos de planeamento. Acções de sensibilização e auditorias energéticas foram os projetos que, durante o período curricular, tiveram maior intervenção por parte do autor desta dissertação, tendo em vista a mudança de hábitos de consumo energético na sociedade. A auditoria energética à escola Padre Benjamim Salgado, Joane Vila Nova de Famalicão, apresenta uma abordagem para a determinação da redução dos custos de energia, mantendo o conforto para os seus ocupantes. A escola em análise configura um Grande Edifício de Serviços (GES) à luz de uma análise térmica feita ao edifício escolar, com os valores de eferência atualizados, com entrada em vigor a 31 de dezembro de 2015, ao abrigo da nova regulamentação (decreto-lei n.º118/2013, 20 de Agosto) verificando-se o cumprimento dos requisitos mínimos definidos na Portaria n.º 349/2013 do atual decreto. Foi ainda efetuada, após um levantamento exaustivo, uma análise detalhada das faturas de energia, gás e água, e de todos os equipamentos consumidores de energia que se encontram instalados na instituição.
Tämän työn tavoitteena on skenaarioiden avulla luoda pitkän aikavälin alueellinen sähkökuormien kehitysennuste Rovaniemen Verkko Oy:lle. Pitkän aikavälin kuormitusennusteet ovat välttämättömiä verkon kehittämisen pohjalle, jotta verkko voidaan mitoittaa vastaamaan kuormitusta pitkälle tulevaisuuteen tekniset ja taloudelliset vaatimukset huomioiden. Kuormitusennusteen onkin jatkossa tarkoitus toimia apuvälineenä verkon strategisessa kehittämisessä. Pohjana kuormitusennusteissa on tilastokeskuksen ja Rovaniemen kaupungin väestö- ja työpaikkaennusteet. Väestöennusteiden ja erilaisten rakentamistilastoiden avulla arvioidaan uudisrakentamisen määrä tulevaisuudessa. Uudisrakentamisen kuormitusvaikutuksiin päästään työssä määritettyjen paikallisten ja rakennustyyppikohtaisten sähkön ominaiskulutuksien avulla. Kuormituksien alueellinen sijoittautuminen arvioidaan kaavoituksen ja kaupungin maankäytön toteuttamisohjelman avulla. Työssä tutkitaan myös tulevaisuudessa sähkönkäytössä tapahtuvien useiden muutosten vaikutusta alueelliseen kuormitukseen. Näitä muutoksia ovat muun muassa sähköautojen, hajautetun tuotannon, lämpöpumppujen ja kysynnän jouston lisääntyminen. Myös rakennusten jatkuvasti parantuva energiatehokkuus aiheuttaa muutoksia sähkön kulutukseen.
The energy consumption by ICT (Information and Communication Technology) equipment is rapidly increasing which causes a significant economic and environmental problem. At present, the network infrastructure is becoming a large portion of the energy footprint in ICT. Thus the concept of energy efficient or green networking has been introduced. Now one of the main concerns of network industry is to minimize energy consumption of network infrastructure because of the potential economic benefits, ethical responsibility, and its environmental impact. In this paper, the energy management strategies to reduce the energy consumed by network switches in LAN (Local Area Network) have been developed. According to the lifecycle assessment of network switches, during usage phase, the highest amount of energy consumed. The study considers bandwidth, link load and traffic matrixes as input parameters which have the highest contribution in energy footprint of network switches during usage phase and energy consumption as output. Then with the objective of reducing energy usage of network infrastructure, the feasibility of putting Ethernet switches hibernate or sleep mode was investigated. After that, the network topology was reorganized using clustering method based on the spectral approach for putting network switches to hibernate or switched off mode considering the time and communications among them. Experimental results show the interest of this approach in terms of energy consumption