706 resultados para Breach of trust
The article seeks to examine the effect of a severance of a joint beneficial title following the House of Lords' ruling in Stack v Dowden [2007] 2 AC 432. If, under Stack, the parties' beneficial interests fall to be treated as identical to their legal interests (in effect, giving rise to a joint tenancy both at law and in equity), how does the mechanism of severance of a joint beneficial tenancy actually operate so as to give rise to separate and unequal shares where the parties' common intention has changed by virtue of post-acquisition events? The question is examined by reference to an ambulatory and new constructive trust, as well as where the parties have entered into an express declaration of trust of their beneficial interests.
Background: 'Neuromarketing' is a term that has often been used in the media in recent years. These public discussions have generally centered around potential ethical aspects and the public fear of negative consequences for society in general, and consumers in particular. However, positive contributions to the scientific discourse from developing a biological model that tries to explain context-situated human behavior such as consumption have often been neglected. We argue for a differentiated terminology, naming commercial applications of neuroscientific methods 'neuromarketing' and scientific ones 'consumer neuroscience'. While marketing scholars have eagerly integrated neuroscientific evidence into their theoretical framework, neurology has only recently started to draw its attention to the results of consumer neuroscience.Discussion: In this paper we address key research topics of consumer neuroscience that we think are of interest for neurologists; namely the reward system, trust and ethical issues. We argue that there are overlapping research topics in neurology and consumer neuroscience where both sides can profit from collaboration. Further, neurologists joining the public discussion of ethical issues surrounding neuromarketing and consumer neuroscience could contribute standards and experience gained in clinical research.Summary: We identify the following areas where consumer neuroscience could contribute to the field of neurology:. First, studies using game paradigms could help to gain further insights into the underlying pathophysiology of pathological gambling in Parkinson's disease, frontotemporal dementia, epilepsy, and Huntington's disease.Second, we identify compulsive buying as a common interest in neurology and consumer neuroscience. Paradigms commonly used in consumer neuroscience could be applied to patients suffering from Parkinson's disease and frontotemporal dementia to advance knowledge of this important behavioral symptom.Third, trust research in the medical context lacks empirical behavioral and neuroscientific evidence. Neurologists entering this field of research could profit from the extensive knowledge of the biological foundation of trust that scientists in economically-orientated neurosciences have gained.Fourth, neurologists could contribute significantly to the ethical debate about invasive methods in neuromarketing and consumer neuroscience. Further, neurologists should investigate biological and behavioral reactions of neurological patients to marketing and advertising measures, as they could show special consumer vulnerability and be subject to target marketing. © 2013 Javor et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
In France, the tradition of contracting out local public services has been predominantly one of partnership and co-operation rather than competition and antagonism. However, in recent years the traditional approach has come under intense criticism, something which has far-reaching implications for public-private governance. Adopting the socio-legal approach to the study of contract governance set out by Peter Vincent-Jones, this paper explores the discrepancy between descriptions of a traditional French approach to local public services governance, in which the bilateral values of trust and co-operation are emphasized, and a new discourse of local public services governance, which argues for detailed contract planning and close contract monitoring. It is argued that this discrepancy reveals the beginning of a shift in the governance of public service exchange relationships from relatively noncontractual and bilateral to relatively contractual and trilateral. The French case highlights the importance of regulatory and accountability frameworks to the manner in which contracting parties perceive exchange governance. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2005.
The paper analyzes auctions which are not completely enforceable. In such auctions, economic agents may fail to carry out their obligations, and parties involved cannot rely on external enforcement or control mechanisms for backing up a transaction. We propose two mechanisms that make bidders directly or indirectly reveal their trustworthiness. The first mechanism is based on discriminating bidding schedules that separate trustworthy from untrustworthy bidders. The second mechanism is a generalization of the Vickrey auction to the case of untrustworthy bidders. We prove that, if the winner is considered to have the trustworthiness of the second-highest bidder, truthfully declaring one's trustworthiness becomes a dominant strategy. We expect the proposed mechanisms to reduce the cost of trust management and to help agent designers avoid many market failures caused by lack of trust.
Work placements in doctoral research training in the humanities:eight cases from translation studies
Research cooperation between academic and nonacademic institutions tends not to concern the humanities, where mutual financial rewards are mostly not in evidence. The study of eight nonacademic placements of doctoral researchers working on interlingual translation nevertheless indicates some degree of success. It is found that the placements lead to ongoing cooperation when the following conditions are met: 1) the nature of the placement is understood and relations of trust are established; 2) mutual benefits are envisaged; and 3) there are prior arrangements for receiving visiting researchers. A placement can be successful even when one of the last two factors is missing. Further, the measure of success for placements in the humanities should concern social and symbolic benefits, in addition to financial profits.
Tobacco companies are increasingly turning to trade and investment agreements to challenge measures aimed at reducing tobacco use. This study examines their efforts to influence the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a major trade and investment agreement which may eventually cover 40% of the world's population; focusing on how these efforts might enhance the industry's power to challenge the introduction of plain packaging. Specifically, the paper discusses the implications for public health regulation of Philip Morris International's interest in using the TPP to: shape the bureaucratic structures and decision-making processes of business regulation at the national level; introduce a higher standard of protection for trademarks than is currently provided under the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights; and expand the coverage of Investor-State Dispute Settlement which empowers corporations to litigate directly against governments where they are deemed to be in breach of investment agreements. The large number of countries involved in the TPP underlines its risk to the development of tobacco regulation globally.
A tanulmány a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) immanens logikai kihívásai közül két kiemelt kérdést elemez: az állami fél közszolgálati-közigazgatási beágyazottságából eredő dilemmákat, valamint az állami és a magánfél eltérő kulturális hátteréből eredő feszültségek jellemzőit. A PPP projektek gyakorlati megvalósítása szempontjából e két kardinális kérdés kifinomult elméleti hátterébe nyújt bepillantást. A közszolgáltatási dilemmák közül azonosítja és tárgyalja a jogszerűség vs. eredményesség, a hatékonyság vs. eredményesség, a centralizáció vs. decentralizáció, a közérdek vs. egyéni szabadságjogok védelme, valamint a kormányzat kicsinyítése vs. jogbiztonság védelme, és a vállalkozói szemlélet vs. közszolgálatiság közti egyensúlyozás kihívásait. Az állami és az üzleti fél kulturális különbözőségének központi motívumaként a döntéshozatalbeli különbséget ragadja meg, és a bizalom szerepét hangsúlyozza a működőképes modell megtalálásának lehetőségeként. = This study analyses two cardinal issues of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects’ immanent challenges: the management dilemmas of public services/governance, and the tensions between the private and public parties due to their different cultural imbeddedness. It provides theoretical insights into these two issues of practical relevance. As public service management dilemmas, it identifies the trade-offs between rights vs. effectiveness, efficiency vs. effectiveness, centralization vs. decentralization, protecting the public interest vs. individual freedom, minimizing government vs. protecting human rights, the entrepreneurial approach vs. public service ethos. The study captures the cultural difference between the public and the private parties in their different approaches to decision making, while it concludes that the role of trust is key in finding feasible solutions for PPP models.
A globális pénzügyi és világgazdasági válság sok szempontból újszerű versenyhelyzetet teremtett a lakossági banki piacon az ügyfelek megtartása és az új ügyfelek megszerzése terén. A gazdasági és társadalmi környezetben bekövetkezett változásokhoz való alkalmazkodás sikeressége érdekében fontos a banki ügyfelek gazdasági viselkedésmódjának alaposabb és mélyrehatóbb megértése. Tanulmányunkban bemutatjuk azokat a főbb, releváns pszichológiai, szociológiai és gazdasági tényezőket, amelyek az ügyfelek bankokkal kapcsolatos magatartását és attitűdjeit befolyásolják. A vonatkozó elméleteket és kutatásokat egy konceptuális keretben foglaljuk össze; ennek az alappilléreit a bizalom, a pénzzel kapcsolatos attitűdök és az emocionális komponensek alkotják. _______ The global fi nancial and economic crisis created new competition in the market for retail banking, and in the areas of existing customer retention and new customers’ acquisition. The corresponding economic and social change called for new adaptive strategies on behalf of banks to better understand the economic behaviour of their customers. This paper focuses on certain relevant psychological, sociological and economic factors that tend to characterize customer behaviours and attitudes towards banks. With particular emphasis on highlighting the potential implications of relevant theories for the purposes of banks, our conceptual model incorporates elements of trust, monetary attitudes and underlying emotional components.
My main aim is to present the phenomena related to fulfilment and breach of promises and the economic, political and ethical problems arising from these. I discuss questions that we all meet with in daily life and see mentioned in the press, other forums of public discourse, gatherings of friends, or sessions of Parliament. There are some who complain that a building contractor has not done a renovation job properly according to contract. Economists argue over the outcome of late repayments on loans advanced for purchasing real estate. Opposition meetings chide the governing party over unfulfilled campaign promises. I am seeking what is common among these seemingly different cases. Can we see identical or similar behavior patterns and social mechanisms in them? Do they lead to similar decision-making dilemmas and reactions?
In this paper we describe the social network of CouchSurfing as an innovative, non-monetary model for the traditional international hospitality and travel market. This paper is written to describe our understanding of how it can operate and expand in spite of potential risks and uncertainties. We present the results of an exploratory qualitative research project that was conducted in Hungary in 2012/13. The findings indicate that: (1) a high level of trust as a personality trait characterizes members; (2) trust can be interpreted as a strong cultural rule; (3) members perceive a low level of risk and have limited practical knowledge about the safety features of the system; and (4) trust towards a given member is not based on rational calculation but on emotions.
This thesis traces the mechanisms and sources responsible for the generation of civic social capital (a set of shared norms and values that promote cooperation between groups, enabling them to participate in the political process) by black churches in West Perrine, Florida. Data for this thesis includes over fifty interviews and participant observations, archival records, newspaper articles, and scholarly journals. ^ Despite the institutional racism of the first half of the twentieth century, many blacks and whites in Perrine developed levels of trust significant enough to form an integrated local governing body, evidence of high levels of csc. At mid-century, when black and white interactions ceased, Perrine's csc decreased, leading to the deterioration of Perrine's social and physical conditions. Perrine's csc increased in the 1980s by way of broad-based coalitions as Perrine's churches invested their csc in an effort to eradicate crime, clean up its neighborhood, and win back its youth. ^
This study used a cross-sectional design and descriptive research methodology to assess the characteristics and practices of employers participating in Florida school-to-work (STW) initiatives, the factors influencing their participation, and their STW partnerships with schools. The study also examined the relationships between employer characteristics and participation. ^ A sampling frame of 15,202 employers from the 28 Florida STW regions was constructed. Data were collected via a mail survey with a random sample of employers, using a researcher-designed questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlational analysis, and analysis of variance. ^ At the 95% confidence level, it was estimated that the mean establishment size in the population is between 25 and 51 employees and that employers have been involved in STW partnerships between five and seven years. ^ The study revealed broad-based employer participation in three of four areas: Working with Students, Working with Educators, and Internal Company Practices Supporting STW. A fourth area, Building a System, showed generally low participation. Data indicate that workforce needs are important incentives to employer STW participation beyond their desire to contribute to education or the community. Data also indicate that lack of information on STW is the greatest barrier to employer participation. ^ Sample employers have more positive perceptions of the value of their partnerships with schools than of the quality of the partnerships. Ninety-four percent agreed that students are better prepared for work and careers as a result of the partnership's activities. More than half agreed that a sense of trust and good communication exist between educators and employer partners. ^ Employer variables found to have a significant, positive relationship with participation include size (coefficient of determination r2 = .116), years in STW partnerships (r2 = .128), and perceptions of partnership quality (r2 = .092) and value (r2 = .112). ^ A major conclusion based on the findings of this study is that employer participation is optimized in initiatives that achieve important STW outcomes for students and build long-term relationships between employers and schools. Another that in Florida, the STW Opportunities Act of 1994 has not resulted in substantially greater employer involvement in building a STW system. ^
Dans quelle mesure la montée de la reddition de comptes et de l’évaluation en éducation est-elle significative d’un déclin de la confiance de l’Etat, des administrateurs scolaires et des usagers dans la capacité des organisations scolaires à remplir correctement leurs missions ? N’est-elle pas également symptômatique d’une perte de confiance à l’égard des enseignants et de leur professionnalisme? Nous traiterons ces questions en proposant une réflexion à partir des théories de la confiance en sciences sociales. Nous distinguerons en particulier les théories qui s’interrogent sur les conditions de confiance dans les transactions économiques et celles qui raisonnent la confiance « politique » dans les institutions. Nous argumentons que les dispositifs d’accountability tendent surtout à réduire l’incertitude des clients/managers quant aux risques d’opportunisme et d’opacité des opérateurs scolaires. Il s’agit de favoriser la bonne marche « du marché » ou de « l’organisation productive » scolaire, au risque d’une perte d’autonomie professionnelle des enseignants et sans pour autant que l’Ecole ne redevienne une institution politique «digne de confiance ».
Traditional classrooms have been often regarded as closed spaces within which experimentation, discussion and exploration of ideas occur. Professors have been used to being able to express ideas frankly, and occasionally rashly while discussions are ephemeral and conventional student work is submitted, graded and often shredded. However, digital tools have transformed the nature of privacy. As we move towards the creation of life-long archives of our personal learning, we collect material created in various 'classrooms'. Some of these are public, and open, but others were created within 'circles of trust' with expectations of privacy and anonymity by learners. Taking the Creative Commons license as a starting point, this paper looks at what rights and expectations of privacy exist in learning environments? What methods might we use to define a 'privacy license' for learning? How should the privacy rights of learners be balanced with the need to encourage open learning and with the creation of eportfolios as evidence of learning? How might we define different learning spaces and the privacy rights associated with them? Which class activities are 'private' and closed to the class, which are open and what lies between? A limited set of set of metrics or zones is proposed, along the axes of private-public, anonymous-attributable and non-commercial-commercial to define learning spaces and the digital footprints created within them. The application of these not only to the artefacts which reflect learning, but to the learning spaces, and indeed to digital media more broadly are explored. The possibility that these might inform not only teaching practice but also grading rubrics in disciplines where public engagement is required will also be explored, along with the need for consideration by educational institutions of the data rights of students.
Les polygones à coin de glace sont très répandus dans la zone du pergélisol continu. Lorsque le ruissellement d’eau de fonte nivale s’infiltre de façon concentrée dans une cavité, il peut initier le processus de thermo-érosion du pergélisol (notamment des coins de glace) pouvant mener à la formation de ravins. Dans la vallée de Qalikturvik sur l’Ile Bylot (NU, Canada), le développement de ravins de thermo-érosion dans un milieu de polygones à coins de glace entraîne comme impact : i. la réorganisation des réseaux de drainage impliquant un assèchement des milieux humides en marge des chenaux d’érosion, ii. des variations dans le régime thermique et de l’humidité de proche-surface et iii. la prise en charge et le déplacement des sédiments vers l’extérieur du bassin-versant. L’objectif de cette thèse vise à approfondir les connaissances géomorphologiques propres au ravinement par thermo-érosion, d’examiner, caractériser et quantifier les impacts du ravinement (tel que sus-mentionné en i. ii. iii.) et le rôle de celui-ci dans une optique d’évolution du paysage périglaciaire à l’échelle temporelle de l’année à la décennie. Les ravins sont dynamiques : un ravin en particulier déclenché en 1999 et étudié depuis s’érodait à une vitesse de 38 à 50 m/a durant sa première décennie d’existence, pour atteindre une longueur totale de ~750 m et une surface érodée de ~25 000 m² en 2009. Des puits sont localisés près des zones de ravinement actives ; des levées alluviale, mares et polygones effondrés dans les zones stabilisées post-perturbation. Sur la terrasse de polygones recouvrant le plancher de la vallée au site à l’étude, 35 ravins furent identifiés et 1401 polygones furent perturbés avec 200 000 m³ de sols transportés. Une amélioration du drainage, une dégradation de la capacité de rétention de l’humidité, une transition d’un écoulement de ruissellement vers un écoulement canalisé caractérise les aires ravinées et leurs environs. Les polygones intacts sont homogènes d’un à l’autre et dans leurs centres ; les polygones perturbés ont une réponse hétérogène (flore, humidité et régime thermique). Les milieux érodés hétérogènes succèdent aux milieux homogènes et deviennent le nouvel état d’équilibre pour plusieurs décennies.