885 resultados para Biodiversity, traditional medecine, medicinal plants, Westafrica (Benin)


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Salvia species are used worldwide for medicine purposes. In general, these medicinal plants have high amounts of flavonoids and phenolic acids, that are thought to be closely related to their health properties [1,2]. In this work, the aerial parts of Salvia farinacea, Salvia mexico, Salvia greggii and Salvia officinalis were extracted with hot water [3]. Extracts were evaluated for their total phenolic content by an adaptation of the Folin-Ciocalteu method and further analysed by high performance liquid chromatography associated with electrospray mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn) in the negative ion mode [4], in order to identify their individual phenolic constituents. The aqueous extracts of S. farinacea, S. mexico, S. officinalis and S. greggii contained, respectively, 106±13, 159±38, 175±46 and 136±1 μg GAE/mg of total phenolics. These four species were characterized by a clear prevalence of caffeic acid derivatives, in particular of rosmarinic acid (MW 360), that is generally the most abundant phenolic compound in Salvia species [2,3]. In addition, S. mexico and S. officinalis contained moderate amounts of salvianolic acid B (MW 718). Among these two, S. mexico was richer in O-caffeoylquinic acid (MW 354), while the latter presented high amounts of salvianolic acid K (MW 556) and moderate amounts of its structural isomer. All the extracts were enriched in flavones: S. farinacea and S. officinalis contained high amounts of luteolin-O-glucuronide while S. mexico contained luteolin-C-glucoside with respective characteristic mass spectrometry fragmentation pattern m/z at 461→285 and m/z at 447→357, 327. Similarly, S. greggii extract presented high content of luteolin-7-O-glucoside ([M-H]− at m/z 447→ 285) and luteolin-C-glucoside and moderate quantities of apigenin-C-hexoside ([M-H]− at m/z 431→341, 311). Further studies are being undertaken in order to understand the contribution of these phenolic constituents in the biological activities of Salvia plants.


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Salvia species are used worldwide for medicine purposes. In general, these medicinal plants have high amounts of flavonoids and phenolic acids, that are thought to be closely related to their health properties [1,2]. In this work, the aerial parts of Salvia farinacea, Salvia mexico, Salvia greggii and Salvia officinalis were extracted with hot water [3]. Extracts were evaluated for their total phenolic content by an adaptation of the Folin-Ciocalteu method and further analysed by high performance liquid chromatography associated with electrospray mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn) in the negative ion mode [4], in order to identify their individual phenolic constituents. The aqueous extracts of S. farinacea, S. mexico, S. officinalis and S. greggii contained, respectively, 106±13, 159±38, 175±46 and 136±1 μg GAE/mg of total phenolics. These four species were characterized by a clear prevalence of caffeic acid derivatives, in particular of rosmarinic acid (MW 360), that is generally the most abundant phenolic compound in Salvia species [2,3]. In addition, S. mexico and S. officinalis contained moderate amounts of salvianolic acid B (MW 718). Among these two, S. mexico was richer in O-caffeoylquinic acid (MW 354), while the latter presented high amounts of salvianolic acid K (MW 556) and moderate amounts of its structural isomer. All the extracts were enriched in flavones: S. farinacea and S. officinalis contained high amounts of luteolin-O-glucuronide while S. mexico contained luteolin-C-glucoside with respective characteristic mass spectrometry fragmentation pattern m/z at 461→285 and m/z at 447→357, 327. Similarly, S. greggii extract presented high content of luteolin-7-O-glucoside ([M-H]− at m/z 447→ 285) and luteolin-C-glucoside and moderate quantities of apigenin-C-hexoside ([M-H]− at m/z 431→341, 311). Further studies are being undertaken in order to understand the contribution of these phenolic constituents in the biological activities of Salvia plants.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Antecedentes: Sayausí, pese a su urbanización en los últimos 20 años aún mantiene costumbres ancestrales andinas, como el uso de plantas medicinales: recurso preventivo y terapéutico en salud. Objetivo: Conocer el manejo de las plantas medicinales en Sayausí, según los principios de la cosmovisión andina. Materiales y Métodos: Investigación con enfoque cualitativo e intercultural. Estudia el uso de plantas medicinales bajo los postulados de la cosmovisión andina, con los sabios de la comunidad. Fundamento teórico para el análisis de los datos: el diseño narrativo, generando conceptos e interpretaciones a partir de la información obtenida de los sabios. Técnicas utilizadas: entrevistas. Instrumentos: formularios con preguntas abiertas, grabaciones y fotografías. Las entrevistas se redactaron utilizando citas, códigos y memos, procesadas con el programa Atlas ti; las categorías principales agrupadas según taxonomías; la información complementada con tablas y figuras. Resultados: los Yachak explicaron con sus propias palabras y vivencias los cinco principios: relacionalidad, reciprocidad, correspondencia, complementariedad y paridad. En su racionalidad todo funciona como proceso holístico, involucra a todos los componentes del universo. El sanar con montes constituye un verdadero ritual: incluye los principios, las plantas, el cuerpo y el espíritu. En el proceso formativo de los sabios intervienen: aprendizaje, don y necesidad. Las plantas tienen tres funciones principales: sanación, alimentación y elemento sagrado. Las formas para clasificar las plantas fueron: género, forma, color, y estado térmico. La recolección del monte, su preparación y la administración son los tres momentos del proceso de curación


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Los peces cebra son utilizados como modelo biológico para screening primario de extractos de plantas con potencial bioactividad, aprovechando sus similitudes: genética, fisiológica y respuesta farmacológica con los mamíferos. En el estudio se empleó este modelo para valorar la actividad antiinflamatoria de 36 extractos metanólicos de plantas medicinales utilizadas en las provincias de Azuay y Loja (Ecuador). Parte del material vegetal fue recolectado con el aporte de una hierbatera de etnia Saraguro. Los extractos fueron preparados por percolación y su toxicidad fue evaluada en peces cebra en concentraciones variables de 400 a 3,125 μg/ml, determinándose la máxima concentración tolerada para cada uno de ´estos. La actividad antiinflamatoria se evaluó a través del ensayo de migración leucocitaria inducida por lipopolisacárido de Sallmonella typhi. Los extractos de: Cestrum aff. peruvianum, Galinsoga parviflora, Galium sp., Oenothera tetraptera, Peperomia aff. galioides , Passiflora ampullaceae y Ambrosia arborescens, correspondientes al 18,92% de los analizados, mostraron un potencial antiinflamatorio comparable con indometacina y dexametasona; siendo el extracto metanólico de Cestrum aff. peruvianum el más relevante a 50 g/ml. El análisis fitoquímico básico de los extractos se realizó por cromatografía de capa fina, evidenciándose la presencia de saponinas y terpenoidoes como compuestos principales en la mayoría de los extractos.


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Antecedentes. El Cantón Sígsig es un ejemplo de la cultura y tradición andina, que utiliza las plantas medicinales para satisfacer las necesidades de salud de sus habitantes. Objetivo. Describir el uso de las plantas medicinales por personas de sabiduría del Cantón Sígsig en el año 2015. Material y Métodos. Es una investigación cualitativa narrativa, que comprende el estudio del uso de las plantas medicinales según los relatos de personas de sabiduría de la localidad. Se aplicó entrevistas, un grupo focal integrado por cuatro participantes e instrumentos como formularios, grabaciones y fotografías para no perder detalle de la riqueza de la información obtenida. Resultados. Las plantas medicinales se utilizan por las personas de sabiduría bien sea completas o por partes: raíz, tallo, hojas, flores, frutos; las más utilizadas fueron la raíz y las hojas. Según su criterio las clasifican como plantas frescas, entre las que se encuentran el clavel, toronjil, berro, llantén, duraznillo; y como cálidas: la valeriana, pampa poleo, manzanilla, entre otras. La técnica más común de preparación fue la infusión y la vía de administración oral fue la que utilizaron con mayor frecuencia. Conclusión. El presente estudio nos permitió valorar la riqueza de la sabiduría ancestral con las plantas medicinales. Nuestro conocimiento se fortaleció con estas valiosas experiencias, que si se complementaran con la medicina occidental, contribuirían a la salud de la población


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Antecedentes. Rañas es una comunidad perteneciente al cantón Nabón, provincia del Azuay, ubicado en el sur del Ecuador. Es un importante representante de la cultura ancestral que permite mirar sus tradiciones en salud relacionadas con el uso de plantas medicinales Objetivo. Identificar, conocer y profundizar el uso de plantas medicinales y su relación con la cosmovisión andina en la comunidad de Rañas cantón Nabón, 2015 Metodología. La presente es una investigación de tipo cualitativo, con enfoque narrativo que estudia la aplicación de plantas medicinales en los conocimientos de un grupo focal de sabios de la comunidad, Las técnicas utilizadas fueron entrevistas con preguntas semi estructuradas sobre las categorías principales del estudio: cosmovisión andina y plantas medicinales. La información fue registrada en medios audiovisuales que permitieron documentar la narrativa y registrar gráficamente las plantas y sus rituales. La información obtenida fue transcrita en Word, luego codificada mediante el programa Atlas.ti de acuerdo a los lineamientos definidos en el marco teórico. Resultados. Se identificaron 67 plantas medicinales junto con sus propiedades curativas utilizadas para el manejo de las patologías andinas y occidentales tratadas por los sabios. Las principales formas de preparación son mediante infusión, ungüentos, extractos y baños. Los rituales ancestrales realizados con plantas medicinales son la limpia y sobaciones. Conclusiones: se identificó la diversidad de plantas medicinales propias de la comunidad, apreciándose la asociación entre el uso de las plantas medicinales y los principios de la cosmovisión andina por la fuerte conexión entre habitantes y naturaleza.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, 2016.


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The aim of this study is to evaluate the chemical composition and the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of EOs of C. nepeta collected in two different seasons, spring (leaves) and autumn (leaves and flowers) and to understand the relationship between seasonality composition and these biological activities. EOs were extracted by hydrodistillation of aerial parts of the plants wild grown in Évora (Alentejo) and their chemical composition was evaluated by GC-FID and GC-MS. Antioxidant activity was determined by β -carotene/linoleic acid system, total reducing power assay and DPPH radical methods [1]. Antimicrobial activity was assessed against Gram-negative and Gram-positive clinical isolates and food spoilage fungi [2,3].


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In Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, the loss of cholinergic neurons leads to the progressive reduction of acetylcholine in the brain, resulting cognitive impairment. Inhibition of the hydrolysis of acetylcholine by blocking acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) has been considered as a potential target in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Essential oils and extracts of aromatic plants may have an important role in the oxidative stress protection. Traditionally, in Alentejo (Portugal), aromatic herbs Calamintha nepeta, Foeniculum vulgare, Mentha spicata and Thymus mastichina are often used by local population as condiments in food preparations. In this study, essential oils (EOs) and aqueous extracts (decoction waters) of these flavouring herbs were selected in order to evaluate its antioxidant potential and ability to inhibit AChE and BChE activities. Results suggest the potential use of EOs and extracts as nutraceutical or pharmaceutical preparations in the prevention of the oxidative stress and degenerative diseases.


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In Africa various species of Combretum, Terminalia and Pteleopsis are used in traditional medicine. Despite of this, some species of these genera have still not been studied for their biological effects to validate their traditional uses. The aim of this work has been to document the ethnomedicinal uses of several species of Combretum and Terminalia in Mbeya region, south-western Tanzania, and to use this information for finding species with good antimicrobial and cytotoxic potential. During a five weeks expedition to Tanzania in spring 1999 sixteen different species of Combretum and Terminalia, as well as Pteleopsis myrtifolia were collected from various locations in the districts of Mbeya, Iringa and Dar-es-Salaam. Traditional healers in seven different villages in the Mbeya region were interviewed in Swahili and Nyakyusa on the medicinal uses of Combretum and Terminalia species shown to them. A questionnaire was used during the interviews. The results of the interviews correlated well between different villages, the same species being used in similar ways in different villages. Of the ten species shown to the healers six were frequently used for treatment of skin diseases, bacterial infections, diarrhea, oedema and wounds. The dried plants were most commonly prepared into hot water decoctions or mixed into maize porridge, Ugali. Infusions made from dried or fresh plant material were also common. Wounds and topical infections were treated with ointments made from the dried plant material mixed with sheep fat. Twenty-one extracts of six species of Combretum and four of Terminalia, collected from Tanzania, were screened for their antibacterial effects against two gram-negative and five gram-positive bacteria, as well as the yeast, Candida albicans, using an agar diffusion method. Most of the screened plants showed substantial antimicrobial activity. A methanolic root extract of T. sambesiaca showed the most potent antibacterial effects of all the plant species screened, and gave a MIC value of 0.9 mg/ml against Enterobacter aerogenes. Also root extracts of T. sericea and T. kaiserana gave excellent antimicrobial effects, and notably a hot water extract of T. sericea was as potent as extracts of this species made from EtOH and MeOH. Thus, the traditional way of preparing T. sericea into hot water decoctions seems to extract antimicrobial compounds. Thirty-five extracts of five species of Terminalia, ten of Combretum and Pteleopsis myrtifolia were screened for their antifungal effects against five species of yeast (Candida spp.) and Cryptococcus neoformans. The species differed from each other to their antifungal effects, some being very effective whereas others showed no antifungal effects. The most effective extracts showed antifungal effects comparable to the standard antibiotics itraconazol and amphotericin B. Species of Terminalia gave in general stronger antifungal effects than those of Combretum. The best effects were obtained with methanolic root extracts of T. sambesiaca, T. sericea and T. kaiserana, and this investigation indicates that decoctions of these species might be used for treatment of HIV-related fungal infections. Twenty-seven crude extracts of eight species of Combretum, five of Terminalia and Pteleopsis myrtifolia were evaluated for their cytotoxic effects against human cancer cell lines (HeLa, cervical carcinoma; MCF 7, breast carcinoma, T 24 bladder carcinoma) and one endothelial cell line (BBCE, bovine brain capillary endothelial cells). The most outstanding effects were obtained with a leaf extract of Combretum fragrans, which nearly totally inhibited the proliferation of T 24 and HeLa cells at a concentration of 25 ug/ml and inhibited 60 % of the growth of the HeLa cells at a concentration of 4.3 ug/ml. The species of Terminalia were less cytotoxically potent than the Combretum species, although T. sericea and T. sambesiaca gave good cytotoxic effects (< 30 % proliferation). In summary this study indicates that some of the species of Terminalia, Combretum and Pteleopsis, used in Tanzanian traditional medicine, are powerful inhibitors of both microbial and cancer cell growth. In depth studies would be needed to find the active compounds behind these biological activities.