901 resultados para Bed Erosion


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Recent studies have identified relationships between landscape form, erosion and climate in regions of landscape rejuvenation, associated with increased denudation. Most of these landscapes are located in non-glaciated mountain ranges and are characterized by transient geomorphic features. The landscapes of the Swiss Alps are likewise in a transient geomorphic state as seen by multiple knickzones. In this mountain belt, the transient state has been related to erosional effects during the Late Glacial Maximum (LGM). Here, we focus on the catchment scale and categorize hillslopes based on erosional mechanisms, landscape form and landcover. We then explore relationships of these variables to precipitation and extent of LGM glaciers to disentangle modern versus palaeo controls on the modern shape of the Alpine landscape. We find that in grasslands, the downslope flux of material mainly involves unconsolidated material through hillslope creep, testifying a transport-limited erosional regime. Alternatively, strength-limited hillslopes, where erosion is driven by bedrock failure, are covered by forests and/or expose bedrock, and they display oversteepened hillslopes and channels. There, hillslope gradients and relief are more closely correlated with LGM ice occurrence than with precipitation or the erodibility of the underlying bedrock. We relate the spatial occurrence of the transport- and strength-limited process domains to the erosive effects of LGM glaciers. In particular, strength-limited, rock dominated basins are situated above the equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of the LGM, reflecting the ability of glaciers to scour the landscape beyond threshold slope conditions. In contrast, transport-limited, soil-mantled landscapes are common below the ELA. Hillslopes covered by forests occupy the elevations around the ELA and are constrained by the tree line. We conclude that the current erosional forces at work in the Central Alps are still responding to LGM glaciation, and that the modern climate has not yet impacted on the modern landscape.


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In terms of changing flow and sediment regimes of rivers, dams are often regarded as the most dominant form of human impact on fluvial systems. Dams can decrease the flux of water and sediments leading to channel changes such as upstream aggradation and downstream degradation. The opposite effects occur when dams are removed. Channel degradation often requires further intervention in terms of river bed and bank protection works. The situation evolves more complex in river systems that are impacted by a series of dams due to feedback processes between the different system compartments. A number of studies have recently investigated geomorphic systems using connectivity approaches to improve the understanding of geomorphic system response to change. This paper presents a case study investigating the impact of dam construction, dam removal and dam-related river bed and bank protection measures on the sediment connectivity and channel morphology of the Fugnitz and the Kaja Rivers using a combination of DEM analyses, field surveys and landscape evolution modelling. For both river systems the results revealed low sediment connectivity accompanied by a fine river bed sediment facies in river sections upstream of active dams and of removed dams with protection measures. Contrarily, high sediment connectivity which was accompanied by a coarse river bed sediment facies was observed in river sections either located downstream of active dams or of removed dams with upstream protection. In terms of channel changes, significant channel degradation was examined at locations downstream of active dams and of removed dams. Channel bed and bank protection measures prevent erosion and channel slope recovery after dam removal. Landscape evolution modeling revealed a complex geomorphic response to dam construction and dam removal as sediment output rates and therefore geomorphic processes have been shown to act in a non-linear manner. These insights are deemed to have major implications for river management and conservation, as quality and state of riverine habitats are determined by channel morphology and river bed sediment composition.


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During the fifty-five years since the origin of the modern concept of stress, a variety of neurochemical, physiological, behavioral and pathological data have been collected in order to define stress and catalogue the components of the stress response. Over the last twenty-five years, as interest in the neural mechanisms underlying the stress response grew, most of the studies have focused on the hypothalamus and major limbic structures such as the amygdala or on nuclei involved in neurochemical changes observed during stress. There are other CNS sites, such as the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), that neuroanatomical and neurochemical studies suggest may be involved in stress, but these sites have rarely been studied. Four experiments were performed for this dissertation, the goal of which was to examine the BNST to determine its role in the regulation of the stress response. The first experiment demonstrated that electrical stimulation of BNST was sufficient to produce stress-like behaviors. The second experiment demonstrated that single BNST neurons altered their firing rate in response to both a noxious somatosensory stimulus such as tail pinch and electrical stimulation of the amygdala (AmygS). The third experiment showed that the opioid, cholinergic, and noradrenergic systems, three neurotransmitter systems implicated in the control of the stress response, were effective in altering the firing rate of BNST neurons. The fourth experiment demonstrated that the cholinergic effects were mediated via muscarinic receptors and showed that the effects of AmygS were not mediated via cholinergic pathways. Collectively, these findings provide a possible explanation for the nonspecificity in causation of stress and the invariability of the stress response and suggest a neurochemical basis for its pharmacological control. ^


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A geometrical force balance that links stresses to ice bed coupling along a flow band of an ice sheet was developed in 1988 for longitudinal tension in ice streams and published 4 years later. It remains a work in progress. Now gravitational forces balanced by forces producing tensile, compressive, basal shear, and side shear stresses are all linked to ice bed coupling by the floating fraction phi of ice that produces the concave surface of ice streams. These lead inexorably to a simple formula showing how phi varies along these flow bands where surface and bed topography are known: phi = h(O)/h(I) with h(O) being ice thickness h(I) at x = 0 for x horizontal and positive upslope from grounded ice margins. This captures the basic fact in glaciology: the height of ice depends on how strongly ice couples to the bed. It shows how far a high convex ice sheet (phi = 0) has gone in collapsing into a low flat ice shelf (phi = 1). Here phi captures ice bed coupling under an ice stream and h(O) captures ice bed coupling beyond ice streams.


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A geometrical force balance that links stresses to ice bed coupling along a flow band of an ice sheet was developed in 1988 for longitudinal tension in ice streams and published 4 years later. It remains a work in progress. Now gravitational forces balanced by forces producing tensile, compressive, basal shear, and side shear stresses are all linked to ice bed coupling by the floating fraction phi of ice that produces the concave surface of ice streams. These lead inexorably to a simple formula showing how phi varies along these flow bands where surface and bed topography are known: phi = h(O)/h(I) with h(O) being ice thickness h(I) at x = 0 for x horizontal and positive upslope from grounded ice margins. This captures the basic fact in glaciology: the height of ice depends on how strongly ice couples to the bed. It shows how far a high convex ice sheet (phi = 0) has gone in collapsing into a low flat ice shelf (phi = 1). Here phi captures ice bed coupling under an ice stream and h(O) captures ice bed coupling beyond ice streams.


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Ice sheet thickness is determined mainly by the strength of ice-bed coupling that controls holistic transitions from slow sheet flow to fast streamflow to buttressing shelf flow. Byrd Glacier has the largest ice drainage system in Antarctica and is the fastest ice stream entering Ross Ice Shelf. In 2004 two large subglacial lakes at the head of Byrd Glacier suddenly drained and increased the terminal ice velocity of Byrd Glacier from 820 m yr(-1) to 900 m yr(-1). This resulted in partial ice-bed recoupling above the lakes and partial decoupling along Byrd Glacier. An attempt to quantify this behavior is made using flowband and flowline models in which the controlling variable for ice height above the bed is the floating fraction phi of ice along the flowband and flowline. Changes in phi before and after drainage are obtained from available data, but more reliable data in the map plane are required before Byrd Glacier can be modeled adequately. A holistic sliding velocity is derived that depends on phi, with contributions from ice shearing over coupled beds and ice stretching over uncoupled beds, as is done in state-of-the-art sliding theories.


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Ice thickness, computed within the fjord region of Byrd Glacier on the assumptions that Byrd Glacier is in mass-balance equilibrium and that ice velocity is entirely due to basal sliding, are on average 400 m less than measured ice thicknesses along a radio-echo profile. We consider four explanations for these differences: (1) active glacier ice is separated from a zone of stagnant ice near the base of the glacier by a shear zone at depth; (2) basal melting rates are some 8 m/yr; (3) internal shear occurs with no basal sliding in much of the region above the grounding zone; or (4) internal creep and basal sliding contribute to the flow velocity in varying proportions above the grounding zone. Large gradients of surface strain rate seem to invalidate the first explanation. Computed values of basal shear stress (140 to 200 kPa) provide insufficient frictional heat to melt the ice demanded by the second explanation. Both the third and fourth explanations were examined by making simplifying assumptions that prevented a truly quantitative evaluation of their merit. Nevertheless, there is no escaping the qualitative conclusion that internal shear contributes strongly to surface velocities measured on Byrd Glacier, as is postulated in both these explanations.


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The University of Maine Ice Sheet Model was used to study basal conditions during retreat of the Laurentide ice sheet in Maine. Within 150 km of the margin, basal melt rates average similar to 5 mm a(-1) during retreat. They decline over the next 100km, so areas of frozen bed develop in northern Maine during retreat. By integrating the melt rate over the drainage area typically subtended by an esker, we obtained a discharge at the margin of similar to 1.2 m(3) s(-1). While such a discharge could have moved the material in the Katahdin esker, it was likely too low to build the esker in the time available. Additional water from the glacier surface was required. Temperature gradients in the basal ice increase rapidly with distance from the margin. By conducting upward into the ice all of the additional viscous heat produced by any perturbation that increases the depth of flow in a flat conduit in a distributed drainage system, these gradients inhibit the formation of sharply arched conduits in which an esker can form. This may explain why eskers commonly seem to form near the margin and are typically segmented, with later segments overlapping onto earlier ones.


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Einleitung Ein Klartraum ist definiert als ein Traum, in dem der Träumende weiß, dass er träumt. In der Fachliteratur finden sich verschiedene Induktionstechniken, um die Klartraum-häufigkeit zu steigern (z.B. Stumbrys, Erlacher, Schädlich & Schredl, 2012). Zudem wurde in einer Pilotstudie gezeigt, dass ein Training im Klartraum zu Verbesserungen in einer Zielwurfaufgabe am nächsten Morgen führt (Erlacher & Schredl, 2010). Um ein regelmäßiges Training im Traum zu ermöglichen, besteht für die Sportpraxis das Problem, Klarträume gezielt zu induzieren. In dieser Studie wurde im Schlaflabor die so genannte Memnotische Induktion von luziden Träumen (MILT) – eine Autosugges-tionstechnik in der die Intention, einen Klartraum zu erleben, an Traumhinweise ge-koppelt wird – im Morgenschlaf überprüft. Methoden Insgesamt wurden 52 Versuchsteilnehmer (32 männlich und 20 weiblich) im Alter von 24 Jahren (± 2.2) im Schlaflabor untersucht. Die Personen waren in 4 Gruppen aufge-teilt. Alle Personen schliefen zunächst für ca. 6 Stunden, wurden dann aus einer REM-Phase geweckt und sollten einen Traum berichten. Im Anschluss blieben die Teilnehmer 30 bzw. 60 Minuten wach und praktizierten entweder MILT oder beschäf-tigten sich mit einer kognitiven oder motorischen Kontrollaufgabe. Im Anschluss durf-ten alle Teilnehmer für max. 4 weitere Stunden schlafen. Das Auftreten eines Klartraums in der morgendlichen Schlafphase diente als abhängige Variable. Ergebnisse und Diskussion Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass MILT zu einer gesteigerten Klartraumhäufigkeit (33-70%) im Vergleich zur Kontrollbedingung (9-14%) führt. Ein Unterschied zwischen 30 Minuten (50%) zu 60 Minuten MILT (70%) ist marginal. Das Auftreten von Klarträumen kann durch MILT im Morgenschlaf signifikant gestei-gert werden. Die Erfolgsquote schwankt jedoch mit Blick auf die genaue Definition ei-nes Klartraums. Es konnten bei nicht klartraumerfahrenen Versuchsteilnehmerinnen mehr Klarträume induziert werden. Für die Sportpraxis könnten solche Induktions-techniken dem Sportler ermöglichen, im Traum zu trainieren. In weiteren Studien wäre zu untersuchen, ob Athleten ebenfalls Klarträume induziert werden können. Ebenso sollte die Auswirkung eines regelmäßigen Klartraumtrainings in der Sportpraxis wei-ter untersucht werden. Literatur Stumbrys, T., Erlacher, D., Schädlich, M. & Schredl, M. (2012). Induction of lucid dreams: a systematic review of evidence. Consciousness and Cognition, 21(3), 1456-1475. Erlacher, D. & Schredl, M. (2010). Practicing a motor task in a lucid dream enhances subsequent performance: A pilot study. The Sport Psychologist, 24(2), 157-167.


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Agricultural pesticide use has increased worldwide during the last several decades, but the long-term fate, storage, and transfer dynamics of pesticides in a changing environment are poorly understood. Many pesticides have been progressively banned, but in numerous cases, these molecules are stable and may persist in soils, sediments, and ice. Many studies have addressed the question of their possible remobilization as a result of global change. In this article, we present a retro-observation approach based on lake sediment records to monitor micropollutants and to evaluate the long-term succession and diffuse transfer of herbicides, fungicides, and insecticide treatments in a vineyard catchment in France. The sediment allows for a reliable reconstruction of past pesticide use through time, validated by the historical introduction, use, and banning of these organic and inorganic pesticides in local vineyards. Our results also revealed how changes in these practices affect storage conditions and, consequently, the pesticides’ transfer dynamics. For example, the use of postemergence herbicides (glyphosate), which induce an increase in soil erosion, led to a release of a banned remnant pesticide (dichlorodiphenyltrichloro- ethane, DDT), which had been previously stored in vineyard soil, back into the environment. Management strategies of ecotoxico- logical risk would be well served by recognition of the diversity of compounds stored in various environmental sinks, such as agriculture soil, and their capability to become sources when environmental conditions change.


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OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to assess the preventive effect of a fluoride-, stannous- and chitosan-containing (F/Sn/chitosan-) toothpaste (TP) on initial enamel erosion and abrasion. METHODS In total, 150 human premolar enamel specimens were ground, polished and divided into 5 toothpaste/rinse groups (n=30): (G1) placebo-TP/tap water, (G2) sodium fluoride (NaF-) TP/tap water, (G3) F/Sn/chitosan-TP/tap water, (G4) F/Sn/chitosan-TP/Sn-rinse, (G5) NaF-TP/NaF-rinse. The 8-day erosion-abrasion cyclic treatment (one cycle/day) consisted of incubating the samples in artificial saliva (30min), then submitting the samples to toothbrush abrasion (2min incubation in toothpaste slurry; brushing with 20 toothbrush strokes) and rinsing (2min; 10ml) with the respective solution: tap water (G1-G3), Sn-rinse (G4) or NaF-rinse (G5). Afterwards, the samples were submitted to erosion (2min; 30ml 1% citric acid, pH=3.6). Surface microhardness (SMH) was measured initially and after every abrasion and erosion treatment. Enamel substance loss was calculated after each abrasion. Non-parametric ANOVA followed by Wilcoxon rank tests were used for analysis. RESULTS G1 presented the greatest SMH decrease, while G4 presented the least SMH decrease (p<0.001). G3 had a similar SMH decrease to G2 and G5. Substance loss was significantly lower in G4 than all other groups (p<0.05), closely followed by G3. Both G2 and G5 showed similar calculated enamel substance loss to G1. CONCLUSION The treatment with F/Sn/chitosan-TP and tap water provided a similar SMH decrease to both NaF-TP groups, but significantly lower substance loss. F/Sn/Chitosan-TP and Sn-rinse showed a better preventive effect, which promoted less SMH decrease and reduced substance loss. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The toothpaste containing fluoride, stannous and chitosan shows promising results in reducing substance loss from erosion and abrasion. The combination of this toothpaste with the stannous-containing rinse showed even better prevention against erosion-abrasion.


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Dental erosion is caused by repeated short episodes of exposure to acids. Dental minerals are calcium-deficient, carbonated hydroxyapatites containing impurity ions such as Na(+), Mg(2+) and Cl(-). The rate of dissolution, which is crucial to the progression of erosion, is influenced by solubility and also by other factors. After outlining principles of solubility and acid dissolution, this chapter describes the factors related to the dental tissues on the one hand and to the erosive solution on the other. The impurities in the dental mineral introduce crystal strain and increase solubility, so dentine mineral is more soluble than enamel mineral and both are more soluble than hydroxyapatite. The considerable differences in structure and porosity between dentine and enamel influence interactions of the tissues with acid solutions, so the relative rates of dissolution do not necessarily reflect the respective solubilities. The rate of dissolution is further influenced strongly by physical factors (temperature, flow rate) and chemical factors (degree of saturation, presence of inhibitors, buffering, pH, fluoride). Temperature and flow rate, as determined by the method of consumption of a product, strongly influence erosion in vivo. The net effect of the solution factors determines the overall erosive potential of different products. Prospects for remineralization of erosive lesions are evaluated.


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Acidic or EDTA-containing oral hygiene products and acidic medicines have the potential to soften dental hard tissues. The low pH of oral care products increases the chemical stability of some fluoride compounds and favours the incorporation of fluoride ions in the lattice of hydroxyapatite and the precipitation of calcium fluoride on the tooth surface. This layer has some protective effect against an erosive attack. However, when the pH is too low or when no fluoride is present these protecting effects are replaced by direct softening of the tooth surface. Oral dryness can occur as a consequence of medication such as tranquilizers, antihistamines, antiemetics and antiparkinsonian medicaments or of salivary gland dysfunction. Above all, patients should be aware of the potential demineralization effects of oral hygiene products with low pH. Acetyl salicylic acid taken regularly in the form of multiple chewable tablets or in the form of headache powder, as well as chewing hydrochloric acids tablets for the treatment of stomach disorders, can cause erosion. There is most probably no direct association between asthmatic drugs and erosion on the population level. Consumers and health professionals should be aware of the potential of tooth damage not only by oral hygiene products and salivary substitutes but also by chewable and effervescent tablets. Several paediatric medications show a direct erosive potential in vitro. Clinical proof of the occurrence of erosion after use of these medicaments is still lacking. However, regular and prolonged use of these medicaments might bear the risk of causing erosion. Additionally, it can be assumed that patients suffering from xerostomia should be aware of the potential effects of oral hygiene products with low pH and high titratable acidity.


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When considering the erosive potential of a food or drink, a number of factors must be taken into account. pH is arguably the single most important parameter in determining the rate of erosive tissue dissolution. There is no clear-cut critical pH for erosion as there is for caries. At low pH, it is possible that other factors are sufficiently protective to prevent erosion, but equally erosion can progress in acid of a relatively high pH in the absence of mitigating factors. Calcium and phosphate concentration, in combination with pH, determine the degree of saturation with respect to tooth minerals. Solutions supersaturated with respect to enamel or dentine will not cause them to dissolve, meaning that given sufficient common ion concentrations erosion will not proceed, even if the pH is low. Interestingly, the addition of calcium is more effective than phosphate at reducing erosion in acid solutions. Today, several calcium-enriched soft drinks are on the market, and acidic products with high concentrations of calcium and phosphorus are available (such as yoghurt), which do not soften the dental hard tissues. The greater the buffering capacity of the drink or food, the longer it will take for the saliva to neutralize the acid. A higher buffer capacity of a drink or foodstuff will enhance the processes of dissolution because more release of ions from the tooth mineral is required to render the acid inactive for further demineralization. Temperature is also a significant physical factor; for a given acidic solution, erosion proceeds more rapidly the higher the temperature of that solution. In recent years, a number of interesting potentially erosion-reducing drink and food additives have been investigated.