962 resultados para Blow flies


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Understanding how natural environments shape phenotypic variation is a major aim in evolutionary biology. Here, we have examined clinal, likely genetically based variation in morphology among 19 populations of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) from Africa and Europe, spanning a range from sea level to 3000 m altitude and including locations approximating the southern and northern range limit. We were interested in testing whether latitude and altitude have similar phenotypic effects, as has often been postulated. Both latitude and altitude were positively correlated with wing area, ovariole number, and cell number. In contrast, latitude and altitude had opposite effects on the ratio between ovariole number and body size, which was negatively correlated with egg production rate per ovariole. We also used transgenic manipulation to examine how increased cell number affects morphology and found that larger transgenic flies, due to a higher number of cells, had more ovarioles, larger wings, and, unlike flies from natural populations, increased wing loading. Clinal patterns in morphology are thus not a simple function of changes in body size; instead, each trait might be subject to different selection pressures. Together, our results provide compelling evidence for profound similarities as well as differences between phenotypic effects of latitude and altitude.


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In response to the mandate on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) implementations by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on all new bridge projects initiated after October 1, 2007, the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) sponsored these research projects to develop regional LRFD recommendations. The LRFD development was performed using the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Pile Load Test database (PILOT). To increase the data points for LRFD development, develop LRFD recommendations for dynamic methods, and validate the results of LRFD calibration, 10 full-scale field tests on the most commonly used steel H-piles (e.g., HP 10 x 42) were conducted throughout Iowa. Detailed in situ soil investigations were carried out, push-in pressure cells were installed, and laboratory soil tests were performed. Pile responses during driving, at the end of driving (EOD), and at re-strikes were monitored using the Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA), following with the CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP) analysis. The hammer blow counts were recorded for Wave Equation Analysis Program (WEAP) and dynamic formulas. Static load tests (SLTs) were performed and the pile capacities were determined based on the Davisson’s criteria. The extensive experimental research studies generated important data for analytical and computational investigations. The SLT measured load displacements were compared with the simulated results obtained using a model of the TZPILE program and using the modified borehole shear test method. Two analytical pile setup quantification methods, in terms of soil properties, were developed and validated. A new calibration procedure was developed to incorporate pile setup into LRFD.


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Knowledge of the quantitative genetics of resistance to parasitism is key to appraise host evolutionary responses to parasite selection. Here, we studied effects of common origin (i.e. genetic and pre-hatching parental effects) and common rearing environment (i.e. post-hatching parental effects and other environment effects) on variance in ectoparasite load in nestling Alpine swifts (Apus melba). This colonial bird is intensely parasitized by blood sucking louse-flies that impair nestling development and survival. By cross-fostering half of the hatchlings between pairs of nests, we show strong significant effect of common rearing environment on variance (90.7% in 2002 and 90.9% in 2003) in the number of louse-flies per nestling and no significant effect of common origin on variance in the number of louse-flies per nestling. In contrast, significant effects of common origin were found for all the nestling morphological traits (i.e. body mass, wing length, tail length, fork length and sternum length) under investigation. Hence, our study suggests that genetic and pre-hatching parental effects play little role in the distribution of parasites among nestling Alpine swifts, and thus that nestlings have only limited scope for evolutionary responses against parasites. Our results highlight the need to take into consideration environmental factors, including the evolution of post-hatching parental effects such as nest sanitation, in our understanding of host-parasite relationships.


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Coevolution is among the main forces shaping the biodiversity on Earth. In Eurasia, one of the best-known plant-insect interactions showing highly coevolved features involves the fly genus Chiastocheta and its host-plant Trollius. Although this system has been widely studied from an ecological point of view, the phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history of the flies have remained little investigated. In this integrative study, we aim to test the monophyly of the five Chiastocheta eco-morphological groups, defined by Pellmyr in 1992, by inferring a mitochondrial phylogeny. We further apply a new approach to assess the effect of (i) different molecular substitution rates and (ii) phylogenetic uncertainty on the inference of the spatio-temporal evolution of the group. From a taxonomic point of view, we demonstrate that only two of Pellmyr's groups (rotundiventris and dentifera) are phylogenetically supported, the other species appearing para- or polyphyletic. We also identify the position of C. lophota, which was not included in previous surveys. From a spatio-temporal perspective, we show that the genus arose during the Pliocene in Europe. Our results also indicate that at least four large-scale dispersal events are required to explain the current distribution of Chiastocheta. Moreover, each dispersal to or from Asia is associated with a host-shift and seems to correspond to an increase in speciation rates. Finally, we highlight the correlation between diversification and climatic fluctuations, which indicate that the cycles of global cooling over the last million years had an influence on the radiation of the group.


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Previous Iowa DOT sponsored research has shown that some Class C fly ashes are ementitious (because calcium is combined as calcium aluminates) while other Class C ashes containing similar amounts of elemental calcium are not (1). Fly ashes from modern power plants in Iowa contain significant amounts of calcium in their glassy phases, regardless of their cementitious properties. The present research was based on these findings and on the hyphothesis that: attack of the amorphous phase of high calcium fly ash could be initiated with trace additives, thus making calcium available for formation of useful calcium-silicate cements. Phase I research was devoted to finding potential additives through a screening process; the likely chemicals were tested with fly ashes representative of the cementitious and non-cementitious ashes available in the state. Ammonium phosphate, a fertilizer, was found to produce 3,600 psi cement with cementitious Neal #4 fly ash; this strength is roughly equivalent to that of portland cement, but at about one-third the cost. Neal #2 fly ash, a slightly cementitious Class C, was found to respond best with ammonium nitrate; through the additive, a near-zero strength material was transformed into a 1,200 psi cement. The second research phase was directed to optimimizing trace additive concentrations, defining the behavior of the resulting cements, evaluating more comprehensively the fly ashes available in Iowa, and explaining the cement formation mechanisms of the most promising trace additives. X-ray diffraction data demonstrate that both amorphous and crystalline hydrates of chemically enhanced fly ash differ from those of unaltered fly ash hydrates. Calciumaluminum- silicate hydrates were formed, rather than the expected (and hypothesized) calcium-silicate hydrates. These new reaction products explain the observed strength enhancement. The final phase concentrated on laboratory application of the chemically-enhanced fly ash cements to road base stabilization. Emphasis was placed on use of marginal aggregates, such as limestone crusher fines and unprocessed blow sand. The nature of the chemically modified fly ash cements led to an evaluation of fine grained soil stabilization where a wide range of materials, defined by plasticity index, could be stabilized. Parameters used for evaluation included strength, compaction requirements, set time, and frost resistance.


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In response to the mandate on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) implementations by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on all new bridge projects initiated after October 1, 2007, the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) sponsored these research projects to develop regional LRFD recommendations. The LRFD development was performed using the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Pile Load Test database (PILOT). To increase the data points for LRFD development, develop LRFD recommendations for dynamic methods, and validate the results ofLRFD calibration, 10 full-scale field tests on the most commonly used steel H-piles (e.g., HP 10 x 42) were conducted throughout Iowa. Detailed in situ soil investigations were carried out, push-in pressure cells were installed, and laboratory soil tests were performed. Pile responses during driving, at the end of driving (EOD), and at re-strikes were monitored using the Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA), following with the CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP) analysis. The hammer blow counts were recorded for Wave Equation Analysis Program (WEAP) and dynamic formulas. Static load tests (SLTs) were performed and the pile capacities were determined based on the Davisson’s criteria. The extensive experimental research studies generated important data for analytical and computational investigations. The SLT measured loaddisplacements were compared with the simulated results obtained using a model of the TZPILE program and using the modified borehole shear test method. Two analytical pile setup quantification methods, in terms of soil properties, were developed and validated. A new calibration procedure was developed to incorporate pile setup into LRFD.


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Collective behaviour enhances environmental sensing and decision-making in groups of animals. Experimental and theoretical investigations of schooling fish, flocking birds and human crowds have demonstrated that simple interactions between individuals can explain emergent group dynamics. These findings indicate the existence of neural circuits that support distributed behaviours, but the molecular and cellular identities of relevant sensory pathways are unknown. Here we show that Drosophila melanogaster exhibits collective responses to an aversive odour: individual flies weakly avoid the stimulus, but groups show enhanced escape reactions. Using high-resolution behavioural tracking, computational simulations, genetic perturbations, neural silencing and optogenetic activation we demonstrate that this collective odour avoidance arises from cascades of appendage touch interactions between pairs of flies. Inter-fly touch sensing and collective behaviour require the activity of distal leg mechanosensory sensilla neurons and the mechanosensory channel NOMPC. Remarkably, through these inter-fly encounters, wild-type flies can elicit avoidance behaviour in mutant animals that cannot sense the odour--a basic form of communication. Our data highlight the unexpected importance of social context in the sensory responses of a solitary species and open the door to a neural-circuit-level understanding of collective behaviour in animal groups.


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Abstract : Post-translational modifications such as proteolytic processing, phosphorylation, and glycosylation, add extra layers of complexity to proteomes and allow a finely tuned regulation of the activity of many proteins. The evolutionarily conserved cell-cycle and transcriptional regulator HCP-] is regulated by proteolytic maturation via which a stable heterodirneric complex of two cleaved subunits is formed from a single precursor protein. The human HCF-1 precursor is cleaved at six nearly identical 26 amino acid sequence repeats, called HCF-1pro repeats, which represent uncommon protease recognition sites dedicated to human HCF-1 proteolysis. This proteolytic maturation process is conserved in vertebrate HCF-1 homologues and is essential for the functions of the human protein in cell-cycle regulation; the mechanisms that execute and control HCF-1 proteolysis, however, remain poorly understood. In this dissertation I investigate the mechanisms of proteolytic maturation of HCF-1 proteins in different species. I show that the Drosophila homolog of human HCF-1, called dHCP, is proteolytically cleaved via a different mechanism than human HCF-1. dHCP is processed by the same protease, called Taspase], which cleaves one of the key developmental regulators in flies, the Trithorax protein. Maturation of HCP proteins via Taspase] cleavage is probably not particular to dHCP as many invertebrate HCP proteins, particularly insects and flatworms, possess Taspase] recognition sites. In contrast, the vertebrate HCF-1 proteins lack Taspase] recognition sites and the HCF-1pro repeats are not Taspase1 substrates, suggesting that multiple mechanisms for HCF-1 proteolytic maturation have appeared during evolution. I also show that the proteolytic activity responsible for the cleavage of the HCP- 1pro repeats is very difficult to characterize, being resistant to most protease inhibitors and very sensitive to biochemical fractionation. Moreover, the HCF-1pro repeats represent complex protease recognition sites and I demonstrate that, in addition to be the HCF-1 cleavage sites, these repeated sequences, also recruit the OG1cNAc transferase OGT. The OGT protein and the OG1cNAc modification of HCF-1 are both important for HCF-1pro repeat proteolysis. Interestingly, a human recombinant OGT purified from insect cells is able to induce cleavage of a HCF-1pro-repeat precursor in vitro, indicating that OGT either (i) induces HCF-1 autoproteolysis,(ii) is the HCF-1pro- repeat proteolytic activity itself, or (iii) physically associates with a proteolytic activity that is conserved in insect cells. In any case, OGT plays an important role in HCF-1 proteolytic maturation and perhaps a broader role in HCF-1 biological function. Résumé : Les modifications post-traductionelles pomme le clivage protéolytique, la phosphorylation, et la glycosylation, augmentent significativement la complexité des protéomes et permettent une régulation fine de l'activité de beaucoup de protéines. La protéine HCF-1, qui est un régulateur du cycle cellulaire et de la transcription, est elle- même régulée par clivage protéolytique. La protéine HCF-1 est en effet coupée en deux sous-unités qui s'associent l'une a l'autre pour former la protéine mature. Le précurseur de la protéine HCF-1 humaine est clivé à six sites correspondant à six séquences répétées nommées les HCF-1pro repeats, chacune composée de 26 acide aminés. Les HCF-1pro- repeats ne ressemblent ai aucune séquence de clivage protéolytique connue et sont présentes seulement dans les protéines HCF-1 chez les vertébrés. Bien que la maturation protéolytique d'HCF-1 soit essentielle pour les activités de cette protéine pendant le cycle cellulaire, les mécanismes qui la contrôlent restent inconnus. Au cours de mon travail de thèse, j'ai analysé les mécanismes de clivage protéolytique des protéines HCF dans différentes espèces. J'ai montré que la protéine de Drosophile homologue d'HCF-1 humaine nommée dHCF est clivée par une protéase nommée Taspase1. Ainsi, dHCF est clivé par la même protéase que celle qui induit la maturation protéolytique d'un des principaux facteurs du développement chez la mouche, la protéine Trithorax. La maturation de dHCF via le clivage par la Taspase1 n'est pas spécifique à la mouche, mais est probablement étendu à plusieurs protéines HCF chez les invertébrés, surtout dans les familles des insectes et des plathehninthes, car ces protéines HCF présentent des sites de reconnaissance pour la Taspasel. Par contre, les protéines HCF-1 chez les vertébrés n'ont pas de sites de reconnaissance pour la Taspasel et cela suggère que différents mécanismes de maturation des protéines HCF- ls ont apparu au cours de l'évolution. J'ai montré aussi que les HCF-1pro-repeats sont clivés par une activité protéolytique très difficile a identifier, car elle est résistante à la plupart des inhibiteurs de protéases, mais elle est très sensible au fractionnement biochimique. En plus, les HCF-1pro-repeats sont un site de protéolyse complexe qui ne sert pas seulement au clivage des protéines HCF- chez les vertébrés mais aussi à recruter l'enzyme responsable de la O- GlcNAcylation nommée OGT. La protéine OGT et la O-GlcNAcylatio d'HCF-1 sont toutes les deux importantes pour le clivage protéolytique des HCF1pro-repeats. Curieusement, la protéine OGT humaine produite dans des cellules d'insectes est capable de cliver les HCF-1pro repeats in vitro et cela suggère que OGT soit (i) induit le clivage autocatalytique cl'HCF-1, soit (ii) est elle-même l'activité protéolytique qui clive HCF4, soit (iii) est associée à une activité protéolytique conservée dans les cellules d'insectes qui a été co-purifiée avec OGT. En conclusion, OGT joue un rôle important dans la maturation protéolytique d'HCF-1 et peut-être aussi un rôle plus large dans les fonctions biologiques de la protéine HCF-1.


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The human genome encodes the blueprint of life, but the function of the vast majority of its nearly three billion bases is unknown. The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project has systematically mapped regions of transcription, transcription factor association, chromatin structure and histone modification. These data enabled us to assign biochemical functions for 80% of the genome, in particular outside of the well-studied protein-coding regions. Many discovered candidate regulatory elements are physically associated with one another and with expressed genes, providing new insights into the mechanisms of gene regulation. The newly identified elements also show a statistical correspondence to sequence variants linked to human disease, and can thereby guide interpretation of this variation. Overall, the project provides new insights into the organization and regulation of our genes and genome, and is an expansive resource of functional annotations for biomedical research.


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Efforts to eliminate rutting on the Interstate system have resulted in 3/4 in. aggregate mixes, with 75 blow Marshall, 85% crushed aggregate mix designs. On a few of these projects paved in 1988-1989, water has appeared on the surfaces. Some conclusions have been reached by visual on-sight investigations that the water is coming from surface water, rain and melting snow gaining entry into the surface asphalt mixture, then coming back out in selected areas. Cores were taken from several Interstate projects and tested for permeability to investigate the surface water theory that supposedly happens with only the 3/4 in. mixtures. All cores were of asphalt overlays over portland cement concrete, except for the Clarke County project which is full depth AC. The testing consisted of densities, permeabilities, voids by high pressure airmeter (HPAM), extraction, gradations, AC content, and film thicknesses. Resilient modulus, indirect tensile and retained strengths after freeze/thaw were also done. All of the test results are about as expected. Permeabilities, the main reason for testing, ranged from 0.00 to 2.67 ft per day and averages less than 1/2 ft per day if the following two tests are disregarded. One test on each binder course came out to 15.24 ft/day, and a surface course at 13.78 ft/day but these are not out of supposedly problem projects.


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Experiments with early entry light sawing of Portland cement concrete (PCC) contraction joints began in Iowa in 1989. Since that time, changes in early sawing equipment have occurred as well as changes in specifications for sawing. The option to use early sawing for transverse contraction joints was specified in 1992. A problem happening occasionally with early sawing was the break out of some of the concrete around the end of the joint as the saw blade approached the edge of the slab. To prevent this, it was proposed that the sawing would terminate approximately 1/2" to 3/4" before the edge of the slab, creating a "short joint". This procedure would also leave a concrete "dam" to prevent the run-out and waste of the hot liquid joint sealant onto the shoulder. It would also eliminate the need for the labor and material for applying a duct tape dam at the open ends of each sawed joint to stop hot liquid sealant run-out Agreements were made with the contractor to apply the "short joint" technique for 1 day of paving. The evaluation and results are compared with an adjoining control section. The research found no negative aspects from sawing the "short joint". Three specific findings were noted. They are the following: 1) No joint end "blow-out" spalls of concrete occurred. 2) The need for the duct tape dam to stop liquid sealant overflow was eliminated. 3) Joint end corner spalls appear to be caused mainly by construction shouldering operations equipment. The "short joint" sawing technique can be routinely applied to early entry sawed transverse contraction joints with expectations of only positive results.


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The Wnt -Wingless (Wg) in Drosophila- signaling is an evolutionary conserved, fundamental signal transduction pathway in animals, having a crucial role in early developmental processes. In the adult animal the Wnt cascade is mainly shut off; aberrant activation leads to cancer. One physiological exception in the adult animal is the activation of Wnt signaling in the nervous system. In the present work, we investigated Wg signaling in the Drosophila neuromuscular junctions (NMJs). The fly NMJs closely resemble the glutamatergic synapses in the mammalian central nervous system and serves as a model system to investigate the mechanism of synapse formation and stability. We demonstrate that the trimeric G-protein Go has a fundamental role in the presynaptic cell in the NMJ. It is implicated in the presynaptic Wg pathway, acting downstream of the ligand Wg and its receptor Frizzled2 (Fz2). Furthermore, we prove that the presynaptic Wg-Fz2-Gαo pathway is essential for correct NMJ formation. The neuronal protein Ankyrin2 (Ank2) localizes to the NMJ and has so far been considered to be a static player in NMJ formation, linking the plasma membrane to the cytoskeleton. We identify Ank2 as a direct target of Gαo. The physical and genetic interaction of Gαo with Ank2 represents a novel branch of the presynaptic Wg pathway, regulating the microtubule cytoskeleton in NMJ formation, jointly with the previously established Futsch-dependent branch, which controls microtubule stability downstream of the kinase Sgg (the homolog of GSK3ß). We moreover demonstrate that the Gαo-Ankyrin interaction to regulate the cytoskeleton is conserved in mammalian neuronal cells. Our findings therefore provide a novel, universally valid regulation of the cytoskeleton in the nervous system. Aberrant inactivation of the neuronal Wnt pathway is believed to be involved in the pathogenesis of the Aß peptide in Alzheimer's disease (AD). We modeled AD in Drosophila by expressing Aß42 in the nervous system and in the eye. Neuronal expression drastically shortens the life span of the flies. We prove that this effect depends on the expression specifically in glutamatergic neurons. However, Aß42 does not induce any morphological changes in the NMJ; therefore this synapse is not suitable to study the mechanism of Aß42 induced neurotoxicity. We furthermore demonstrate that genetic activation of the Wnt pathway does not rescue the Aß42 induced phenotypes - in opposition to the dominating view in the field. These results advice caution when interpreting data on the potential interaction of Wnt signaling and AD in other models. -- La voie de signalisation Wnt (Wingless (Wg) chez la drosophile) est conservée dans l'évolution et fondamentale pour le développement des animaux. Cette signalisation est normalement inactive chez l'animal adulte; une activation anormale peut provoquer le cancer. Or, ceci n'est pas le cas dans le système nerveux des adultes. La présente thèse avait pour but d'analyser le rôle de la voie de signalisation Wingless dans la plaque motrice de Drosophila melanogaster. En effet, cette plaque ressemble fortement aux synapses glutaminergiques du système nerveux central des mammifères et procure ainsi un bon modèle pour l'étude des mécanismes impliqués dans la formation et la stabilisation des synapses. Nos résultats montrent que la protéine trimérique Go joue un rôle fondamental dans la fonction de la cellule présynaptique de la plaque motrice. Go est en effet impliqué dans la voie de signalisation Wg, opérant en aval du ligand Wg et de son récepteur Frizzled2. Nous avons pu démontrer que cette voie de signalisation Wg-Fz2-Gαo est essentielle pour le bon développement et le fonctionnement de la plaque motrice. Fait intéressant, nous avons montré que la protéine neuronale Ankyrin2 (Ank2), qui est connue pour jouer un rôle statique en liant la membrane plasmique au cytosquelette dans la plaque motrice, est une cible directe de Gαo. L'interaction physique et génétique entre Gαo et Ank2 constitue ainsi une bifurcation de la voie de signalisation présynaptique Wg. Cette voie régule le cytosquelette des microtubules en coopération avec la branche liée à la protéine Futsch. Cette protéine est l'homologue de la protéine liant les microtubules MAP1B des mammifères et contrôle la stabilité des microtubules opérant en aval de la kinase Sgg (l'homologue de GSK3ß). De plus, la régulation du cytosquelette par l'interaction entre Gαo et Ankyrin est conservée chez les mammifères. Dans leur ensemble, nos résultats ont permis d'identifier un nouveau mode de régulation du cytosquelette dans le système nerveux, probablement valable de manière universelle. La voie de signalisation Wnt est soupçonnée d'être impliquée dans la toxicité provoquée par le peptide Aß dans le cadre de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Nous avons tenté de modéliser la maladie chez la drosophile en exprimant Aß42 spécifiquement dans le cerveau. Cette expérience a montré que l'expression neuronale d'Aß42 réduit la durée de vie des mouches de manière significative par un mécanisme impliquant les cellules glutamatergiques. Par contre, aucune modification morphologique n'est provoquée par Aß42 dans les plaques motrices glutamatergiques. Ces résultats montrent que ce modèle de Drosophile n'est pas adéquat pour l'étude de la maladie d'Alzheimer. De plus, l'activation génétique de la voie de signalisation Wg n'a pas réussi à restaurer les phénotypes de survie ou ceux des yeux causés par Aß42. Ces résultats indiquent que l'implication de la voie de signalisation Wg dans la maladie d'Alzheimer doit être considérée avec prudence.


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One of the most serious impediments to the continued successful use of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) pavements is rutting. The Iowa Department of Transportation has required 85% crushed particles and 75-blow Marshall mix design in an effort to prevent rutting on Interstate roadways. Relationships between the percent of crushed particles and resistance to rutting in pavement through the use of various laboratory test procedures must be developed. HMA mixtures were made with 0, 30, 60, 85, and 100% crushed gravel, crushed limestone, and crushed quartzite combined with uncrushed sand and gravel. These aggregate combinations were used with 4, 5, and 6% asphalt cement (ac). Laboratory tests included Marshall stability, resilient modulus, indirect tensile, and creep. A creep resistance factor (CRF) was developed to provide a single numeric value for creep test results. The CRF values relate well to the amount of crushed particles and the perceived resistance to rutting. The indirect tensile test is highly dependent on the ac with a small effect from the percent of crushed particles. The Marshall stability from 75-blow compaction relates well to the percent of crushed particles. The resilient modulus in some cases is highly affected by grade of ac.


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The highway departments of all fifty states were contacted to find the extent of application of integral abutment bridges, to survey the different guidelines used for analysis and design of integral abutment bridges, and to assess the performance of such bridges through the years. The variation in design assumptions and length limitations among the various states in their approach to the use of integral abutments is discussed. The problems associated with lateral displacements at the abutment, and the solutions developed by the different states for most of the ill effects of abutment movements are summarized in the report. An algorithm based on a state-of-the-art nonlinear finite element procedure was developed and used to study piling stresses and pile-soil interaction in integral abutment bridges. The finite element idealization consists of beam-column elements with geometric and material nonlinearities for the pile and nonlinear springs for the soil. An idealized soil model (modified Ramberg-Osgood model) was introduced in this investigation to obtain the tangent stiffness of the nonlinear spring elements. Several numerical examples are presented in order to establish the reliability of the finite element model and the computer software developed. Three problems with analytical solutions were first solved and compared with theoretical solutions. A 40 ft H pile (HP 10 X 42) in six typical Iowa soils was then analyzed by first applying a horizontal displacement (to simulate bridge motion) and no rotation at the top and then applying a vertical load V incrementally until failure occurred. Based on the numerical results, the failure mechanisms were generalized to be of two types: (a) lateral type failure and (b) vertical type failure. It appears that most piles in Iowa soils (sand, soft clay and stiff clay) failed when the applied vertical load reached the ultimate soil frictional resistance (vertical type failure). In very stiff clays, however, the lateral type failure occurs before vertical type failure because the soil is sufficiently stiff to force a plastic hinge to form in the pile as the specified lateral displacement is applied. Preliminary results from this investigation showed that the vertical load-carrying capacity of H piles is not significantly affected by lateral displacements of 2 inches in soft clay, stiff clay, loose sand, medium sand and dense sand. However, in very stiff clay (average blow count of 50 from standard penetration tests), it was found that the vertical load carrying capacity of the H pile is reduced by about 50 percent for 2 inches of lateral displacement and by about 20 percent for lateral displacement of 1 inch. On the basis of the preliminary results of this investigation, the 265-feet length limitation in Iowa for integral abutment concrete bridges appears to be very conservative.